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May 21, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-21

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TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1935


t the Bulett 1.oconstructive notice to all memberso Sth
B n t y3:3 . r ec: ve. at'the mc. e of the Assistant to the Presidai

20 Are Killed In Southwestern Storms

Classified Directory

Missing Girl Is Found
Dead From Suffocation
NEW YORK, May 20 -(A')- The
body of little Shirley Evans, missing
eight-year-old girl, was found today
buried under a ton of earth in a cave,
250 yards from her home, apparent-
ly dug by herself and her playmates.
Death was by suffocation.
Discovery of the body, clad in the
red gingham dress that she wore
when she disappeared Friday, ended
a search by hundreds of police, Boy
Scouts and Department of Justice
agents who had combed the area near
her Jackson Heights home.
A suggestion by Taylor Putney, Jr.,
neighbor of the Evans, led to find-
ing of the body. He urged a search
of the apartment building where the
Evans reside, recalling seeing children
digging a cave there.
District Attorney Charles P. Sul-
livan said that an examination dur-
ing the autopsy, which showed suffo-
cation the cause of death, disclosed
no evidence of foul play. Police
agreed with this conclusion.
Playmates of Shirley will be ques-
tioned. Sullivan said that it was pos-
sible that some of them knew the
child was buried but feared to tell.
Professor Says Identity
Of 'Mona Lisa' Is False
()- For 400 years the woman for the
famous painting, "Mona Lisa," has
been falsely identified, Prof. Raymond
S. Stites asserted today.
Dr. Stites professor of esthetics at
Antioch College said he has proof
from 12 years of research in the life
of Leonardo da Vinci that the wom-
an was Isabella d'Este the Marchion-
ess of Mantau.
Reference books identifying the
model for Da Vinci's masterpiece as
Madonna. Lisa, Neapolitan wife of
Francesco del Giocondo, are incor-
rect, Dr. Stites said.
Hitler Issues Call For
Cabinet Meeting Tuesday
BERLIN, May 20.- (A') - Adolf
Hitler issued a summons tonight for
a, cabinet meeting tomorrow after-
noon before his address to the Reich-
stag on what the Nazi regime has to
offer to alleviate European tension.
Political circles understood Der
Fuehrer would obtain finaltapproval
for his military conscription law.
The propaganda ministry, confirming
the call for a cabinet meeting, ad-
mitted that the conscription would be
discussed "in all probability."
President Unmoved By
Last Minute Bonus Plea
WASHINGTON, May 20. - (A) -
Out of the ashes of the Patman Bonus
Bill's almost certain death - follow-
ing President Roosevelt's refusal of a
last-minute reprieve - Congressional
bonus proponents today planned a
swift resurrection of the issue.
Politely and affably, but without
a single nod of approval, the Chief
Executive listened during the day to
a Patman plea that he approve of the
bonus with new money. The move
failed to shake his intention of de-
livering his veto message, in person,
on Wednesday.
But even as it appeared more cer-
tain that the veto would be upheld,
an Administration chief in Congress
predicted that 72 Senate votes - more
than enough to override a veto -
could be mustered for a less restrict-
ing bonus bill.

