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May 12, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-12

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Unrest Precedes Manila
Constitution Plebiscite
MANILA, May 12..(Sunday)
VP)-More alarmist reports, more
cutting of communication lines and
further preparations against violence
today marked the approach of the1
commonwealth constitution plebis-
Police, armed with rifles, guarded
newspaper plants in Manila against
rumored violence plots.
Telegraph wires were severed in1
Bulcan province between the two
towns of Malolos and San Jose del
Monte, scene of one battle in the
Sakdalista uprising of May 2 which
was put down at a cost of 60 lives.
Constabulary forces sped to the scene.
Three Parleys Act To
Guard European Peace
(By Associated Press)
Diplomats of eight European na-
tions took means in three separate
conferences Saturday to safeguard
European peace and their own secur-
ity, springing from Adolf Hitler's de-
cision to rearm.
BUCHAREST - Members of the
Balkan pact Czecho-Slovakia, Rou-
mania, Jugoslavia and Greece, decid-
ed they were helpless to keep their
World War enemies, Bulgaria and
Hungary, from rearming but proposed
a new security pact pledging all six
to maintain peace in southeastern Eu-
rope. Territorial revision and a
Hapsburg restoration in Austria were
vigorously opposed.
FLORENCE - Two Fascist leaders,
Benito Mussolini of Italy and Chan-
cellor Kurt Schuschnigg of Austria,
held a brief but amicable conference,
with indications given that Italy
would support Austria's demand for
rearmament at the forthcoming Dan-
ubian conference in Rome.
WARSAW - Pierre Laval, French
foreign minister, appeared successful
in his efforts to assure Poland she
was not endangered by the new Fran-
co-Russian pact and that it was the
first step in a general European se-
curity plan. Laval will leave tomor-
row for Moscow.'
Wallace Strikes Back At
Long; Scores 'Snipers'
ALEXANDRIA, La., May 11-(R')--
Secretary of Agriculture Henry A.
Wallace today struck a blow for the
New Deal agricultural policies in
Huey Long's home state of Louisiana
and said the Administration of his
chief, President Franklin D. Roose-
velt, had been "strengthened by snip-
ing politicians."
Wallace came here today from
Washington to urge the farmers at a
state-wide rally attended by thous-
ands to stick by the President in his
farm relief policies and to fight for
continuance of the processing tax as
the farmers tariff against corporation
prowess of big business.
The cabinet member spoke from
the public square to a cheering crowd
and denounced in generalities Senator

Huey Long and other politicians for
"special interests" who have attacked
the New Deal .which, Wallace de-
clared, had "placed the farmer back
on his feet and increased his income."
Ethiopia Asks Italy To
Help End Border War

t tqCop reeie at oofi ofthe Asistant tothe Preld
- mm -3 0 1134 am. Saturday.

Impeachment Asked

0 too
100 Classitned Ditreetory

SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1935
VOL. XLV No. 162

To the Members of the University
Council: The next meeting of the
University Council will be held on
Monday, May 13, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 1009, Angell Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes
unless the same are bankable) all
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester or of the Summer Session. No
office in the University is authorized
to make any exception to this rule.
Any specific questions that can be
foreseen arising in this connection
should be taken up -with the proper
authorities at the earliest possible
Shirley W. Smith
Student Loans: The Loan Commit-
mitee will meet on Wednesday, May
15, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 2, Univer-
sity Hall. Students who have already
filed applications with the office of
the Dean of Students should call there
for an appointment with the Com-

Services today are: 8:00 A. M. Holy
Communion; 9:30 A. M. .Church
School; 11:00 A. M. Kindergarten;
11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis;
5:00 P. M. Young People's Fellowship
in Harris Hall. The Reverend Fred-
erick W. Leech will lead the discus-

Seniors, Literary: Cap and Gown
measurements must be taken prompt-
ly at Moe's Sport Shop, official agency
for the Senior Literary class. If
"Swingout" is reestablished, those
seniors desiring to participate must
order their caps and gowns without
delay. No'deposit is required at time
of measurement.
Engineering Third Year Students:
All third year students in the com-
bined Engineering-Business Admin-
istration and the Engineering-Law
courses should make their requests
at this time in the Secretary's Of-
fice, Room 263, for transference next
year to their respective schools.
Academic Notices
To Graduate Students in Educa-
tion: The preliminary examinations
for the doctor's degree in Education
will be held on May 23, 24, and 25.
All students planning to take these
examinations should immediately no-
tify Dr. Woody's office, Room 4000,
University High School.
The Sixth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture by students of Avard Fair-
banks, Division of Fine Arts of the
University, will be held at the Michi-
gan League Building from May 14 un-
til June 20.
,-Events Today
Melfodist Episcopal Church:
9:45 a.m.--The class for young
men and women of college age which
usually meets in the balcony of the
church auditorium at this hour, will;
not meet today.
10:45 a.m. - Morning worship serv-
ice. "Mother's Day" is the sermon
subject chosen by Dr. C. W. Bras-
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Age.
6:00 p.m.-Wesleyan Guild De-
votional Hour. A special Mother's.
Day Program has been arranged.
Ren-Bing Chen will speak on "Atti-
tudes of the Chinese Toward Their
Maternal Ancestors." Fellowship
supper hour after the meeting.
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing in Harris Hall at 7:00 P. M. James
K. Pollock, of the Political Science
department, will speak on, "Our In-
ternational Difficulties." All students
and their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:

