TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1935
Grid men Await
Presenting Of
Alumni Trophy
Active Work Concluded;
Four Are Outstanding
For Chicago Award
All active work cocluded with the
annual game between the Blues and
the Yellows Saturday, nothing re-
mains for Coach Harry Kipke's Mich-
igan gridders until next fall but to
await the awarding of the Chicago
Alumni Trophy, given every spring
to an outstanding freshman player.
The trophy, the winner of which
will be announced Wednesday night,
has been awarded every year since
1924, Ray Baer, All-Conference guard
in 1926, being the first winner.
The award is based on the showing
made by the candidate in the annual
spring game, his attendence in prac-
tice sessions, his ability to learn the
Michigan system quickly and well,
and application to his work.
Four Stand Out
George Ghesquire, Grosse Pointe
end prospect, Stark Richie, John
Smithers, and Bob Cooper, all back-
field men, seem to be the outstanding
candidates for the trophy this year.
Saturday's game brought forth
some outstanding performances, witY
the above-mentioned four all taking
an important part in the day's pro-
Ghesquire was the standout in the
play of both lines. He ,was riding
the interference, making tackles be-
hind the line, covering punts very
well, and showing an uncanny ability
to nab passes and make gains wit
ahem or top them off with an accu-
rate lateral to a teammate. Chet
Stabowitz, junior flankman, colla-
borated with his freshman teammate
to give plenty of indications that Mat
Patanelli and Mike Savage are going
to have a great deal of competitio
for the wing positions on next fall'
Cooper Versatile
Cooper, Smithers, and Ritchie were
among the busiest players on the fiell
Saturday. The latter stood out fa
above his Yellow teammates with hi
consistent play in all departments,
while Cooper exhibited the versatil-
ity that has established him as one
of the outstanding prospects of re-
cent years.
Captain Bill Renner showed that
he is still the old maestro of the for-
ward pass. His tosses played an in-
tegral part in scoring four of the
five Blue touchdowns.
' Harry Wright was a power in the
Blue line and seems to have practical-
ly cinched the center position for next
fall. Earle Luby, Mel Kramer, George
Marzonie, and Fred Olds are yearlings
who performed well in the line.
Idle White Sox
Climb To Top
Of Junior Loop
CLEVELAND, May 6. - (V) - Fred
Ostermuller outpointed Oral Hilde-
brand in a mound duel today as the
Boston Red Sox toppled the Cleve-
land Indians from first place in the
American League with a 2 to 1 victory.
The White Sox, which were rained
Open rTrials Take
Fischer From
Tea n
Johnny Fischer, who was forced
out of the dual golf meet with
Ohio State last Saturday by a
recurrence of the back injury
which compelled him to drop out
of the Intercollegiates two years
ago, will not play against Illinois
at Urbana this Saturday as was
erroneously stated in several pa-
Instead Fischer will journey to
his home in Cincinnati to attempt
to qualify for the National Open.,
Johnny is confident the back in-
jury will be sufficiently improved1
to allow him a good chance of
qualifying, which of course must
be done in his own district.
Trackmen Gird
For Impending
Revival Of Ward-Owens
Rivalry Seen As Ward
Works, OutAgain
After inflicting the worst defeat a
major track team has ever received
here, Michigan's team turned yester-
day to the Ohio State dual meet here
next Saturday following its 105-21
win from Minnesota.
Michigan defeated Ohio State here
during the indoor season before the
largest crowd ever to see a dual meet
indoors in the Middle West in what
is generally considered the best meet
ever held between two Conference
seams indoors.
The indoor meet was featured by
the meeting of Willis Ward, Mich-
igan's stellar star, and Jesse Owens,
latest "fastest human." In the in-
door meet Ward twice defeated the
Buckeye sophomore sensation, in the
60-yard dash and in the high hurdles.
Owens was the winner of the low
hurdles event by the closest of mar-
With Ward believed recovered from
his leg injury, met at the Penn Re-
leys, their duel is expected to be re-
newed outdoors. Ward took his first
workout yesterday following his in-
jury and reported that he would un-
doubtedly be in condition for Satur-
day's meet.
The two will meet in but two events,
the 100-yard dash and the broad
jump, as Owens will not be entered
in the high hurdles outdoors. Owens
has a best time of 9.5 seconds out-
doors in the hundred, made at the
Drake Relays. He also has set an
American record in the broad jump
during the current season, jumping
26 feet, 12 inches, also at the Drake
With Ward returned to condition
and with best field and track condi-
tions, record performances are possi-
bilities in both events. Ward will al-
so be entered in the high jump, be-
sides the dash, high hurdles and
broad jump, and in the shot put.
Yearling Trackmen Are
Entered In Relay Meet
The freshman track team will com-
pete in th Wconsin freshman tele-
graphic r ymeet to be conducted
during this week. The teams en-
tered will run off their relay events
this week and send in their times to
the Wisconsin officials who in turn
will pick the winners from the best
times recorded.
