The Weather
Fair, cooler in northeast por-
tions Friday; Saturday increas-
ing cloudiness, showers south.
it gar
Jimination Of Automobile
On Attacking Mental
Laziness ...
VOL. XLV. No. 161
New Post
Noted Professor Will Be
On Columbia Faculty In
1936, IsReport
Ruthven, Regents
Are Not Informed
Authority On Shakespeare
Will Leave Michigan For
New York City
(Special to The Daily)
LOS ANGELES, May 9- Prof. Os-
car J. Campbell, Jr., of the English
-department, now doing research work
in the. Huntington Library at San
Marino, Calif., told Associated Press
reporters today that he had accepted
a position on the English faculty at
Columbia University.
Professor Campbell said he was go-
ing to Columbia to teach Feb. 1, 1936,
but did not amplify his statement.
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of
the English department, made no
comment when informed of Profes-
sor Campbell's decision. President
Alexander G. Ruthven could not be
reached late last night for a state-
The President declared Tuesday,
however, that he had no information
to the effect that Professor Campbell
was contemplating takingha position
at Columibia, and that to the contrary
he had received a letter from Califor-
nia only last week stating that the
noted English scholar would return
here in the fall. As far as could be
learned, Professor Campbell has in
no way communicated his intentions
to the Board of Regents, nor have the
Regents taken any action in that re-
There were, however, it was learned,
rumors circulating around the camp-
us last week, and this week before the
Associated Press wired word of Pro-
fessor Campbell's 'appointment to
Columbia reached Ann Arbor, that
he might accept the position, and.
considerable speculation in faculty
circles was said to be going on.
While President Ruthven did not
says so explicitly, it is believed that
Professor Campbell is one of the "out-
standing faculty men" he referred to
in a recent statement, who told him
that, due to the University's reduced
appropriations, they would be forced
to take positions in other educational
institutions. In that statement, the
President warned against a "raid" on
the Michigan faculty by other col-
leges and universities.
Professor Campbell, who is an in-
ternationally known authority on
Shakespeare, received sabbatical leave
at the beginning of the present semes-
ter to accept the position of research
fellow at the Huntington Library,
where he is bringing to a close a vol-
ume on the history of satiric drama.F
Expect Veto Of
Patnan Bill
Watkins Terms Paitman Bill As
Dangerous Inflation Measure
The nation will be beset with the
danger of inflation if the Patman
$2,000,000,000 bonus bill is passed over
the promised presidential veto, Prof.
Leonard L. Watkins of the economics
department, noted monetary expert,
declared yesterday.
"If the measure is repassed, it will
add further to the inflationary dan-
gers facing the country," he said, "al-
though it has been suggested by ad-
ministration spokesmen that the in-
flationary effects may be offset in
part by the imposition of higher
taxes for the purpose of retiring the
new currency."
Professor Watkins reviewed the
bonus situation that has been fac-
ing the present session of Congress,
pointing out that the Vinson, the Pat-
man, and the Harrison bills have been
the ones under consideration. "The
first two," he explained, "propose to
redeem the adjusted service certifi-
cates in cash and would involve a
financial outlay of about two and two
tenths billion dollars. The Harrison
compromise bill proposes to redeem
the certificates in bonds and cash,
and places a substantial premium
on their retention by ex-service men
until maturity."
The Harrison bill, which has had
the support of the Administration,
I would involve a governmental outlay
of less than half that provided under
the other two bills, he said. It would
enable those benefited to take inter-
est bearing securities, and either cash
them now, or wait and cash them in
the future at a premium. The bill
would also provide for the making
up of debts already loaned to vet-
erans, he advised.
"Congress has elected, however,"
Professor Watkins continued, "to pass
the Patman bill which provides for
payment in non-interest bearing cur-
rency rather than the Vinson or Har-
rison bills, which provided for pay-
ment through the usual processes of
governmental borrowing. Thus it has
selected that measure which provides
for the maximum outlay through the
issuance of greenback currency.
"The Harrison bill, and especially
the Vinson bill," he pointed out, "are
objectionable because of the strain
they would impose on the treasury.
They add subsequently to the deficit,
already alarmingly heavy because of
the relief and public works program.
"But the Patman bill," he empha-
sized, "is even more objectionable be-
cause it opens the door to the print-
ing press method of meeting govern-
ment expenditures.
"Of course," he continued, "it may
1(pontniPrT on Pme 21
Michigan Loses
Tennis Match
By 6-0 Margin
Kahn And Dean Win Only
Sets In Northwestern's
Third Straight Victory
Northwestern's title-bound tennis
team defeated the Michigan net squad
by the overwhelming score of 6-0 in
a series of grueling matches played
yesterday afternoon at Ferry Field.
