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May 18, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-18

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SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935

In the Bullst11n is oonstructive notice to all members of the
Soelved at the oftlce of the Assistant to the President
TU: ' .Saturday.

class today. At 6:00 p.m. Guild meets 1 1 A M
at Guild House. George Stroebe olaud M ourns
Grad., wil speak on "The Oxford
Movement." A social hour with re- serv1no
freshments and informal discussion
will follow. ___ s Rie
_ _ _- _ E P11ludsk i tes,

I '

SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935
VOL. XLV No. 167

Notice to Seniors and Graduate
Students: Only six more days remain
after today for the payment of di-
ploma fees and certificate fees.
There can be absolutely no exten-
sion beyond 4 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 22.
The Cashier's Office is closed on
Saturday afternoon.
Shirley W. Smith
Rhodes Scholarships: Male stu-
dents between the ages of 19 and 25
who have spent two years in the Uni-
versity of Michigan, or who apply
from the state in which they have
their residence are eligible for Rhodes
Scholarships. The stipend amounts
to about $2,000 annually. Successful
candidates are expected to study for
two years at Oxford University, and
may be appointed for a third year
either at Oxford or elsewhere. For
further information applicants should
secure blanks from the Secretary of
History Department, Room 119 Haven
Hall, or confer with the chairman
of the committee, Professor Cross,
118 Haven Hall.
Engineering Faculty: The Camp-
bell, Wyant, and Cannon Foundry
Company will have on display today,
some castings of very unusual de-
sign. The special features of these
castings will be of interest particu-
larly to technical men. It is strongly
urged that faculty men of the Engi-
neering College see this display.
Seniors: The observance of the
traditional "Cane Day" will be -Sun-
day, May 19. On this day seniors
start carrying their canes. They may
carry them to church Sunday morn-
ing or after the "Senior Dinners" on
Sunday. Those who have not al-
ready ordered their canes should do
so immediately at Burr Patterson and
Auld Co., the official distributors for
the Senior Literary Class.
Membership in the Interpretive Arts
Society: Any student who wishes to
confer with Professor Hollister con-
cerning membership in this society is
asked to do so at 4:30 to 5:30 on Mon-
day, May 20, or at 3:30, or at 5 on
Wednesday, May 22, in Room 302,
Mason Hall.
To the Members of the Michigan
Wolverine: The Board of the Wolv-
erine has declared that each mem-
bership now has the value of $2 and
requests that all members call for
their refund before June 1,r1935.JAll
memberships not called for by June
1, will be written off.
May Festival concerts will take
place as follows:
Fifth Concert, Saturday, May 18,
2:30 o'clock:
Tableau Musical, "Baba Yaga,"
Op. 56.................Liadow
Symphony After Byron's "Man-
fred," B minor, Op 58, Tchaikowsky
Manfred Wandering in the Alps
The Fairy of the Alps
The Underground Palace of
Concerto in F minor for Piano and
Orchestra, Op. 21, No. 2..... Chopin
Allegro vivace
Josef Lhevinne
Frederick Stock, conductor.
Sixth Concert, Saturday, May 18,
8:15 o'clock:
"Boris Godunof" (Original
Version) ............ Moussorgsky
An opera in a Prologue of Four Acts
Period, 1598-1605; Locale, Russia
and Poland
Boris Godunof, The Tsar........
.................Maxim Panteleieff

