The Weather
C, , r
Sit iga
New And Old Union Officials .
It's The Best We Can Do..
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; slowly rising tem-
Stars Of Festival
To Begin
I iloatiyIr
Winner Over
W.S.T.C., 1-0
Varsity Is First Big Ten
Team To Beat Western
State This Year
Larson Pitches To
Score A Shut-Out
Paulson Drives Rudness
In For Only Counter Of I
Fast GameI
NRA TermOf
Ten Months
Passes Senate
Staff Of Organization Is
Reassured h Speech BY
Donald Richberg
Senate. Committee
Reestablishment Of
Old Swingout Traditions
Miss Jepson, Metropolitan
Lyric Soprano, Sings In
First Concert
Whitmans 'Drn n
'Imps o 'Re Given
Dr. Frederick Stock Will
Lead Chicago Symphony
Orchestra Tonight
With the arrival here of singers,
musicians, conductors, critics, and
music lovers, Ann Arbor today has
become the Mecca of the musical
world, a position which it will hold
throughout the course of the 42nd
Annual May Festival, May 15, 16, 17,
and 18.
Tonight the series of six concerts
will be intioduced by a program in-
cluding three notoble features, the
singing of Helen Jepson, Metropolitan
lyric soprano, the performance of
"Drum Taps" with Howard Hanson
as guest conductor and the playing
of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
under the direction of Dr. Frederick
The concert tonight will be opened
with Miss Jepson singing Overture
"Lenore" Op. 72, No. 2 by Beethoven
and Aria, "Qual Fiammia avea nel
Guardo" (Pagliacci) by Leoncavallo.
She will continue with the symphonic
poem, "Prarie" by Sowerby and Aria.
"Plerez, mes yeux" (Le Cid) by Mas-
Thursday's Program
Following will be songs from "Drum
Taps" (Walt Whitman) by Hanson
with a baritone solo, chorus, and or-
chestra, Hr. Hanson conducting. This
number will include "Beat, Beat,
Drums"; "By the Bivouac's Fitful
Flame"; and "To Thee, Old Cause."
Miss Jepson will conclude the concert
with "L'Apprenti Sorcier" by Dukas
and "O mio Babbino caro, (Gianni
Schicchi) and "Musetta's Waltz
Song" (La Boheme) by Puccini.
Thursday night's concert will be di-
vided into two parts. In the first half,
Honegger's monumental choral work,
"King David," will be heard with
the Choral Union, under the baton
of Earl V: Moore, director of the
School of Music. Ethyl Hayden, Paul
Althouse. Myrtle Leonard, and Paul
Leyssac will carry the brilliant solo
The second half of the program
will present the spectacular Mary
Moore in her third public concert per-
Friday afternoon's concert will pre-
sent the Orchestra in a variety of se-
lections under the leadership of Eric
DeLamarter with Ruth Posselt, dis-.
tinguished American violinist, as solo-
ist. The other attractive feature of
this program will be the participa-
tion of the Young People's Chorus
ofn450 voices under Juva Higbee's
direction. In addition to songs, they
will present the world premiere of
"Jumbles," a fanciful story set to
music by Dorothy James, young com-
poser from Ypsilanti.
Saturday's Concerts
Friday night the traditionally bril-
liant artist concert will take place
when Giovanni Martinelli will appear
on the program three times. His
offerings will be interspersed with
attractive orchestra numbers by the
Chicago Symphony under the leader-
ship of Dr. Stock.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
and Josef Lhevinne will unite their
forces in the Saturday afternoon con-
cert. The orchestra will be heard
largely during the first part of the
program, and Lhevinne will present
one of Chopin's monumental con-
certos in the last half.
The Festival will be brought to a
brilliant close Saturday night when
"Boris Godunof," Moussorgsky's great
opera will be presented in English, the
third time it will have been given in
English in America.
Six Will Compete
In Speech Contest
Six students will compete in the
sixth semi-annual extemporaneous
speaking contest this afternoon, Pro-
fessor Gail E. Densmore announced
today. The contest will be held at
four o'clock in Room 1025 Angell
The speakers, who have been se-
lected from the sections of Speech 31,
are: William R. Dixon, '36, Stanley A.
Joffe, '37, Jack Porter, '37, Howard M.
