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May 16, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-16

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The Weather
Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; somewhat warmer


Uk igauP



Making A College Education
A New Sort of Concentration.,



Union Vote)

Appropriations, Anti-Red Bills
Attwaint Re snnti v s' citin

Scheduled .C.G " 11 FG4A
While University interest fixes it-
self on the appropriations bill and the
F o rDunckel-Baldwin bill, both of which
are now in the House of Representa-
tives at Lansing, the intricacies of leg-
islative procedure, coupled with a
Men University Students little politics, is holding up the meas-
11 Cst allos Fr, ures
Will Cast Ballots For urhie fate of the University's appro-
Vice-Presidents priation now rests with the House.
The House committee on general tax-
ation reported favorably the Reid
12 Are Contesting "yardstick" bill, which, if passed, will
. raise the proposed appropriation of
For Six Positions $3,700,000 to $4,066,000. Passed by'
the Senate April 24, the Reid bill
provides for the University's appro-
Neumann Announces List priation to be taken from the Gen-
Of Candidates, Voeral Fund, "measured" by .73 of a
, Voting mill on each dollar of assessed valua-
Times, Places tion of taxable property.
Even if the Reid bill is approved
Men students in all schools and col- by the House,. before the appropria-
leges of the University will ballot to- tion goes into effect, the general ap-
day to elect six vice-presidents of the propriations bill, now in the powerful
Union who will serve on the Board Senate finance and appropriations
of Directors of that organization for committee, will have to be passed by
next year. the upper chamber. The so-called
Vice-presidents will be selected for yardstick bill, introduced by Sen.
the literary college, engineering col- John Reid (Rep., Highland Park),
lege, Law School, dental school, medi- will boost the University's allotment
cal school and the combined schools, $366,000 from that originally pro-
I posed by the House, but it will still
including Music, Forestry and Con- fall $14,000 short of the $4,080,000
servation, Business Administration, cited by University officials as the
Architecture, Education and Physical amount necessary to operate for the
Education. coming year.
Wencel A. Neumann, '36E, newly- Although Associated Press dis-
elected president of the Union, last patches state that the Reid tax bill
night announced a complete list of will come up for a vote in the House
candidates for the six positions and early next week, legislators here de-
also the balloting times and places clare that it may be postponed until
for the various schools and colleges. near the time of adjournment.

to get his specially sponsored bills
through as soon as possible; he has
indicated that the Reid bill may boost
the budget too high and will necessi-
- tate a veto; and it is a legislative
custom to hold up University appro-
priations until near the end of the
- session in order to get votes of mem-
bers specially interested in the Uni-
Indications are, however, that the
House committee will report it fa-
vorably. Rep. John Espie (Rep.,
Eagle), a member of the ways and
means committee, declared as much
recently, and Rep. Vernon Brown
(Rep., Mason), chairman of the House
General Taxation committee, also ex-
pressed his belief that his colleagues
will approve the Reid bill.
That action of some sort will be
soon forthcoming is indicated by
agitation in the Legislature for an
early adjournment.
The Dunckel-Baldwin bill is still
in the House judiciary committee,
where it has been ever since its pas-
sage by the Senate nearly a month
ago. The committee has met on
several occasions since that time, but
according to reports has discussed the
anti-violent overthrow bill only once.
Regarded rather languidly by a
majority of judiciary committeemen,
the proposal of Senators Dunckel and
Baldwin may even be pigeon holed,
according to representatives, who re-
fused to be quoted. Rep. George C.
Watson (Dem., Capac), chairman of
the committee, has indicated that he
will not oppose the measure, and
Rep. Fred J. Gartner (Dem., Wyan-
dotte), a member, declared during the.
open hearing on the Dunckel-Baldwin
bill three weeks ago that he would
vote to report it favorably.

4 Are Killed
By Terrorists
Communists Are Blamed
By Officials For Laguna
Province Outbreak
Unrest Of Masses
To Be Investigated
Commonwealth Form Of
Government Approved
By LargeMajority
MANILA, May 15. - ( P) - Three
city officials and another person were
shot to death today in what author-
ities called an outbreak of Commu-
nist terrorism in Laguna Province,
scene of the bloodiest fighting in
last week's revolt.

Shutt ingSuez
Official Says Anti-Italian
Move Won't Be Taken
Without Consulting U.S.
Rome Newspapers
Clamor For Action
England Reported Intent
On Avoiding Africa War
Despite Italy's Warning
LONDON, May 15. - (iP) - Great
Britain will make no move to close
the Suez Canal and British ports to
Italian warships and transports with-
out first consulting the League of
Nations and the United States, a high
authority said tonight.