It was the Wildcats' third straight
shut-out, since they defeated Notre
Dame 7 to 0 and Wisconsin 6 to 0
in the past week.
The closest match of the day was
the number two singles combat, when
Howie Kahn of Michigan heroically
withstood the onslaught of Russell
Ball, Chicago indoor champion, win-
ning a long set from .him 7-9. The
plucky little Wolverine dropped the
second set, 4-6, and after a bad fall
in which he twisted his ankle, lost
the third set 3-6.
George Ball, Northwestern's num-
ber one ace, dropped the first four
games of his match to Bob Anderson,
and then took the next ten straight,
winning the scrap, 6-4, 6-0.
The Wolverines' weakness in the?
doubles was again demonstrated
when both their number one and
number two pairs lost their matches
in straight sets. Anderson and Ted
Thorward showed some strength as a
possible combination, stroking well
with the Ball brothers, Western
doubles champions. The 6-4 score of
the first set does not show that the
champions were held back for five
games, before they could start a slow
rally which finally gave them the:
set victory.l
Johnny Rodriguez and Jarvis Dean
lost the other doubles match to Rugg
and Doherty of Northwestern in a
heart-rending struggle. Both Mich-
igan players gave excellent perform-
ances. Rodriguez made some spec-
tacularly brilliant shots, but as a
team the two were unable to get to-
gether to defeat the experienced
Wildcats. They were forced to bow
to them in the final match of the
disastrous series, 6-2, 6-3.
George Ball (N) defeated Ander-
son (M), 6-4, 6-0.
Russell Ball (N) defeated Kahn
(M), 3-6, 6-3, 6-3.
Rugg (N) defeated Dean (M), 3-6,
6-3, 6-3.
Doherty (N) defeated Rodriguez
(M), 6-3, 6-2.
G. and R. Ball (N) defeated And-
erson and Thorward (M), 6-4, 6-1.
Rugg and Doherty (N) defeated
Dean and Rodriguez (M), 6-2, 6-3.
Seven Indicted At
Iowa After Probe
Johnson County grand jury reported
today on its investigation of vice con-
ditions, precipitated by revelations of
immoral parties at a University of.
Iowa fraternity recently, and declared
that "while there was evidence of
bootlegging, we find conditions as
good as could reasonably be expect-
Indictments were returned against
seven persons for violation of the state
liquor law, but their names were not
to be made public until they could be
The University and city were
thrown into an uproar three weeks
ago when a fraternity was suspended
by university officials who revealed
that two girls had visited the frater-
nity house on several occasions and
engaged in im'-moiral relations.
Students To Be
Canvassed By
SCA For Tags
Funds Will Support Fresh
Air Camp; Local Welfare
Agencies To Cooperate
The Student Christian Association
will hold its annual campus tag day
for the support of the University
Fresh Air Camp today. It is planned
to canvass the down-town section of
Ann Arbor tomorrow.
During 13 years of its existence,
the Fresh Air Camp has served the
needs of more than 5,000 underprivi-
1eged boys. The campers are selected
by more than 15 local welfare agenc-
ies located in Ann Arbor, Detroit,
Hamtramck and Wyandotte.
The program for the camp for the
1935 season is one of the most ambi-
tious ever attempted by the camp
administration. During each two-
week period the camp is operated
100 boys from Ann Arbor will be in
attendance, and this same group will
remain in the camp for the entire
summer. At the end of the two-week
intervals an additional 100 boys will
attend the camp. The members of
the latter group will be selected from
the communities in the vicinity of De-
President Alexander G. Ruthven
described the camp as a great "proj-
ect in human engineering." Boys
who live in the crowded areas of the
large cities are instructed as to how
to live more healthy lives and how
to enjoy life to a fuller extent, ac-
nrrin tO Cam Officials One of
Fight Planes
Over Pacific
On Maneuver
Is Greatest Mass Flight
Ever Undertaken Over1
Ocean; Plans Secret
Ships Are Headed
For Midway Islands
46 Planes, 200 Officers
And Men Are Included
In Air Armada
HONOLULU, May 9.- P) -Forty-
six American fighting planes roared
westward over the Mid-Pacific today
in the greatest ocean mass flight ever
undertaken - a secret naval maneu-
ver through the air from Honolulu
to tiny Midway Island, 1,323 miles
It took one minute less than two
hours for the heavily-loaded aircraft,
bearing some 200 officers and men, to
get into the air one by one. Then
like ships of the fleet the powerful
planes lined up in squadrons and
streaked away on a hitherto unblazed
Somewhere in the great triangle
between the American mainland,
Alaska and Hawaii, the United States
fleetguided the history-making air
armada with an unseen hand. The
planes were on "routine duty" and
their movement played some undis-
closed part in the widely discussed
Pacific fleet operations.