Feodor, his son .......... Hope Eddy
Xenia, his daughter.... Dorothy Park
Prince Vassili Ivanovich Shuisky,
his adviser and
accomplice ...... Paul Althouse
Andrei Schelkalof, Secretary
of the Council ...... Wilbur Evans
Pimen, a monk and
chronicler ........ Theodore Webb
The Pretender, a novice in
Pimen's care .......Paul Althouse
Marina Mnishek, daughter of the
Lord of Sandomir .. Myrtle Leonard
Rangoni, a Jesuit
priest ............ Theodore Webb
Varlaam, a vagabonrd .. Wilbur Evans
Missail, a vagabond ...... Mark Bills
Nikitich, a police
officer ............ Wilbur Evans
Mitiukha, a peasant . . .Wilbur Evans
The Boyar in Attend-
ance .............. Wilbur Evans
Lavitsky, a Jesuit .......Mark Bills
Chernikofsky, a Jesuit .. .Mark Bills
Boyars, Guards, Officers, Polish
Noblemen and Ladies, Sando-

mir Girls, the Muscovite People
etc... ..University Choral Union1
Earl V. Moore, conductor.
The public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early, as to be
seated on time. Doors will be closed
during numbers. Holders of season
tickets are respectfully reminded to
detach coupons before leaving home
and to present for admission, only the
ticket for the respective concert. Traf-
fic regulations will be enforced under
the direction of the Ann Arbor police
department. Persons leaving the
auditorium during intermission will
please present their ticket stubs for
re-admission. Cordial cooperation
on the part of guests in connection'
with these simple matters, will be
greatly appreciated by the University
Musical Society and the Buildings
and Grounds Department of the Uni-
versity as well as the police depart-
ment, to the end that confusion of all
sorts may be avoided.
The Ann Arbor Art Association an-
nounces an exhibition of etchings and
drawings by Dr. Warren P. Lombard
and an international exhibition of
children work, Alumni Memorial Hall,
May 16 to June 1.
Events Today
Federal Housing will be discussed
at 10 o'clock by G. J. DeGelleke, ar-
chitect, of Milwaukee. The meeting
will be open to all interested in the
subject, and will be held in Room 346,
Architectural Building.
Mixed Field Hockey The game be-
tween the Lawyers' Club and the
W.A.A. will be played on Palmer
Field at 3 p.m. Spectators will be
Coming Events
Alpha Gamma Sigma: Important
meeting Monday at 7:45, at the
League. Election of officers makes
attendance compulsory.
Sigma Delta Chi will hold a special
supper meeting at 6:15 p.m. Monday
at the Union for members and guests.
Subject for general discussion will be
the Newspaper Guild of America.
Druids: Very important meeting on
Sunday, 5 p.m., in the Chapter Room.
Essential that everyone be present.
Genessee Club: Short business
meeting on Sunday, May 19, 4:30, in
the Union. Officers for next year will
be elected,. so members please be pres-
Harris Hall, Sunday:
Regular student meeting in Harris
Hall at 7 p.m. Mr. Lewis will lead
the discussion. All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are:
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m. -Church School.
11:00 a.m. -Kindergarten.
11:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer and
Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W.
5:00 p.m.- Young People's Fel-
lowship meeting in Harris Hall. Mr.
Leonard Andrews of the University
High School will lead the discussion.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Sun-
9:45 a.m.- A class for young men
and women of college age meets in
the balcony of the church auditorium.
For the remaining Sundays of the
semester, Dr. Roy Burroughs will lead
discussions on "Faith Cures for Eco-
nomic Misery."
10:45 a.m.-- Morning worship serv-
ice. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chosen
as a sermon subject' for Education
Sunday, "Feeling At Home."
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Are, Sunday:

7:00 a.m. - Kappa Phi Methodist
Girls' Club. This will be one of most
significant meetings of the year.
Formal initiation and installation of
new officers will take place at Stalker
Hall at 7 o'clock. This ceremony will
be followed by the traditional Senior
Breakfast at 8 o'clock. Seniors are
requested to appear in academic robes.
The members will sit together in
church later in the morning. It is'
urged that every girl be present at
all of these important functions.
12:10 p.m.-The noon class for
young people has been discontinuedC
for the semester.
6:00 p.m.-Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Hour. Dean James B. Edmon-
son will speak on "Your Contribution
To Community Betterment." Fellow-
ship supper hour after the program.
Roger Williams Guild: No noon

