eFOUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1935 U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Words Are Mghty.. N4. M 1 Pubilned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol -of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association axd the Big Ten News Service. -MENBER ~szocdte4 f'oUlgiate 93res -934 ([2 }fjg4 l935 e IO vEscO " MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis- patches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by ThirdAssistan Postmaster-Geral1 Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, 1.50. During 'egular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $.50... Offices Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 r West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.' Chicago, II. EDITORAL STAFF - Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ................WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR:.........................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ............RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR ....................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EIANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E.Groehn, Thomas H. KleneDavid G. Mac- .donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Tub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorle Western, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, 'leanor Johnson, Josephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton 3B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levik, Fred W. Nea, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S.Reich, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart, Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob- ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray- raond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager. Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har- riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Eliabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Else Pierce, Charlotte }ueger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino- grad, Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ................RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER .... ......ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Bardt, Ted Wohgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop. Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Stanley Joffe, Jerome . Balas, Charles W. Barkdull, Daniel C. Beisel, Lewi E. Bulkeley, John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard f. Croushore, Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf- son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry J.rKlowe, Donald R. Knapp, William CKnecht, R. A. Kronenberge,, William D. Loose, 'William R. Mann, Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean,Jr., Lawrence M. Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky, Nathan B. Steinberg. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele Polier. NIGHT EDITOR: COURTNEY A. EVANS The Legal Verdict .. . A LTHOUGH the Supreme Court's de- cision declaring the Railway Re- tirement Act unconstiutional came as no complete surprise, it was a shock, no doubt, to those per- sons who hailed the gold clause ruling as a judi- cial victory for the New Deal as a whole. In holding the act invalid, the nation's highest court unequivocally proclaimed its supreme au- thority to interpret the Constitution and re-em- phasized in no uncertain manner the sovereignty of the Constitution. Whether that was for the best is here beside the point. The fact remains that the court in this case apparently viewed the act solely from a legal aspect. The majority did not look beyond the measure to its effect and consequences. As the minority pointed out, there were, almost without question, beneficial results to be obtained from'this type of social security program. The court held that the act involved employees not engaged in interstate commerce. As the Con- stitution does not grant the Federal government power over intrastate commerce, that part of the act was invalid. Furthermore, the decision declared that the act was not a true regulation of interstate commerce. As the Constitution provides for regulation and nothing else, the act was therefore unconstitu- tional. No word in the decision referred to the so- cial possibilities. It is significant, also, that the decision was hand- ed down by Justice Owen J. Roberts. Termed one of those ephemeral characters, a liberal, Jus- tice Roberts showed that he views his duty on the supreme bench of the nation as calling for neither liberalism nor conservativism - that he views it as one of deciding whether an act is or is not within the bounds of the Constitution. That this point of view is not unanimous among the justices is shown by the fact this was, as. in the case of the gold clause rulings, a 5-to-4 deci- sion. Chief Justice Hughes and Justices Brandeis, Stone and Cardoza, differed from their more legal- istic colleagues. They are of the opinion that the Constitution should not be interpreted so literally; that "our democracy can only be perpetuated by the elasticity of our highest law." They attempted to see beyond the act. Which.philosophy is for the ultimate best, no man. rren,, of-at.