The Weather
Fair and cooler today; mod-
erate to fresh northerly winds.
Contemporary Has Arrived,.
Some, Reading Suggestions.
Regents Refuse To
Dies After
Replevin Action Is Begun
To Acquire Clear Title
To Gift
Hemans Declares
$400,000 Is Involved In
Americana Collection Of
Former Regent
LANSING, May 21.--(/P)- The
University of Michigan's board of re-
gents balked today at the idea of pay-
ing $400,000 for what it considers to
have been outright gifts from the late
former regent William L. Clements of
Bay City.
Charles F. Hemans, member of the
Board who was elected the same year
Clements failed of reelection, said
the gifts, comprising a collection of
early American relics, letters and
documents, were "given outright to
the University during Mr. Clements'
lifetime and we will not surrender
Clements' will ,admitted to probate
in Bay County, specifies that the Uni-
versity could have the material only
if it paid $400,000 for it. Much of
the collection already is in the hands
of the University and now is in the
Clements Library at Ann Arbor, but
some of it is in the donor's home.
Hemans said the regents did not
consider filing a contest of the will
because of a provision that would
penalize anyone who contests it, but
might resort to replevin action to ac-
quire a clear title to the collection.
Hemans said at least one part of
the collection, known as the Oxford
letters on early Americana, was pur-
chased by Clements with money giv-..
en to him by the University for the7
Among the Valuable papers in Bay
City which the disputed Clements'
collection includes are the manu-
scripts of Lord George Germain, col-
onial secretary who managed the war
against America for England, 8,000
documents; the papers of Sir Henry'
Clinton, British commander-in-chief
from 1778 to 1782, 25,000 documents;
the papers of General Thomas Gage,
British commander-in-chief and vir-
tual viceroy in America from 1763 .
to 1775, 40,000 documents; and the
papers of Nathaniel Greene, Wash-
ington's ablest general, 9,000 docu-
The letters, papers and writings'
of Shelburne, the famous Whig'
statesman who later in his career
engineered the treaty ending the
American Revolution, are in the
Clements' Library in Ann Arbor. Here
also are the papers of American and
Hessian foreign ministers and secre-
Elect Officers Of
Engineers' Council
At a meeting of the Engineering
Council held last night, Francis Wal-
lace, '36E, was elected president of the
council for next year. Other officers
elected were Robert Merril, '36E,
vice-president, Lyle Reading, '36E,
treasurer, Robert Auburn, '36E, sec-
Wallace and Auburn are members
of the aeronautical division of the
A.S.M.E., and Wallace was also pub-
licity chairman of the Open House.
Merril is a member of the Chemical
Engineering Society.
Proposals were introduced at the
meeting for reducing the debt of the
Council, and proposals of. a dance
next year were also discussed. A
letter of thanks was voted to Dean
Herbert C. Sadler, dean of the en-
gineering college for his cooperation
in the Open House.
Begin Distribution
Of 'Ensians Today
Distribution of the 1935 Mich-
iganensians will begin this after-
noon at 1 p.m. in the editorial of-
fices of the 'Ensian at the Publi-
cations Building, it was announced
last night by Robert J. Henoch,
business manager of the annual.
Students who have made the full
iTo H eirs Was Founder Of Famous
Hull House And A Nobel
Prize Winner
Humanitarian Dies
I Dedicated Life To
If ::I Poor And Homeless
Henry Webb er,
Leader O f '94
Alumni, Dies
Granted Hon
ree By Univ
Class Reunion
Henry W. Webber, '94L, died Mon-
day in New York City, it was an-
nounced yesterday by T. Hawley Tap-
ping, Alumni secretary. Long noted
for his vigorous execution of duties
as president of the class of '94 alumni,
Mr. Webber has kept in touch with
new developments of the University
by consistently attending the spring
class reunions which are held in AnnI
Arbor every year.
In'1898 he helped found the Uni-
versity of Michigan Alumni Club of
New York City, of which he has been
an active officer. At the thirty-fifth
reunion of his class in June, 1929,
Mr. Webber was granted an honorary
degree by the University.
