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May 14, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-14

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., ... ,. i


Education, .




T WAS QUITE a piece of news when
twoAmen were killed and four in-
jured in a collision and plane crash incidental
to the extensive naval maneuvers now being
carried on in the Pacific in preparation for the
perilous business of war.
It is scarcely news when two are killed and
four injured over a weekend in the city streets. It
is, however, still an item of note when six are
killed and 200 injured in traffic accidents, as was
the case in Detroit over this last Sunday.
Oddly enough, this unusual toll came as Mich-
igan was opening an official Safety Education
Week. It proves conclusively how badly Michigan
needs a safety education week, and it shows fur-
ther that safety education, will soon be an issue
second not even to war and taxes.

O? °° ossrmanenwmawrmxn "r"'*sm"'-"o-"
Publibsaed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
ad the Big Ten News Service.
Associated olleiatt Sress
e1934 ( igez 1935
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered atrthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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CITY EDITOR.........................JOHN HEALEY
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. laherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas E. Keene, David G. Ma-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, 3leanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
]Marie "Murphy.
BEPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
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Bernard Weissman. George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
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Charles W. Barkdull, Daniel C. Beisel, Lewis E. Bulkeley,
John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore,
Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf-
son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, Donald R. Knapp, William C. Knecht, R. A.
Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann,
Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M.
Rth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A.
Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadne Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy
Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele Polier.
'What The Boys
Are Doing'. ..
N 1913 the first Engineering Open
House made its appearance. In the
words of Prof. Henry Anderson, head of the me-
chanical engineering department, who was largely
instrumental in bringing it about, the affair was
"literally thrown together overnight." A few cur-
ious sightseers were expected, engineering stu-
dents would get a day's vacation, and that was
about all.
The next day, and the following day which had
to be included to accommodate all those who were
interested, more than 10,000 people pushed and
shoved their way through the engineering build-
ings, and everyone pronounced the first Open
House of the engineering college a huge success.
Approximately every four years since 1913 the
college has been holding Open Houses, and each
time one has been put on it has been more pop-
ular. The last one, held in 1931, attracted the
attention of nearly 25,000 people.
An engineering Open House resembles, on a mod-
est scale, in form and design a Chicago world's
fair. Fascinating electrical displays, unique lab-
oratory experiments and exhibits prepared forthe
express purpose of inciting popular interest con-
stitute the major part of a typical Open House.
But there is one fundamental distinction that
sets apart the engineering college's "fair" from its

big brother in Chicago. The Open Houses, since
their inception in 1913, consistently have main-
tained one purpose, and one alone - that of edu-
cation. They are free from all the taint of com-
mercialism that distract to such an extent from
world's fairs. The entire work of preparation and
display is accomplished by engineering students,
and in their unsolicited enthusiasm to "show off"
the highlights of their engineering activities lies
the major appeal of an engineering Open House.
The educational value of these Open Houses has
been demonstrated more conclusively, if possible,
each time one has occurred. Literary students
have taken the opportunity to learn "what the
other side of life is like" over at the "engine
school." High school students have had their first
glimpse of what the term "engineering" actually
means. Engineers have traveled long distances
to observe recent developments in their fields- of
activity as displayed at an Open House.
Even such a faculty member of the engineering
college as Professor Anderson, whose life's interests

[_As Others See It
Congress And The Railroads
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
THE UNITED STATES Supreme Court's decision
that the Railway Pension Act is unconstitu-
tional has not lent buoyancy to railroad stocks and
bonds, and there is a very good reason for it.
The railroads are waiting for Congress to bring
about a better equity between them and other
forms of transportation, and until Congress does
this, the railroads will continue in the doldrums.
No slight amelioration is going to help them ma-
terially. This was proved when Congress repealed
the excess earnings clause of the Transportation
Act, releasing the money tied up by that legisla-
tion. It is proved again by the abrogation of the
Railway Pension Act, which releases whatever
moneys were impounded to create a pension fund.
Too long neglected, the important subject of
transportation has been sidetracked in the present
session of Congress by such all-engrossing matters
as public works and the soldiers' bonus. It is
highly questionable whether the administration's
transportation plan, in which all transport would
be integrated under control of the Interstate Com-
merce Commission, can get the right of way be-
fore Congress adjourns. This is a pity, because the
plan is important.
The railroads find themselves under strict reg-
ulation. They are required to pay good wages to
labor. They are forbidden to increase rates except
by permission of the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission. They must acquire permission to abate
service. Yet other agencies have made off with
much of the business of the railroads and for the
most part they have never been taken in hand
by the government. Mr. Eastman's plan is to
weave them all into one pattern, including the
waterways to bring the competitors of the rail-
roads on all fours with them and so erase the
inequalities which have reduced the railroads
from a transportation monopoly to a disadvan-
taged competitor with formidable adversaries.
Hope for rationalization of this intolerable situa-
tion lies in the President's forthcoming railroad
message. This may go to Congress almost any day.
No doubt the message will follow the broad lines
of the Eastman plan. If the power of the admin-
istration is put behind railroad legislation resulting
from the President's cooperation with the Trans-
portation coordinator, the country may see some-
thing accomplished before Congress adjourns.
There is no other way in which the fortunes of
this industry can be retrieved. The transporta-
tion of freight oyer the highways has come like
an irruption. It has grown beyond all realization.
The difficulty of bringing it under Federal control
has been to distinguish between interstate and
and intrastate service. The growth of trucking,
which has now become a coast-to-coast industry,
is illuminating the way out. All goods moving
across state lines come under the power of Con-
gress to regulate interstate commerce, irrespective
of where the trucks start or stop.
The truck people realize that the present unreg-
ulated situation is intolerable. It leaves the field
too wide open for throat-cutting competition and
irresl:Aonsibility. When the Eastman plasn is
worked out, trucking in its larger aspects will be
better balanced with the railroads. The highway
systm of the United States was not built to destroy
the railroads, nor has the government participated
in it with any such thought. The competition
which has arisen on the highways is a consequence
of human invention. It is also a great convenience
to the people. It cannot, however, be permitted
to destroy such an essential form of transportation
as the railroads.
When Congress comes effectively to grips with
this problem, the fortunes of the railroads will
He Forgot About Trains
(From the Indiana Daily Student)
HE BRUSHED his teeth twice a day with a na-
tionally-advertised tooth paste.
The doctor examined him twice a year.
He did his daily dozen daily.
He wore rubbers when it rained.
He slept with the windows open.