Noted Squadron Leads
Extreme secrecy surrounded the
preparations and departure, but the
Navy could not conceal the visible
aspects of the movement. Officers
said no progress reports would be
given out.
Naval officers wouldn't even admit
that a mass flight was being made.
But it was learned that the big air
fleet was aiming for the tiny coral
islet which soon is to become a way-
station for contemplated trans-Pa-
cific comercial airplane service.
It also was learned that the group
expected to reach the little island in
'10 or 11 hours; that the planes would
remain away from Pearl Harbor for
about a month to figure in other
ambitious aerial operations far at sea,
possibly including flights between this
area ahd the Aleutian Islands, 1,700
miles distant.
First into the air and leading the
armada was the noted Squadron vp-
10, of six long-range planes, which in
January, 1934, made. the Navy's first
mass precision flight from Oakland,
Calif., to Pearl Harbor.
Squadrons of varying numbers of
smaller planes followed. The planes
in the air circled the naval base in
an ever-growing swarm until the'
last one had gained its position.
Quickly they tore away to the West.
Feat Outshines Balbo's
Some of the 153 surface ships of
the fleet were known to be in the vi-
cinity of the air trail and were ex-
pected to keep track of the opera-
tions and stand by for any possible
The weather at Midway Island was
unfavorable, said J. F. Voorhees,
United States weather observer.
Heavy rain was falling there, he said,
with a 24-mile southwesterly wind.
Possibility of increasing winds indi-
cated a possibility that the planes
might halt tonight at French Frigate
Shoals, 500 miles northwest of Hono-
lulu, or at Pearl and Hermes Reef,
about 100 miles this side of Midway.
In many ways the American naval
undertaking far outshone the spec-
tacular achievement of Gen. Italo
Balbo and his Italian squadron of
24 planes which crossed the Atlantic
from Orbetello, Italy, to Chicago in
1933. Balbo's squadron also flew
back home, losing one ship.
The American undertaking, besides
involving almost twice as many planes
as Balbo had, required fine points of
navigation to reach Midway without
error, and called for a single mass
House Passes
Banking Bill
Of President
Federal Reserve System
Gets Greater Control Of
Nation's Banks
Party Unity Blocksa
Republican Changes
Sen. Glass Announces That
He Opposes Bill Going
-To Upper House
WASHINGTON, May 9 -(A)- The
House today passed and sent to the
Senate the Omnibus Banking Bill
giving the Federal Reserve System
greater control over the Nation's
banks. The vote on final passage
was 271 to 110.
Repeated Republican attempts to
narrow the new powers were of little
avail, the huge Democratic major-
ity voting almost as a unit against
Amendments offered by Democrats
to increaseythe powers provided in
the bill beyond those asked by the
Administration, likewise were defeat-1
One of these, by Rep. O. H. Cross,
of Texas, would have provided out-
right government ownership of the1
Federal Reserve System through pur-
chase by the Treasury of the $140,-1
000,000 in stock of the 12 reserve1
banks now held by the reserve mem-
ber banks. In effect, the amendment9
would have made the Federal Reserve
System a central government bank.1
What would happen to the bill in
the Senate remained uncertain. Sen.1
Carter Glass, a leader on banking
legislation in that branch, had served
notice he would oppose the things_
which House Republicans sought to
Previously the House rejected an
amendment by Rep. John B. Hollister,,
Ohio Republican, to eliminate the1
section letting the Federal Reserve
Board change the reserve which
member banks must maintain against
demand and time deposits.
The chief things the bill would
1. Make permanent the present1
deposit insurance, limited to a maxi-;
mum of $5,000 for each deposit.
2. Give the President outright
power to remove the governor and'
vice governor of the Federal Reserve
3. Let the board instruct the 12.
Federal Reserve Banks as to whether
they should buy or sell government
4. Allow the board to fix from time
to time the reserve that member
banks must maintain against depos-
5. Direct the board to use its pow-
ers "to promote conditions condu-
cive to business stability" and work
against unstablizing fluctuations in
the general level of production, trade,
prices and employment."