+. ain '37 ainh iHTracvie '35 .nd
Will Sing Tonight
House Is Warned Uion To Hold
Against Alteration Election Of Si
Commence Arguments On
Wagner Labor Relation Vice-Presidents'
'-I -4>J
Will Elect New
Members To
Council Posts
Colleges And Schools To
Name Representatives
On Thursday, May 23
The election of new members to
the Men's Student Council for the
1935-36 school year will take place
Thursday, May 23, in each- of the
colleges and schools having repre-
sentation, according to the decision
of the present Council, made at its
meeting yesterday in the Union.
According to the new constitution
its elective members shall consist of
three from the literary college and
one each from the engineering col-
lege and the business administration,
forestry, music and architecture
A new nominating system, designed
to keep the Council on a non-political
basis, was also formulated at the
meeting. Under its provisions a nom-
inating board of students will be se-
lected in each of the schools and col-
leges represented on the Council, and
each of these boards will choose two
candidates for each Council position
allotted it.
Provision was also made that stu-
dents who had not been nominated
but who desired Council posts could
submit petitions, to the Council for
addition to the ballot. These must
bear the names of 100 students for
those petitioning from the larger col-
leges and a percentage of the enroll-
ment for those from the smaller ones.
Previously announced tentative
plans had indicated that the election
would be held tomorrow, but it was
felt by Council members that a defi-
nite, objective system of nominations
should be introduced, and this could
not be accomplished in so short a
Annual Poppy
Sale Will Be
A tainted run scored by MichiganI
in the third inning was enough to give1
the Wolverines a 1-0 'win over West-
ern State yesterday behind the effec-
tive pitching of Berger Larson, who
scored his second shut-out in his
last four starts. In whitewashingl
the Teachers, Larson bested Dutch
Dietz, Western State's ace hurler,
in a well-pitched ball game. Larson'sI
feat becomes more significant when1
it is considered that Dietz is lookedr
upon as a certain major league pros-e
By defeating Western State, Mich-t
igan became the first Big Ten nine2
to inflict defeat on them this season,"
the Kalamazoo nine holding seven
triumphs over Iowa, NorthwesternF
and Wisconsin. It was also the firsta
time since 1932 that the Maize andt
Blue were able to beat Western State.n
Both hurlers controlled the gamer
throughout, each allowing only fiveF
hits, no two in one inning, but Larson
had more in reserve in the pinches,
striking out 10 men, five of whichF
came withurunners on base in scor- r
ing position.P
Rudness Scores .
Poor baserunning in at least two in-b
stances on the part of the Wolver-
ines nipped apparent uprisings andt
prevented Michigan from winning by 1
a greater margin.
Thanks to the second of Barber'sa
two errors in the third inning, Georgen
Rudness, whose aimless wandering
around second' base in the first in-
ning cost Michigan a possible run,
scored the lone tally of the game.
With two out, Rudness smashed av
line-double to left center, and scoredb
when Paulson's high, windblown fly,t
fell off the groping glove of the stag-v
gering Barber, State shortstop, ing
short left field.
Teitelbaum tried to go from first
to third in the fourth inning on aa
force play at third, a throw to firsta
in an attempt to get the hitter, and
a throw back to third. He was an
easy out, nullifying another Wolver-n
ine bid for runs.
Stop Western's Threats
Western State threatened to score
in the first, fourth, fifth and sixths
innings, making its most determinedt
bid in the fourth and fifth.t
Miller was safe at first when Teit-o
elbaum pulled Oliver off the bag witht
a wide throw. Emery forced Miller,c
Ford to Paulson, and was safe at first
when Paulson's throw for an appar-x
ent double play forced Oliver tos
smother it with a diving leap. Emeryc
took second on a passed ball, goingv
to third when Newman beat out ac
topped hit in front of the plate. New-c
man stole second, although William'st
perfect throw, which caught Paulsonc
off balance, would have retired him.
Larson then fanned Secora, threw twor
beautiful curve strikes to Salters andf
struck him out with a high hard one
to end the danger.e
A walk and an infield hit inter-
mingled with a sacrifice bunt, placedt
Western State runners on first andc
third with one out in the fifth. Lar-
son fielded Barnabo's bunt, throwing
him out at first while holding Barber
on third. With the tying run ready
to cross the plate, Teitelbaum fielded
Miller's grounder and threw to Oliver
to get him for the third out.