Mary Moore Will


Tonight In

Festival Concert


Will Appear Tonight

Nominated By Petition
The only undergraduate to be nom-
inated by petitions signed by the re-
quired number of students was Her-
bert Goldsworthy, '36E. All other
candidates for the vice-presidencies
were selected by the nominating com-
mittee early this week.
William R. Dixon, '36, will oppose
Morton Ashuler, '36, for the literary
college vice-presidency. Both men
have been members of the executive
council of the Union for the past year.
In the engineering college, Howard
Underwood, '36E, and Elwood Mor-
gan, '36E, two more Council members,
will be on the ballot with Golds-
In the Law School, the two candi-
dates are John Clark, '36L, and Rob-
ert Krause, '36L. George W. Ogle-
ston, '36D, and Henry Manwell, '36D,
will oppose each other for the dental
school vice-presidency.
Frank Shaffer, '36M, will oppose
John Mason, '36M, for the Union
board position from the medical
schools, and in the combined schools,
O'Neil Dillon, '36BAd., who served on
the executive council last year, will
be on the ballot with William Davis,
Students may vote only in the col-
lege in which they are enrolled. It
will be necessary for undergraduates
to present their Union membership
cards in order to be able to vote, ac-
cording to Neumann.
Election Times, Places
The six elections will be conducted
at the following times and places:
Literary College, 10 a.m. to 12 noon,
and 1 to 4 p.m. In the first floor lobby
of Angell Hall.
Engineering college, 2 to 6 p.m. in-
side the north entrance of the Engi-
neering Arch.
Medical school, 3 to 5 p.m. at the
East University Avenue. entrance of
the old Medical Building.
Dental school, 3 to 5 p.m. on the
first floor of the Dental Building.
Law school, 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the
Law Club.
The combined schools, 10 a.m., to 12
noon, and 3 to 5 p.m. in the main
lobby of the Architectural Building,
and also 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and 3 to
5 p.m. in the main floor lobby of Tap-
pan Hall.
All elections will be conducted by
student committeemen and officials of
the Union, according to Neumann.
Lowe Chosen Head
Of SigmaRho Tau
At the annual election of officers
of Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engi-
neering speech society, last night in
the Union Robert A. Lowe, '36E, was
chosen chairman for the coming year.
George W. Malone, '37E, was elect-
ed vice-chairman. The other officers
named were Francis W. Donovan, '37
E, treasurer, Morris B. Heimann, '36
E, corresponding secretary; Robert T.
Cousins, '37E, recording secretary,
and Ralph O. Laidlaw, '38E, home
secretary; Lyle M. Reading, '36E,
was unanimously reappointed the
society's representative in the Engi-
neering Council.
fna - c nnnnep tat Preomf

This is for three reasons: The Gov-
ernor is exerting ali possible pressure

Slosson And
Communist To
Debate Monday

'Lampoon' Staff
Threatened By
Criminal Action
Harvard Monthly Printed
Obscene Matter, Police
Chief Charges

