The Weather
Fair, not so cool today; to-
morrow fair and warmer.
C, r
:43 attg
A Loss To The World . . .
The Matter Of Liberalism ..
The Future Of Airplanes..
i i
- a
Of Houses
Fraternities Told To File
Reports Of Month At
Office Of Dean
Per mitted jToUnite
May, June Aecounts
Failure Will Mean Closing
Of Chplters, Committee
A letter, acquainting all fraterni-
ties with "certain facts" regarding
their financial affairs was sent out
yesterday by the Committee On Fra-
ternity Financial Standard Excep-
The Committee stated in the letter,
which was sent to each of the 69
general and professional fraternities
on the campus, that "the failure to
comply with the requirement that
monthly financial reports be filed
with the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents will be interpreted as an ad-
mission by the fraternity involved
that its financial affairs are not in
an acceptable form. Such a fra-
ternity may not be permitted to open
in the fall of 1935."
Can Combine Reports
"If a fraternitycloses its records
early in June," the letter stated, "itr
willbe acceptable for that fratern-
ity to combine the May and June!
statements in a final report to be
filed on or before June 15. The final
report for the year, regardless of thec
date it is filed, must include, in addi-
tion to the usual schedules, a sched-
ule of accounts payable and one of
alumni accounts receivable."
The members of the Committee ex-~
pressed the belief that each fratern-
ity should operate without any fi-~
nancial loss to creditors. Any fra-
ternity which, in the judgment of the
Committee, is apt to cause financial
loss to any creditor will be given a
formal hearing during the summer.
The time and place of each hearing
will be sent to the recorded address
of the treasurer, "financial adviser,c
and national headquarters of the fra-
ternity involved.
To Require Audits<
Each fraternity should file its final1
report and ascertain that it is accept-N
able before its officers leave Ann Ar-
bor," according to the Committee'sI
letter, but they further stated thati
the requirement of an annual auditI
may be waived for the current schoolr
year, since some fraternities haveI
incomplete records prior to Feb. 1,
1933. "However, such audits will be1
required in future years and, where
it can do so, each fraternity is urged
to have an acceptable audit made oft
its records for this year and to file
a copy of the report in the Office off
the Dean of Students."
The members of the Standard Ex-
ceptions Committee are Robert C.
Briggs of the economicsrdepartment,
Paul R. Kempf, and Prof. Leigh J.
Young of the forestry school.
Comstock Leads
Meetings Takes
O'Hara's Powers
Ex-Official Denies That
He Will Be Candidate
For Governorship
LANSING, May 22. -(A') - The
Democratic state central committee
rebelled today against its chairman,
Elmer B. O'Hara, stripped him of
all powers save those of a presiding
officer at its meeting, and created the
office of executive secretary which
presumably wi'l carry many of the
duties taken away from O'Hara. The
job was not filled.
Former-Governor William A. Com-
stock personally piloted the resolu-
tions through the rebel meetings. He
took the floor repeatedly and invar-
iably was given what he asked.
Mr. Comstock after the meeting
denied to newspaper reporters that
he was using his influence to build
- 44.-- L f ; , , o r~ e a r n
Highlights Of Roosevelt's Veto
Message Against Patman Bill
To resort to the kind of financial
practice provided in this bill would
not improve the conditions necessary
to expand those industries in which
we have the greatest unemployment.
* * *
I hold that that able-bodied citizen
should be accorded no treatment dif-
ferent from that accorded to other
citizens who did not wear a uniform
during the World War.
* *' *
To meet a claim of one group by
this deceptively easy method of pay-
ment will raise similar demands for
the payment of claims to other groups.
* * *
It invites an ultimate reckoning in
uncontrollable prices and in the de-
struction of the value of savings, that
will strike most cruelly those like the
veterans who seem to be tempor'arily
Every country that has attempted
the form of meeting its obligations
which is here provided has suffered
disastrous consequences.
For Swingout
Are Announced
Final Plans For Revival
Of Tradition On May 28
Given By McCombs
Final plans for this year's Swing-
out, to be held on May 28, were an-
nounced last night by Allen D. Mc-
Combs, '35, retiring president of the
Union and Swingout chairman.
Included in the ceremonies will be{
the Senior Sing and the presentation
of a cane by the president of the sen-
ior class to the president of the jun-
ior class, two traditions which have
been dormant for several years.