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1935 i
VOL. XLV No. 169
Notice to Seniors and Graduate
Students: Only one more day re-
mains after today for the payment of'
diploma fees and certificate fees.
There can be absolutely no exten-
sion beyond 4 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 22.
The Cashier's Office is closed on
Saturday afternoon.
Shirley W. Smith
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. During the past two
years there have been twenty fires
in University buildings, seven of
which were attributed to cigarettes.
To be effective, the rule must neces-
sarily apply to bringing lighted to-
bacco into or through University
buildings - including such lighting
just previous to going outdoors. With-
in the last few years a serious fire
was started at the exit from the
Pharmacology Building by the throw-
ing of a still lighted match into re-
fuse waiting removal at the doorway.
If the rule is to be enforced at all its
enforcement must begin at the build-
ing entrance. Further, it is impos-
sible that the rule should be enforced
with one class of persons if another
class of persons disregards it. It is a
disagreeable and thankless task to
"enforce" almost any rule. This rule
against the use of tobacco within the
buildings is perhaps the most thank-
less and difficult of all, unless it has
the willing support of everyone con-
cerned. An appeal is made to all per-
sons using the University buildings -
staff members, student and other -
to contribute individual cooperation
to this effort to protect University
buildings against fires.
This statement is inserted at the
request of the Conference of Deans.
Swimming tests - Women: The
average ability swimming test will
be given at the Union Pool tonight
and Thursday night at 7:30. Stu-
dents wishing to fulfill the individual
sport requirement in swimming
should report at one of these times.
Academic Notices
Geology 11: Make-up bluebook
Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Room 3056
N.S. The schedule for make-up field
trips and laboratory work will be
posted today on bulletim board near
Room 2051 N.S.
Geology 12: Bluebook Wednesday
at 9 p.m. in Auditorium for students
who took field trips.
Make-up for the second field trip
will be conducted Wednesday after-
noon at 2 p.m.
Education D100: The assembly pro-
gram to be given by members of the
Correlated Course has been postponed
from Tuesday, May 21, to Wednesday,
May 29, at 4 p.m., in the University
High School Auditorium.
The Ann Arbor Art Association an-
nounces an exhibition of etchings and
drawings by Dr. Warren P. Lombard
and an international exhibition of
children work, Alumni Memorial Hall,
May 16 to June 1.
Events Today
Engineering Council: Meeting at
7:30 p.m., M. E. computing room in
the West Engineering Building. All
newly elected members must be pres-
ent. Election of officers.

. .Alpha Epsilon Mu: Initiation at 4
p.m. Banquet at 6 p.m. at the Union.
Zeta Phi Eta: Regular meeting in
the League Grill Room, at 12 noon.
Phi Sigma Banquet and Spring
Initiattion tonight in the Michigan
League. Prof. Carl Guthe will speak
concerning "Tree Rings and Culture
History of the American Southwest."
Meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Alumnae
Druids luncheon meeting at the
Union. Everyone please attend.
Assembly: Meeting of the Assembly
4:15 in the League.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this organ-

ization at 8 p.m. in the Chapel of the
Women's League Building. Students,
alumni and faculty members of the
University are invited to attend.
Tra fcr Graduate Students in
Mathematics, at 4 p.m., in 3001 A.H.
Michigan Dames: The general
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Wilbert Hindman, 1016 Olivia,
at 8:00 p.m.
Coming Events
A.S.M.E.: The final meeting of the
year will be a dinner meeting, to be
held at the Michigan Union Thurs-
day, May 23, 6;15 p.m. Those who
will be there will please leave their
names with Miss Coon; the dinner will
cost 70 cents and the money should
be left at the time you leave your
name. The list of names will be
picked up at 2:00 p.m. Thursday.
The dinner meeting is in honor of
Professor O. W. Boston and the next
year's officers, followed by a general
meeting. As is the custom, Professor
H. C. Anderson will be the speaker
at this last meeting of the year.
Student and faculty members of
the A.S.M.E. are cordially invited to
attend. It is desirable that you leave
your name at Professor Anderson's
office, although allowance will be
made for some who cannot decide
until late Thursday.
Ferestry Club: Professor Willet F.
Ramsdell will speak on "Land Use in
Michigan" at the meeting of the club
on Wednesday, May 22, 7:30 p.m.,
room 2039 Natural Science Building.
All members of the club are requested
to be present at the meeting in order
to take part in the election of officers
for next year.
Landscape Club meeting, Wednes-
day, 7:45, 403 South Wing.
Alpha Kappa Delta Picnic Satur-
day, May 25, at Dexter-Huron Park.
Each member may bring a friend. All
those with cars or desiring transpor-
tation are requested to meet at the
northeast entrance of Haven Hall
at 1:30 or 4:30 p.m.
House Leaders
Push Toward
Opposition Is Expected For
$460,000,000 Navy Bill;
Date Set For Bonus Veto
WASHINGTON, May 20. - (i?) -
Finding themselves behind the Sen-
ate for the first time this session,
House Democratic leaders today put
on the pressure for a burst of speed
toward adjournment.
Among other things, they hoped to
forego lengthy debate even on "must"
and near-"must" bills, slapping them
into the Senate in rapid succession.
This week, however, promised no
paticular progress. In the House,
today was set aside for the three-
score small bills, tomorrow for a me-
morial session in honor of dead mem-
bers and Wednesday for the Presi-
dent's appearance to deliver his veto
of the $2,000,000,000 bonus bill. Thurs-
day and Friday the controversial
AAA amendments will be brought up.
In the Senate, the $460,000,000
Navy appropriation bill was on the
immediate schedule. That this faces
opposition was indicated by a slap
Senator Gerald P. Nye (Rep.), took
last night. He said "Uncle Sam is
being taken for a ride by racketeers
who are profiting from these mad na-
tional defense races."
Awaiting floor debate in the Sen-
ate are the social security bill and
the bill to abolish utility holding
Settle Wisconsin,