In a telegram sent yesterday, Pres.
Alexander G. Ruthven requested Earl
D. Babst of New York, a classmate
of Mr. Webber, to serve as the rep-
resentative of the Universityat the
funeral services, which will be held
this afternoon in New York City. Mr.
Babst, himself an active alumnus, is
president of the American Sugar Re-
fining Co.
Mr. Webber was a practicing mem-
ber of the New York bar.
CLEVELAND, May 21-(/')- Offi-
cials of the White Motor Co. closed
the plant today as the United Auto-
mobile Workers Federal Union called
a strike affecting approximately 2,500
R. F. Black, president of the com-
pany, issued a statement saying: "At
8 a.m. we were advised that the men
in the White plant would walk out
at 10 o'clock.
Campaigned For Equality
Of Sexes And Led Peace
Movement During War
CHICAGO, May 21.-(P)-Jane
Addams, internationally known so-
cial worker and champion of world
peace, died late today in Passavant
Hospital, where she had undergone
a major operation.
Miss Addams, the founder of the
famous Chicago social settlement,
Hull House, and a Nobel Prize win-
ner for her peace efforts, would, have
been 75 years old on Sept. 6.
She was ordered to the hospital
Saturday when her physician, Dr.
James A. Britton, decided an imme-
diate operation was necessary to re-
lieve abdominal adhesions. Miss Ad-
dams had only half an hour's notice,
which she said was just long enough
to let her finish a book she was read-
While her age made the operation
dangerous, she came through in fairly
good condition and announced Mon-
day that it "wasn't nearly so bad" as
one in December, 1931, when she was
a patient in Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Relapse Fatal
Early today, however, she took a
turn for the worse. Drs. Britton,
Charles A. Elliott and A. H. Curtis,
called to her bedside, reported the
patient was "sinking rapidly." An
hour later she lapsed into uncon-
She died at 5:15 p.m. (Central
Standard Time).
A valiant saint of a new dispen-
sation, the friend of the poor, under-
privileged, hopeless and outcast, Jane
Addams has come to be recognized
as one deserving a pace with Francis
of Assisi, Catherine of Sienna, Father
Damien and Florence Nightingale.
Miss Addams had devoted years to
the battle in behalf of those who
were not equipped to cope with the
world. She also fought for women's
rights and equality of the sexes, and
lived to see the practical realiza-
tion of both. And if, regarding other
phases of social justice, she died still
far from her goal, at least her brav-
fry and unselfishness left its mark on
her time and laid the foundation of
a movement that promises well to
give charity, understanding and hu-
manness a larger place in American
business and life.
Nobel Prize In 1931
At the outbreak of the World War,
she started her great work for world
peace. She kept it up unflinchingly
throughout the war's duration and in
after years, despite often bitter crit-
icism. She became international
president of the Women's League for
Peace and Freedom, which cam-
paigned for disarmament and peace
agreements between the several na-
tions. It was her work with this
organization that brought her the
Nobel Prize in 1931, which she shared
with Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler.
She gave her share of the award to
this organization.
Hitler Blames
Rearming To
Dictator Calls Reichstag In
Special Session For Talk
On ForeignPolicy
Claims Reich Was
Forced To Rearm
Versaille Treaty Censured
As Death Sentence For
Cooperative Efforts
BERLIN, May 21-(A')- Reichs-
fueher Adolf Hitler tonight blamed
Europe's danger-fraught armaments
race squarely on nations victorious
in the world war which imposed the
Versailles Treaty on Germany.
In an impassioned address to theI
Reichstag, summoned into specialt
session, he scathingly denouncedt
other powers for violating the peacef
treaty's arms limitations, thus forc-
ing the Reich to rearm.I
Thunderously cheered as he pro-
nounced his eagerly-awaited address
on foreign policy, which the radio
carried to millions throughout Ger-
many and Europe, the Fuehrer again1
protested Germany's desire for peace.
"If the Germany of today favorst
peace," he said, "it favors it neithert
out of weakness nor cowardice. * * *t
We decry every war for the subjuga-
tion of foreign peoples.