Swingout itself is being revived
after a one-year lapse, having been
abolished after four students were
suspended for disorderly conduct in
connection with the ceremonies in
Seniors of the various schools will
assemble at 4 p.m. at several points
about the crossing of the diagonals,;
and the parade will begin at 4:30 p.m.
The marchers will proceed to the
corner of State Street and North Uni-
versity Avenue, circle the campus, and
pass between the Natural Science
and Chemistry Buildings back to the
library steps, where the ceremonies
will culminate with the Senior Sing.
After the Glee Club renders a num-
ber, the entire assemblage will join
in singing several of the most popular
Michigan songs. During the cere-
mony, the cane presentation, which
has traditionally been associated with
the Sing, will be made by George
Lawton, '35, senior president.
The presentation will be the only
speech of Swingout, the customary
talk by President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven in Hill Auditorium having been
The parade, which will be in
double-column, will be led by Mc-
Combs and Lawton. Following them
will be the Honor Guard, composed
of prominent members of the senior
class to be designated by Lawton.
Promises of cooperation by the va-
rious honor societies in keeping
Swingout orderly and a warning by
the Judiciary Committee of the Un-
dergraduate Council that it would
recommend that all student offenders
be expelled from the University have
been made as preventative measures
against repetition of the conduct that
led to the abolition of the tradition
two years ago.
Sphinx Heads For
Next Year Elected
Sanford Ladd, '37, was named
president of Sphinx, as the newly
initiated members of the junior lit-
erary college honorary society held
Itheir first meeting yesterday noon in
the Union.
Richard G. Hershey, 37, was elected
treasurer. Ladd is a member of
the Michiganensian business staff and
Hershey is an editorial assistant on
The Daily. Both are members of
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity.
William Dixon and Donald Miller
are the retiring president and treas-
urer respectively.
Cooley Made Acting
State PWA Director
The statement . . . that payment
will discharge and retire an acknowl-
edged contract obligation of the gov-
ernment is, I regret to say, not in ac-
cordance with the fact. It wholly
omits and disregards the fact that
this contract obligation is due in 1945,
and not today.
* * *
To argue for this bill as a relief
measure is to indulge in the fallacy
that the welfare of the country can
be generally served by extending re-
lief on some basis other than actual
deserving need.
* * *
Today, the credit of the United
States is safe, but it cannot ultimate-
ly be safe if we engage in a policy
of yiel ing to each and all of the
groups hat are able to enforce upon
the Congress claims for special con-
I believe the welfare of the nation,
as well as the future welfare of the
veterans, wholly justifies my disap-
proval of this measure.
Anti-Red Bill
To e Voted On
In House Today
Another Measure To End
Radical Activity G e t s
Favorable Support
LANSING, May 22.-(AP)-The
controversial Baldwin-Dunckel bill,
prescribing severe penalties for acts
construed as inciting to revolution
or the overthrow of government
reached the floor of the House today.
It was reported favorably by the
judiciary committee. Known as an
"anti-radical" bill, it provoked a
storm of protest in the Senate and
in a recent public hearing in the
House. Representatives of the Amer-
ican Legion spoke for the bill, claim-
ing it is needed to stamp out radical-
ism. Opponents claimed it would
prohibit free speech and the right of
assemblage. It would make the
spreading of propaganda, or acts
aimed at the overthrow of govern-
ment a felony.
A delegation of University students
will attend the session of the House
at Lansing today in order to protest
against the passage of the Dunckel-
Baldwin anti-red bill, it was an-
nounced here last night.
Third Book By
Now Complete
Professor Working Under
Auspices Of New York
Commionwealth Fund
The third of the five-volume series
on "The Interstate Commerce Com-
mission," by I. L, Sharfman, chair-
man of the economics department,
came off the press last week, it was
announced yesterday.
The third volume is the first of
the two volumes that go to make up
part three. Professor Sharfman,
writing the works under the auspices
of the Commonwealth Fund of New
York City, has treated the Commis-
sion in four parts, the third alone
having more than one volume.