Michigan Dispute'
WASHINGTON, May 20 -(A)- A
Supreme Court today declared the
most equitable decision of the con-
troversy between Wisconsin and
Michigan over the boundary across
Green Bay, involving valuable fish-
ing rights, would be a division of the
disputed area between the two states.
The case was sent back to the special
master Frederick F. Faville of Des
Moines with instructions to locate the
line accordingly.
The controversy centered over con-
trol of valuable fishing grounds off
the mouth of the Menominee river.
Wisconsin contended the line should
run directly from the mouth of the
river to a point in the middle of the
bay between Chambers Island and
the mainland.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10%odiscount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month ................ ...........8c
4 lines EOD., 2 months..........3c
2 lilies daily, college year ........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired..........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........6Be
The above rates are per reaaing line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
Bc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7 ,oint

DRIVING HOME? For sale cheap,
1926 Buick 2-door sedan. Good con-
dition throughout. 417 Thompson.
Phone 3356. 241
WANTED: Young man to drive to
Seattle. Preferably one who has
driven there before. Leaving about
June 20. Phone 1502R, Ypsilanti.

-Associated Press Photo.
Texas and Oklahoma counted a tell of 20 perscns dead or missing
after the state; were struck by floods and windstorms. Damage esti-
matcd at $100,000 was inflicted at Teague, Okla., where residents are
shown surveying the debris left in the wake of the storm.

PORTER WANTED: Call 548S. State
suits. Will pay 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. 200 North Main 7x
EXPERIENCED cook, looking for po-
sition in fraternity house. Refer-
ences. Box 48-C.
COLORED CHEF desires position in
fraternity next fall. Can furnish
local references. Would like to be
interviewed before June 1. Box No.
ATTENTION: College men wanted
for special summer work. Men can
earn $25 to $35 per week plus bonus.
We finance. Men selected. Write
E. A. Blowers, Michigan Union for
appointment, May 24, giving name
and address. 243
MEN with or without car can make
a profitable connection. Apply B.
Brill. Lincoln Hotel, Ann Arbor.
WANTED: Experienced men for six
beautiful bored girls with time on
their hands. Professional men pre-
ferred, but we'll take anything.
Call one long, and four shorts
(-. . ..) second floor, Betsy Bar-


o .Q.. . .

