DNESDA, MAY$1,1$25 THE MICHIGAN DAILY os _Kin Is New chair n Of League Theatre And Arts Con PAGE FIVE umittee Announcement MadeLast Night By JeanSeeley Members Of Orientation Committee Are Named By MargaretHiscock Lois King, '37, has been selected chairman of the theater and arts committee of the League, according to an announcement made last night by Jean Seeley, '36, League president. MisĀ§,King will take the place of Louise French, '36, who resigned the posi- tion recently. Miss King is a memer of the Daily staff, Pi Beta Phi sorority, and Wy- vern. She was program chairman for Sophomore Cabaret, in charge of the box office for Children's Theater, and assisted on the social and theater and arts committees of the League. She will be the first junior on the teague Council. Announces Committee Margaret Hiscock, '36, chairman of Cuts LongTresses Senior Society Initiates Nine New Members, Group Holds Banquet And Program After Initiation ; Dean LloydSpeaks Nine non-affiliated women were initiated in Senior Society at 4:15 p.m. yesterday in the League Chapel. Following the ceremony, a banquet and program was held for the new members and alumnae of the organi- zation. The new initiates are Clare Gor- man, Elizabeth Green, Elizabeth Greeve, Eleanor Johnson, Maureen Ka anaugh, Eileen McManus, Bren- da Parkinson, Audrey Talsma and Virginia York. Marion Brooke was in charge of arrangements for the ceremony. Dean Alice C. Lloyd was the main speaker at the banquet, talking on "The Purpose of Honor Societies." She was introduced by Charlotte Simpson, toastmistress. Other speak- ers were Eleanor Peterson, president of the organization, and Sue Wood, alumnae representative. Special music at the banquet which was planned by Marian Bertsch and Jeanette Putnam was furnished by Helene Gram and Miss Bertsch. This year is the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the organi- zation, which was founded in 1905 when Mrs. Myrna B. Jordan was Dean of Women. In a recent letter Mrs. Jordan said, "Senior Society was formed by a group of girls who felt that as there were no dormitories and no definite organization of League houses, that a group of inde- pendent women had a real piece of work to help the independent fresh- man women in their social and aca- demic adjustments." Twice during the existence of Sen- ior Society, the organization refused the offer to join the National Sen- ior Honorary Sorority. Polish Students To Participate In Hofloring Marshall Pilsudski By FLORENCE HARPER j fices, and at present is Minister of Modern Ann Arbor will play an in- War and the virtual dictator of the tegral part in one of the ancient and country. picturesque customs of Poland when The present movement to honor the parcel of earth to be sent by Po- him was inaugurated by the Polish lish students here is placed upon the government and is receiving the sup- kopiec being raised in honor of Mar- port of Poles the world over. Par- shal Joseph Pilsudski, great patriot cels of earth are being sent from and leading figure in the Polish gov- the smallest native peasant gardens ernment. and from large industrial centers The kopiec, which is part of a tra- here and in European countries. dition originating in medeival times, consists of a huge mound of earth dividuals and institutions. It is a gesture of extraordinary honor ex- tended to only the most beloved of na-Changed tional heroes. Only three other such monuments have been erected since the traditionysJ was originated, one to Krakus, found- er of Krakow City and instrumental Several rushing rules were voted to in the organization of the old Ding- be changed at the meeting of the dcm of Poland; another to Queen Panhellenic Association, held yester- Wanda, the first women ruler, who day afternoon at the League. committed suicide in order to keep The Association voted to allow each her country from falling into German sorority to have its choice of two out hands, and to the famous patriot, of three parties, breakfast, lunch and Kosciusko. A fort has been built dinner, on the second Saturday of the around the mound dedicated to the rushing period, instead of having all latter who is known as the ablest gen- three parties, the former custom. eral of his time. It was also decided that relatives Pilsudski, the military hero