Ancient Sales Tax
Of 50 Per Cent Is
Found By Robbins'
A sales tax of only three per cent,
which has caused such a turmoil
in this and other states of the Union,
is nothing, compared to a sales tax
the Lampsacenes, inhabitants of a
town near the Dardanelles, had to
pay in 410 B.C., it was revealed yes-
terday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the President, who has been
reviewing the "Second Book of Eco-
nomics," supposedly written by Aris-
According to the account, the tax
was levied for a proposed building
program for the navy, which wished
to build and equip several new tri-
remes for combat nurnoses. and took
Bill In Upper House
WASHINGTON, May 14. -(P) -1
In a rush of speed, the Senate today
passed almost by unanimous consent
a resolution extending the NRA in a
much contracted form for only 10
more months - an action directly
and openly opposed by Presidentr
Then, without breaking the swifta
stride, the chamber took up for de-D
bate the hotly disputed Wagner Labord
Relations Bill, labeled by its propo-
nents as offering protection to work- b
ers in collective bargaining.t
The modified.NRA bill was sent to
the House. Informed of the Sen-
ate's action, Speaker Byrns said:a
"We'll take it up right away." b
The measure is still before the
House ways and means committee,t
and there appeared little doubt thatd
the group would report out a de-
mand for a two-year extension of thes
recovery act, as requested by theĀ°
House Gets Warning5
Obviously, the hope of the White.
House for a two-year extension hast
rested with the House, and with theg
possibility that some compromiset
could be effected between the twos
But as the bill was moved across U
to the House side of the Capitol late3
today it was accompanied by blunt
warning from Senate leaders that any p
alterations in their proposal would i
meet with opposition, and possibly de- t
lay all action until after the present b
law expires June 16. '
Meanwhile, a mile down Pennsyl-
vania Ave., assembled NRA employees a
were being told by Dnald A. Rich-
berg, chairman of the organizationa
that in his opinion they need not o
worry about continuance of the or-
In a speech to the staff, he criticizedg
the theory of a short-term extension,'
and stressed what he called the "inev-
itability" that government from now
on must always maintain the legis-
lative functions which NRA now ad-
Richberg Sees Hope
While there were reports that hisA
speech was to relieve the "jitters"'
that some employees may have aboutt
the future of their jobs, personnelc
officers were willing to supply recordsp
that there was little or no extra turn-t
over as a result of uncertainty. 1
"Far be it from me to attempt anyf
prophecy along that line," Richberg
said in referring to whether the NRA
organization would be continued. "But
when even the staunchest opponents
of NRA and those who would like to
cut its throat are finally convinced
that it is necessary to at least advo-
cate an extension for a period of time,
even though it be an inadequate pe-
riod, it seems to me it is not necessary
for us to discuss or consider or worry
about the technical question of the
extension of NRA."
The Senate's action, in sharp con-
trast to the months of controversy
over the recovery law, came after
only two hours of debate, and with
only a few Senators on the floor andt
without a record vote.t
Famous Astronomer
Dies OfOperation'
CHICAGO, May 14 -()- Dr. Ed-
win Brant Frost, 68 years old, the1
astronomer whose sightless eyes en-
abled the world to see the universe1
more clearly, died in a hospital here1
Physicians said his death wasI
caused by peritonitis which followed
an operation for gallstones on May1
Director-emeritus of the University
of Chicago's Yerkes Observatory at
Williams Bay, Wis., he was famous
the world over for his knowledge of
Lawrence Is Given Only
Slight Chance To Live
WOOL, Dorsetshire, Eng., May 15.
- (Wednesday) - (/P) - The nerves
of steel that saw "Lawrence of Ara-
Announcement Made
Times And Places
Voting Tomorrow
A _ 'if W "f1 r- 0
Polling times and places for tomor-
row's elections to name six Union
vice-presidents for next year were'
announced last night by Wencel A.
Neumann, '36E, newly-elected presi-
dent of the Union. ,
A partial list of the candidates to
be voted on by all men students in
the various schools and colleges of
the University was released yesterday,
The completed list of nominations,
as it will appear on the ballots, will
be announced tomorrow morning.
Neumann emphasized last night
that any student desirous of running
for election to the Union vice-presi-
dency from his particular college may
still file his petition at the student
offices. These petitions must bea
sgned by 200 Union members in any
chool, and must be submitted before
5:30 p.m. today.
Union vice-presidents are elected
to represent the literary college, en-
gineering college, medical school, den-
tal school, Law School and combined
schools. They are to be elected from
next year's seniors to serve on thet
Union Board of Directors for 1935-
It will be necessary for students tot
pr.esent their Union membership cards
n order to be able to vote, according
o Neumann. The polling places will
be managed by student officials and p
committeemen of the organization.t
The six elections will be conducted
at the following times and places:t
Literary college, 10 a.m. to 12 noon}
and 1 to 4 p.m. in the main corridor
of University Hall.
