WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,1935 PAGE SEX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Students Will Study Actions Of Government Interneships Sponsored By National Institute o f Public Affairs Hold Weekly Forums All Students With Strong Scholarship Records Are Eligible For Positions An opportunity for students to study the operation of the Federal government at first hand during the summer is being offered throughout the country. Sponsored by the National Insti- tution of Public Affairs, 80 Federal government summer interneships and educational conferences in public af- fairs at Washington, D. C., will be offered to graduate and undergrad- uate students interested in govern- ment and politics. The program is similar to one of- fered last year for interneships begin- ning this past February, through which 31 young men and 11 young women are now studying in Washing- ton. In order to offer similar ad- vantages to those unable to obtain leave of absences from their regular school work, the summer program is being presented. The core of the Institution's pro- gram is an interneship with a par- ticular government agency or a study project which may cover several gov- ernment or extra-government agen- cies. The interneship or project is de- cided upon by the student with the, advice of the Institution's staff and, subject, in the case of an interneship to final approval by the government, officials who are to supervise it. Proj- ects now being undertaken by stu- dents in Washington are:' assistant- ship to an administrative official; studying of the functions of a bureau or department from the inside; cross section ,study of several government agencies; study of some aspect of Congress or congressional action; or, in some cases, Independent research projects. In addition to these individual proj- ects, the Institution holds a series of three or four weekly forum discus- sions led by authorities in the fields considered. Written reports of prog- ress ax'd a final report are required. All college undergraduates, grad- uates and graduate students are eligible for the interneships who ful- fill the following qualifications: the applicant must present a strong scho- lastic reord, a demonstrated interest in government and politics, and qual- ities of character and ability, espe- cially those having to do with leader- ship. Michigan students interested in ap- plying for an interneship may obtain information and an application blank from Prof. Everett S. Brown of theI political science department, who is chairman of the local committee in, charge of selecting applicants. Ap- plication forms are to be sent direct to the Admissions Committee, Na- tional Institution of Public Affairs, 1001 Fifteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Registration of internes and the inauguration of interneship projects; will take place from June 10 to July 3. The individual summer interne-I ships will last a minimum of two months, within the period of June 10 to September 10. Tornado Spreads Damage Over Wide Area In Texas -Associated Press Photo. One man was killed and 15 persons were injured by a tornado which swept through Weches, Texas, one of the many communities hit by heavy storms whi Th caused widespread damage over a large area. This pile of debris was a house in Weches before the storm sruck. Johnson Seeks Supporters For NRA Extension, Appeals To Housewives And Wage Earners Made By Ex-Administrator WASHINGTON, May 21.-(VP) - Plunging into the bitter congression- al fight over continuing NRA, Hugh S. Johnson is seeking to muster sup- port for President Roosevelt's two- year extension plan among little busi- nessmen, wage earners and house- wives. The former recovery administrator ,appealed to them last night to tell their senators the Blue Eagle is not "a poltical hot poker." He suggested + hat they send petitions "giving facts." Laying aside for the moment his differences with Donald R. Richberg, NRA's present chief, Johnson turned his vocabulary on the organizations' Critics in a radio address last night. "The charge of monopoly comes, from monopolists, that of oppression from oppressors, that of regimenta- tion from industrial martinets," he said. Siding with House Democrats, Richberg and the President against the Senate-approved plan to extend the agency only nine and one-half months, the man who helped create NRA declared: "The effect of the Senate bill would plunge all business into blank uncer- tainty. It would be far better to kill NRA now. Yet to kill it outright might produce the worst business at- back since 1932." Johnson spoke as preparations were made for a rally of NRA sup- porters in the capital tomorrow. The meeting already was under fire in the Senate, where Senator Nye (R.- N.D.), contended it was a "well-fi- nanced drive upon the part of NRA officeholders, code authority officials and code enforcement employes to impose their will upon the Congress in the matter of the extension of NRA." TWINS 31 HOURS APART RED BANK, N. J., May 21.