PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SIX THE MICHiGAN DAILY Text Book Is Completed By Prof. James Physical Environment Of World Is Presented In V-. . r* a. - 0 +MU S IC Appear In Festival 1 The Forty-Second Annual May Fes-1 tival opened in dill Auditorium last evening before a gay and receptive audience with a program of typical interpretativeStudy festival variety and a group of inter- estingly contrasted artistic person- I A new geography, presenting a new alities.E interpretative study of the physical Dr. Stock's kindly and genial yet environment in the world today, has dignified spirit is ideally suited to' been completed by Prof. Preston E. the role of festival conductor. To us James of the geography department, who have seen him return year after and the first copies of the book will be year on festival occasions he is a off the press at the end of this month. symbol of the permanence of this an- s The "Outline of Geography" has nually recurring event. Then there been designed for use in colleges, is Howard Hanson, the vigorous andl and will be employed here at the Uni- gifted American composer who hasr versity in the elementary courses in twice given us the fun of world pre-f geography starting next fall. It in- mieres. He adds a special importance; cludes a new type of map which uses to the festival. On occasions likeT the widely-recognized "physiographic this the fun is more for having somer method" of representing landscapes. strangers with whom we may become' These maps were drawn by Prof. Er- acquainted and who will bring in win J. Raisz of Harvard University pleasant surprises in the form of new, who spode here last month. voices and personalities. Helen Jep-i The book marks a departure from son; young Metropolitan soprano,f the old method of studying each set played this part last evening. Last,E of geographical phenomena separate- ly, and analyzes all the vast varieties of landforms, plants, animals, and human communities in regard to their mutual arrangement on the earth. The preface of the book outlines this basic viewpoint: "The face of the earth itself is made up of a mosaic of spaces, each space being composed of a complex of ele- ments grouped together in intricate and intimate relationship. In detail these spaces are what we call 'land- scapes'; in a broader way, they are regions' in which more general com- binations of phenomena may be ob- served. The face of the earth can be made the subject of description, classification and interpretation. This we maintain to be the general field of geography." Commenting on the book and its new point of view on the study of geography, Prof. Stanley Dodge of the geography department states: "Few books have been written un- der the new scheme; indeed, very lit- tle work has been done at all. This present beginning of a rational or- dering of the data of geography de- serves, I think, the careful considera- tion of those who are looking for a way through the maze of geographi- cal facts." THE SCREEN AT THE MAJESTIC DOUBLE FEATURE "IT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK" and "LADIES LOVE DANGER" At last a murder mystery with some originality in it! "Ladies Love Danger" does not have a haunted house as its setting. And even though it does take place in New York, there is not a sign of a gangster. Instead of the commonplace incidents and customary blah that one associates with the detection of a movie mur- der, there is a delightfully coquetish heroine (Mona Barrie), who sprinkles the picture with humor and person- ality and helps, as well as hinders, the hero, who is, of all things, a play- wright (Gilbert Roland). "Ladies Love Danger" is no wonder picture by a long shot, but it is an amusing, entertaining relief from the usual run of murder mysteries. There is no end of melodrama, but it is pretty well sugar-coated and not hard to take at all. "It Happened in New York" would be much better in the cutting room than on the screen in spite of its few passable scenes. It is the story of a movie star (Gertrude Michael) look- ing for a vacation in Europe. Before she sails, however, she is supposed to show up for a premiere of her latest picture. She is to be escorted by a hired prince (for publicity), but in- stead develops a desire for a taxi driver (Lyle Talbot) in whose cab she left her Pekinese. The cab driver has a jealous girl friend (Heather Angel), and the movie star loses a $100,000 diamond which is stolen by accomplices of the prince. This situa- tion finally irons itself out, and if you are interested in seeing every- one in the cast overact it badly, it's your hour to waste. Remember, you were warned. -C.B.C. but perhaps most of all, there is the chorus which forms the central and abiding spirit of the festival and which is the true creator of the festi- val spirit. After hearing the program last eve- ning we might seriously ask whether it is necessary to sacrifice the unity of a program in the cause of festival variety. The whole was episodic. When it was over we felt that many 1 things had happened, but that it was not, in its totality, satisfactory. The program got underway with the second Leonore Overture, a work which in itself is quite satisfying. Inspection By U. S. Officers To End Today War Department Review Of Whole Regiment Will Be Held At 5 P.M. The annual War Department in- spection of the University R.O.T.C.' will culminate today in a review and inspection of the entire regiment to be held at 5 p.m. on Ferry Field. Major James A. Stevens, command- ant of Infantry at the R.O.T.C. last summer, accompanied by Capt. Ken- neth C. Stice of the Signal Corps, will make the inspection of the regi- ment. The unit will be at full