Crime - cozy, quiet, English, and
amusing in Mr. Priestly's best Dick-
ensian manner - reared its head on
the Mendelssohn stage last night, and
the 1935 Dramatic Season got under
way in as auspicious a manner as
could be desired.
"Laburnum Grove" is a thin play
with fat parts. The story is very
simple. George Radfern lives in
quiet, comfortable, and very respect-
able Laburium Grove, surrounded
and not too graciously tolerated by
his daughter Elsie, her snipish suitor
Harold, and grating brother and sister
in law Bernard and Lucy Baxley.
Also in the entourage, but not in Mr.
Radfern's hair, is his Janet Gaynor-
on-the-other- side- of -forty-ish wife,
Molly. Daughter Elsie doesn't really
get in his hair, either.
The curtain hasn't been up very
many minutes when we discover that
George is, in a genial but complete
way, fed up on suitor Harold and
in-laws Baxley. The audience is all
on his side when he starts in to get
rid of them.
His method of freeing his nest
of the undesirables is to tell them,
after they profess to a properly
squeamish honesty, that he is not
engaged in a decent paper business,
as they have always taken for grant-
ed, but has instead for years been
counterfeiting bank notes and re-
spectability. And for three acts of a
peculiar but highly satisfying mixture
of whimsy and melodrama we ap-
plaud Criminal Radfern in his suc-
cessful maneuvers, first to send po-
tential and actual in-laws on their
way, and second, to dispense of the
much greater irritation of a Scot-
land Yard bloodhound who is baying
at his red-slippered, innocent looking,
but really quite capable heels.
Highest honors, in a cast which is
top-notch all the way through, go
to Edmund Gwenn, who handles the
part of Mr. Radfern. His very watch-
able portrait is that of a man who,
like gnomish Lob in "Dear Brutus,"
manipulates the chracters about
him in a detached, sure, manner,
highly conducive to his own amuse-
ment, in the end showing himself to
know exactly what he wants and how,
in a cool way, to get it.
To enumerate and qualify the per-
formances of the rest of the cast is
to write a series of praises. Melville
Cooper as brother-in-law Baxley,
charges his characterization with
frankly superficial business, and
achieves a hilarious bluster worthy
of W. C. Fields . . . Elizabeth Risdon is
disgruntled and hennish in the right
degree . . . Boyd Davis, the blood-
thirsty sleuth from the Yard, is agree-
ably convincing . . . A. G. Andrews
does the bit-part of Mr. Radfern 's
crony and business associate expert-
It is good for a person like me to
see a play like "Laburnum Grove."
At the present stage of my economic
politico-sociological development I am
unconsciously inclined to frown on
Art that doesn't have Meaning. That
is a dangerous inclination to have,
and it is therefore healthy and profit-
able to learn again that a play can
be thoroughly worth seeing for its
own and amusement's sake.
I hadn't expected to be writing this

review, and I take genuine pleasure
in being able to express, in an official
sort of way, the gratitude which
everyone I have talked to lately feels
for Mr. Henderson and the efforts he
has expended in collecting a little of
New York (and in this case London
as well) on his silver platter and
bringing it to us out here in Ann Ar-
--C. Hart Schaaf
Roper Urges
Importance Of
Foreign Trade

YOUR FURS are safest in Zwer-
dling's Fur storage. 31 years of
unexcelled fur service. Phone 8507.
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done in our own shop by experi-
enced operators at moderate rates.
O. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta-
tionary Store, 314 S. State Street.
A.M.S. Inc. 3l1 W. Huron
Phone 2-3267

LOST WHITE and tan cocker spaniel
puppy. Child's pet. Reward for
return. Call 7184.

Need Should Be Basis Of
Commerce With Other
. Countries. He Says
BOSTON, May 20. - (A') - Empha-
sizing the importance of foreign trade,
Daniel C. Roper, secretary of com-
merce, today declared his conviction
"that greater study must be given
to the specific requirements of for-
eign countries." Roper spoke before
a gathering of manufacturers, ex-
porters and importers at a Foreign
Trade Week gathering.
"We must think," he continued,
"more in terms of what they need
and not so much in terms of how
we can dispose ,of our surpluses. Our
trade relations with other nations
must be developed on a cultural as
well as an economic basis.
"As a means of promoting better
international relations generally, we
must cultivate an appreciation of the
civilizations of other peoples and in-
culcate a sympathetic understanding
of their problems and activities among
widening circles of our people.
"The United States already has a
large equity in the economic future
of other nations. We have invested
in the four corners of the earth sev-
eral billions of dollars. Much of this
total, which many believe lost, can
be regained over a period of years if
our approach to the difficult task is
directed with wisdom and discrim-
"We cannot advance progressively
along these lines if we are entirely
nationalistic. Neither can we com-
pletely reverse the present situation
in one or two years.
'"Those of our citizens who have
actually invested cash in the obliga-
tions of other countries or in their
expanding industries cannot be pro-
tected unless we listen to the voice
of reason in foreign trade relations."
BROOKLYN, N. Y., May 18. -(")
- The record-smashing Douglas air-
liner, piloted by D. W. (Tommy) Tom-
linson and Joseph Bartels, soared
away from Floyd Bennett field at
12:18 p.m. daylight saving time today
to attack more world speed marks.

