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May 14, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-14

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Plans For Two
Outings Made
B y Foresters
Senior Round-Up Will Be
Held Today; Field Day
Set For Saturday

I ,1

'Out To Get' Dean

After Graduation What?
By Way Of Introduction To The Senior's
Most Vital Question -- 'Can I Get A job?'




After graduation - what?
This perplexing question is con-
fronting the graduating class of 1935
iust as it has confronted those leav-

The senior class round-up for all k!' .' l "''vii~u avc'a
enorsngrduassrndupfsorsai ng the colleges and universities in
senors, graduates, and professors in the past. Undoubtedly, a survey of
the School of Forestry and Conserva- sni r thrt

tion will be at 8:30 p.m. today in Sagi-
naw Forest at the third Sister Lake,
three miles out on Liberty Rd.
The round-up will consist of a'
camp-fire as a finel get-together for
members of the senior class and as a
last farewell to the forestry professors,'
according to Williard Hildebrand,
senior class president.
The annual Field Day for members
of the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation will be held in the same place
Saturday afternoon and evening.
According to Hildebrand, who is in
charge of the annual event, open com-
petition will be staged to show the
practical skill of the students and pro-
fessors in the forestry school. Prizes
will be given for the winners in various
contests, such as canoeing, log-birling,
running a compass traverse, chopping
and sawing to a mark, rifle-shooting,
and running races.
The professors, who have tradition-
ally lost the faculty-student tug-of-
war, have begun to muster forces in
an effort to win for the first time in
twenty-odd years
The Field Day, which is open for
all members of the School of Forestry
and Conservation, will terminate in a
(Continued from Page 2)
Concerto in F minor for Piano and
Orchestra, Op. 21, No. 2. .. .Chopin
Allegro vivace
Josef Lhevinne
Frederick Stock, conductor.
Sixth Concert, Saturday, May 18,
8:15 o'clock:
"Boris Godunof" (Original
Version) ............ Moussorgsky
An opera in a Prologue of Four Acts
Period, 1598-1605; Locale, Russia
and Poland

' s oug1u1 U11UUlum Ue Coun ry asK-
ing, "What are you going to do after.
graduation?" would result in some
variation of, "Look for a job, I guess."
The answer, in the days of the
"temerarious twenties," had some
I significance. Jobs were abundant -
the only problem was to pick out the
position and go to work. Then came
the depression and the "timorous
thirties." Anything at all proved the
byword, and the graduate who could
get any job, much less a good oneI
was the exception and not the rule.
But where are we today? Has the
New Deal taken us far enough away
from the depression so that the grad-
uate can be reasonably sure of get-
ting some sort of a job? The Roose-
velt administration has concerned it-
self deeply with the problem of em-
ployment. The project has not, how-
ever, attempted to take care of the
college graduate. He has been ex-
pected to find his place directly in
private business.
What then, does private industry
think of the 1935 graduate. When he
-begins his search for employment, will
the job-seeking senior just out of col-
lege find the door of the business
world open to him? What does the
business man think of his ability,
training, and possible employment?
In the last six months, we have
talked and corresponded with a great
many leading men in the business
and professional worlds. We have
asked them these questions, in an
endeavor to determine the way the
wind was blowing.

The results of these cdntacts have
been many and varied. Optimism
generally prevails among men higher
up in industry. The ordinary em-
ployment manager is much less im-
pressed about the future. Less than
two weeks ago we talked with two
men in the general offices of one of
the large automobile plants -one
the employment manager, the other
an executive high in official circles.
The former gave us little encour-
agement for the future. A strike
has forced them to close down many
of their plants. Employment condi-
tions were bad. A sign on the doori
read, "The Employment Office will
be closed temporarily." The man-
ager was practically pessimistic.
This condition is quite general. Men
who contact the public are wont to
continue the philosophy of the de-
pression. Men higher up, however,
paint a different picture. Conditions
are better they say. The college
graduate should be able to get a job.
His chances are definitely better than
they were last year or the year before.
Employment men, they say, hire when
they're told to, and whom they're told
to, and can get no real insight into
the business.
Quite naturally, reactions vary in
the different fields. The professions
tend to be less optimistic, with the
possible exception of forestry, than
are the lines associated with industry.
Business is improving. Prosperity
may not be here definitely. Perhaps
it's not even "just around the corner,",
but it is on its way. It brings with,
it the opportunities for the college
graduate. The problem is, then,
whether or not the graduate is pre-
pared to take his place in the rise.
(Tomorrow: The Value of the Lit-
erary Education).