Violations Are
Decreased By
Traffic Drive
"The recent traffic drive of the
Ann Arbor police has materially de-
creased the number of local law vio-
lations resulting in accidents," Lewis
W. Fohey, local chief of police an-
nounced yesterday.
The police department has been
concentrating during the past few
weeks on enforcing the minor portions
of the traffic code with a view to mak-
ing the driving public conscious of
the importance of minor ordinances
designed to safeguard all drivers. Par-
ticular attention has been given, ac-
cording to Police Chief Fohey, to
stopping at red traffic lights before
making turns and to stopping at the
numerous stop streets throughout the
Police have also been checking up
on cars left on the streets at night
without parking lights burning. Only
a very few sections of the town, in-
cluding the Main street district and
the streets paralleling the police sta-
tion, are exempted from the ordi-
nance requiring that some light be
burning on a car an hour after sun-
setset. Meteorological stations will
furnish car owners with the time of
the sun-setting which changes daily.
New Journalist Issue
Will Be Released Today
The fourth issue of the Michigan
,.,,,,nnj.+ 1ahare.tnr vnnhliaotion nf
* * *
Journalist Fools
Mrs. flIubbs; She's
Mrs. Laura C. Hubbs, wife of Prof.
Carl L. Hubbs, curator of the Zoology
Museum fish division, who has been
handling that position during the ab-
sence of her husband in Central
America, was "plenty surprised" when
she read the Detroit Free Press yes-
terday morning.
The story is that C. H. Buekema,
local Free Press correspondent, had
been talking with Mrs. Hubbs about
an article on some rare fish she has
in the Museum. Early this week he
showed her a copy of his handiwork,
telling her it would be in Thursday's
Free Press. Mrs. Hubbs read it ap-
provingly and put her O.K. on it.
But when Mrs. Hubbs read the Free
Press she saw her picture and a story
- a story entirely different from the
one Mr. Buekema had shown her.
Instead it was one telling of her life
in helping Professor Hubbs in his
work with fish. In complimentary'
terms, the article praised Mrs. Hubbs
and declared that when the biologist
returned from Central America, "the
noted team of Hubbs and Hubbs
would be together again."
Mrs. Hubbs admitted that the Free
Press correspondent had bettered her,
and declared againhthat she was
"plenty surprised. There wasn't even
a word in the two articles alike," she
said laughingly.
Max Baer 'Shot'
As Blank Pistol
I Discharged
Champion Suffers Painful
Burn But Wound Is Not
Considered Serious
ASBURY PARK, N. J., May 9--
(iP)- Max Baer, heavyweight boxing
champion, suffered a painful but not
severe burn today when a blank car-
tridge pistol was discharged near
him while he was rehearsing a radio
sketch in a hotel (Berkeley Carteret)
He was treated at Hazard Hospital,
Long Branch, together with Peg La-
Centra, also in the sketch, who was
burned on the face.
The fighter had just completed
his first outdoor workout in prepara-
tion for his forthcoming champion-
ship fight with James J. Braddock,
and had gone to the hotel to rehearse
his program.
Shots and sirens are used for sound
effects in the detective serial in
which he is the principal. Baer, ac-
companied by Jerry Casale, former
New Jersey fight promoter, jokingly
complained that the shots were not
loud enough.
Casale, who served as a guard at
Baer's Long Branch home, drew his
gun, loaded with blanks, and was
showing it to Baer when it exploded.
Wadding struck the fighter over
the heart and the fire penetrated his
Missouri Student
To Return Today
To Return
Hubbs And Vander Schalie
End Expedition In Wilds
Of Guatemala
Rare Fish, Mollusks
To Be Shipped Here
Land Shells Found Near
Tayasal Ruins Said To
Be 'VeryRevealing'
Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of the
Zoology Museum fish division, and
Dr. Henry C. Vander Schalie, assist-
ant curator of mollusks, will arrive
in Ann Arbor at 3:30 p.m. today,
bringing to a close their expedition
in the wilds of Guatemala.
Their arrival will end more than
three months spent in the unexplored
Central American jungles in an ef-
fort to discover rare species of fish
and mollusks, and to get general in-
formation regarding that little known
country. They left Ann Arbor Janu-
ary 27.
Professor Hubbs and Dr. Vander
Schalie, who sailed from Belize, Brit-
ish Honduras, May 4, came into the
New Orleans harbor yesterday. A
telegram, telling of their arrival, de-
claring that they would arrive in Ann
Arbor today, and reassuring Museums
officials here that they are well was
also received yesterday,
The fruits of their long and ex-
hausting search, the rare species of
fish and mollusks, which came to New
Orleans with them, will not be shipped
here until later, according to Mrs.