Succumbs T o
Cycle Mshap
Multitudes Of Messages,
Express Grief; Funeral'
Will Be Simple
WOOL, Eng., May 20 -(A')- Mes-
sages from many lands poured into
this rural community today express-
ing sorrow at the death of the color-
ful "Lawrence of Arabia."
Despite his acclaim throughout the
empire, the funeral of Col. Thomas
E. Lawrence. who emerged from haz-
ardous wartime adventures only to
be fatally injured in a cycling acci-
dent, will be extremely simple in keep-
ing with his wish.
It will take place tomorrow in the
village church at Moreton, near the
cottage where Lawrence sought se-
clusion under his adopted name, T. E.
Only a few friends, government
representatives, and members of the
family will be beside the graves of Mr.
and Mrs. Knowles, parents of his
man-servant and friend, Pat Knowles.
The funeral arrangements ban
flowers and official mourning. It
may be that there will not even be
military honors for the man credited
with assuring almost singlehandedly
the success of Great Britain's Near
Eastern campaign in the World War.
The press heaped eulogies on the
"uncrowned king of Arabia," as a
genius and scholar who rated with
Gen. Gordon, hero of Khartum.
"The vague memory of this un-
crowned king will endure as one
wonders about our days when the very
names of men who seemed at the
time so much more important lie bur-
ied forever in the dust of oblivion,"
said the News Chronicle.
Viscount Allenby, Lawrence's com-
manding officer in Palestine, said he
gave his aide a free hand in Arabia
and that Lawrence "delivered the
goods" for Great Britain.

STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
V. V. McNitt Will
Visit Ann Arbor
V. V. McNitt, donor of the annual
McNaught awards in the journalism
department, and head of the Mc-
Naught publications, will visit Ann
Arbor this week, it was announced
yesterday by Prof. John L. Bruinm,
chairman of the department of jour-
nalism. It is hoped that he will be
able to attend the presentation cere-
The awards consist of a gold medal
for the best four year scholarship
record in the department, a silver
medal for the best editorial writing,
and a bronze award for the best rec-
ord in newswriting among students
on the Michigan Journalist, labora-
tory publication of the department.
The recipients of the awards will be
chosen upon the arrival of Mr. Mc-
Nitt, it was announced by Professor
MADRID, May 18.-(P) -)A radio
dispatch from Dakar, Senegal, today
reported that Juan Ignacio Pombo,
Spanish aviator who is flying to Mex-
ico by easy stages, had been forced
down at Saint Louis by an over-
heated motor.
The dispatch failed to state whether
he had resumed his flight,
f. .f


Adult class every Thur
eve. at 8 p.m. Private
bssons daily, 10 to 10
Wuerth Theater Bldg.
Phone 5695

I, -


Louis Graveure Assets
To Go On Auction Bloch
LANSING, May 20. - (T) - The
raucous voice of an auctioneer will
chant Saturday over the souvenirs
and musical library of Louis Graveure,
internationally famous singer.
The personal effects of Graveure,
who once surprised the musical world
by changing his voice from baritone to
tenor and who now is in Berlin mak-
ing talking pictures, will be sold to
satisfy storage costs. They have lain
in a warehouse here for four years.
Graveure's treasures are a mystery,
for the most part, to the man who
will offer them for sale -George L.
Walt, who was the foreman of the
grand jury which investigated state
affairs last summer. Walt is presi-
dent of the Lansing Storage Co.,
which stored a dozen heavily packed
boxes for Graveure.

Balcony Evenings


DAILY 15c TO 6 P.M.

Ednund Gwenn
w « in J. B. Priestly's Exciting Comedy

35c Main Floor Evenings
Shows at 2:00 -3:24 -7:00 -9:02

l.A l kifft %^ft s





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