Boris Godunof, The Tsar......
. .. ....Maxim Pantefeieff
Feodor, his son ........... Hope Eddy
Xenia, his daughter. . . .Dorothy Park
Prince Vassili Ivanovich Shuisky,
his adviser and
accomplice ...... Paul Althouse
Andrei Schelkalof, Secretary
of the Council....... Wilbur Evans
Pimen, a monk and
chronicler ........ Theodore Webb
The Pretender, a novice in
Pimen's care ...... Paul Althouse
Marina Mnishek, daughter of the
Lord of Sandomir . , Myrtle Leonard
Rangoni, a Jesuit
priest ............ Theodore Webb
Varlaam, a vagabond . . Wilbur Evans
Missail, a vagabond ...... Mark Bills
Nikitich, a police
officer ............ Wilbur Evans
Mitiukha, a peasant .. . Wilbur Evans
The Boyer in ;Attend-
ance..............Wilbur Evans
The Boyar in Attend-
Lavitsky, a Jesuit.......Mark Bills
Chernikofsky, a Jesuit ... Mark Bills
Boyars, Guards, Officers, Polish
Noblemen and Ladies, Sando-
mir Girls, the Muscovite People
etc......University Choral Union
Earl V. Moore, conductor.
The-'public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early, as to be
seated on time. Doors will be closed
during numbers. Holders of season
tickets are respectfully reminded to
detach coupons before leaving home
and to present for admission, only the
ticket for the respective concert. Traf-
fic regulations will be enforced under
the direction of the Ann Arbor police
department. Persons leaving the
auditorium during intermission will
please present their ticket stubs for
re-admission. Cordial cooperation
on the part of guests in connection
with these simple matters, will be
greatly appreciated by the University
Musical Society and the Buildings
and Grounds Department of the Uni-
versity as well as the police depart-
ment, to the end that confusion of all
sorts may be avoided.
Events Today
Vocational Series - Students of the
College of Literature, Science and -the
Arts: A meeting will be held at 4:15
p.m. -in Room 1025 Angell Hall for
students in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts and others in-
terested in graduate studies. The
meeting will be addressed by Dean C.
S. Yoakum of the Graduate School.
The final meeting in the vocation-
al series, to be addressed by Miss Mar-
ian Durell, director of nursing, will
be held on May 16.
Botany Journal Club meets at 7:30
p.m., Room 1139 N. S. Dr. LaRue in
charge. Reviews of recent anatomi-

will be held at 8 p.m., 3201 A.H. TheE
following papers will be given: Wayne
Dancer, "Symmetrical Cut Sets;"
Herbert E. Vaughan, "Local Betti
Numbers;" and Ching Lai Shen,
"Theory of Inverse Sampling."
Political Science Concentrates:
There will be a meeting of all con-
centrates in Political Science in the
League at 7:30 p.m. The topic for
discussion will be the vocational pos-
sibilities in the field.
Zeta Phi Eta: Regular meeting in
the League Grill Room, at 12 noon.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting will
be held tonight at the Barton Hills
Country Club. All members please
meet at the Engineering Arch by 5:30
p.m. Transportation will be supplied.
Annual Poetry Reading Contest of
The Michigan Interpretive Arts So-
ciety, 8 p~m., Auditorium University
High School:
"Tipperary in the Spring," by
McCarty..........Grace K. Gray
"Spires of Oxford" andG

that you appear at this time, as the
guides for the Open House will be
chosen from those who attend this
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization at 8 p.m. in the Chapel of
the Women's League Building. Stu-
dents, alumni and faculty members
of the University are invited to at-
Bibliophiles of the Faculty Wom-
en's Club meet at 2:30 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. F. R. Finch, 1619 S.,
University Ave. The program on i
Robert Frost will be under the direc-!
tion of Mrs. David Mattern.j
Coming Events
Chemistry Staff Meeting will be
held in Room 212, Chemistry Build-
ing, Wednesday, May 13, 4:15 pn. m
Vocational Series - Students of the!
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: A meeting will be held on
Thursday, May 16, at 4:15 p.m., Room
1025 Angell Hall for students in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in nursing.
The meeting will be addressed by
Miss Marian Durell, director of nurs-
ing. This will be the final meeting
in the vocational series.
Delta Omega (Honorary Public
Health Society): Annual meeting for
election *of officers, election of new
members, and general business will be
held Wednesday, May 15, 4:15 p.m.,
Room 135 West Medical Building.
Athena: Election of officers for thel

