THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY SAT E MICHIGAN DAILY I II PublisLied every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER wssociated folleiat lres -1934 Q4ia Djo e 1935e MAnSON VASCOSN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis- patches are reserved. Entcredrat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistan Postmaster-General, Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann-Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y.-400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ................WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR ............................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ...........RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR .................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EIANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kinene, David G4 Mae- donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub. !SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneidei, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Shldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard . Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W. Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. 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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Stanley Joffe, Jerome I. Balas Charles W. Barkdull, Daniel C. Beisel, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf- son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry J. Klose, Donald R. Knapp. William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann, Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean. Jr.. Lawrence M. Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret Cowie, Bernadne Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele Polier. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN J. FLAHERTY Giving The Campus W1at It Wants. T HE ALL-CAMPUS SING Wednes- day evening proved to be E spon- taneous, rousing success. With no tradition behind it, as far as the present generation is concerned, the sing has in a year or two established itself as one of the going institutions on campus. Likewise, the Spring Parley has been growing in the last few years to a position of importance and respect. With every session, the permanent oraginzation gains prestige and assurance. These are not the only strong campus activities today, by any means, but they are two that stand out remarkably in a field that is admit- tedly overcrowded with deadwood. They stand out particularly because they show that the pres- ent number of campus activities is no criterion alone of the adequacy of activities to enlist the interests of students. They show that there is always room fo new endeavors-provided they click. Just what makes for the popularity of two such events as the sing and the Parley is what should vitally concern the officers and members of every other campus oraginzation trying to struggle along. It cannot be enthusiastic and competent leadership alone, although that is one of the most vital factors. The question is largely one of discovering what the campus wants and what the campus lacks. Neither is easily determined because we are so in the habit of thinking in terms of existing arrangements. At first glance it woud certainly seem that the campus offered every imanginable form of expression, but the rise of some new star occasionally disproves that. Sometimes the new activities are revivals of old ones, often they are not. The organization situation on campus is too complex for one to draw, without considerable detailed study, any conclusions except possibly one. That one is that a turnover in college activities is inevitable, and that to recognize it is to be more sensible than to stand in its way. If members of existing organizations, many of them decadent- at least in their present forms - would forget pretense and question themselves honestly about the worwhileness of perpetuating their kind, they would do the University a distinct service. Then there could be more room for the coming things and less time wasted in expecting a miracle. this week as favoring such political and economic reforms as: Reorganization of county government. The uniameral system for state legislatures. Appointment of the supreme and appellate court judges by a committee of the State Bar Association in conjunction with the governor and attorney-general. The appointment of state department heads on the basis of civil service. The diversion of gasoline and other special tax funds for education. The Ohio students opposed: State aid to parochial schools and colleges. Legislation which would make hitch-hiking illegal. They did not solve the depression, put Europe to rights, or inaugurate the world revolution. What manner of men were these? As Others See It Bolshevism Boomerangs (From the New York Post) THE NEW YORK AMERICAN has made a per- fectly horrendous discovery. Most of America's outstanding educators and college presidents are bolsheviks. Included are John Dewey Chancellor Chase of New York University, President