Congregational Church:
Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. with
Mother's Day sermon by Mr. Heaps.
Subject, "The Investment of In-
Professor Preston Slosson will dis-
cuss "Darwin and His Times," in the
series of addresses on "The Evolution
of Religion."
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m. - Worship. Mr. Sayles
will speak on "To All3GoodrMothers."
Church School, 9:30. Dr. Water-
man's class at 9:45, in Guild House.,
Roger William Guild:
6:00 p.m.-Prof. Albert Hyma of
the History Department will give an
address before a joint meeting of the
Lutheran League and Roger Wil-
liams Guild, on the subject, "Luther
and Calvin." The Lutheran League
will be guests of the guild for this
meeting, which will be followed by a
social hour and refreshments. At
Baptist Guild House. Mr. Chapman's
student class meets at usual at Noon.,
Appointments of the Disciples
(Church of Christ) Guild:
10:45 a.m. - Morning worship
12:00 noon - Upper Room Bible
3:30 p.m.--Those young people
who are going to Saline Valley Farms
should be at the church promptly.
Charge, 20 cents.
7:30 p.m.- Evening worship.
Lutheran Students Club members
will be guests of the Baptist Guild
this evening. The Lutheran students
will meet at the Parish Hall of the
Zion Lutheran Church on Washing-
ton Street at 6 o'clock and will go
in a group to the Baptist Guild on
Huron Street.
The dinner will be promptly served
at 6:30 o'clock.
Reformed Students: Services will
be held at the League Chapel, 9:30
a. m. The Rev. E. H. Tanis of Grand
Rapids will be the speaker. Everyone
Unitarian Church: Morning service
at 11:00 o'clock. Rev. H. P. Marley
will consider the mental hygiene of
the individual in his topic, "Lessen-
ing the Inner Strain." Liberal Stu-
dents' Union discussion at 7:30
Scalp and Blade: All members are
urged to be present at the Union at
five o'clock. Elections for the coming
year will be held.
Coming Events
German Department: The regular
monthly meeting of the German de-
partment will be held tomorrow at
4:15 in Room 201 U. H.
Vocational Series - Students of the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts: A meeting will be held on Tues-
day, May 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1025 Angell Hall for students in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in gradu-
ate studies. The rmeeting will be ad-
dressed by Dean C. S. Yoakum of
the Graduate School.
The final meeting in the vocation-
al series, to be addressed by Miss Mar-
ian Durell, director of nursing, will
be held on May 16.
Political Science Concentrates:
There will be a meeting sof all con-
centrates in Political Science in the
League, Tuesday evening, May 14, at
7:30. The topic for discussion will be
the vocational possibilities in the
Mathematical Club. Thea regular
meeting of the Mathematical Club

tique and modern furniture, pic-
tures, new domestic rugs, table
linen, bedding, chair cushions,
crapes, ice box, practically new
modern "apartment" gas stove,
small antiques and many articles
suitable for gifts. Hours 10 a. m.
to 4:30; 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. 818
Lincoln Ave. Phone 2-2720. 217
FOR SALE: Must dispose of 2 season
tickets for May Festival. Good
second balcony seats. Reasonable.
Apply Box 44, Michigan Daily.
BER : FOR SALE: Master's cap,
gown, and hood for sale. Michigan
colors. Perfect condition. Phone
4534. 199
FOR SALE: White bookshelves; 150
feet shelf space in three sections.
About 6 feet high; 7, 8, and 9 feet
wide. Also electric stove. J. M.
O'Neill, 1808 Hermitage. Phone
2-2893. 222-
2 MAY FESTIVAL tickets on main
floor, $3.00 each, Ph. 8310 Under-
wood. 221
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 2x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery, Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x