Engineering college, 2 to 5 p.m.
nside the north entrance of the En-
gineering Arch.
Medical school, 3 to 5 p.m. at the1
East University Avenue entrance of 1
the old Medical building.
Dental school, 3 to 5 p.m. on the
first floor of the Dental Building.
Law school, 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the1
Law Club.-
The combined schools,' including1
Music, Forestry and Conservation,I
Business Administration, Architec-I
ture, Education and Physical Edu-I
cation, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 3 to 51
p.m. in the main lobby of the Archi-I
tectural Building, and also 10 a.m. to
12 noon and 3 to 5 p.m. in the main
floor lobby of Tappan Hall.
New Issue Of
Technic To Go
On Sale Today
Feature Article Written
By Various Professors
In Engineering School
A 28-page "Open House Issue" of
the Michigan Technic, the largest of
the year, will go on sale for 25 cents
today in the Engineering Arch and
in the East Engineering Building.
The feature article of the new issue
is "Your Engineering College" by pro-
fessors of the various departments in
the engineering school. Those that
contributed to the article are Prof.
A. H. White, Prof. E. M. Bragg, Prof.
C. W. Good, Prof. Walter Sadler, Prof.
L. M. Gram, Prof. E. L. Erikson, and
Prof. H. Bouchard.
The usual "May We Present" de-
partment this month features Joseph
C. Wagner, Francis W. Dulyn and Al-
bert E. Marshall as outstanding senior
engineers. "Rivalry on the Rails,"
a story of railroad progress by George
Atherton, '36E, also appears in the
new issue.
An editorial, "Where's Oscar?" re-
garding the condition of the Engi-
neering Council; Stresses and Strains,
Attention Grads, and other features
will appear as usual. With this issue
of the Technic comes the announce-
ment that the Michigan Alumnus and
the Technic will be offered to seniors
before graduation at special combina-
tion rates.
Increased Budget
Looms At Lansing
LANSING, May 14- (/P) - T h e
State Legislature's job of holding the
budget into such shape that it will
fit into the state revenue, was fur-
ther complicated today when the
House taxation committee reported
favorably on the "mill tax yardstick"
Under the terms of the yardstick
bill, the proposed appropriation of
$3,700,000 for the University of Mich-
igan would be raised to $4,066,000.
The bill has already been approved
in the Senate and will probably be
called up for a vote on passage in the
House early next week.
4,000 Farmers
Hear Roose velt
Laud Program
Continuation Of
Policies Is So.
Chief Executive
ught By
cheering throng of 4,000 farmers to-
day heard President Roosevelt laud
the administration agricultural ad-
justment program and assert he
would seek "continuance of a nation-
al policy which on the whole is prov-
ing successful."
Treated with tumultous shouts as
he appeared on the south portico of
the White House to face farmers from
25 states, Mr. Roosevelt was intro-
duced by Secretary Wallace as "the
heart of America."
"My friends, it is a pretty good
looking crowd," the President began
as he responded with a smile and a
wave to the farmers grouped on the
lawn - some in overalls, some in
business suits.
The President read his remarks
and was interrupted by applause and
shouts at almost every pause. He
lashed out at the "high and mighty"
- with special axes to grind, who have
been "deliberately trying to mislead
people who know nothing of farming
by misrepresenting -no, why use a
pussyfoot word - by lying about the
kind of a farm program under this
nation is operating today.
"It is your duty and mine," he said,
"to continue to educate the peoplej
of this country to the fact that ad-
justment means not only adjustment
downward but adjustment upward.
. . . It is high time for us to repeat
that we have not wastefully destroyed
food in any form," he said. "A few
leading citizens have gone astray -,
a farmer shouted this interruption
from the ground:
"We have one down our way, south
"I was about to say from ignor-
ance," the President resumed as the
crowd roared.
Famous Sculptor
Was Once 'Fired
Out OfUniversity'
Stuart Benson, noted New York
sculptor, was once "fired out of the
University of Michigan for drawing
undignified caricatures of dignified
This fact was gleaned from the
June edition of the American mag-
azine, which appeared on the campus
yesterday. However, no one in the
University seems to remember the
"firing" episode. As Mr. Benson's
college career was cut short by his
love of drawing professional carica-
tures, he was not graduated from
the University and no record of him
remains on alumni books.