of Po- and alumnae may not be in contact land, was a prime factor in uniting with the rushees during intensive the Polish nation after the World rushing, that active members of a War and has been an important fig- sorority may not converse with a ure in the government ever since. He rushee, and that relatives or alumnae has held a series of important of- may not call for a rushee except for ---- - - the formal rushing dinners. These Elsie Pierce Is Elected changes were drawn up by the rushing rules tommittee, consisting of Sue President Of Wyvern Thomas, '36, chairman, Ruth Brad- ner, '35, and Charlotte Hamilton, '37. Wyvern, honor society for junior Several changes were also made in women, held election of officers for the constitution of the Association. the coming year after the initiation Instead of requiring the two delegates ceremonies which were held Sunday each sorority sends to the Association, afternoon. to be upperclassmen which was the Elsie Pierce was elected president former rule, these delegates may now of the organization to succeed Mar- be chosen from any class. It w!,s also garet Hiscock. Jane O'Ferrall will decided to allow a pledge who has take Winifred Bell's place as secre- carried 11 hours with 15 honor points tary, and Grace Snyder was elected to be initiated, without having to pe- treasurer, succeeding Jane Peter. tition, provided she has some good orientation, also announced her com- mittee yesterday. These women will act as freshman advisers during the fall semester. The list includes Jane Arnold, '36, Mary Margaret Barnes, '37A, Ellen Brown, '36, Katherine Buckley, '38, Dorothy, Carr '36, Jose- phine Cavanaugh, '37, Betty Chap- man, '36, Maryanha Chockley, '37, Dorothy Cowles, '36, Margaret Curry, '38, Marion Donaldson '37, Jane Fletcher, '36, Betty Furbeck, '36, Delta Glass, '36, Jane Haber, '36, Helen Hanley, '37, Florence Harper, '36, Gertrude Jean, '36, Betty King, '37, Rebecca Lotridge, '37, Jean MacGreg- or, '36, Catherine McInerney, '36, Barbara Miller, '36, Betty Griffith, '37, Betty Nichol, '36, Mary Jean Pardee, '36, Betty Roura, '37, Ruth Rich, '36, and Morjorie Morrison, '36. Miss Hiscock also selected the fol- lowing to assist in the administration of the work: Jean Bonisteel, '38, Eve- lyn Ehrlichman, '37, Gretchen Leh- man, '37, Barbara Spencer, '37. Other assistants on orientation are Helen Shapland, '37, Grace Snyder, '37, Ronnie Stillson, '38, Ann Tim- mons, '36, Mary Lou Willoughby, '37, Doris Wisner, '37, Jewel Wuerfel, '37, Eleanor Young, '36, Edith Zerbe, '37, Marjorie Kress, '36, Mary Mcvor, '37, Rose Perrin, '37, Mary Johnson, '38, Gertrude Penhale, .'36Ed., DOro- thy Geldart, '37, Mary Ellen Heitsch, '37, Ona Thointon, '37, Jean Hatfield, '37, Betty Ann Beebe, '37, Kay Bishop, '37, Mary Louise Mann, Jean Shaw, '36, and Winifred Trebilcock, '36. Additional Names Ruth Sonnanstine, '36, chairman of the merit point committee, a)nounced additional names on her committee. They are Mary Alice Baxter, '36, Mary Bentley, '38, Adelaide Collery, Marjorie Coe, '38, Katherine Choate, '36, Margaret Compton, '37, Lucy Cope, '36A, Gail Everest, '36Ed., Doro- thy Gittleman, '38, Ruth Hess, '36, Mary Hamlin, '38, Mary Huntington, '38, Doris Koch, '38, Florence Mid- worth, '38, Mary Morgan, '36, Nancy Olds, '37, Eunice Parker, '36, Margar- et Parmeter, '37, Helen Purdy, '38, Peg Sharpe, '36, Laura Spencer, '38, Winifred Trebilcock, '36, Edythe Tur- teltaub, '37, Margaret Waterston, '38, and Carla Weimar, '37.. Speech Socieltis Hold Joint At a joint meeting of the speech societies held last night, Professor Thomas C. Trueblood, formerly con- nected with the University of Mich- igan speech department, spoke on his experiences in South America. Prof. Trueblood, who cane to this University fifty-one years ago, told of his recent trip to Los Angeles by way of the Panama Canal and the important ports in South America. Prof. Trueblood gave an interesting account of how the boats went through the canal, and explained that over 12,000 soldiers were needed to guard the locks against attacks by foreign nations. -Associated Press Photo. The long hair of Mrs. Calvin Cool- idge, widow of the former President, } has been bobbed into a stylish new coiffure. Two St age e 'vices Cleverly Combined InComig"Coedy By BETTY