He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vege-
He golfed, but never more than 18 holes.
He got at least eight hours sleep every night.
He never smoked, drank or lost his temper.
He was all set to live to be a hundred.
The funeral will be held next week. He is sur-
vived by 18 specialists, four health institutes,
six gymnasiums and numerous manufacturers of
health foods and antiseptics.
He forgot about the trains at grade crossings.
Torrential rains which fell on Bloomington the
last few days have not prevented local police from
continuing their safety drive. In every city and
community in the United States officers of the law

To the person who sent him a chain-letter, a
columnist on The Daily Illini sent the following
Insanity ........ Ignorance ........ Poverty
This society has brought us up in a stage of
insanity and sent to you with the hope that it will
bring hard luck to you. Within three days make
five copies of this letter and send me a dollar
wrapped in a ten-dollar bill. Send five copies to
your friends or enemies whom you know to be
Leave off the top name and add your own, mak-
ing an application to the insane asylum for each
of them. In omitting the top name you will write
15,625 letters and mail them out at the rate of
three cents each, and figuring your time, station-
ery, wear and tear on the brain at seven and one-
half cents you will qualify for the club. Now?
Is this idea worth a plugged nickel? Of course
not. Don't have faith in anyone. Don't join any
more clubs, and don't send me any more chain let-
ters or I will certainly go nuts!
* * * *
The track coach at a nearby university was
quite angry with his star miler for consistently
staying away from practice. The trackster
told the coach that he was madly in love and
he often had dates during practice.
"And where," said the coach, "did you get
the idea that a date gives you the right to
cut practice?"
"Well," said the runner, "A miss is as good
as a mile."
* * * *
Here's a contribution coming from a sophomore
on The Daily on:
Mathematics 110 - Schedule planning: The
functions of curriculum planning, treating Satur-
day classes, with introduction to subject of after-
noon classes.
Mathematics 111 -Advanced schedule planning;
continuing the treatment of afternoon classes, with
a thorough examination of eight o'clock avoiding.
School of Education - A 103-Selective Curricu-
lum. Two semesters. Full discussion, research
into fields of pipes, snaps and easy "B" courses.
Psychology 75 -Teacher's approach: Best meth-
ods for apple-polishing, ego-inflation. Training
in bringing out best characteristics of teacher.
Special instruction in querying teachers. Develop-
ment of Phi Bete class attitude.
English 21.22 -Sports terminology: Designed
especially for women students going with or desir-
ous of athletic males. Consists of thorough study
of the terminology of men's sports. First semester:
Football, hockey, basketball, wrestling. Second
semester: track, tennis, golf, baseball. Special
discussion of intelligent comments, and analysis of
A Washington
W EIGHING the political consequences of the
bonus battle of 1935 leads into a maze of im-
ponderables. The one clearly
discernible factor is that the
soldier vote so enormously in-
creased by the World War
never has been a distinctive
asset to either party. It has
? h had no more traceable influ-
ence in national elections than
- ' had the enfranchisement of
women. There is no parallel
. to what happened after the
war between the states and
G.A.R. domination of Amer-
ican political destiny for so
W/1.sA~OQ long a period.
The World War army was a
cross-section of the nation. Its veterans long have
been so re-woven into the normal peace-time fabric
that all the sectional or other political influences

of their environment play upon them as much as
upon their neighbors. The records indicate that,
politically, they are first of all Republicans or
Democrats or what have you and that they rarely
bolt party lines to vote as a group even in local
elections. There is no evidence of greater indepen-
dence of party ties among ex-soldier voters than
with any other class of citizens.
THAT HAS SERVED to stiffen the backs of suc-
ceeding presidents against measures exclusive-
ly for World War veterans such as the succession
of bonus bills. The man in the White House knows
that it would be an impossible task to rally the
soldier vote nationally, to seek vengeance upon him
for a veto. Congress knows that. And members
of both houses know, too; that the "soldier vote"
problem is for each of them primarily as an in-
dividual, not a party problem. What they have
to fear is their own party primaries rather than
election day. Antagonizing veterans is more apt
to lose them renomination than reelection if nomi-
Out of this has grown the congressional habit
of letting the President do it if a demand from
veterans was to be denied. It has not hurt pres-
idents politically to say "no."
PROBABLY every member of the House or Sen-


Once Upon a


There Oceurred
3 Tragedies..
A man patted a strange bulldog
to see if the critter were affec-'
tionate. IT WASN'T!
Another chap struck a match to
see if his gasoline tank were
empty. IT WASN'T!
Abusiness man cut out his adver-
tising to see if he could reduce
operating costs. HE COULDN'T!
We have never experimented
with bulldogs or gasoline taiAks,
but we do know something
about advertising.
Advertising builds good will and
reduces the cost of selling mer-
elia ndise.

It supplies necessary informa-
tion about what to buy..,. and1
Tco het the business of 10,000

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