strength including the Varsity-R.O. T.C. band. More than 600 men make up the personnel of the 12 companies. Following the regimental parade the senior members of the unit are to be guests of honor at a banquet giv- en by the Ann Arbor Army and Navy Club. Invitations to this banquet have also been issued to members of the headquarters staff of the Mich- igan Reserve District at Detroit, the President of the Michigan Reserve Officers Association, the commanding officers of the various reserve units to which the graduating class will be assigned and ranking officers of the army, according to Dr. Carleton B. Pierce of the medical school, captain in the Medical Reserve and president of the local Army and Navy Club. Officers of the University R.O.T.C. and members of the department of military science and tactics will also entertain the inspecting officers and invited guests at a special luncheon today at the Michigan Union. The representatives of the War Depart- ment will be on the campus, inspect- ing all classes of the military depart- ment, until Friday noon. Myers Leaves For New York Meeting Prof. George E. Myers of the edu- cational school will leave today for New York City where he will attend a meeting of the American Council of Guidance and Personnel Associa- tions. Professor Myers is one of three rep- resentatives of the National Vocation- al Guidance Association on the Coun- cil, the other two being professors from Harvard and Columbia. However, there was something incon- gruous in being thrown from such an; Overture as this into the Aria from Pagliacci which Miss Jepson sang. Of the Sowerby we may say thatj it was the musical equivalent to dull,, endless stretches of prairie. Miss Jep- son, who followed with the Massinet Aria "Pleurez, mes yeux" from "Le Cid," did something to relieve this general flatness. The high point of the evening was reached in Hanson's, songs from "Drum Taps." In it one senses an ap- proach to a distinctively American music. The work frequently struck fire. In "By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame," Mark Bills, student in the school of} music did some very sensitive and beautiful solo work: Miss Jepson closed the program with two Arias from Puccini. She is possessed of a clear and easily flowing soprano voice which delight- ed her listeners and obvious personal gifts which add to the attraction of her music. She was called back for repeated encores. To look forward for a moment - two of the greatest works of the festi- val are still before us, the "King Dav- id," of Honegger; and the Boris God- unoff" of Moussorgsky. These mark the festival as a preeminently choral event. Dr. Moore has conducted the choral union in both before, but they are works of such stature that one hearing creates anticipation of an- other. We look forward to one of the greatest choral seasons of festi-' val history. -Marian Lundquist. Dr. Benson To Take Post At California U. Assistant Mammal Curatort Will Hold Similar Jobt At Berkeley The picture of American youth, di- ophy, just how is he going to go ploma in hand, with a determined about the task of getting a job. eye on the future, is one typical of We approach businessmen with the advertising portraits in popular mag- question, "What would you advise the azines, and is one painted by com- job-seeking graduate, just out of l mencement speakers at graduation college and with no 'pull' to do about i getting started in his chosen field - exercises from Harvard down to the a start at the very bottom which, is grammar school at Podunk Corners. oftentimes hard to find?" It is a picture built up by the phi- There was general agreement that losophy of America (or at least the the graduate lcoking for a job who pre-depression philosophy) that the has no connection at all, is at a dis- youth of the United States was pre- advantage. A distinction is drawn pared to go out and take the world between "pull" and a "connection." by storm. The former denotes some manner in American youth may put on a bold ; which the way is smoothed out so that front, but according to the business- the graduate gets a job because his men who receive them, they are not father, or uncle, or neighbor,or some- at all as sure of themselves as the body is somebody. A "connection," on effrontery they put forth would indi, the other hand, is only an intro- Cate. The school has in a way caused'duction into the field - a knowledge the student to build up a false 'sense of the setup of the concern, a tip as to the right man to see, and pos- of security. Education is built on a sibly an introduction to the person system that allows one to proceed in charge. All of which is of no ad- on the basis of the previous year's vantage, other than it is a short cut record, and only on that basis. The in. MYRTLE LEONARD, PAUL ALTHOUSE Reveal Un iverlsity As Source Of 'Man On Flying Trapeze' Among its other claims to fame, the University can now call itself the source of the "Man on the Flying Trapeze," a story in the remote an- cestor to The Daily for Oct. 13, 1883,1 reveals. Gradate Due"othe employment office is a place to be Graduates Due For Setback avoided, because ultimately all hir- SThe college graduate that leaves ing is done there. Unless, however, school with the idea that the business one just happens to hit the office or professional world is going to re- when they want a man along his line, ceive him with the same kindly greet- it is sort of a useless job. In a ma- ing, is due for a severe setback. Bus- jority of cases, the request for a job inessmen have been strong in the to be filled comes down from men in conviction that the college man must charge of various departments with a remember that