--(A) -:- Mrs. Frank Lawler is the mother of twins born 31 hours and 12 minutes apart. The first, a boy, was born at home, Sunday. The second, a girl, was born in Riverview Hospital Mon- day. Lawler is a bus driver. University Loses Best Whistler As 'Bob' Dies Of Heart Attack Returns To Russia By WARREN GLADDERS "Johnny so long at the fair Oh, oh, what can the matter be?" The University flag flew at half- staff yesterday to mourn the passing of one of the most colorful figures of the campus. "Bob," custodian of the Health Service, who'd "rather die than have to stop whistling," succumbed to a heart attack Monday night at his home. He had been ill since May 1. Familiar to anyone ever confined to the infirmary, "Bob's" songs and whistled tunes were an inseparable part of his life. Nothing tickled him so much as to have a student who had heardhim whistling the tune that goes to the words: "Every time' I come to town, They keep kicking my dog around." greet him on the street with the song. "Pretty soft life," he used to say to students confined to bed, "nothing Alumni Week To Be FeaturedBy Clinic A feature of the Alumni Reunion week will be a morning clinic session for graduate physicians, it was an- nounced yesterday from the offices of Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, dean of the medical school. The Alumni week is a division of the University com- mencement period, which will begin with the last day of examinations in June. It is planned to hold the clinics in a one-morning session. Demonstra- tions of operative procedure will be prepared for the visiting physicians and case history discussions will also be held. The medical school is also making preparations for the special service at which a large bronze plaque will be dedicated in honor of the late Dr. A. S. Warthin, head of the depart- ment of the pathology laboratories of the medical school. to do but lie in bed and be waited on." And when nurses from the Health Service visited him at the home of his sister in Dexter, his only living relative, he murmured to them, "Pret- ty soft life." Suspenders were always a big is- sue whenever Bob met Dr. Theophile Raphael, psychiatrist to the Health, Service, in a heated argument on their legitimacy. It always ended in a draw. Old Bob came to the Health Serv- ice as Mr. Robert Barley eight years ago and since then has been trusty orderly, and faithful custodian of valuables. His spare time has been spent in making life a little more pleasant for all of his associates. All Bob knew of the "Johnny at the Fair" song was the first two lines. When the nurses would ask him why he never sang the rest, he would only laugh and begin again those words which had become such a familiar sound about the infirmary. Cummings Plans Institute Fo r JusticeAgents WASHINGTON, May 21.,)-At- torney-General Cummings is said to be preparing to announce shortly the first definite plans for setting up the national crime institute, termed a "West Point for law officers." - Informed sources said recommen- dations for this now are on his desk from the advisory committee of the national conference on crime. Miller declined to talk but it is known that the general plan involves training of selected representatives from metropolitan and state police units. Use of the scientific laboratories dealing with fingerprints, guns, pois- ons, handwriting, and other evidence, and the class room facilities in the Justice building here has been ad- vpcated by experts because of the justice agents' record in their drive against kidnapers and gangsters. -Associated Press Photo. A. N. Toupoloff (above), creator of the ill-fated Soviet superplane "Max- im Gorky," plans to cut short his visi~t in America and rush home to partici- -pate in the planning of new Russian air giants. Roosevelt Clears Way For Projects WASHINGTON, May 21.-(P) - Approval by President Roosevelt of the wage rates to be paid under work- relief projects cleared the way today for issuance of contracts on the $1,- 091,000,000 in projects recommended to the President last week by the Works Allotment Board. In general, the plan calls for a 40-hour, five-day week. The wages will range from $19 to $94 a month, depending on the type of labor and the locality. The President said the monthly earnings would be "in the nature of a salary," with pay continuing when work is halted by inclement weather. Workers, however, will be docked for absences, either voluntary or caused by illness. The setup provides Detroit wages ranging from $56 to $94 a month, and elsewhere in Michigan from $40 to $94. Medical Group To Meet Today At Hospital 20 Prominent Members Of Toledo Academy Of Medicine To Attend The Toledo Academy of Medicine will hold an all-day meeting at the University Hospital today, which will attract more than 20 prominent phys- icians and surgeons from the Middle West, it was announced last night by officials at the hospital. The results of therapeutic fever will be given at 10 a.m. in a paper pre- pared by Dr. Willis S. Peck, Dr. C. W. Strickler, and Dr. Carl P. Huber. Dr. Henry Field, Jr., will lecture on "Fuso-Spirochetal Pneumonia," this talk being followed by Dr. Paul S. Barker's paper on "Pituitary Baso- philism," concluding the morning ses- sion. A paper on the "Value of the Phase Angle in Diagnosing Hyperthyroid- ism" will be presented by Dr. Frank- lin D. Johnston. Dr. Reedi Nesbit will discuss the artificial acidosis by diet and drugs in treating certain infections. Following Dr. Nesbit, papers will be given by Dr. Milton S. Goldhammer on "The Presence of the Blood Stim- ulating Factor in Gastric Secretion of Patients with Pernicious Anemia," Dr. Richard Freyberg on "Subcatane- ous Insulin Injections and Their Re- lation to the Stimulation of Appe- tite," Dr. J. W. Conn on the dia- betic coma, and Dr. F. A. Coller, head of the surgery department, on "Water Balance in Pre- and Post-Operative Cases. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Case System Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course Co-educational College Degree or Two Years of College Work with Good Grades Required for Entrance Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished Morning, Early Afternoon and Evening Classes For further information address CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar 233 Broadway, New York MOVING MODERN GREAT VANS for EOUIPMENTlocal moving - giant dust-proof trucks for long distance haul- ing - the best warehouse in town. And in addition to this superfine equipment, a corps of TRAINED movers and packers who handle your things GENTLY. EXTRA service at no extra cost. Dial 4297 STORAGE MOVING CRATING All this .-..q,