Graham of North Carolina, President Hutchins of Chicago, Presi- dent Neilson of Smith, President Wilkins of Ober- lin, Dean Russell of Teachers College, Columbia; President Counts of the same school, Dean Withers of the school of education at New York Univer- sity, and Robert L. Kelly, secretary of the Associa- tion of American Colleges. Now every reader of the Hearst press knows the bolsheviks have beards, and carry bombs in their left hands. How have these gentlemen managed so long to keep their true character hidden while teaching communism to American youth? Watch closely. In Moscow, the Hearst press has discovered, there is a state university. The state university has a summer session. The sum- mer session has an Anglo-American section. The Anglo-American section has an American advisory organization. The American advisory organiza- tion is the Institute of International Education. The Institute of International Education has a national advisory council. And these nefarious gentlemen are on that advisory council. Could anything be clearer? Secretly, advertising only in the magazines and circulating their travel literature through such obscene travel agencies as Cook's, these educators have been enticing American students to Moscow- "Obviously," says the New York American in a front-page editorial, "for the purposes of making adept communist propagandists out of them." Nevertheless, one good plot deserves another, and now we'll tell one. Wicked though they are, these educators merely serve on a council for an organization which advises the Anglo-American section of the sum- mer session of a state university in Moscow. The gentlemen we wish to expose are worse, worse. They have accepted money from the Soviet government to give it advice on how to build up the Soviet Union. One of them was adviser to the Soviet auto trust in building the automobile factory at Gorki. He is a Detroiter whose name is Henry Ford. Another is Percy H. Johnston, governor of the Bankers Club and chairman of the board of the Chemical Bank and Trust Company. He is a director of the Electric Auto-Lite of Toledo, also a paid adviser of the Soviet auto trust. Then there is the chap who, like so many of these dangerous foreigners, hails from Pittsburgh. His Koppers Construction Company has taught the Soviets how to build coke ovens. His name is Andrew Mellon. And, lest we forget, one of the concerns which has been doing business with the Nationalizers of Women at Moscow is the American Metal Com- pany. One of the directors of the American Metal is Edward H. Clark, representing the interests of one William Randolph Hearst. We offer this bigger and better bolshevik plot, free of charge, to the Hearst press. Colleges And Cultures (From the Union Concordiensis) COLLEGES HAVE BEEN ASSAILED periodically by educators, social leaders and professional viewers-with-alarm for being modified country clubs where young men and women lucky enough to have money or win scholarships go to spend four years in ease and comfort, acquiring a polish of manner and a shallowness of thought which passes for culture. V The charge is substantially true. In most college graduates the only visible result of their college education is a superficial politeness (from the fra- ternity house), some facility in subject matter, (from professors and textbooks), and the ability to make a little predigested thought go a long way. This, say the reformers, is what our costly educa- tional system is coming to! Colleges should instill Culture in their students! And they sit. down amid dignified applause. But the speech makers do not stop to define Culture very carefully. Both to them and their audiences, the word brings to- mind old English letters, with a large, fancy, capital C. Culture cannot be picturedany more than it can be taught. Culture is the sum of the activities and interests of a whole people, and only occasionally do these activities point in one direction or are dominated by one interest. The culture of our day is sprawling and diffuse, not integrated like the culture of the Italian renaissance or Elizabethan England. Today we are more interestd in collect- ing things: Books, pictures, furinture and ideas, than in creating new things and new ideas. Even the things which we do create reflect a desire for COL LEGIlATE j OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD "Dear Bud," writes W.T.C., "add this to your list of campus sketches: CAMPUS CONVERSATIONS No. 1 The Rushing Week-End "Hello, Fred. Gee, 's sure swell to see you again. You're looking fine too. How are things back at Central? We ought to be winning some tennis matches now with you playing number one for the old gang. And I guess you'll go places in the 440 too. What's your time so far? 57.4? Oh, well, I guess it's still too cold to get going outdoors. "You know, lots of times I wish I was back at Central for a while to see the gang again. Swell bunch of fellows. Any others coming down here? Jim Hotchkiss said he would if he couldn't pass college boards. Have you been around the house yet? We've really got a nice little place here. Of course, we need a little