he is only a beginner definite recommendation that a cer- in a new field, and that past records., tain individual be hired. The rec- good or bad, make him no more than that. - Perhaps this idea was best ex- pressed by a recent statement made A R BOR SPR I by W. L. Abbott. chairman of theyk committee on relations with colleges Brings To You The Tast of the American Society of Mechan- ORDER A C ical Engineers. "The schools andOR RAC their productsare betternow than Delivered to your home in cases or six they ever were before," Mr. Abbott PHONE 8270 FOR said, "and their graduates are fit to learn to take their places in the ARBOR SPRIN business and professional world. I 416 West Huron would not undertake to train an un- educated man for a position of re- sponsibility. I would instead engage an educated man and give him the conditions and opportunity and in- centive in which he would grow if he liked his work and the prospect." Training No Substitute S u Even stronger in his enunciation is Merle A. Yockey, a leading accountant i Dr. Seth B. Benson, assistant cur- In the "Chronicle" for that date, ator of the zoology Museum mammal predecessor of the "Yellow and Blue," division, will take a post next year which in turn gave way to The Daily,; i .s told the story of "Sint Slopson and with the University of California, at tthe sto o f " ibutedps a the Sack of Sand," contributed by a Berkley, Dr. Lee R. Dice, curator, an- freshman. The story is sufliciently, nounced yesterday. I similar to the present day ballad tol Dr. Benson, who leaves the Univer- be its father's uncle, or at least a near sity July 1, will become assistant cur- ancestor. ator of mammals in the California Sim, it seems, escorted Sukey Potts, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Al- the belle of Nubbin Ridge, to the h hhe will not go to Berkeley Punkinville County Fair, where Su- directly, his work in the field will key was smitten, not by a trapezist, start as soon as he leaves the Mu- but by the "airynawt," Professor Ni- sest shere.v-lini, the balloonist. Sim, to whom .she was promised, grew worried, and Dr. Benson has been here for more dragged her off to Preacher Plunket than a year, coming from the Uni- Ito "git hitched." There, just as the versity of California in the first place. ceremony was about to take place," At present, he and Mrs. Benson are a dark thick ,shadow fell over them, making a tour of eastern museums and a thunderbolt straight from hea- and are expected to return next week. ven struck Sim senseless to the earth. While Dr. Benson's successor has Professor Nilini, it seems had got- not yet been named, there is a pos- ten in trouble with his balloon while sibility that it will be Dr. W. H. Burt, trying to clear the church steeple, of the Museum's George Reserve, near and in throwing off ballast had neat- Pinckney. Dr. Burt was recently ly sandbagged his rival. He then elected corresponding secretary of descended, and rushed back to woo the American Society of Mamalolo- the fair Sukey. gists at the annual meeting in Pitts- "Dropping upon his spangled knees burgh. This makes two University in the dirt, he said, 'Sukey, wilt thou men prominent in the society, Dr. be mine?' 'I wilt,' she said, and now Dice being a member of the board of she swings in the high trapeze and directors.__holds Professor Nilini by her teeth, and the truthful show bill spreads (I I Bar Bill Is Signed By Gov. Fitzgerald LANSING, May 15. - () - Gov. Fitzgerald enacted into law today a measure providing for an integrated state bar. The new law directs the state su- preme court to provide machinery for the organization of a state bar and makes mandatory the membership of, every practicing attorney in the state.j The court will have authority to ap- point the proper disciplinary commit- tees and provide regulations for the conducting of inquiries into all re- ported violations of legal ethics. abroad her fame and figure," the story concludes. The Chronicle was issued fortnight- ly during the college year, and was printed by the Courier, now the Ann Arbor Daily News. Each issue had about 20 pages, and carried advertise- ments of livery stables, pipe and chewing tobacco and cigarettes, and even caskets and coffins. PRINTING -- ENGRAVING Calling Cards, Invitations, Correspondence Stationery Prompt Service O. D. MORRILL 314 South State Street THE BIGGEST LITTLE DRUG STORE IN ANN ARBOR wi~s r THE JOHN MARSHALL LAW SCHOOL |I . -i Y Y_. .v. Thirty-sixth Year - An Accredited Law School. Evening Law School with Day School Standards. Courses Lead to LL.B., LL.M. and J.D. Degrees. Text and Case Method. Moot Court Practice. FACULTY FOR 1935.1936 $1.25 Petrolagar All Numbers 89C $1.25 Alarm Clocks at 89C 25c Energine Shoe Cream and Energine Dry Cleaner at 19C $1.25 Genuine THERMOS BOTTLES 60c Lyon's Tooth Powder Extra Special at 39c CIGARETTES Camels - Luckies Chesterfield - Old Gold Raleigh $ 2 per Carton 2 pkgs. 25c $1.75 Upjohn's Citro- Carbonate $1.00 Tennis Balls Pennsylvania Pressure-Packed & Wright & Ditson 3 for $1.15 COLGATE'S Tooth Paste Two Large Tubes for 3c $2.20 Value Evening in Paris FACE POWDER I GEORGE F. ANDERSON (LL.B., Northwestern) EDWIN C. AUSTIN (A.B., Wisconsin. LL.B., Northwestern) ARTHUR M. BARNHART (A.B., Princeton; LL.B., Harvard) GRENVILLE BEARDSLEY (A.B., Knox; J.D., John Marshall) HERBERT BEBB (A.B., U. of Ili.; J.D., U. of Chicago) I(.TTADT ,V 5NE! R CS LLOYD D. HETH (A.B., Beloit College) HARRY EUGENE KELLY (Ph.B., A.M., University of Iowa) NOBLE W. LEE (A.B., Harvard; J.D., John Marshall) ROBERT McMURDY (LL.M., University of Michigan) JAMES WALKER MILNE (A.B., Monmouth; J.D., U. of Chicago) HON. GEORGE FRED RUSH WOODBURY t'!9 A IA I I I I I II I