National Student
Gets Unitarian
For Meeting

The trouble started, ofncers said,( Agitation for such single-handed
when a band of Communists, roam- action by Britain is increasing among
ing the hills near the village of San Liberal and Labor circles as a result
Antonio, shot and killed one person. of Mussolini's inference that he will
A group of officers went to investigate, ignore a tri-partite treaty by which
Three of them were shot down - the he is pledged to consult England and
acting village chief of police, the mu- France in regard to Ethiopian dis-
nicipal vice-president and a police- putes.
man o England, it was said, is determined
Vote For Commonwealth to continue her efforts to avoid a
News of the slaying reached here toacontinueoher pors tao
as the counting continued on yester-NotAfiawrdepeMusln'
dysballoting, in which the Fili-. warning to other powers yesterday to
days blloing inwhih te Fli-keep their hands off the quarrel.
pinos voted overwhelmingly to accept ke y theian erquarrel.
a Commonwealth form of government Deny Italian Representations
for 10 years, pending complete inde- Replying to Geoffrey Mander, a
pendence. Liberal, in Parliament today, Sir
Latest totals were 1,157,962 in favor John Simon, foreign secretary, denied
of the Commonwealth system and 39,- that any representations had been
920 against. made to Italy with reference to obli-
The constabulary, which had taken gations under which the British would
extraordinary precautions to preserve be regarding use of the Suez Canal
order during the voting, began a wide- and English ports in the event of
spread search for the supposed Com- African hostilities.
munists. Authorities said the leader Pressed for a statement as to whe-
of the band was a man who had fig- ther the matter would not be raised
ured prominently in a cigar workers' in the event of hostilities, Simon said:
strike here last year, during which "I have no reason to suppose that
four persons were killed. the Italian government is not per-
Legislature Plans Probe fectly aware of the obligations to this
On the heels of the new trouble, country."
Quintin Paredes, speaker of the in- He would not be drawn out fur-
sular House of Representatives, an- ther, but it was learned in gov-
nounced that a legislative study' of ernment quarters t'hat he referred
mass discontent evidenced by the pre- to Britain's "obligations" under the
plebiscite Sakdalista uprising would League to assist any League member
be made. (including Ethiopia) which is a vic-
The Sakdalistas opposed the Com- tim of aggression.
monwealth constitution on the ground ofession.
that such a government would per-
petuate the power of Manuel Que- It was denied that he referred to
zon, president of the insular senate, any obligations under an interna-'
whom they oppose. They advocate tional agreement signed in 1888 which
immediate and complete indepen- proclaimed the Suez Canal open at
dence. all times to vessels of war, regardless
Paredes sailed today for Tokio to of the flag they carried.
meet Quezon, who is on his way home Great Britain did not join this
after a mission to Washington. Que- agreement until 1904 and meanwhile
zon is the outstanding candidate for Spanish war vessels were denied pas-
the Commonwealth presidency. He sage during the Spanish-American
said the insular legislature would can- war. Britain's adherence permitted
vass the plebiscite vote on June 10 Russia to send warships to the Pa-
and authorize an election for presi- cific during its war with Japan.
dent and vice-president about Sept. A Labor member asked Simon if
30. The new government is expected British transport ships are conveying
to be set up late this year. Italian troops across the Mediterran-


Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will meet William
Weinstone, Communist organizer ofL
the Michigan district, in a debate on 1
"Is There a Liberal Solution to thes
Capitalist Crisis?" on Monday, Maya
20 in the Unitarian Church, accordingy
to a statement made last night bys
William Fisch, '37, head of the Na-
tional Student League.
The debate was originally scheduled
for last Monday but was postponedc
because the National Student League,
the sponsors, could not get the neces-
sary permission from the Committeer
on Lecture Policy for the use of aa
University auditorium in which thec
meeting was intended to be held. This
permission was refused by the Com-
mittee last week. s
The Board of Trustees of the Uni-
tarian Church agreed Sunday to al-r
low the N.S.L. to hold its meeting
in the church auditorium. Because2
of the comparatively limited facilities
of this auditorium, the National Stu-
dent League has attempted to securel
another hall during the week, but
has had no success, according to
Fisch said last night that the or-
ganization he represents has fulfilled
all the requirements of a "responsible
organization"asked for by the Com-.
mittee. on Lecture Policy. These are :Y
a complete list of members and offi-
cers, the deposit of organization funds1
with the University, and official per-
mits for all public meetings.
Tmhe other requirement -that the1
name of the editor of the N.S.L. paper
be printed on each issue - will be
met when the next issue is published,
he said.
Famous Flyer ,
Barely Escapesa
Plunge In S e a
SYDNEY, Australia, May 15. - (13)
- Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, hero
of aeronautical adventures over both
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,
brought his veteran tri-motored plane,
the Southern Cross, to a safe landing
today after a desperate struggle to
avoid plunging into the stormy Tas-
man sea.
Misfortune overtook the Southern
Cross when it was 80 miles out to sea
en route to Wellington, N. Z., with a
cargo of special jubilee mail.
The propellor and part of one of
the three motors tore loose from their
&-0rc- ,r r -tr hlrlol nr.t - X, -fr

