THE MICHIGAN .DAILY 4 ulates a list of "do's" and "don't's" and attempts to live up to them with ascetic vigor. But while physical laziness will be one of the first faults to receive attention, mental sloth is very apt to be overlooked. The correction of mental laziness involves three specific points. One is that we should not seek out acquaintances who are inferior to ourselves in mentality, just because being more intelligent than our friends gives us a feeling of superiority and consequently of extreme comfort. It is logical that everyone cannot attempt to seek out indi- viduals more intelligent than himself, for then no one would have friends but the most intelligent and he would refuse to associate with anyone. This conclusion leads -to the second point. It is that we as individuals or a group should constantly strive to speed up our brains and discuss profound and consequential subjects more often, thus mak- ing migrations to higher groups. The last point could be called mental idleness. Day-dreaming and, even worse, being mentally asleep while physically awake should be discour- aged. A full day of activity with a high rate of brain acceleration enlarges and strengthens the thinking facilities until idleness no longer tempts. A college community is the ideal place to per- fect oneself in this way for no one is so intelligent that he is unable to gain from the vigorous mental associations which such an environment offers. I COL LEG IATE OBSERVER The SOAP BOX Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, besregarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense Student Self-Support To the Editor : Should self-supporting students be considered? Representing a group of students who are work- ing their way through school and supporting them- selves in whole or in part, I write this letter by way of suggestion to the administrators of the Uni- versity girls' dormitories. A recent proposed change in the management of Helen Newberry Residence is to reduce the num- ber of student jobs in the kitchen and add to the janitorial staff a non-student helper who will work full time and take the place of the students who have previously been able to earn their board there. We realize that we, as working students, have no rights in the matter at all. We realize, also, that those in charge of the dormitories have the purpose and duty to make as much profit as possible and cut down expenses in every possible way. We feel, however, that it is not out of place for us to express our hope that capitalistic instincts will not .entirely control the minds of the "higher- ups" and that the administration will do all it can to maintain these student positions. -Robert A. Choate. E_. By BUD BERNARD What can you make of this contribution? "Dear Bud: I ne'er before have tried to write a rhyme, Because I think it is a waste of thyme. But, Bud, I saw a poem by Ogden Nash which gave me inspiration; And now the animal in me is giving way to an inclination To write a poem. I've always wanted to rhyme Business With dizziness. -Ergophobia." Co-eds at Duke University are now getting more and more privileges - their life now is one of free- com -almost. Included now in their all-embrac- ing liberty is the privilege to smoke - approved places. Attention co-eds! Here is some advice coming from the Oklahoma Daily, the official publication of the University of Oklahoma: "Sophistication is when you don't know something and you pretend you do, so you never find out. "For if you found out you'd no longer be sophisticated. "So be careful. It is dangerously easy to learn something." Seniors, here is some news for you. Dr. Burton Morley, University of Alabama, voices his opin- ion on the chances of getting a job after gradua- tion, "The better half of any graduating class - those with the better scholastic and extra-curricu- lar records usually have little trouble, for most of them within a period of not more than six months after graduation will be employed. It is those who graduate in the lower half of the class - the C and D students who engaged in no campus activities - who present the problem." Dad takes the rap. A student at Indiana Uni- versity had a date for the Spring Prom and needed money badly. Here's the letter to his Dad: "Dear Father: Your one and only son Is down here at college without any mon. It seems the prom tickets are nearly all sold You wouldn't want your boy to be left out in the cold. Why, Dad, when you were in school, you didn't miss the prom. I bet you were always the biggest duck in the pond. So father, dear father, let me see you come through now, Send sonny fifteen berries and save a family row." - * * -* * SENIOR. CANES a mark of distinction, an emblem of respect * Burr Patterson & fld 603 Church Street Phone 4515 112 South Main Street ____ Read The Classifieds IE -1 - I ! i FOR- MOTHER'S DAY -A Comnp/ete Seleecfion of a - -----l -- COARDSl ___ ___at The MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. Stationers - Printers - 'Binders DRESS in And Paris Approves As Others See It Morals From England (From the Minnesota Daily) MONDAY MARKED the beginning of England's three-month festival celebrating the 25-year reign of King George and Queen Mary. For the past week newspapers and magazines have carried articles describing the preparations for the event, and, to kingless United States, the fuss seems a little overdrawn. Weeks have been spent in painting the lamp- posts of