Laura Hubbs, wife of the curator, vgho
has been in charge of the fish di-
vision during his absence.
While the exact nature of their
findings was not revealed, it was be-
lieved that -the two explorers had
collected materials which would add
substantially to scientific knowledge.
Some rare land shells, picked up near
the Tayasal ruins, cite of ancient
Mayan civilization remains, were
termed recently by Frederick M.
Gaige, director of the Zoology Mu-
seums, as "very revealing."
The two scientists began their work
at Flores, Guatemala, in Lake Petin,
sailing down the San Pedro River
through British Honduras to the
The expedition was conducted
under the auspices of the biological
survey being taken in Central Amer-
ica by the Carnegie Institution,
Washington, D. C. This is the fourth
trip taken by University biologists,
who are handling all the research in
that field.
New Attempt Is
Made To Settle
Vote In Senate
Victory For3
Is Probable
WASHINGTON, May 9.- (IP)--
One of the most violent clashes be-
tween Congress and the White House
appeared inevitable tonight as Presi-
dent Roosevelt marshalled data for
a veto on the inflationary Patman
bonus bill, even before receiving it
from the Capitol.
After unofficial Senate polls had
indicated that the Roosevelt forces, at
present, could sustain a veto by pos-
sibly as many as five or six votes,
the Patman-ites initiated two courses
of action to the same end.
Working in the cloakroom and of-
fices they sought to win votes direct-
ly. Simultaneously, they endeavored
to bring down a shower of telegrams
on both the Capitol and White House.
The leaders of both the American
Legion and the Veterans of Foreign
Wars sent telegrams to their followers
asking them to wire the President not
to veto the bill, and to wire their Sen-
ators and Representatives to. override
the veto if it is forthcoming.
Other developments included;
Delay was encountered on all fronts
Toledo Strike
DETROIT, May 9.- VP) -William
S. Knudsen, executive vice-president
of General Motors Corp., said, tonight
that new negotiations for the settle-
ment of the Chevrolet workers' strike
in Toledo would be taken up at a con-
ference in Toledo at 9 a.m. Saturday.
The scheduled conference is expect-
ed to. take up new problems in the
Toledo shrike which has effected
more than 30,000 workers in Gen-
eral Motors plants. Knudsen did not
amplify the announcement of a new
strike conference, nor touch upon the
subject of what new settlement pro-
posals might be offered.
The announcement, however, went
far to ease the tension in the auto-
mobile industry, where the 'fear of a
general strike was increased by the
action of the Toledo workers last
night in voting against the manage-
ment's proposal for a settlement.
WASHINGTON, May 9. -M )-
When Senator Robert J. Bulkley,
(Dem., Ohio), today read of the at-
tack Father Charles E. Coughlin made
upon him in his home town of Cleve-
land last night, for his failure to sup-
port the Patman Bonus Bill, he
chuckled and said:
"I'm glad to hear it. He/ought to
know he can't threaten me&' Cough-
lin had told Cleveland that Bulkley
should not be reelected.
c uzlgu alp x . tu v
1Tthe services the camp performs is in
I.S.U. Law School teaching the campers how to swim.
, I It is estimated that more than 300
Put On Probatioi boys are taught how to swim each
WASHINGTON, May 9. - (A) - The staff of the Fresh Air Camp is
The Louisiana State University law made up of students who attend the
school was placed on probation today University during the winter terms
by the American Bar Association for and certain members of the faculty.
allegedly issuing a special law diploma It is estimated that the camp em-
to an undergraduate student. ploys approximately 20 students, who
The association, council on legal usually serve as cabin counsellors or l
education and admissions to the rul- instructors in nature study, handi-
iig body in determining the standing craft, or swimming.
of law schools, found that Temple In addition to giving the campers
A. Kennedy had been issued the di- a healthfil and heneficial outdoor
Adelis Cheever House
Roused By False Alarm
The Adelia Cheever House, the
city fire department, and more
than 50 would-be spectators got
a bad break last night.
Somebody, a jokester, the Adelia
Cheever girls think, turned in a
fire alarm at 11:30 p.m. yesterday,
telling the firemen that the dormi-
tory, which is located at 516 East
Madison Ave., was ablaze. A fire
truck dashed out of the station,
COLUMBIA, Mo., May 9. - (P) -
The "Show Me," University of Mis-
souri student humor magazine, did
not look funny today to school offi-
Six hundred copies of the May is-
sue, just ready for campus distribu-
tin warn czi7ri hy Artvhnv T ri