-Associated Press Photo.
Dr. Lewis E. Drake (above), psy-
chology professor, told a Wisconsin
senate committee investigating rad-
icalism charges at the University of
Wisconsin, he was "out to get" Dean
Chester D. Snell of the Milwaukee ex-
tension division whom he termed a
"menace to the administration of the
Milwaukee center."
Last Issue Will
The final issue for the semester of
Contemporary, campus literary maga-
zine, will be out Monday afternoon,
May 20, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday.
This issue, which will be the last
of the year, will be on sale at news-
stands and on the campus, according
to the announcement. Contained in
it are stories by Jean Keller, Rosalie
Stech, and Horace Ott. Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver, Arthur Carr, Marian
Wiggin and others are represented by
The essay section is covered by Ed-
ward Litchfield, Ralph Carson, Elsie
Monroe and others. The review sec-
tion is particularly large in this issue,
with "Of Time and the River" being
reviewed by Prof. Howard M. Jones,
Gertrude Stein's "Lectures in Amer-
ica" by Dr. A. L. Bader, Play Produc-
tion's "Midsummer Night's Dream,"
by Prof. H. T. Price, and other re-
views of William Faulkner's "Pylon,"
and Forrester Blake's "Riding the
Mustang Trail."
The present staff of the magazine
requested that all those interested in
joining the staff next year leave their
names at the Contemporary office in
the Student Publication Build g
sometime this week.
fall semester will take place Wed-
nesday, May 15, 7:30 p.m., Athena
room. All meiribers are required to
be present.
Pi Lambda Theta meeting for the
installation of officers Wednesday,
May 15, 7:30, University Elementary
School Library.
All Members of Sphinx, junior hon-
orary society of the literary college
are asked to be present at the regu-
lar noon luncheon Wednesday at the
Undergraduate Council Mecting at
3 p.m., today in the Union. All mem-
bers are urged to be present.
Contemporary: All members of the
business staff are requested to meet
with the Business Manager at 4 p.m.,
Wednesday, May 15, Contemporary
I office. Please be there promptly.

Enhanced by some of the screen's
most remarkably beautiful photog-
raphy, clarified by a pleasing, senti-!
mental, well-planned human story,
and intensified by simplicity, "Sequo-
ia," the latest of the animal pictures,
achieves an excellence that has never
been approached before in similar
Jean Parker, as a young animal lov-
er living in the California mountains
with her writer-father, discovers a
motherless baby deer drinking from
a small lake. She adopts it, and on
her way home with it, finds a baby
mountain lion lying beside its mother
who has been killed in a trap. With
Prof. Ford Terms
Moore Bill Unfair
(Continued from Page 1)
intentioned property owners became
unable to pay their taxes. As a re-
sult, much land has come toothe state
through tax sales. If all land on
which taxes are now unpaid is sold,
the state will become over-burdened
with land, which at present property'
values will not be worth anything,
and will be deprived of current tax
payments. If the bill becomes law,
not only will the state be relieved
of an excess of land, but its treasury,
badly in need of immediate funds,
will receive current taxes. True, it
will lose 280 million dollars in de-
linquent taxes, but it would lose them
even if the taxes were not cancelled.
In refuting these arguments, Pro-
fessor Ford emphasized his belief that
the bill is unfair to those who have
paid taxes. "The proponents of the
bill speak as though we would never
experience another depression," he
said. "When we emerge from the
present depression, one of the best
things that might be done would be
to prepare for another one."
"If these delinquent taxes are can-
celled," he continued, "we have no
reason to assume that many people,
who have paid conscientiously during
the past few years will refuse to pay
in the next depression."
Professor Ford called the cancella-
tion of the 280 million dollars "a sub-
sidy which would work a hardship
on the rest of the people because
of the necessary additional levies to
make up for the cancellation."
As another reason for opposing
Senator Moore's plan, Professor Ford
explained that it has been estimated
that delinquent taxes in Michigan
have been pledged to the amount of
nearly 50 million dollars in short term
notes and refunded bonds. "Cancel-
lation of such collateral," he asserted,
"is obviously unfair."
Professor Ford believes that collec-
tion of delinquent taxes is not as
hopeless as it seems. He mentioned
estimates which state that nearly
60 million dollars were collected last
year and the survey of the Michigan
Municipal League. This survey, he
said, indicates that out of 16 counties
during the fiscal year 1934, in seven
counties collections of current taxes

