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February 19, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-19

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AY, FEBRUARY 19, 1935



. . .... .... ... -





luction Will Present Farce
o'red:Irunets Interstate Basketball Games
Are Possession Of t_01.:_ rfL

Comedy To Be,

Ar'4F'Z A Af-h

7~1 11

Second Pla Y_
What is probably the finest col-
Midsuinm er Night's Dream letion of four musical instruments
Is Combined Effort Of in actual use today is in the posses-
Ision of the Gordon String Quartet,
Music, Drama Group which is to play a concert at 8:15
Play Production will open the dra- p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, in Hill Au-
matic season for the second semester ditorium.
with two majo'r presentations 'in Realizing that every stringed in-
March, Valentine B. Windt, director, strumeit varies in the subtlest way
stated yesterday. from every other, the members of the
The first offering will be Jules Ro- Gordon String Quartet have chosen
main's satirical French farce "Doctor their instruments to match each other
Knock," which will be presented Wed- exactly. The result is an unparalleled
nesday through Saturday, March 6 purity and beauty of tone and a high
to 9, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- aggregate of insurance premiums.
ter. Mr. Gordon's violin is the famous
The School of Music and Play Pro- instrument formerly known by the+
duction will combine on the second name of its possessor, Tom Taylor,
presentation and give an "elaborate one of the ten most perfect Strad-
production" of Shakespeare's "A Mid- ivari in the world, made by the master
summer Night's Dream," which will in 1731, when he was 90 ybars of
appear the week of March 25, at the age. Among those who have used it
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. are Paganini, Ludwig Spohr and Jo-
"Doctor Knock," according to Mr. seph Joachim. It was purchased for
Windt, is broadly satirical and hum- $40,000..
orous and takes the medical profes- Ralph Silverman, the quartet's sec-
sion for "a grand and glorious ride." ond violinist, plays an instrument
He further stated that the play be- made by Nicola Amati, the teacher
longs to the cartoon type of comedy of Stradivarius. It is appraised at
and is a decided deviation from other between $20,000 and $25,000.!
Play Production work. "It is typical- Paul Robyn plays a viola made by
ly continental in flavor and humor, Gasparo de Salo, the founder of the
but has a universal appearl," the di- renowned Cremona school of violin
rector said. makers. It's value is $25,000. Nahoum
The play has been presented in Benditzky's cello is one of the best
England and the United States as known of those made by Guadag-
well as in France. nini. It was formerly a part of the
The entire University Orchestra Rudolph Wurlitzer collection and is
will accompany the Shakespearean worth between $25,000 and $30,000.
comedy and there will be a chorus 6f


Basketball like so many other sports
is dynamic. The latest technique per-
mitting lateral guarding over the
player and ball providing there is no
contact will be in evidence in the
intorclass basketball games.
The season will open with practice
games at 4:15 today in Barbour Gym-
nasium and will close March 17
when the winning team will play a
demonstration game against North
Central Teachers' College, Mount
Pleasant. Any student proficient in!
this sport is invited to practices.
This new type of guarding incor-
norated in the game in 1933 makes
for faster passing and shooting. The
rule places a premium on the de-I
fence; hence, the scores are lower,
than ever before.;
The swift game of today has pro-
gressed a long way from the basket-
ball formulated in 1812 by Dr. James
Naismith of the Y.W.C. College in
Springfield, Mass. in answer to the
need for a competitive indoor game.
Peach Baskets Used
Originally the equipment consisted l
of peach baskets suspended 10 feetl
above the floor for goals and a foot-
ball instead of the round ball now
used. The ball tossed into the center
of the court by an official was rushed
I4-1N If ' Ii

by the players lined up at either
At first a team was composed of
from nine to fifty players, but the
number was gradually reduced to five
Players for men and to six to nine for
The characteristics of the basket-
ball as it is now played were estab-
lished by 1894. The game, immediate-
ly taken over by women, was modified
to suit their needs.
Corierenve held

L7IlflhI I

Keen dissatisfaction arising from O a and Mrs. Harley A. Haynes.
the fact that scarcely any two edu- Others are Dr. and Mrs. James D.
cational institutions for women fol- Bruce, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Fralick,
lowed the same rules was remedied Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtis, Dr. Albert
in 1899 at the Physical Education Baorrett, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ed-
Conference. Springfield, Mass. ; munds, Dr. and Mrs. Udo Wile, Dr.
and Mrs. Rollo McCotter, Dr. and
An investigation committee ap- Mrsd Chalmers Lyons, Dr. and Mrs.
pointed at this conference drew up MDs.dCowier yns. Dr amps
the first basketball rules for women. Dr. and Mrs. John Sundwall, Dr. and
Courts were marked off into three Mrs. Louis Newburgh, Dr. and Mrs.
instead of two divisions, snatchingHorsLuiLewiga Dr. and Mrs
and batting the ball was eliminated. Howard B. Lewis, and' Dr. and Mrs
and a single bounce was substituted Robert Gesell.
for the dribble.
Minor changes have been made
year by year since this conference.
one of the most important of which
has been the new guarding rule. Therc
is a tendency, according to Miss Laure
Campbell, professor of physical edu-
cation to revert to two court basket-
ball. Our Entire Stock of