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 15.- (W)
-- Student editors of the Harvard
Lampoon, student humorous monthly,
tonight faced criminal action in con-
sequence of their published satire on
a nationally-known magazine which
yesterday was banned from newsstand
sale and barred from the mails.
Assistant District Attorney William
Andrew after a conference with Police
Chief Timothy Leahy announced the
case would be presented to the Mid-
dlesex County grand jury in June.
Chief Leahy said he believed the
magazine pictured nude and other
allegedly offensive matter and to be
obscene and lascivious.
While authorities investigated to
determine what students were re-
sponsible, editors of the Lampoon sat
in their offices and awaited develop-
"Well, our 4,500 copies are almost
a complete sellout," Stephen Burnett,
art director and treasurer of the
Lampoon, commented. "We don't
know yet whether we will publish
an expurgated edition or not. In
fact we are awaiting the officials'
next move."
The Lampoon editors said little
about the seizure of between 400 and
500 copies of the magazine in Provi-
dence, R. I., today. Although ad-
mitting that some of the student staff
had mailed the mazagines in the
Rhode Island city, Burnett tonight
did not know whether they would at-
tempt to reclaim the copies seized
by postal authorities.
John F. Bacon of Bridgetown, N.J.,
a first-year law student, paid five
dollars court costs, and prosecution
was discontinued when he was ar-
raigned in East Cambridge district
court on a charge of loitering. Ba-
con was arrested last night during a
student demonstration which accom-
panied a mock purge of the Lam-
Wolverine Election
Results Announced.
The. results of the recently-con-
ducted election for the three admin-
istrative positions and the student
board of the Wolverine, student co-
operative restaurant at Lane Hall,
have been announced by Sidney Mos-
kowitz, '36, newly-elected personnel
Robert Hamman, '36E, and George
Varga, '36, received the other two
senior positions, purchasing agent
and treasurer, respectively.
Members of the 1935-36 board of
the co-op' are Hyman Sapakie, '36,
William J. Favel, '35Ed., Allen Laur-



Hoover Say s
House Should
Abolish NR A


In Answer

Asks Move
To Senate's

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 15 -(A)-
Former President Herbert Hoover said
today that complete abolition of the
NRA is "the one right answer" which
the House of Representatives should
make to the Senate's action extending
its life.
"We do not construct new buildings
on false foundations," he said in an
interview, "and we cannot build a
nation's economy on a fundamental
The NRA has been crushing the life
out of small business and "they are
crushing the life out of the very heart
of the local community body," he
"Present NRA proposals are as bad,
in many ways, as the original with its
continuation until the next Congress
and with the Federal agents putting
pressure on State Legislatures to get
them to enact state laws in support
of NRA, it is evident there has been
no real retreat.
"This whole idea of ruling business
through code authorities with dele-
gated powers of law is un-American
in principle and a proved failure in
practice. The codes are retarding re-
covery. They are a cloak for con-
spiracy against the public interest

ean, but the Speaker intervened, de-
claring "that hardly arises."
One British interest in settling the
dispute is the fear that Italy might
desert the League of Nations should
the Council make a decision against
the dispute.
ROME, May 15.-(P) - Italian
newspapers openly demanded today
imposition of a new "organization''
on Ethiopia, which was taken by dip-
lomatic circles to mean civil or mili-
tary control by Italy.
The authoritative Giornale d'Italia,
which most often is chosen to echo
government plans, said Ethiopia's "in-
capacity to comprehend and assimi-
late the elementary values of 'civili-
zation' made it necessary that there
be given Ethiopian territory to an
organization which will deprive it of
the possibility of menacing any more
neighboring colonies, above all Ital-
ian interests which have been at-
These blasts followed the bold dec-
laration by Benito Mussolini that
other nations must keep their hands
off the Italo-Ethiopian dispute.
Paul Von Bergen
To Head Alpha Nu
Paul Von Bergen, '37, was named
president of Alpha Nu last night ag
the oldest organization on the campu
held its semi-annual elections of of-
Von Bergen replaces Arthur Mar-
low, '36. Other officers elected are
George Sipprell, '36, vice-president
John Banister, '36, secretary; Johi
.+ ,7- - _ _ _. . - nc ra " nd C~if

250 Engineers
To Participate
In Open House
Friday, Saturday Classes
Dismissed; 120 Students
Will Act As Guides
More than 250 students will par-
ticipate in the 1935 Engineering Open
House, which will begin at 9 a.m. to-
morrow, continue until 5 p.m., and
resume on Saturday from 9 a.m. until
11:30 p.m., it was announced yester-
day by Francis Wallace, '35E, chair-
man of the publicity committee.
Approximately 120 of the engineer-
ing students will act as guides, some
to conduct visitors from the exhibits
of one department to those of an-
other, and the rest to explain the
displays within each department.
Headquarters at which visitors may
start on their tour of the Open House
,will be located in the Union and in
the lobby of the East Engineering
Classes for all engineering courses
on Friday and Saturday have been
dismissed, according to Dean Herbert
C. Sadler. This includes engineering
classes in other colleges as well as in
the engineering college, he stated.
Appoint Student Guides
Starting off from one of the two
headquarter locations,, guides will
conduct visitors to any department
they wish, or will follow a regular
schedule that will take them through
all the departments included in the
Open House,
This complete tour will require
about two and one-half hours, and
will include the aeronautical, me-
chanical, civil, chemical, naval, trans-
portation, electrical, hydraulic, metal-
lurgical, metal processing, shop and
surveying departments.
As special attractions for the Open
House both the Franklin glider, used
for actual flight practice by students
in the aeronautical engineering de-
partment, and the "blue bird" test car,
an old Chevrolet remodelled along
box-car lines for wind-tunnel experi-
ments, will be on exhibition. The
glider will be located on the South
University side of the West Engineer-
ing Building, and the "blue bird'
will be located at the State Street-
North University end of the diagonal
No Admission Charged
The Engineering Open House will
be conducted entirely without charge
to those who wish to attend. This
includes free service by the guides
and free access to all the exhibits in-
cluded within the engineering and
R.O.T.C. departments. For more
complete information as to the ex-
hibits, 15,000 programs have been
printed, and will be distributed free
of charge to all visitors.
The expenses of the Open House are
expected to be met out of the sal
of copper ash trays made by the meta
processing department as souvenir
3 for the occasion. Literary students
s or students in other colleges having
s vacant hours are urged to spend th
- time investigating some phase of th
Open House exhibits.
e Vocational Series
n Will Close Today