In this book, Professor Sharfman
deals with the extent and diversity of
the Commission's tasks, the valuation
project, and the control of organi-
zation and finance. It contains 684
pages. The second volume of part
three, the fourth work of the entire
series, deals with rate level and rate
structure of the rate regulation prob-
In the volume just off the press,
the Commissions regulatory activities
are treated in their legal, economic
and administrative ramifications as
they have developed in more than two
decades. The part on control of or-
ganization and finance embraces ex-
tensions and abandonments, coopera-
tion and combination, and the issu-
ance of securities and assumption of
obligations. The treatment relates
to regulatory experience along these
lines to current difficulties of railroads
and the general movement for public
control of economic activity.
The first volume, part one, was en-
titled "The Legislative Basis of the
For Summer
Michiganensian Positions
Are Given By Campbell;
Junior Staff Announced
Dannemiller To Be
Editor Of Directory
Groehn, Reed, Kleene And
Whipple Are Selected As
Associate Editors
Appointments to the editorial and
business staff of The Summer Daily
and next year's Michiganensian were
announced yesterday by John C. Heal-
ey, '35, editor of The Summer Daily,
and Foster Campbell, '36, editor of
the 'Ensian.1
Robert S. Ruwitch, '36, of Chicago,
was appointed city editor of the Sum-
mer Daily. Ruwitch is a member of
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, and is a
former night editor of The Daily.
Associate Editors
Thomas B. Groehn, '36, Thomas H.E
Kleene, '36, William Reed, '36, and
Guy M. Whipple, Jr., were named
associate editors. Kleene, a member1
of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, was
recently appointed managing editor
of The Daily, while Groehn, who is1
affiliated with Theta Delta Chi, is an
associate editor. Both are members
of Sphinx, Sigma Delta Chi, and1
Michigamua. Reed is sports editor
of The Daily, and Whipple, a mem-
ber of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity
and Sigma Delta Chi, served as a
night editor last year. 1
Charlotte Rueger, '37, and Elsie A.
Pierce, '37, were named society edi-
tors, and Charles A. Baird, '35, andr
Joseph Mattes, '38, reporters.-
Russell B. Read, 35, business man-
ager of The Summer Daily, named
Bernard J. Rosenthal, '36, as his as-
sistant. Rosenthal, who lives in Chi-
cago, is affiliated with Phi Epsilon PiC
fraternity, and has worked on The
Daily business staff for several years.
Choose Woman's Editor
Campbell named Dorothy Roth, '36,
woman's editor of the 1936 'Ensian.
Miss Roth, who is a member of Pi
Beta Phi sorority, is from Washing-f
ton, D. C. She has been a member
of the 'Ensian staff for several years,
and was a member of the J-Hop com-
mittee this year.
The appointments to the junior
staff of the 'Ensian are as follows:
Franklin T. Dannemiller, '37, andI
Martha Knox, '37, in charge of ath-
letics; Thomas Ayers, '37, seniors;
Louis Belden, '37, and Charlotte Ham-
ilton, '37, activities; Walter Crow, '37,
and Mae Herndon, features; Robert
Ewell, '37, fraternities; Robert Murry,
'37, administration; and Ruth Son-
nanstine, '36, sororities.
Dannemiller was also named editor
of the Student Directory for next
year. He lives in Canton, O., and is
a member of Delta Tau Delta fratern-
ity. He was recently elected to
Sphinx, and served on the Frosh
Frolic committee last year.
Funeral Rites
Of Jane Addams
Will Be Today
England Will
Build Better
Air Force
S"onsors Bonus Bill
Great Britain Warns
Europe That She
Will Need More
Bonus Bill
Re pase
Over Veto
Representatives Overrule
President, 322 To 98,
In Swift Action
Than 22,000 Men
English Policy Will Not
Allow Corps To Be Less
Than Other Nations'
LONDON, May 22. - OP) - Great
Britain, traditional mistress of the
seas, today warned Europe that she
would let no neighboring power gain
mastery of the air.
Announced simultaneously in both
houses of Parliament were plans to
double Britain's air forces and treble
her first-line home defense force with
"all possible speed." A goal of 1,500
home-defense planes by March 31,
1937, was set.
Lord Londonderry, secretary for
air, who announced the eagerly await-
ed air program to the House of Lords,
said that Britain "under no circum-
stances," would accept air inferiority
to Germany.
To Keep Air Parity
Stanley Baldwin, lord president of
the council, told the House of Com-
mons that the government's aim was
to attain and keep air parity with
France and Germany.