new furniture, but the alumni say they'll give us.that and repaint the house this summer. That? Oh, that's the bar. Yes, they used to use it before prohibition, and we just keep it cleaned up so the place won't look so awful. "Isn't it a swell day? Spring is the real time to be in Ann Arbor. The sun shines all the time, and there's a bunch of swell concerts and plays that come to town now. Really worthwhile things, you know. And on week-ends some of the fellows go canoeing. We had a beer pa - I mean, a pic- nic -- with the Rho Tau's out at Plymotith last week, and really had a swell time. "I'd drive you around town, only the fellows here at Michigan have agreed it's best not to have cars. It would take their minds off studies, you know what I mean, and besides, if every student had a car, it would be dangerous. So we let the University regulate that. "Later on we'll go down and see how the teams are getting along. One of, the boys here is the number one pitcher on the baseball team, but he" won't pitch today. I guess they're saving him for Northwestern. And Sam was going swell in the mile until he pulled his leg two weeks ago. We usually have quite a bunch in athletics. "Well, how about a couple of rubbers of bridge." Here's a letter in the morning's mail: "Dear Bud: A professor recently made the startling statement that co-eds are no longer beautiful but dumb. Michigan's femininity has defie nitely disproven this theory. They're just dumb. * * * * From one of our well-known Mid-Western uni- versities comes this story of a professor and apples. It seems that this particular professor waxed jovial one fine day and invited his class in pharmacology "to bring on the apples" and the medic boys took him very seriously indeed. In fact, they either begged, borrowed, or stole a half bushel of apples and parked them on his desk. Came the morrow. The one-time jovial professor Went for the apples in a big way, but didn't particularly for the note that was pinned to a bit of flannel cloth which said: "Polish your own apples." d1 l EVRYOD Y WANTS Som ething Whether they are planning a summer wardrobe, contemplating a trip next summer, buying books, or interested in repairing, to get their business de- pends on your choice of a printed Salesman. T H .lo h ia nDa i l y Washington Off The Record By SIGRID ARNE WASHINGTON, May 10. ILAS STRAWN of Chicago, in discussing the problems of the North and the South while in Washington, told the story of a friend of his who speeches which visited a small Georgia farm. The man noticed so many children about the place he asked the farmer how many children he had. "Seventeen," said the farmer. "And all good Democrats, I suppose?" "All but John," said the farmer, "he's took up read- ing." Rep. Josh Lee of Okla- homa makes a few are undecorated by some epi- gram. One of his recent ones was: "The difference between the Indian and the white man is this: The Indian scalps his enemies, but the white man skins his friend." TTORNEY-GENERAL Homer S. Cummings, whose department must spend some time wor- rying about the Supreme Court decisions, sallied forth to see a baseball game between the NRA team and the team in the justice department. Cumming's nine lost by a 5 to 4 score. "What did you think of the game?" he was asked. His eyes twinkled. "Well," he said, "it isn't the first time I have heard a 5 to 4 decision, you know." Secretary Frances Perkins, of labor, has lived in New York City so long she says she lies awake most of the night, when she visits a farm, just "listening to the quiet." MRS. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT not only laughed at the story told about her at a lunch- eon, but gave permission for it to be told. Years ago when the President was assistant sec- retary of the navy some "ladies of the Senate" -'- Reliious Atvties. HILLEL FOUNDATION ZION LUTHERAN Corner East University and Oakland CH URCH Dr. Bernard -eller, Director Washington Street and Fifth Avenue E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 11:15 A.M. - Mother's Day Service at the Hillel Foundation Chapel to be 9:00 A.M. - Sunday School: lesson led by Florence Chaikin. topic, - Rosalind Greenberg will spea "THE CH RISTIAN on:C "IT'S A MOTHER'S WORLD", 10:30 A.M. -Mother's Day sermon, - Abe Zwerding will speak on: "Moses' Mother" "COMMUNISM AND THE JEWS" 5:30 P.M. - Student group will leave 4:00-6:00 P.M-There will be an from the parish hall to attend as open other's-DaTe aatguests the Baptist student guild. Foundation ... Everybody Welcome 7:30 P.M. - Holy Communion in the German language. FIRST METHODIST ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Missouri Synod) State and Washington West Liberty and Third Streets Charles W. Brashares, Minister Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor L: Laverne Finch, Minister A. Taliaferro, Music 9:30 A.M.- Service in German. 9:45 A.M. - There will be no class O OT10:45 A.M.- Morning Service- Ser- Syoung men and women at DO NOT mon by the pastor this time today. NEGLECT 4",Requisites of a Happy 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship Serv- ice~~.-V.. . YOUR RELIGIOUS Home