"Germany today is immersed in1
the tremendous work of repairing its
domestic damages. None of our sub-l
jects of a factual nature will be com-t
pleted before 10 or 20 years. Nonec
of our tasks of an ideal nature cani
find its fulfillment before 50 or event
100 years.1
"What else could I desire but quiet
and peace?
Declaring the present "veritablet
mania of collective and cooperative1
effort the spiritual property of
the American president, Wilson," Hit-
ler said the Versailles treaty pro-
nounced the death sentence upon the
collective, cooperative efforts of na-
tions."..:* x
Germany is willing, the Fuehrer
told the legislators assembled in the
Kroll opera house, to sign non-aggres-
sion pacts with all European nations
save Lithuania, "not because we want
war there but because we cannot en-
ter into a political agreement with a
state which disregards the most
primitive laws of human society."
Germany has nothing to gain from
any European war," Hitler declared,t
"since we crave freedom and inde-
Deny Assertion
That Richberg
Dictated NR A
Washington Officials Are
Interested In General
Johnson's Speech
WASHINGTON, May 21.--(A)-
An assertion that Donald R. Rich-
berg was telling Congress what kind
of NRA bill it should pass was made
and denied today before the House
Ways and Means Committee as it de-
bated the future of the recovery or-
Meanwhile, official Washington
noted with interest the radio speech
which Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, former
NRA head, delivered Monday night in
which he sought support for President
Roosevelt's two-year extension plan.
The Senate has voted to continue
NRA only nine and one-half months.
Richberg was testifying to the
House committee when Rep. Allen T.
Treadway (Rep., Mass.), asserted:
"You Democrats have already de-
cided what bill to approve. Mr.
Richberg told you what bill to re-
"Not at all, not at all," replied
Chairman Robert L. Doughton (Dem.,
N. C.), raising his voice.
"Well, here it is," Treadway pur-
sued, pointing to the bill tentatively
approved by the committee Demo-
crats and including virtually all the
seven points agreed to by President
Roosevelt, Richberg and the NRA
"This bill," Doughton retorted,
was just introduced for our consid-
eration. I don't know what kind
of bill will be reported out."
Richberg answered committeemen's
questions about the proposed new bill,
contending that power for the Presi-
dent to imnfose codes was necessarv.
Pajama Parade
Puts Students
In Jail House
14 Minnesota Revelers
Invade Sororities But
Are Repelled
MINNEAPOLIS, May 21. -{(p) -
Female hearts beat normally again
today as 14 male students at the
University of Minnesota sang the jail
house blues in an iron-barred cell,
the aftermath of the annual pajama
parade last night in which about 300
men participated.
Some were big, all were bold, and
Dean E. E. Nicholson said, a few per-
haps were bad, as they snakedanced
through the campus in multicolored
pajamas to the first sorority house.
All atwitter at the attack, the girls
managed to lock the doors of all of
the windows except one. Through
that window a male student sought to
enter. But the girls were undaunted.
One cracked the intruder on the
head with a chair.
As he slipped down, another co-ed,
boasting arm prowess that even Lefty
Grove would be proud of, whipped
a mean shoe down on his head, leav-
ing a neat little cut. By that time,
the ringing of telephones in sorority
houses sounded the alarm.
Police arrived to put clutches on
14 of the fellows who were promptly
thrown into jail, fingerprinted, and
booked. Their companions, mean-
while, had slashed tires on one police
squad car and today Dean Nicholson
said some property was missing from
one sorority house.
Officials Bring To
Hind Lovely G irs'
"7!"f / 1 7t4 P T"WI7' A 'W n
Warning To Palefaces
Given By Michigamua
When out from the paleface wig-
From behind the staring moon-
Came the slow and solemn five
Tellingthat the evening spirit
Wanders over the woods and
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their war-
paint .