London a bright silver; timber from all over England has been gathered to form the huge pyres set off last night in an unbroken chain of bonfires extending from the northern-most tip of Scotland to the southern-most tip of England. "All this in honor of a king who is no more than a figure-head," scoff some Americans and laugh up their sleeve at Brittania, who still clings en- dearingly to her few remaining bits of aristocracy. It would be wiser to cast off this attitude and, adopt instead a more understanding one. When the great majority of the English nation, rich and poor alike, is in favor of spending the thousands of dollars which went into the celebration instead of relief, there must be a definite reason for their enthusiasm. The king himself desired only a simple and quiet demonstration. It was the people alone who were responsible for the pomp and cere- mony. The king, although possessing only a fraction of constitutional authority, plays a far greater role than the average American citizen realizes. His influence is powerful but subtle. As a focal-point on which the nation is centered, he is a cohesive element which binds the empire closer together. To use a hackneyed, but apt, description, the king and queen "anchor the ship of state." The stabil- izing influence influence is peculiarly fitting to England and performs and important and useful function. Therefore, as a tribute to the king's 25 years of service, why should we not unite with England in saying "Long Live the King?" (From the Ohio State Lantern) THE KING OF ENGLAND, say the text books, is merely a figurehead of English solidarity. Although he has little to do with the operation of the government, he is a great stabilizing influence in the British Empire. Consider King George's 25th anniversary as King of England when 3,000,000 people turn out to do him honor. London is transformed into a city of carnival gaiety. Gilded carriages convey the members of the royal family through the streets. England pays for it but England loves it. Perhaps, besides a good five-cent cigar, what this country needs is a revival of the few tradi- tions which do exist. Americans are notoriously lacking in sentiment. Every man feels it is his constitutional right to call the President any name that comes to his mind. How much better the "Dear mouse is is spice. Bud?" writes M.C.J., "If the mice, then certainly the plural You're wrong - it's bigamy." plural of of spouse, -own A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 9. THE DELIGHTFUL part of politics is the im- possibility of making accurate predictions as to political trends or happenings. Straw votes on the eve of elections or Emil Hurja's mysterious opera- tions with his private political ouija board may be exceptions; but by and large, long range previews of what is going to happen, no matter who makes them, are just guesses. Looking back to last year when probabilities of this Congress were being conned on the basis of the terrific Democratic sweep, who now recalls all the gloomy forebodings of administration troubles in the House? It was going to be over-stuffed with Democrats. A lot of the newcomers were advance- noticed as "wild," runners after strange economic and sociological"gods. The President's chief difficulty, it seemed to po- litical forecasters, was going to be keeping the House from barging down every side road of leg- islation not on the New Deal schedule. Iouse leadership problems were going to be so difficult that an effort to induce the President to ditch certain seniors in favor of others to produce a "strong" and reliable leadership staff had a lot of support. MR. ROOSEVELT would not do it. He let things take their course in the House, holding that its organization and leadership was it own affair. And what are the facts to date about the House? It is the administration ace of trumps in the fight for legislative reforms- now in progress. Without benefit of a "gag" rule, it has sunk for the session most of the so-called "wild" projects so much feared. It is sticking aggressively to Roosevelt middle-of-the-roadism. As an illustration of how it works, the fate of NRA would be just about sealed now if it were not for the House. It would either die automa- tically on June 16, expiration date of the act, or go through a lingering death under the Clark 10- month extension plan in the Senate. Even if it survived the Supreme Court test of its constitu- tionality, now also in progress, it would look more like a dead duck than a blue eagle. BUT THERE is the House to reckon with. Initia- tion of recovery act legislation was left to the Senate originally. But with the Clark slow-death plan voted out of Senate committee overwhelm- Cottons for Sports ... You'll look a long time before you fin anything more comfortable than these three - piece outfits- shorts, blouse and halter and skirt-- for sports. In ginghams, seersuck- ers, broadcloths and shirtings. $3.95 to 7.50 Smart Cotton Dayimes Cool, crisp and clean are these smart daytime cotton frocks in dotted Swiss, Eyelets, String, Ginghams, and Seersuckers. Be comfortably chic in one of these dresses. $ 7.50 to 10.95 Lovely Cotton Formals Beautiful as a melody and popular beyond description fare these lovely cotton formals. Select from Organ- dies, Ginghamsand Piques. $5sho A$95 ' Fashion Annex d4, - WHITE HATS Linens -- Piques - Crepes $2.95 Brims, Bretons and Off-face Styles SMART WHITE FELTS $3.95 I F) a I I N