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May 21, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-21

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. . .-
Pubtismied every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
ad the Big Ten News Service.
A5ociated olegiate *ress
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SPORTS EDITOR ..................... WILLIAM R. REED
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W.
Neal, Elsie Pierce, Robert Pulver, Marshall D. Shulman,
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman.

must have a material inducement for everything
to read anyway.
If it does nothing else, a summer spent in good
reading as well as physical play, may show a few
that it is possible to have fun with their minds.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Is 'Circus Day' Music?
To the Editor:
So the Deems Taylor "Circus Day" isn't music
at all--it doesn't pretend to be! May I point
out that one of the most generally accepted defi-
nitions of art is "Nature or life put into a design
with certain extraneous material left out to throw
that part which is used into higher relief?" Since
the music of Deems Taylor undoubtedly cari-
catured his subject in such a manner as to actually
call the things he was describing up before the
eyes of thousands of people, I should most cer-
tainly say that his work was art and, since it was
expressed through a musical medium - music.
Drawing M.L.'s thesis to its logical conclusion,
nothing is music which is not serious. How about
the time-honored scherzo form, whose sole object
is to poke fun? When Deems Taylor's "Circus
Day" has attained the dignifying moss of Saint-
Saens' "Carnivaux des Animaux," perhaps M. L.
will be ready to indulge in a polite titter -nothing
more, for the strait laces she must wear would
not allow more vital enjoyment.
In this connection, "Even when the aria (Mar-
tinelli's) was a serious one, it did not pull and tear
us." In other words, it left her cold. I would
respectfully remind M. L. that humanity has not
thus far progressed to the stage of not needing
certain other bodily parts than the intellect, that
the seat of our fundamental hungers and emotions
is decidedly lower. Also a singer cannot sing with-
out using his'diaphragm, and that energetically.
So far as I am concerned I hope we humans
never do progress to such a state of estheticism
that we will not all feel the better for having in-
dulged in what is vulgarly known as a "belly
-B.W.W.-B.M., '28.
Gag :bills
To the Editor:
Recently 250 outstanding clergymen, Protes-
tant, Catholic and Jewish, sent out a round robin
dealing with the subject of civil liberties. This is
what it said:
"While the proposed measures (gag bills) are
at present ostensibly aimed at extremists, the re-
cent experience of other countries shows that once
the civil liberty of the most extreme group has
been removed, the rights of organized labor, of
liberals or of the churches have also gone down in
rapid succession.
"Let us beware lest in the name of Americanism
we allow the destruction of our most precious
American traditions. Both the Fascist and the
Communists deny the rights of free speech in
countries which they control, but we should abhor
their common practice in this regard and should
scorn to adopt their methods of suppression in our
free land.
"Let us fight the groups which are working hard
to deprive the American people of their liberties."



WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. BriscoeFlorence H.
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King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Richard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William
De Lancey, Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Warren
Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley, S. Leon-
ard Kasle, Joseph Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie, Stewart
Orton, George S. Quick. Robert D. Rogers, William
Scholz, William E. Shackleton, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks, Herbert W. Little.
Arthur A. Miller, Israel Silverman.
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DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt; Service Department. Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.
Barkdul, D. G. Bronson, Lewis E. Bulkeley John C.
Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert
D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson,
Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones. Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger. Wil-
liam R. Mann, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,
Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star-
sky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Field, petty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland,
Gracer nyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary
McCord, Adele Polier.
Release From
Financial Worry. .
R ELEASE FROM financial worry, if
not a fact now, soon will be. With
the enactment of the Reid "yardstick" tax bill,
the Senate's passage of a measure which will give
the University $4,062,000 is almost assured.
For a time things looked black. The Ways
and Means Committee's recommendation for a
$3,700,000 appropriation would have necessitated
curtailment of the University's activities. Mich-
igan's educational program would have slowed
The passage of Senator Reid's bill not only has
the effect of increasing the University's future ap-
propriation, but as President Ruthven pointed out,
it marks a great step forward in higher educational
legislation. The old mill tax method of allotment
was antiquated. It was hailed as a great advance
in taxation back in the 1870's - and rightly so,
but times have changed, and with them methods of
taxation and the needs of education.
President Ruthven does not over-emphasize in
calling the Reid bill the "most important legisla-
tion enacted in the field of higher education since
the passage of the original mill tax measure."
True the amount to be granted to the University
was not quite what was asked for - but four mil-
lion, sixty-two thousand dollars, we feel, will be
enough to tide the University over for another year
and enable it to carry on its splendid function un-
In Summer .. .
THROUGHOUT the past year we
have heard countless persons say,
"I'd dead good books if I could, but my assignments
are so heavy that I can't find the time."'
Perhaps these persons do not have the time dur-
ing the school year but we wonder how advan-
tageously they will use their spare time this
Many students are anxiously looking forward to
a summer leisure, of swimming, of golfing, and of
tennis playing. Such a summer appears enticing
now when we are in the midst of preparing for
exams, but this leisure will grow monotonous
after a few weeks. It would be easy to relieve our
monotony and at the same time add to our en-
joyment by reading good books.
Other students, who are planning to work this
summer, will have their evenings free and they