-dhis-time Tfis ~iflrrnO cim1fCTflp*fflf W HEN WE SPEAK of powerful fig- ures in the United States today we usually think of their dynamic personalities, their fabulous fortunes or their influential acquaint- ances. It is seldom that we consider specifically what an important faculty is that of a command of lan- guage in both speaking and writing. Examples of what this ability will do for an individual are munificent in the United States of both today and history. President Roosevelt owes a great deal of his popularity --more than most people imagine -- to his command 9f the English language. William Randolph Hedrst - and his editorial writers -- and Father Coughlin are emi- nently capable of using the correct words for in- fluencing their followers. Sen. John James Ingalls, president -pro-tempore of the Senate a number of years ago, was recog- nized as the most influential member of that house because of his expert command over language. Abraham Lincoln could express himself in clear, exact terms, and as a consequence, his "Gettys- burg Address" has come down to us as one of the great speeches of all time. No one can fail to benefit from a good vocabulary and the knack of putting it to its best use. Opin- ions, no matter how valuable, cannot be communi- cated without properA words. Conversational abil- ity, a distinct asset and one of the principle factors in personality, is directly dependent on a careful choice of words. What gives one a good vocabulary? It is hard to say dogmatically, but perhaps the best sugges- tion, offered by many eminent educators, is an abundance of good reading. The SOAP BOX ] Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential uponurequest. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense Interest In Problems To The Editor: In 1929 the college student was depicted by the press, the movies and his own faculty as a rather useless and parasitic individual, totally indifferent to the problems of the world. The denouement to all this was the commencement-day address, heavy with dull platitudes and flat bromides. Some took this seriously. And when the froth is blown away, there remains a modicum of truth even in a commencement address; namely, that these problems will have to be solved by those who are intellectually fitting themselves for the task. Today the student is attempting to assume that responsibilitity. But again he is met by criticism of the press, and, to some extent, his own faculty. In finding him interested and earnest in his at- tempt to understand the far-reaching economic and social difficulties which confront the nation, the press has responded with that characteristic lack of understanding and dubbed him "radical" and "communist" - as if that meant anything. But such generalizations are no more than an- other manifestation of modern journalism's im- potency to cope intelligently with their work of molding public opinion. It is the final gesture of complete intellectual sterility. In 1929 they talked of the "raccoon coat" and the "flask." In 1935 they talk of the student as a proponent of revolution. They were wrong then, and are now. The only thing which has changed is the intellectual fiber of -a greater number of stu- dents. They are sincerely attempting to under- stand and find satisfactory solutions to problems which are unique in that this time they concern not only the life and well-being of the people in general, but also that of the student, who has heretofore lived a protected existence...... The student opposition to the Dunckel-Baldwin bill does not take cognizance of political ma- neuvering. The truth to them is that a great University can only thrive and benefit the state, which is responsible for its maintainance, by en- couraging freedom of discussion and freedom of inquiry into all lines of human thought, whether it be of government, economics, biology or the social structure. The issue is not "patriots" against "non-patriots." If that were all this type of bill represents, there would be no objection .-- This interest manifested by the student in our fundamental problems should be fostered. This activity will not, nor does it, reflect upon the repu- tation of the University. Rather it enhances it. For only by this means does the University fulfill its purposes. The University should open up its facilities and encourage an ,understanding and an intelligent treatment of these perplexities. Abra- ham Flexner said, and we might well remember it: "Towards fundamental knowing the news- paper cannot help much; men of action - politi- cians and business men -help but slightly. . - - Almost the only available agency is the university. The university must shelter and develop thinkers, experimenters,. inventors, teachers and students, who without responsibility for action will explore the phenomena of social life and endeavour to un- derstand them." Erle A. Kightlinger, '36L. AsOthers See It Goal In Sight SOMETHING, concludes Professor von Dunkel, remains to be done to make the German press a perfectly harmonious and unchangeable whole. Thus the date lines continue to vary from day to day, Sunday, April 28; Monday, April 29; Tues- COLLEGIATE OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD A contribution signed "Phi Bete" was found in today's mail: SAD TALE I was but a bookworm, And she a lovely lass; And so I fell in love with her In our ten o'clock class. For, Oh, she was so beautiful-- I