Audience Warmly Greets
Helen Jepson, Hanson
And ChicagoSymphony
Auditorium Almost
Completely Filled
Metropolitan Coloratura
Soprano Will Present
IHer First Program Here
Mary Moore, brilliant young Met-
ropolitan coloratura soprano, who
made her debut only last March, will
be featured tonight in the second of
the May Festival concerts now being
given in Hill Auditorium. This, the
third of Miss Moore's concerts, will
be her first Ann Arbor appearance.
The well-rounded program which
has been prepared for the concert will
include, in addition to Miss Moore's
numbers and compositions by the or-
chestra, the symphonic psalm, "King
David," by Honegger, in which Paul
Althouse, world-famous Metropolitan
tenor; Myrtle Leonard, young Metro-
politan contralto; Ethyl Hayden,
American concert and oratorio singer;
Paul Leyssac, member of the New
York Civic Repertory Theater; and
the University Choral Union will be
Wednesday Concert Popular
The Festival audience warmly wel-
comed Frederick Stock and the Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra back in its
midst last night, and in addition gave
ovations to both Miss Helen Jepson
and Howard Hanson, co-starred on
the program. Mr. Hanson directed
the premiere of his "Songs from
'Drum Taps,' " and Miss Jepson was
featured as soloist in the other parts
of the program.
The young Metropolitan lyric so-
prano proved so popular with the
audience, which almost completely
filled Hill Auditorium, that following
one encore with the orchestra, she
had a piano brought onto the stage
and sang three further numbers with
Mabel Ross Rhead as accompanist.
Visibly moved by the stirring qual-
ity of Mr. Hanson's composition, the
audience applauded for many min-
utes while the composer-conductor
appeared. again and again on the
stage to acknowledge his ovation.
To Perform 'King David'
The concert tonight will open with
the performance of "King David," the
symphonic psalm in three parts, after
the drama by Rene Morax, with or-
chestra, soloists, chorus, organ, and
piano contributing.
Mary Moore, whose singing will fur-
nish the high spot of the second part
of the program, will follow the or-
chestra's rendition of the symphonic
poem, "The Moldau" by Smetana with
two numbers, "Caro Nome" (Rigolet-
to) by Verdi, and "Io son Titania"
("Mignon") by Thomas.
This will be followed by an orches-
tral number, Waltz, from Suite,
"Ruses d'Amour," Op. 61 by Glazou-
now. Miss Moore will then conclude
the program with the aria, Bell Song
("Lakme") by Delibes.
Earl V. Moore, director of the
School of Music will conduct during
the performance of "King David," and
Dr. Stock will conduct the orchestra
during the remainder of its numbers.
Miss Rhead will act as piano accom-
Dixon TkFakes First
In Speech Contest
Speaking on the subject "Arms Em-
bargo," William R. Dixon, '36, was
awarded first place in the sixth semi-
annual extemporaneous speech con-
test, held yesterday afternoon in An-
gell Hall. Henry E. Halladay, '36,
received the second place mention
fir his talk on "Munitions and World
e Six students were selected from the

e Speech 31 classes to participate in
l the contest. The general theme of
s the contest originated from the sub-
ject "Government versus Private
g Ownership of Munitions." One hour
e before the judging began the students
e were allowed to draw for specific as-
signments on this general topic.
Students from the various sections
of the Speech 31 classes formed the
jury and rendered a decision by bal-
lot. The other contestants are: Ralph
H. Tracv '3 5.Jac Prtr. '7 .tn-

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