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the deer in one arm and the lion in
the other, she goes to her father, an-
nounces that she is going to raise
them together, and prepares a bed
for each. In spite of their remark-
able compatability, the lion is too
hungry for meat, which he steals
from a neighboring ranch. Both the
animals have to be freed. But their
friendship does not cease, and in sev-
eral later incidents (superbly pre-
sented), they befriend each other.
Even those who are bored beyond
description by animal pictures, "Se-
quoia" should not only entertain but
thrill. Some of the photographic
shots alone are worth the price of ad-
mission, and the "performance" of
the animals are convincing beyond
the point of speculation as to how it
is done.
One does not see the usual ele-
phant stampede, the charging rhin-
ocerous, or the chattering monkeys.
Rather, one is lead into the life of
the animals concerned, and he expe-
riences something fresh, something
vital in the way of good entertain-
There are two cartoon comedies,
one good and one fair, Paul Tompkins
at the organ, and an above-the-aver-
age news reel. -C.B.C.
exceeded 10 per cent of the total cur-
rent 1934 levy; in 4 counties 90 per
cent; and in five counties, 80 per
Finally, Professor Ford declared,
"the constitutionality of the Moore
bill is questionable." He called at-
tention to a recent decision of the
Minnesota Supreme Court holding a
similar measure invalid because it
violated a clause in the constitution
requiring taxes to be uniform on the
same class of subject. "The Mich-
igan constitution has just such a pro-
vision," he said pointedly.

Scholars," by Letts ..
"In Service"... . .
"Carcassonne," by
Nadaud ..........
"Nay But You," by
Browing ..........
"Danny Deever," by
Kipling ..........

.Grace K. Gray
Grace K. Gray
Grace K. Gray
Grace K. Gray
Ralph S. Bell


Shanghaied by a Silly Salt?

"Hannah Bind Shoes," by
Larcom ...........Ralph S. Bell
"Killers" and "Chicago," by
Sandburg .......... Ralph S. Bell
"The Barrel-Organ," by
Noyes .......... Dorothy E. Ohrt
"Musical Instrument," by
E. B. Browning .. .Dorothy E. Ohrt
"Recessional" and "Tomlinson,"
by Kipling .......Phyllis Blauman
"Boy Blue" by
Field .......... Wilma Rattenbury
"Crossing the Bar," by
Tennyson ..... Wilma Rattenbury
"The Famine," by
Longfellow .... Wilma Rattenbury
"Patterns," by
Lowell.......Marian M. Sanders
"Childhood Is the Kingdom,"
by Millay.....Marian M. Sanders
Prof. Marion F. Stowe of the Mich-
igan State Normal.
Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe of the
Department of English.
Prof. Erich-A. Walter of the Depart-
ment of English.
Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the
School of Education.
Miriam Moore, former teacher of
This contest is free to the public.
The program will last about an hour
and a quarter.
Adelphi House of Representatives
annual banquet at the Union at 6:00
o'clock. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, of
the German department, will speak.I
All members and former members of
Adelphi are invited to attend. Reser=
vations may be made by calling Vic
Weipert, telephone 6175.
Engineering Open House: Will all
men desiring to act as guides in the
Engineering Open House please meet
in Room 348 East Engineering Build-
ing at 5 p.m. It is most important




1. Wednesday, May 15, 8:15 P.M.
Artist Concert. Festival debut of HELEN JEPSON, Metro-
politan Opera Soprano. World premiere of "Drum Taps."
Howard Hanson, composer, conducting. The Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, The Choral Union, Frederick Stock, Con-
2. Thursday, May 16, 8:15 P.M.
Artist-Choral Concert. Festival debut of MARY MOORE,
coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan. "King David" by
Honegger. Ethyl Hayden, soprano; Myrtle Leonard, con-
tralto; Paul Althouse, tenor; Paul Leyssac, narrator. Choral
Union, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore and
Frederick Stock, Conductors.
3. Friday, May 17,2:30 P.M.
Young People's Concert. RUTH POSSELT, violinist. Or-
chestra accompaniment. Young People's Festival Chorus.
World premiere of "Jumblies" by Dorothy James. Eric
DeLamarter and Juva Highee, Conductors.
4. Friday, May 17, 8:15 P.M.
Artist concert. GIOVANNI MARTINELLI of the Metropoli-
tan Opera, tenor. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fred-
erick Stock, Conductor.
5. Saturday, May 18, 2:30 P.M.
Symphony concert. JOSEF LHEVINNE, pianist. Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor.
f_ Satirdav. Mnv 18. 815 P.M.


I 1


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