could only sit and stare At her smoothly chiseled features And her softly curled hair. So I, the former bookworm, Put all my books away; The day came when I flunked the course, But the prof gave her an A. Huey Long visited his university, Louisiana State, the other day during the college's diamond jubilee and "set 'em up" for all the students there- about. The Kingfish entered a campus eating place and shouted to some 100 students to come and get it, the house was theirs on him. The students stormed the fountain, cigar stand, sandwich counter, grabbed all supplies, smashed show cases, dishes and furniture. Huey paid the $150 bill. Now and then we get a story about the ab- sent-minded professor, but this little tale con- cerns a prof, who was decidedly not absent- minded, but on the contrary, quick on the tricker. This certain learned one at Cornell University was taking a short cut home one night and tore his trousers rather badly. The next day he took his pants to the tailor and bade him sew the hole up. The tailor, a Greek, looked at the clothing for a long time and finally said, "you rippa dees?" The professor was not to be outdone, and summoning all his knowledge of the ancient plays and things, he answered, "Yes, I did. And Eumenides." University of California girls have decided that "nice" girls can swear. A finger wave washed away by the rain or a run in a stocking is a suffi- cient calamity to warrant a "damn." As long as it is a matter of habit, not trying to be smart, a girl may use "hell" and "damn." In such a case they are not regarded as swearing. Such words as "griped," "lousy" and "guts" were barred from the nice college girl's vocabulary, however. * * * * The dean of the University of Pennsylvania and the dean of Temple University got together in Philadelphia and handed out the amazing state- ment that girls simply can't be beautiful but dumb, because the two attributes are entirely incompat- ible. An eastern columnist acknowledges the aca- demic wisdom of these learned gentlemen, but says they don't know the women of the younger gen- eration, or.. at least the younger generation of co-eds. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 7. THAT THE CELEBRATED New Deal idea of a "partnership" of government and business, favorite theme song of Secretary Dan Roper, is on the brink of complete dissolution easily could be gathered from even casual survey of what Cham- ber of Commerce of the United States orators had to say in convention. Roper's still, small voice, yet attuned to the New Deal-business har- mony motif, was all but lost in the din. Conventions have a way of discounting in their official action, via adopted resolutions, the fervor of the orators picked to address them. That was very true last fall when the bankers foregathered in Washington. They heard much the same sort of oratorical firing at the New Deal from the plat- form, then adopted highly conciliatory resolu- tions. That was on the eve of the last congressional elections. The bankers have had an ear to the ground. T HE NEW WAVE of business criticism comes under different circumstances. Even the '36 primaries are mostly a year or more away. Yet in some respects Republican Party activity is more intense now than it was during last year's actual campaign. It is not only the party rallies in va- rious sections, the activities of party leaders includ- ing former President Hoover, the attack strategy of the Republican minorities in House and Sen- ate. There is widespread Republican club bus- iness going on in the counties, by all accounts. And there is the once whispered, but now loudly shouted, assertion that Roosevelt popularity is "slipping." That was the word feebly passed about during the chamber convention and even in con- gressional cloakrooms. It all formed an especially kindly atmosphere for the wave of criticism of New Deal reform proposals launched at the cham- ber convention. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT himself thinks Wash- ington a poor place to find out what the people of the country are thinking about. Nevertheless, Democratic general staffers hold that, pending a new election test, House majorities are the best guide to public sentiment. House members are in more intimate touch with their constituents than I 10%1"- \v l MAY 6th to the 11th More than ever Cottons are push- ing themselves to popularity this season. Already leading stylists ol I over the country are presenting models to see you through in cot- ton, f rom beach to town, from morning exercise to tea . . . and from now till fall. COTTONS with their cool, crisp summery feeling are constantly gathering new fash- ion crowns when and wherever they hit K1 N A Chiffons, Voiles, Dotted Swisses, Seer- suckers, and Matelasses are filling the smart shops in Ann Arbor. To help you choose your summer wardrobe, watch for the ads in The Michigan Daily of the vari- ous merchants-who are featuring cottons. THE MICHIGAN DAILY is the surest and quickest medium through which you may know exactly what the best-dressed woman is going to wear this summer. The merchants are co-operating with the fashion experts and are giving you in their daily ads the benefit of their experience and knowledge. Consult the ads in The Michigan Daily every morning and their benefit will be your reward. .* ;. '' A " a <: :. { .. ~k MICHIGAN DAILY \i K. -