Soon will gather 'round the oak
'Round the oak tree called the
There to greet the trembling
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins
For before they take the long trail
To the home of Michigamua
Many trials and many tortures
First must prove their strength
and courage
Ere the red man bids them
Ere he calls each paleface
Ere the peace pipe smoke goes
St age Better
Homes Exhibit
A t Granger' s
Several Hundred , People
Visit Show; Many Are
Interested Buyers
As a climax to the Ann Arbor
campaign of the National Better
Fischer Smashes Par To
Lead Michigan Golfers
To Fourth Straight Win
I- u FO FaItncffeflllCA I(Homes program the local merchants
are staging a Better Homes Exhibi-
Six beautiful bored girls had their tion at Granger's ballroom. It is one
hunt for romance brought to an of a rapidly growing series of exhibi-
abrupt close yesterday after official tions which are being shown through-
brows frowned severely. , out the country.
Authorities of a University dormi- Although the exhibit was officially
tory choked yesterday morning over opened Monday evening, several hun-
their toast and coffee whe* they dred people have already taken ad-
read a Daily want-ad (11c per line, vantage of this opportunity to be-
-adv.) to the effect that six of their come acquainted with the ultra-mod-
lovely charges wanted an experienced ern and radical improvements in
man apiece to keep time from drag- building and home equipment, ac-
ging his slow length along. If experi- cording to Manager Clyde N. Keppel.
enced men were not available( and He further explained that the aver-
what is an experienced man?) so age time spent at the show by those
great was their despondency that they j who have attended is 45 minutes
would "take anything." y which indicates that the majority are
But despite the fact that explicit interested buyers. He also reported
directions were given for trained Ro- that many of the 41 booths have
meos to reach their clients, attempts already shown sales.
at communication were frustrated by The exhibits shown, ranging from
the authorities who disconnected the
telphne"fo ehialreasons." stream-lined automatic coal burners
telephone "for ethical and oil burning air conditioners to
utility cabinet sinks and remote con-
Despondent Farmer trol lighting systems, simplify house
work and make the home more com-
Hangs Self In Barn fortable. Of special interest to archi-
tects is the'scale model of the prize-
Jacob Lombard, 57 years oldof winning design in the flat glass in-
dustry architectural competition.
Star Leads Teammate By
Three Strokes To Win
Individual Title
Wildcats 60 Points
Behind For Second
Gophers Finish Third;
Wolverines Break Own
Record By 57 Strokes
CHICAGO, May 21 -(')- Johnny
Fischer, gangling sharp-shooter from
Michigan, ripped par to shreds with
a, spectacular finish at Kildeer today
to overtake his teammate, Charles
Kocsis, and score the first grand slam
in the history of Big Ten golf champ-
ionship playing.
Three shots behind with only nine
of the 72 holes to travel, Johnny
pumped his shots with such deadly
precision that he shatterer par by
four strokes with a magnificent 31
to beat Kocsis, defending title holder,
by three blows. His total was 281,
wo under the Big Ten record held
by Kocsis, who finished with 284 to-
It was the third Big Ten triumph
in as many starts for Johnny. He
won it in 1932, retained it in 1933,
gave up the event last year to compete
with America's Walker Cup team, and
then returned this week to give him-
self a perfect record. His marks-
nanship, coupled with that of Kocsis,
Woodrow Malloy and Allan Saunders,
won for Michigan the Conference
team championship, the fourth
straight year. The Wolverines scored
a grand total of 1163 points, or 60
less than Northwestern, the runners-
up. The total also broke Michigan's
own team record by 57 points. Min-
nesota was third.
After holding Kocsis even through
the first two rounds yesterday with a
69 and 70, and going ahead at the
three-quarter mark with a 73 to
Chuck's 76, Fischer blew heart-
breaking putts on the front stretch
so consistently that he took a 38,
falling three shots behind Kocsis,
who burned up the same distance
with a 32, three under par. Johnny
scored birdies on the 10th and 11th,
lost a stroke to par on the 12th, and
then drove along with three more
birdies and three pars for his 31.
Five birdies decorated his back
card, giving him an 18-hole finishing
round of 69 after his shaky start.
Kocsis hit all his shots well and
finished with a 69 but tossed birdies
away by failing to drop six-foot putts.
On the final back nine, where he
needed 37 strokes, he putted for bird-
ies on almost every hole only to skid
two over par with a 37.