Promptly Laborites in the Com-
mons, heretofore tacitly approving of
the government's air-defense plans,
announced that they would vote
against the supplementary appropria-
tions which Baldwin said would be
needed. They also proposed that the
government act upon the disarma-
ment suggestions Adolf Hitler made
before the German Reichstag last
Need More Men
Lord Londonderry told the Lords:
"If the present program is insuffi-
cient it will be increased, i'egardless
of cost.
"We shall require 2,500 more pilots
and a total of nearly 22,500 additional
personnel." (The present personnel
of the Royal Air Force is about 33,000
men, including 3,000 pilots. The pres-
ent home-defense first line strength
is 580 planes).
Baldwin, in the Commons, wel-
comed Hitler's expressed willingness
to enter an air limitations treaty and
protect civilians against aerial bomb-
ings, although he stressed the exist-
ence of an "emergency" and termed
the increase an "act of national de-
fense which no responsible govern-
ment . . . could leave undone."
Italians Fear British
ROME, May 22. -() -Giornale
d'Italia, authoritative newspaper, to-
day said that British troops have
been concentrated on the Sudan-
Ethiopian frontier and that England
"has constituted small military or-
I ganizations and armament bases on
Ethiopian territory itself."
In an apparently inspired article,
the newspaper asked what these pre-
arations meant. It said that'; the
Ethiopian government feared a pos-
sible British advance and also had
concentrated troops on the frontier
facing the Sudan.
(A spokesman of the British War
Office declared there was "no truth
whatever" in the statements made
by the Giornale d'Italia, branded
them as "Italian propaganda,"
It was said at London that Britain
has a small force in the Sudan "but
there has not been any increase for
more than a year, or since the be-
ginning of the Italo-Ethiopian diffi-
Detroit Group Ties
Local Debate Club
Michigamua Braves
Scalp 22 In AnnualA
Raid OnCampusF
Listen to this tale of romance, q
Tale of Indian warriors bold - P
In the early moon of greenleaves' t
Came they forth the stoic valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface c
wigwam, c
Wigwam one of friend great chief, t
Palef ace mighty among his kind; 0
Came he forth to take their token v
Of the warpath they would tread, -
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan h
Dashed the screaming, yelling red- t
To the tree of Indian legend f
When the white man pale and o
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation, e
Choice of tribe to run the gaunt- f
let. t
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey s
like eagles, c
Loud the war cry stirred the still- p
ness, t
As they seized their hapless cap-s
Forth they bore them to their wig-
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they are around the glowing 1
bonfires b
Heard the words of mighty wis- f
Smoked the pipe of peace and t
Thus there came to Michigamua: 1
Frank W. Aikens, George H. t
Atherton, R. Foster Campbell, Jr.,I
John A. Cawley, Lawrence J. Dav- I
id, Nelson R. Droulard, Frank B.
Fehsenfeld, Thomas E. Groehn,I
Dan F. Hulgrave, Thomas H.9
Kleene, Charles Kocsis, Berger C.1
Larson, John C. McCarthy, Wencele
A. Neumann, Harvey W. Patton,
Paul W. Philips, William W. Ren-
ner, Robert O. Thomas, Chelso I
Tomagno, Norman Williamson,N
Frederick C. Matthaei, Charles B.
Couliin Wl
C uhi WilStay Aloof Of;
Public Office
Detroit Priest's Speech In
Madison Square Garden'
Is Greeted With Cheers
NEW YORK, May 22. - ()- As-
serting vigorously that he would "ever
remain aloof from public office," the
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin tonight
brought the dicta of his national
union for social justice before a gath-
ering that packed Madison Square
"I know," lie said, "that I am wel-
comed not for what I am or what I
may be, but for what I represent."
An ovation lasting nearly seven
minutes greeted his appearance on
the flatfbrm after a pro-bonus au-
dience had cheered James Van Zandt,
national commander of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars/who attacked sharp-
ly the President's veto of the Patman
Father Coughlin, touching the
background of Democracy by repre-
sentation, said that "until a year ago
there was no truly representative
government in your nation."