farch 6-91
Plans Announced
For Medic Dance
Further plans for the Caduceus
Dance, have recently been announced
by Edward Weinman, '35M.
Patrons for the affair are President
and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean
and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
Walter B. Rea, Dr. and Mrs. Albert
W. Furtsenberg, Dr. and Mrs. Fred-
erick G. Novy, Dr. and Mrs. Carl E.
Badgley, Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Weller,
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Soule. Dr. and
Mrs. F. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Hodges. Dr. and Mrs. Max Peet, Dr.
and Mrs. Frederick A. Coller, Dr.
and Mrs. Cyrus C. Sturgis, and Dr.


and His
fornerly of the D.A.C.
Union Blroom
March 1-9,30 o1.30
'wk e/s' 'iiay be obtained from
Coininittee Members and at the Union.

I I,


picke voices from the music school
providing a background of choral
work for the play. The dance ar-
rangements will be devised by the De-
partment of Physical Education, ac-
cording to Wr. Windt.
This production will also be quite
unique, according to Mr. Windt, in
that heretofore the combined groups
have staged operettas. Last spring
Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gondo-
liers" was presented and last fall "Io-
lanthe," an operetta by the same com-
poser, wAs given.
Tickets for both productions are
priced at 75, 50 and 35 cents. Mr.
Windt said that mail orders will be
receivable now at the Laboratory
Theater and tickets for both plays
will be placed on box office sale at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Mon-
day, March 4.
Frosh Frolic
Tickets GoOn
Tickets for the Frosh Frolic, to be
held March 15 at the Union, will go
on sale at noon today, Walter True,
general chairman said last night.
They will be priced at $2 and the sale
will be limited to 325.
The sale will be open only to fresh-
men until March 8, but the remaining
tickets will be put on general sale
after that date, True said.
Tickets for the annual underclass
dance will be on sale at the Union
and may also be obtained from the
following committee members: Ed-
ward Foote, Louis Hoffman, S. Mar-
shall Smith, Frances Ready and Mar-
garet Curry. John Luecht and Paul
Henning, whose names were omitted
from a previous list, are co-chairmen
of the invitations committee.
Announcement of the band will be
made later this week, True said.
Where To G
French Motion Pictures: "L'ami
Fritz" (in French), 4:15 p.m. and 8:30
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Motion Pictures: Whitney, "One
Exciting Adventure" with Binnie
Barnes and "Sing Sing Nights" with
Conway Terle; Wuerth, "Little Wom-
en" with Katherine Hepburn; Majes-
tic, "Rumba" with George Raft;
Michigan, "The Iron Duke" with
George Arliss.
Exhibitions: Exhibitions of Persian
miniature paintings, open from 2 to
5 p.m. daily, South Gallery, Alumni
Memorial Hall.
Dancing: Hut Cellar.
POTTSVILLE, Pa., Feb. 18. - (A) -
Leonard Krakowsky, 02 years old, was
called to the stand as a witness in a
damage suit.
"Do you know what would happen
if you did not tell the truth?" asked
the plaintiff's attorney seeking to
establish the boy's competency.
"Sure," Leonard replied, "we'd lose
the case." He was qualified.
' , a

Dr. Raymond Hoekstra of the phi-
losophy department discussed "Reli-
gious Values" at the student meet-
ing which was held Sunday night in
Harris Hall. The meeting was at-
tended by students and adults.

Comedy Club Tryouts -
BERLIN, Feb. 18. - UP) - Reichs -
: fueher Adolf Hitler tociay announcedl
All people interested in technical the construction of a German auto-
tryouts for Comedy Club are to meet mcile with "the least imaginablc
in the Garden Room of the League at fuel consumption."
2:00 p.m. today. Mr. Raymon Van Indication that the Reich may soon
Sickle is directing the tryouts. Those seek to export large numbers of low-
accepted will- work on "Why, Minnie' priced cars was given by both Hitler
Boggs!" which will be presented and Robert Allmers, president of the,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb- Automobile Industrialists' League.
ruary 21, 22, and 23, in the Lydia ! Both men addressed the opening et
Mendelssohn Theatre. the International Automobile Show.

Fine Linens, Oriental Objects
of Art, Brasses, Ivories, Rare
Woods. Everything offered
at Drastic Reductions.
Oriental Student
621 East Liberty Street

, ,


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you the mildest smoke, the best- bitter to the taste. I scorn the coarse bottom

Live in FRENCH

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