First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m. - Worship and sermon,
Mr. Sayles, "The Enlarging Concep-!
tion of God."
9:30 a.m. - Church School.
9:45 a.m. -Dr. Waterman's Class
at Guild House.
Appointments of the Disciples
(Church of Christ) Guild, Sunday:
10:45 a.m. --Morning worship serv-
12:00 noon-Upper Room Bible
Class taught by Rev. Pickerill.
1:00 p.m. - All interested in at-I
tending the dinner at the League may{
do so by purchasing a ticket, priceI
50 cents. Dr. Palmer of Chicago is
to be the speaker. The dinner is

500,000 Attend Funeral
In Warsaw; Many Nations
Honor Dictator
WARSAW, May 17 -(P)- Poland
today paid final tribute to the man
many called the greatest of moderns
Poles, Marshal Josef Pilsudski.
A distinguished gathering of Polish
and foreign notables packed St.
John's Cathedral for funeral services,
while outside humbler admirers of the
dead dictator waited in close pressed
throngs in the vain hope of viewing
his body.

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be "
ly r

sored by the Council of Religion. Several mourners suffered broken
30 p.m. -Social and tea. arms in the tremendous crush outside
30 p.m.-Discussion meeting, the cathedral, where Pilsudski's body
c, "The School Year in Perspec- lay in state. Many others fainted or
"1 -suffered minor injuries. Despite
30 p.m. - Evening worship serv- steady rain, it was estimated 500,000
All friends and members of the persons had come to Warsaw from
I are cordially invited to attend. the provinces.
Church bells tolled mournfully
rngregational Church, Sunday: throughout the republic at the hour
nified service of worship and re- set for the funeral services, and mem-
us instruction at 10:30 a.m. Dr. bers of Pilsudski's family, President
rt W. Palmer, president of Chi- Ignace Moscicki, cabinet ministers,
Theological Seminary, will be representatives of foreign govern-
guest-speaker. His subject will ments and others filed into the
The Meaning and Value of Hu- cathedral.
Personality." Prof. Preston will l Conspicuous in the procession forf
ire on "The Evolution of Reli- j the special protection given it was the
," speaking on "Religion and the automobile of Gen. Hermann Wilhelm
nomic Problem." Goering, German air minister. Police
. .a had orders to guard against any at-
rmnity Lutheran Church, E. Wil- tempt on his life.
orat S. Fifth Ave. Henry . Yoder, Other prominent foreigners, among
unday morning worship, 10:30 them Foreign Minister Pierre Laval,
,with sermon by the pastor on o rne n ila .Biit
s Greatest Happiness." r United States ambassador to Moscow
sand President Roosevelt's special rep-
resentative for the funeral, also were
refoot Engineer closely watched by secret police.
A requiem mass was read by Cardi-
9icketS Elements; nal Kakowski while the Poznan
church choir chanted. Bishop Gaw-
No A ction Planned lina, of the Polish army Pilsudski
headed as minister of war, delivered
he wave of rugged individualism the funeral sermon.
ch occasionally strikes. at various After Cardinal Kakowski said "We,
s of Ann Arbor and causes such herewith take a solemn oath to love
nomena as missing scout cars, our motherland, Poland, as only you,
away ambulances and one-man Marshal Pilsudski, loved it," army
ce strikes arrived in full force at officers took the coffin from the base
engineering school Thursday. on which it rested and turned it over
gentleman, wearing a slide rule to the cabinet ministers, who bore
his heart, proceeded out from the it out of the church.
entrance of the West Engineering
ding. He cast a disparaging look There were no military bands,
it him at the torrents of rain though muffled drums mingled their
the exceedingly muddy terrain. roll with the clatter of horses' hoofs
ing down on the doorstep he calm- and the loud weeping of the masses
emoved his shoes and stockings, outside.


STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x

Abe Zwerdling, "35, Varsity debater
and member of Delta Sigma Rho,
national speech fraternity, yesterday
won the Hillel Foundation men's ora-
torical contest held in Chicago under
the sponsorship of the Covenant Club.
Zwerdling, who spoke on "The Jews
in Social Progress," was presented
with a silver loving cup after the
The women's contest was won by
the Illinois entrant. Harriet Kessel-
man, '35, the Michigan representa-
tive, spoke on "Contributions of the
Jews to Civilization."
In addition to the Michigan and
Illinois delegates, contestants were
entered by Northwestern, Wisconsin
and Ohio.
Alpha Tau Omega recently held
election of officers for next year. Wil-
liam Fleming, '37, was made worthy
master, Donald Patterson, '37, chap-
lain, Burton Miller, '37, usher, and
Sam Maxwell, '37, was reelected
house manager, Tom Clarke, '37,
keeper of the annals, and William
Milne, '36, secretary.

and with a transit under one arm
and a sketching board under the other
he went gaily on his way.
No action will be taken, according
to Chief of Police Lewis W. Fohey.
,Durell Gives Final
Vocational Lecture
Miss Marian Durrell, director of,
nursing of the University, emphasized
the new demands upon nurses Wed-
nesday when she discussed nursing
with students of the literary school
who are interested in it as a vocation
in the last of the Vocational Lecture
More recently, she said, nurses have
assumed the duties of doctors in such
tasks as taking blood pressure, taking
temperatures, and injecting hypo-
demics. Too, nurses are required to
be more proficient in making reports
to doctors, to keep the patient in fine
mental health, and to be constantly
watching for poor health conditions
in their social work, she said.
"A spirit of service seems to me es-
sential," Miss Durrell said. "I do not
think anyone should go into nursing
without that spirit."
Miss Durell stated that personality'
was perhaps the best asset a nurse
may have. Other qualities desirable
for aspirant nurses are health, vigor,
adaptability, and perserverance, she
Miss Durell intimated that nursing
schools are tending to stiffen their
requirements for admission.
Juniors in the School of Forestry'
and Conservation were offered em-
ployment yesterday, as assistant tech-
nicians at $1,620 per year in the
Michigan State Emergency Conserva-
tion Work camps, according to a
dispatch from George A. Young, in
charge of the Michigan E.C.W.
Those interested were advised to
forward applications promptly to Mr.
Young, 522 Mutual Building, Lan-

An impressive funeral cortege,
which took two and one-half hours
to pass, carried the coffin to the air-
field five miles away; where 60,000
mourners, chiefly delegations from
schools and societies, had been wait-
ing for hours. Rain that fell during
the morning gave place to bright sun-
shine as the procession started.
After regiments of infantry, caval-
ry and artillery, which needed an hour
to pass, came wreaths from foreign
missions, three of them representing
America. They were those sent in
behalf of President Roosevelt, the
American army and the Kosciusko
Escadrille, which fought under Pil-
sudski against the Bolshevists.
Officers carrying Pilsudski's many
decorations on velvet pillows followedI
French and Rumanian officers carry-
ing his decorattons from those coun-
Maher Finds New
Cure For Disease
NORWICH, Conn., May 16 --IP)-
The successful treatment of asthma,
epilepsy, chorea and dementia prae-
cox through the oral application of
the killed progeny of the tubercle
bacillus probably for the first time,
was declared today by Dr. Stephen J.
Maher, internationally known author-
ity on tuberculosis.
Dr. Maher disclosed his laboratory
experiments and described typical
cases which had reacted favorably to
his treatment, in a paper before the
State Tuberculosis Conference at the
sanitarium Uncas-On-Thames here.


Last Day
"Man Who Reclaimed
His Head"
"Sweet Adeline"








After a gay afternoon at the
Spring Festival, let yourself
drift along in the atmosphere
of soft lights with Al Cowan's
Melodies ... Friday, Saturday



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