"Your congressmen," he declared,
"were subjected to a barrage of prop-
He flayed the nation's newspapers,
but asserted the press did not "ma-
liciously" subject itself to powerful in-
"The newspapers and their masters
have been almost in complete con-
$750 Termed As
Veterans' Bonus
Roosevelt Fails Ini Try
To Dominate House In
Personal Message
WASHINGTON, May 22.- (.(P
An irrepressible House majority to-
ay swiftly repassed the Patman
3onus Bill over President Roosevelt's
veto warnings of "disastrous conse-
uences," only to send the new money
lan to an almost certain death in
he Senate.
Scarcely had Mr. Roosevelt's voice
eased echoing in the crowded House
chamber, where he hammered objec-
ion after objection into the $2,200-
00,000' bill, than the representatives
voted 322 to 98 to override his veto
- the first personally delivered in
history. It was many more than the
wo-thirds majority needed.
The roll call showed a net gain of
four in the number of representatives
pposed to the Patman Bill.
Senate Gains Delay
Elmer Thomas, (Dem., Okla.), lead-
er of the Senate Patman inflationary
forces, gained the delay on grounds
hat the message needed more study.
Administration forces, expressing
confidence that the bill could be
stopped with the 35 votes which they
claim have stood fast during terrific
pressure of the past few weeks, agreed
o the postponement with the under-
standing that senators could 'not
speak longer than 30 minutes. This,
however, did not necessarily mean
a vote tomorrow.
: ighting desperately, but apparent-
y topelessly, to gain a few votes after
Mr. Roosevelt's blunt assertion that
full cash payment of the bonus rep-
resented "a new straight gratuity or
bounty to the amount of $1,600,000,-
000," the Patman forces already were
ooking ahead to a new drive for leg-
slation after the final veto ballot.
Roosevelt forces thought they saw a
possible compromise loophole in the
deadlock between Congress and the
WhiteHouse in Mr. Roosevelt's sug-
gestion that $750 was the outside
limit of what now was owed the vet-
Message Not Hceded
This approximated the figure pro-
posed in the Harrison compromise
which the Senate rejected in favor of
full payment. But cash payment
leaders gave little heed to this impli-
cation in the message and it drew
scant applause when read to the joint
Senate-House assembly.
Also jutting prominently from the
carefully prepared Presidential veto
were these words:
"The complete failure of the Con-
gress to provide additional taxes for
an additional expenditure of this
magnitude would in itself and by it-
self alone warrant disapproval of this
Most comment on the President's
message -Democratic and Repub-
lican alike - was favorable, but held
no sign of important vote shifts. The
House ballot showed a net gain of
four votes against the Patman bill,
and Senate leaders questioned even
this much change on their side.
Discover Lake Of
Underground Gas
LOS ANGELES, May 22. -(A)-
Hundreds of persons stampeded to
the harbor district today after an
underground lake, said by Fire Chief
Ralph Scott to consist of pure gaso-
line was discovered.
The rush started when persons
found that by digging shallow wells
in the Wilmington district they could
dip out gasoline in buckets.
Council Elections
To Be Held Monday
Announcing that the election
for positions on the Men's Council
had been postponed until Monday,
Carl Hilty, '35, president of the
Council, reiterated the candidates
may yet be 'nominated by present-
People From All Walks
Life Pay Respects
Great Sociologist
body of Jane
at Hull House
May 22.- (P)- The
Addams lay in state
today while hundreds
of persons of many races and from
all walks of life filed past the bier An intra-society debate between the
to pay tribute to one of America's local chapter of Sigma Rho Tau and
greatest women, the Detroit Institute of Technology
Twelve boys she had led from the branch was the feature of the speech
ctysteetsarriethesdlermlathegroup's final regular meeting in the
city streets carried the silver plated Union last night.
casket into Bowen Hall in the settle- The subject debated was: "Re-
ment founded by Miss Addams half a solved, That the United States gov-
century ago. A dozen girls she had ernment should continue to build
sent to the healthful surroundings of rigid dirigibles''; and the visiting
a country home banked the casket team composed of J. A. Line and R.
with flowers and men, women and B. Kinkead, upheld the affirmative
against a local negative team of John
children who had known her as their F. Wisler, '38E, George W. Malone,
benefactress and notables who had es- '37E, and William R. Hagen, '38E.
teemed her as a sociologist and peace The outcome of the debate was
apostle, passed by in solemn tribute. called a tie by the judges, Prof. R.
Messages of regret from Mrs. J. Ruff and J. D. Russell of D.I.T., and
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Secretary Har- Prof. R. D. Brackett of the engineer-