-Associated Press Photo.
A demand for impeachmenit of
Judge Samuel Alschuler (above) of
the United States circut court of
appeals at Chicago was made by Rep.
Everett Dirksen (Rep., Ill.), who ac-
cused the jurist of influencing a cir-
cuit court decision in a patent in-
fringement case in favor of the de-
will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 8:00
p. i., 3201A.H. The following pa-
pers will be given : Wayne Dancer,
"Symmetrical Cut Sets;" Herbert E.
Vaughan, "Local Betti Numbers;" and
Ching Lai Shen, "Theory of Inverse
Acolytes meeting on Monday, May
13, 7:30 p.m., Room 202 S.W. Dr.
R. Hoekstra will read a paper on "The
Ethics of Moritz Schlick."
Adelphi House of Representatives
will hold its annual banquet at the
Union on Tuesday at 6 o'clock. Profes-
sor J. A. C. Hildner, of the German
Department, will speak. All members
and former members of Adelphi are
invited to attend. Reservations may
be made by calling Vic Weipert, tele-
phone 6175.
Tau Beta Pi: The next dinner meet-
ing will be held at the Barton Hills
Country Club on Tuesday, May 14.
All members please meet at the En-
gineering Arch by 5:30 p. m. Trans-
portation will be supplied.
Athena: Election of offcers for the
fall semester will take place Wed-
nesday, May 15, 7:30 p.m., Athena
room. All members are required to
be present.
Interfraternity Council Tryouts
meeting on Monday, May 13, at 3
o'clock, Council Offices. All tryouts
not present will be dropped from the

15c TO 6P.M.


Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6326. 14x
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done in our own shop by experi-
enced operators at moderate rates.
0. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta-
tionary Store, 314 S. State Street.
YOUR FURS are safest in Zwer-
dling's Fur storage. 31 years of
unexcelled fur service. Phone 8507.
TYPING - Theses and outlines; done
by expert ; reasonable prices. Rhoda
Gansle, 325 Catherine, Phone 9749,
or 9574. 215
A.M.S. Inc. 311 W. Huron
Phone 2-3267
1115 S. University. Permanents $3
$4, $5, $6, $7. Featuring the Glo-
Tone Croquignole, $6. Soft water,
shampoo and finger wave, 50 cents.
Phone 7561. 12x

Edmund Gwenn Is
Featured On Radio
Edmund Gwenn, distinguished
British comedian who is starred in
the Dramatic Season presentation of
"Laburnum Grove," will be featured;
in a radio program at 10 p. m. tonight
over station WWJ.
Besides short selections from the
play, Mr. Gwenn, who has attained
a reputation in New York literary cir-
cles for his ready wit and ability as
a racconteur, will discuss his im-
pressions of the British and American
e.m "


Social Dancing taught
daily. Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio. wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695


Matinees Wednesday and Saturday
"BE FASCINATED! BE BAFFLED! Edmund Gwenn's Character-
ization is a masterpiece." -BURNS MANTLE, N. Y. Daily News.
Edmund Gwenn
in J. B. Priestly's Exciting Comedy

James Cagney




VIG-R-mm' 0-m- VE "

Direct from 6
Months In N. Y.


Season Tickets: $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $6
Single Seats: Nights .75 $1, $1.50
Matinees .50, .75



ADDIS ABABA, May ll-(VP)-Eth-
iopia called upon Benito Mussolini
today to show his hand in their six
months old border quarrel.
A source close to the government
said mobilization of the black war-
riors of Emperor Haile Selassie, "con-
quering Lion of Judah," would be or-
dered if settlement of all differences
is not assured at a meeting of the
League council May 20 or if additional
Italian divisions continue to pour into
neighboring territory.
The government renewed today its
demands that arbitrators of disputed
questions be named as provided under
a treaty between the two : countries.
London reports that France and
Great Britain were pressing Italy to
hasten arbitration were favorably re-
ceived here.
Ethiopians scoffed at Italian re-
ports that Emperor Haile Selassie had
gone to inspect frontier war prepara-

- - - - S ZSUDDEN

JMichigan Union Dinner


F -

NvAR - _ro~

Special U. of M. Sailing to

1:00 to 2:30 $1.00 6:00 to 7:30
Consommee Princess
Essence of Tomato
Fresh Shrimp Cocktail
Chilled Grapefruit Juice
Cream of Chicken a la Reine
Branch Celery Mixed Olives
Sweet Pickles
Broiled Shad and Roe. Union Style
Porterhouse Steak Saute,
Mushroom Sauce
Grilled English Lamb Chop,
Pineapple Glace
Roast Vermont Turkey, Nut Dressing,
Cranberry Sauce
or Brabant Potatoes
New Carrots and Peas or Fresh wax Beans
Frozen Punch
Tomato Rosette
French or Mayonnaise Dressing
Hot Tea Biscuits Assorted Breads
Tea Coffee Milk Buttermilk Iced Tea
Banana Cream Pie






with 'he
U nitversity of Michigan Union DanCe Ochestra






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