Michigan almost swept the first
four places on the individual champ-
ionship test. In third place was Mal-
oy with 297. Bill Flynn, Northwest-
ern finished fourth with 300, one less
than Saunders of Michigan.
14 Sophomores Are
Initiated By Sphinx
Sphinx, junior honorary society in
the literary college, held initiation
yesterday for 14 sophomores and two
honorary faculty members. After
the traditional hay-ride across the
campus, an initiation banquet was
held in the Union.
The sophomores chosen for mem-
bership are Frank Barnard, C. Grant
Barnes, Franklin T. Dannemiller,
Howard R. Davidson, Jr., Joseph 0.
Ellis, Richard G. Hershey, Victor Hey-
liger, Sanford M. Ladd, Francis A.
Marcero, Fred Warner Neal, John R.
Park, Matthew Patanelli, Allen Saun-
ders, and Flint C. Watt.
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department and Carl Barndt of
the speech department were elected
to honorary membership.
Virgil McNitt Will
Stopping for several days in Ann
Arbor, Virgil V. McNitt, director of
the McNaught syndicate, will visit
the University briefly during the pres-
--+ -- , r fA ,,.. ^,,m maei"
Cooper Recalls Early Play In
Which He Starred And Starved
The town of Ann Arbor originally ham Repertory Company, and after
meant just one thing to Melville the armistice he returned to spend
Cooper, star of the current Dramatic five years playing stock.
Season play "Laburnum Grove" - it Finally he was offered an excell-
was the home town of the world's ent part in the London production of
most staunch "Journey's End" fan. Eden Phiilpot's "The Farmer's Wife,"
Cooper played the role of Trotter in which had a three-year run. How-
the original London production of ever, although he eventually became
this play, which ran 17 months, and a successful actor in the London
just recently he reviewed a letter from Theater, he and his wife were at one
who said time in financial difficulties. They
that he had seen Cooper in the Lon- were in a play which was highly
don production, and that ever since, praised by the critics, but which
he had been collecting souvenirs and proved to be a financial failure. "The
programs from productions of "Jour- result was," he said smilingly," that
ney's End" given in different coun- we were starring and starving at the
tries all over the world and in many same time. We used to wait eagerly
different languages. for the third act, in which there was
"The strangest thing about Jour- a breakfast scene, for the breakfast
ney's End," Cooper said, "was that I would serve as our dinner for the
continually felt that I was actually night."
living the part. In the play, the He intends to go to Hollywood after
Lodi Township hanged himself in
his barn late yesterday afternoon.
The cause of his suicide was described
by County Coroner Edwin C. Ganz-
horn as extreme despondency.
Members of the deceased's family
told sheriff's officers that Lombard
went out to the barn as was his
usual custom and that no one thought,
anything of it until they happened
to notice his body swinging from
the rafters.
LONDON, May 21. - Ramsay Mac-
Donald has decided finally to resign
as prime minister in favor of Stanley
Baldwin, Conservative leader, the us-
ually well-informed political corre-
spondent of the Daily Mail reported
today. MacDonald's decision, the
correspondent said, was due solely to
his ill health.
Archeologist Tells Story Of
Seleucian Coins In New Book
Some people collect coins and seals
just for the sake of collecting them.
They pride themselves on the number
and variety they possess.
Archaeologists who collect those
objects have a more practical purpose
and somewhat different views. With
them it isnt the variety and quantity
as much as it is the similarities and
degree of preservation that count.
At least that would seem to be im-
plied in Dr. R. H. McDowell's recent-
ly published book on Seleucian seals
and related objects, and will probably
hb evident in his forthcoming volume
tions governing their sale were found.
The chronology of the kingdom and
of various cities has also been deter-
mined largely by deciphering the in-
scriptions on the seals, coins, and tab-
Another interesting sidelight dis-
covered is that officials of high per-
sonal integrity often placed their
individual monogram on coins in
order to assure the people that the
requisite amount of gold or silver bul-
lion was contained in the coin. It
would appear that governments even
then had very few scruples about
debasing their currency.