Verily the trials and tribulations of a column
conductor weigh heavily some days. Today we will
present a few terms known as "College Slang"
gleaned from universities throughout the country.
Tiredale - Co-ed's name for an ugly man.
Angel factory - A theological seminary.
Anguish - A course in English.
Bale of hay - A package of cigarettes.
Battle Axe - A stout female.
Beetle - A girl.
Bell polisher - A caller who lingers after a visit,
Boolo - A freshman.
Blob-To make a mistake. 'Such as taking a
blind date).
Boot giver - Dean of men.
Broken Wagon - A ruined romance.
Buffalo - A girl; with exposed legs.
Bun duster - A male who frequents teas.
California Mama - A girl with plenty of sex
Cat's nest - A dormitory for girls.
Cement mixer - A poor dancer.
Chief itch and rub - The most important
Cork-headed - Conceited.
Desert horse - A camel cigarette.
Dragout - A girl companion for any occasion.
Dryball- A student who studies all the time.
Egg Harbor - A free dancehall.
Empty plate - A poor companion.
Fever frau -A lively girl.
Fling woo - To make love.
Fly Bait - Phi Beta Kappa.
Gore - Bull session conversation.
Gut course - An easy course.
Hoe down - A dance.
Holoholy - A person who refuses to kiss and hug.
Itty - Sexually attractive.
Labosis - Aversion to laboratory work.
Monowogler -A person who monopolizes the
Muggle party - An informal gathering of girls.
Off the boat - Behind the times.
Pie Biter -Phi Beta Kappa.
Plumber's degree - Graduation of those with
pipe courses.
Rottenlogging - Necking.
Skulldugging - To cram.
Sleeper - A lecture course.
Take a cottage course - To marry before
Mcat squad - Upperclassmen who use paddles
. on freshmen.
Sug - A girl.
Twilly - An attractive girl.
Whifflepoof - A good-for-nothing person.
Yawptologist - A cheerleader.
There you are - my contribution towards higher
learning. It is interesting to learn from other
people what we are supiosed to be saying isn't it
- something like "Pipe the twilly, whifflepoof.
A Washington
THERE have been a lot of "marches" on Wash-
ington in times past. From General Coxey's
famous trek long ago, down to the various "bonus"
and "hunger" marches more recently, they have
been poverty demonstrations and looked the part.
The farmers march of '35 was a striking contrast.
It was a "prosperity" marchby the looks of the
rank and file. If that group typified, as it claimed,
a cross section of "dirt farmer" experience with,
and opinion of, the New Deal, President Roosevelt's
1936 campaign planning staff could afford to laugh
at such gloomy summaries of the first two years
of the New Deal as Representative Snell contrib-
uted in the House.
HE FARMERS making up this strange agricul-
tural town meeting in Washington were a neat,
quiet, contented-looking lot. They might have
been delegates to any serious-minded- national
convention. They came to say they liked the New
Deal, particularly the AAA part of it. Collectively
and individually that is about all they had to say.
Secretary Wallace was described by his aides as
so pleased by the farmer pilgrimage as to be fairly

"bouncing" at his desk the day the mobilization
showed up. He had been taking hard cracks on
processing tax policy for weeks. The farmers
came as so pat an answer to the anti-New Deal
resolutions of the Chamber of 'Commerce of the
United States, the Manufacturers Association
statement and the cotton textile people's assault,
that Washington news writers suspected some ad-
ministration design and initiation behind the idea
of the march.
Administration insiders in toto denied this.
Nothing was dug out of the visitors to refute the
New Dealers' contention that the spontaneity of
the move was a big and welcome surprise to them.
Indications at the White House were that the Pres-
ident and his personal staff knew very little about
it all until the marchers were actually on hand.
WHEN THE FIGHT against continuing the
cotton processing tax was filling the front
pages daily, some AAA officials predicted that the
other side of the picture, the farmer's side, would
get a showing soon or late. The whole processing
tax formula hinged on the decision as to cotton,
they held. When the farmers realized that, they
added, he would be heard from.
One possible explanation of the '35 farmers'
march might be that the seemingly highly organ-
ized drive on the cotton processing tax over-
reached itself. It is notable that the scheme for

A nnouncing --o
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at the
Student Publications Building
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I1 'l

For Senior Engineers

As Others See It
As Graduates Face The Future
(From the Louisian Tech Talk)
1N PRACTICALLY every place one finds himself,
there is the ever-present feeling of uncertainty
in regard to the future - maybe not so acute as it
was a year ago, but still present. This same feeling
is today the cause of much anxiety among prospec-
tive graduates.
Graduates who leave school this June are faced
with unemployment, national and international
discontent, and many other problems. True, there
is reason for the uncertain attitude that is so
prevalent today. We realize the trying situation,
but we do want to express the opinion that some
students look upon the situation in an unwhole-
some attitude. Some have grown to believe that
nothing else better will come to them.
With all respect for such a person's point of
view, let us state that the situation today is not
"impossible." We sincerely believe that leaders
of our nation are earnestly attempting to adjust
our country to the changed conditions. We believe
that the leaders of the world are trying to adjust
relations between nations. Of course, there is
no proof that they are, but we are inclined to
think that the majority of world leaders want
peace and improved conditions for all peoples.
We believe they have an even chance at success.
All The World
(From the Colorado Silver and Gold)
"HE FALLACY of such cure-all plans for social
ills as the Townsend plan, and Long's share-
the-wealth movement, is subtly derided in a re-
cent plan circulated in Washington. The table of
figures reads:
Population of the United States ......124,000,000
Eligible for Townsend pension ........ 50,000,000
Prohibited from working under
Child Labor act and those working
for government .................... 60,000,000
Unemployed .........................13,999,998
Leaving to produce nation's goods .... 2
"These two persons," says the anonymous sta-
tistics donor, "are you and I -and I'm all tired


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