THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935 Minnesotans Arrive In Alaska's 'Promised Land' * i E *E%3I% 010@ The third May Festival Concertl presented on Friday afternoon a pro-i gram equally as varied as the two preceeding concerts, including thei Chicago Symphony orchestra, the Young People's Chorus, and Ruth Posselt, young American violinist. The Mozart Overture, "Die Entfu- hurng aus dem Serail," scored for a small orchestra, was played by a por- tion of the Chicago Symphony with exquisitely good taste. Delicacy, yet sufficient body of tone, perfection of nuance - all combined to bring to life again the charming small orches- tra of Mozart's time. The Haydn symphony in C major, played later in the program, possessed the same ar- tistry that was shown in the Mozart. The violin and violin-cello cadenza in, the III movement was played with a beauty of tone and interpretation that made it one of the loveliest bits' of music on the program. Eric De- Lamarter, associate conductor of thej Symphony, led the orchestra with a fine sense of tempo, precision, and artistieness. The Young People's Festival Chor- us, under the direction of Miss Juva Higbee, delighted the audience with that charm always present in young voices. Throughout the singing, the children sang with a free, wholly nat- ural tone, though one felt that the, natural flexibility of children's voices might have been used to greater ad- vantage. Miss Posselt, in her playing ofj Tchaikowsky's D"major'concerto, proved herself a young artist worthy of the enthusiasm she has aroused during her musical career. Any young artist having, at the age of 21, the technical foundation possessed by Miss Posselt, should, if she acquires maturity and personal depth, go far in the musical world. -B.B. MARTINELLI, THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, DR. STOCK: Last evening was fun night at the festival. What a keen judgment of I human nature it was that provided it, just when we were looking forward with a little weariness to the remain- ing concerts, and wishing that they might have been scattered over a few weeks. The Bach was refreshing, and we leaned back and floated on the An- dante. The Dohnanyi Suite - nice - but we were a little tired to enjoy it fully and perhaps our fatigue made us hear the ensemble a little astig- matically sometimes. Then came Deems Taylor's "Cir- cus." It is just a bit of tom-foolery.1 Most of it isn't music at all - it doesn't pretend to be. But we loos- ened up, and laughed at having our ribs tickled with all the funny sounds an orchestra can make. Pity the man who is so old that he cannot enjoy Conference Of Pharmacists To Open Thursday Members To Be Greeted By Ruthven; Dr. Jordan Will Be Guest Speaker The fourth annual Pharmaceutical Conference, sponsored by the college of pharmacy, will be held at 2:15 p.m., Thursday, in the Union, Prof. Howard B. Lewis, director of the pharmacy college, announced yester- day. President Alexander G. Ruthven will greet the members of the con- ference in behalf of the University. Dr. Charles B. Jordan, dean of the school of pharmacy at Purdue Uni- versity, will be the guest speaker. His address will be a talk on "Food, Drug and Cosmetic Legislation in Relation to the Retail Pharmacist." Dr. Lewis described Dean Jordan as a forceful speaker who has been -Associated Press Photo. Laden down with.luggage, Minnesotans who have begun settlement of the government-sponsored col- ony in Alaska's Matanuska valley are shown leaving th - trans"ert shit St. Mihiel at Seward, Alaska. From Seward they took a train to their new homes. Comstock To R Governor In 19 LANSING, May 17 -(A')- Former Gov. William A. Comstock will return to the political wars as a gubernator- ial contender next year, according to Horatio Abbott, Democratic na- tional committeeman. Speaking at a banquet for the Democratic women in the Eleanor Roosevelt league here last night, Ab- bott tossed the former governor's hat into the campaign ring with the pre- diction that Comstock would seek the governorship nomination in 1936. There were other political devel- opments here Thursday which also lent strength to reports that Com- stock would try to regain his former position of power after having served one term in the governor's chair. A group of party leaders, all friend- ly to the former executive, conferred with Comstock and Frank A. Picard on tentative plans to place a commit- tee in the field this year, separate and distinct from the state central com- mittee, to direct the 1936 state cam- paign. The object of