Among those who don't remember
Mr. Benson are T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni Asso-
ciation; Wilfred B. Shaw, director of
Alumni Relations; Prof. Louis A.
Strauss, chairman of the English de-
partment; and Dean of Students Jo-
seph A. Bursley.
Dean Bursley, however, found in an
Act On Recommendation
Made By Investigating
Group Of Students
Students To Bear
All Responsibility
Honor Societies Pledge Aid
In Carrying Out New
Acting upon the recommendation
of a student committee which has
spent the past few months investigat-
ing the possibility of reinstating
Swingout on a basis which would be
in accord with University policy, the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs
yesterday voted to reestablish the tra-
ditional custom.
Responding to the committee's dec-
laration "that Swingout is one of the
most colorful and appealing of Mich-
igan's rapidly dying traditions, and
that every possible effort should be
made to keep it alive, vigorous and
clean," the Senate Committee assent-
ed to its reinstatement and placed
the responsibility for its manage-
ment entirely upon the shoulders of
the student body.
Address Eliminated
The Senate Committee expressed
the belief that Swingout was perhaps
the best of the Michigan traditions,
but declared that if it is to exist,
students must show that it can be
conducted on a high level of conduct.
The custom was abolished follow-
ing Swingout two years ago when
conduct bad enough to entail dis-
ciplinary action took place.
As announced by the student com-
mittee, Swingout will be held Tues-
day, May 28, and will be conducted
on a basis quite similar to its old
form, the only changes being that the
Hill Auditorium address will be elim-
inated and two other traditional sen-
ior ceremonies will be included.
Following the parade, according to
tentative plans the group will as-
semble in front of the Library for
the Senior Sing, after which the
president of the senior class will per-
form the symbolic ceremony of hand-
ing the senior cane to the president
of the junior class.
Assure Cooperation
Members of the student committee
are AllenrMcCombs, '35, William G.
Ferris, '35, Carl Hilty, '35, George
Lawton, '35, Maxine Maynard, '35,
Kathleen Carpenter, '35, Jean Seeley,
'36, and Winifred Bell, '36.
The committee declared that it
believed that "by combining Swing-
out and the Senior Sing, by entering
upon a thorough program of educa-
tion, by maintaining an orderly pro-
cession, and by making it completely
understood that improper conduct
will result in expulsion, there will be
a return to a sane and picturesque
ceremony of which Michigan may well
be proud."
To carry out the provision that
Swingout would be orderly, the com-
mittee has secured pledges of aid
from the honor societies of thevari-
ous schools and the assurance of the
Judiciary Committee of the Men's
Student Council that it would recom-
mend expulsion for the offenders.
An announcement was made last
night by George Lawton, president
of the senior class, that caps and
gowns can be secured through several
local stores and that members of the
senior class should secure them as
soon as possible.
Fitzgerald Signs
Property Tax Act
LANSING, May 14. - (P) - Gover-
nor Fitzgerald signed a tax act today
to bring relief to thousands of prop-
erty owners.
It extends the time for paying
1933 and 1934 taxes to Nov. 1. All
penalties and interest except a 4 per
cent collection charge are waived. It
was estimated hundreds of thousands
of dollars will be saved by those who
have fallen behind in tax payments.
Any property on which delinquen-
cies for those two years are retired
by the specific date will be in good
standing, regardless of how many
prior years of back taxes there may
be on the books. Another state law
provides that all delinquencies for
1.1932 and prior years may be retired
under the 10-year moratorium plan,
with the first of 10 annual install-
Volunteer Workers
Cover All Wards
Sections Of City
Plans' for the annual observance
of Poppy Day here have been formu-
lated by local posts of the American
Legion and the Veterans of Foreign
Wars according to an announcement
made yesterday by the chairman of
the joint committee of the groups.
The date of the annual sale has
been set for May 25. Organization
of a group of volunteer workers to
cover all the wards and sections of the
city has already been started accord-
ing to the announcement. The pop-
pies will be distributed by the two so-I
cieties entirely through the aid of vol-
unteer workers, it was emphasized.
The appeal for support which has
been made by the committee states'
that "the enthusiasm for the Poppy
Day project here is due to two great
purposes which the little memorial
flower 'serves. First, it pays tribute
to the gallant men who sacrificed,
their lives in the defense of American
ideals on the poppy-studded battle-