GRIFFITH Two devices of playwrights, one long used, of gathering the characters around a dinner table, and one more recent of having the actors indulge in nibbling throughout the play, have been combined to form hilarious comedy by J. B. Priestly, the famous English novelist and dramatist, in his} current hit "Laburnum Grove" which is coming to the Dramatic Festival with its complete Broadway cast, in- cluding Edmund Gwenn, Melville Cooper, Elizabeth Risdon, and Molly1 Pearson. In this comedy, which will have its cpening here on May 20, these devices are used not merely to have the char- acters doing something but as essen- tial to the future action and to give the play a certain flavor. The six bananas which Melville Cooper eats at every performance of "Laburnum Grove" serve to integrate the char- acter and to give it the Priestly rich- ness. When George Redfern (played by Edriund Gwenn), a London suburba- nite, sits down. to his Sunday night supper, he has with him around the table his brother-in-law and his wife who are living on his money, and his daughter, Elasie, and her suitor, a used car salesman who is attracted to a girl with so respectable and well established a father. Just at the beginning of the meal, the father suggests that he is a clever counterfeiter sought by Scotland Yard. The supper party at first think it a joke, but as the father goes on they become convinced of the truth of the story.' Fromn this point the farcical com- plications mount to an unusual climax in the last act. Because of its origi- nality and the action of its comedy, "Laburnum Grove" has been placed among the outstanding hits of recent years. J WhereT0GO 1 . MAY FESTIVAL 0 1. Wednesday, May 15, 8:15 P.M. Artist Concert. Festival debut of HELEN JEPSON, Metro- politan Opera Soprano. World premiere of "Drum Taps." Howard Hanson, composer, conducting. The Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra, The Choral Union, Frederick Stock, Con- ductor. 2. ThvrsdayMay 16, 8:15 P.M. Artist-Choral Concert. Festival debut of MARY MOORE, coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan. "King David" by Honegger. Ethyl Hayden, soprano; Myrtle Leonard, con- tralto; Paul Althouse, tenor; Paul Leyssac, narrator. Choral Union, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore and Frederick Stock, Conductors. 3. Friday, May 17,2:30 P.M. Young People's Concert. RUTH POSSELT, violinist. Or- chestra accompaniment. Young -People's Festival Chorus. World premiere of "Jumblies" by Dorothy James. Eric DeLamarter and Juva Higbee, Conductors. 4. Frida, May 17,8:15 P.M. Artist concert. GIOVANNI MARTINELLI of the Metropoli- tan Opera, tenor. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fred- erick Stock, Conductor. 5. Saturday, May 18, 2:30 P.M. Symphony concert. JOSEF LIIEVINNE, pianist. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor. 6. Saturday, ay 18, 8:15 P.M. Boris Godunof in'- English by Moussorgsky. MAXIM PANTELELEFF of the Russian Grand Opera as "Boris." Myrtle Leonard, contralto; Paul Althouse, tenor; Wilbur Evans and Theodore Webb, baritones. Choral Union, Chi- cago Symphony Orchestra. Earl V. Moore, Conductor. SEASON TICKETS, if May Festival coupons from Choral Union tickets is returned, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00, otherwise $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00. SINGLE CONCERTS $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, on sale at the School of Music, Maynard Street. Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Trav- eling Saleslady" with Joan Blondell; Whitney, "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" with Norman Foster and "Murder in the Clouds" with Lyle Talbot; Wuerth, "House of Rothschild" with George Arliss and "Desirable" with Jean Muir; Majestic, "While the Pa- tient Slept" with Aline MacMahon and "Ten Dollar Raise" with Edward Everett Horton. Dancing: Hut Cellar. wm om I Ih i~ I : ij i 1 ti I I'_ I I r P F Mother' s Day Gift Special Gloves, Hosiery, Washable Purses, Jewelry, Flowers, Lingerie, Neckwear IS SUNDAYY 12 ILLER DRUG Presents A Complete Selection of ACCESSORIES, TOILETRIES & CANDY II'I t 4 I Hollywood Makeup i f F ELECTRIC ELE .C'TRITC f P.T r moTyr. 111 1 I 1I .._,_ .,.,.. I. FI ~ ~ yvvI v I I I ~u r~t Ztt L ' -'-'-' I U III 111111