an independent cam- paign committee, it was indicated at in Again For Prayers Of Faithful )6 bbottIrk Darrow; Chain Says Letters Not So Bad the conference, would be to take theI direction of the campaign out of the I CHICAGO, May 17. - (P) - Clar- hands of State Chairman Elmer B. ence Darrow wishes people would stop O'Hara, who on two recent occasions, praying for his soul. has lashed out at Comstock, Picard But if they must. he would rather and Abbott. they would keep it to themselves and Meanwhile a bill admittedly de- not pester him with letters telling signed to remove O'Hara from the him of their efforts. state chairmanship was on its way At his home today the aging Chi- stat charmanhipwas n it wa cago attorney, who professes no be- through the legislative machinery. It lief in an after life, said the chain would authorize the committee mem- letter fad was nothing compared with bers to call a meeting of the commit- his own recent mail problem. tee to replace the officers. If the It started a month ago when Dar- measure should be enacted and the row celebrated his seventy-eighth former governor was able to muster birthday by reiterating his disbelief enough committee strength to out in orthodox religious doctrines. Four O'Hara, the plan for an independent days later was Easter Monday and campaign committee probably would with it came 200 letters from self- be dropped. appointed well wishers. Don Canfield, secretary of the com- "They all said they were praying mittee, had tentatively agreed to call for my soul," said Darrow. "I've got the committee into session May 22 them working for me day and night. without consulting the state chair- If I am not saved now it'll be my man, for the purpose of discussing own fault." party affairs.I-- Patronage disputes which have O'Hara, were denounced at the Elean- brought the party's troubles into the or Roosevelt league banquet by Pat- open in the past few months with the rick H. O'Brien, former attorney-gen- Comstock forces arrayed against eral. i 1 f f funny noises sometimes. in constant touch with the proposed It is a tribute to Martinelli that the legislation now before Congress and program did not fall to pieces. The has had unusual opportunities to ob- episodic quality, so evident in Wed- tain first hand information on the nesday night's program, was entirely subject. Dr. Jordan is a graduate of missing. When he sang we had that 'the pharmacy college here. wamissng.h enyIt angfeelingd Ehen Prof. Edgar H. Gault of the School warm happy Italian feeling. Even of Business Administration will dis- when the aria was a serious one it did o uiesAmnsrto ilds not pull and tear us. When a thing cuss the "Ethics of Modern Adver- fully and easily expressed is gone, tising." The afternoon session will then we are free. That is how his conclude with a discussion of "Drugs singengwemaesfeer re..atishowisand Nutrition" by Dr. Lewis H. New- singing makes us feel -free. Italian burgh of the University Hospital staff. singing is always festival singing. The evening session will be held at We wonder if there will be any more U:45 p.m. in Room 165 Chemistry great Italian tenors, now that Italian Building. Prof. Hobart H. Willard trains run on time. of the chemistry department will And nowt- our compliments to Dr. address the group on "Ultra-Violet Stock, the ringmaster, to his animals Fluorescence as Applied to Problems and clowns, and to Martinelli, who of Chemistry and Pharmacy." The joined in the circus spirit. lecture will be illustrated with dem- -M.L. onstrations. The NATIONAL vWA TERMA T1C WASH E R No Wringer - Not a Spinner - No Cogs- No Gears - No Clutch - Never Needs Oil or Grease and Uses 50% Less Electricity- $99.50 l . R SCHLENKER BROS. 213 West Liberty vv av v v.aa av" vvv w wv vw wpw ... .. L.M A' Aw6da" Ambdkw A Ambe Amm9w Reach for a Faucet Instead of a Match I ANNOUNCING the opening of HOUSMAN'S PHARMkACY 601 East Liberty ( Next to the Michigan Theater ) Mr. Housman, formerly of Birmingham, has been in the Drug Business since 1912 and takes this opportunity to invite his former friends, as well as his new friends, to make his store their heaquarters. When you are hot, dusty and tired this summer and the thought of a warm, refreshing bath tempts you- Reach for a Faucet Instead of a Match. Let a Special Gas Water Heater do all the work. You won't need to run down stairs and light up-just turn the faucet -hot water is always ready for you. HANDLEY BROWN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER Only- I,73 Down I l lAnd 24 Months To Pay I iII ~Tho Rinnr I II