Anderson Gets
No. I1Position
In Net Shakeup
Coach Johnstone Drops
Team Captain Following
Poor Showing
Seymour Siegel of Grand Rapids,
captain and No. 1 player, has been
indefinitely suspended from the
Michigan tennis team by Coach John
Johnstone. A series of events cul-
minating in a poor showing in Big
Ten competition at Chicago last
week-end led to the decision to drop
Siegel from active service on the
Bob Anderson, wno has been ranked
as the No. 2 player of the Maize and
Blue this year so far, will take over
the responsibilities of the top ranking,
vacated by Siegel. Anderson defeated
the captain in ranking matches at
the beginning of the season, but by
virtue of his standing in the Confer-
ence Siegel held his place at the head
of the Michigan racqueteers.
Howie Kahn, who has been play-
ing No. 4 because a leg injury has
kept him back below his usual form,
performed so splendidly against Min-
nesota and Chicago that Coach John
Johnstone has decided to push him
up to the No. 2 post. Jarvis Dean
and Johnny Rodriguez will fill out
the top half of the team as No. 3 and
No. 4 players.
The shakeup breaks up Johnstone's
top doubles combination of Ander-
son and Siegel, but the coach feels
that a more successful team can be
found by teaming Anderson with
either Dean or Rodriguez.
What the order for the rest of his
players will be remains to be fixed
by showings during the week's prac-
Whether the change is to be a per-
manent one will depend entirely on
Siegel, according to Coach John-
stone. "He has not played up to form
at any time this season, and his fail-
ure to practice regularly and adhere
to training rules demonstrates his
lack of interest in the team," John-
stone said. "It is very doubtful that
he will regain a position on the team,
although he will remain as acting
Coach Johnstone feels that Siegel
has received as much consideration
as he is entitled to this year. It was
due to his ranking in the Conference
net circles that he was kept at the top
of the Maize and Blue squad, although
his play in ranking matches would
have placed him at an inferior post,
Johnstone said.
Fisher Fears
2-Game Series
With Buckeyes
Michigan Nine Must Beat
Bucks Twice This Week
To Stay InFlag Race
Michigan's Big Ten title hopes in
the field of baseball are low, as a re-
sult of losing to Illinois 1 to 0 Satur-
day, but the club still has a mathe-'
matical chance. Whether this chance
will be worth a nickel after the two-
game series with Ohio State here Fri-
day and Saturday, is another mat-
ter, however, and one that has Coach
Ray Fisher worried.
Fisher fears the Buckeyes more
than the Illini. He considers the
chance that Michigan will defeat
Ohio State two games in a row is less
than the chance that Michigan will
defeat Illinois in a return game at
I Champaign. The Buckeyes have al-
ways been a tough club to beat twice
in two days and the Wolverines can't
afford to lose another game if they
expect to remain in the race. Mich-
igan split even in the series at Col-
Commenting on Saturday's pitch-
ing duel, Fisher gave credit to Hale
Swanson as one of the smartest Big
Ten hurlers as he has been privileged
to watch, and indicated that Berger
Larson didn't do badly either, al-
though he was not as good as he has
been in past games.
Larson didn't have good control
and was required to pull himself out
of bad holes on several occasions
to keep runs from scoring. Larson's
curve ball was working all right, but
was being wasted by lack of control,
all of which the Illinois batters got
on to and so began waiting for the
"alley ball." Despite this handicap,
Larson was not hit hard; the three
singles bunched in the sixth were not
of the clean variety.
Michigan leaves for Toledo this af-
ternoon for a scheduled night game
with Toledo University to be played
under the arc lights on the ToledoI
Mudhens' field.
Art Patchin, whose arm is in good
shape again, George Butler, and John
Gee will take turns on the mound.
All football candidates, includ-
ing those who have not been out
for Spring Practice, are asked to
be at a meeting at the Union at
8 p.m. Wednesday. Meyer Mor-
ton of Chicago and will award the
Chicago Alumni Trophy at that
-r~ w
the Amalgamated Associaticn ofN
Sports Writers and Sports Corre-t
spondents, Ann Arbor Branch is not1
whether Michigan will win the Big
Ten track or baseball titles, but
whether the scribes will have a press
box from which to cover the Confer-
ence track meet here May 24 and 25.t
And for that reason, Fielding Y.E
Yost, known variously as Athletic Di-(
rector, "The Old Man," and etc., is;
about the most unpopular gentleman
in the world with five or six usuallyt
mild-tempered scribes. Mr. Yost is
the individual who controls most of
the purse strings of the athletic asso-
ciation, apparently, and he cannot seet
spending a few hundred dollars tot
erect a wooden shed atop the South
Stands for the use of such scribesj
as will be assigned to cover the meet.I
As one reputable local writer puts
it, "'The Old Man' doesn't care
if we have to send our stories out
by pony express and dodgeflying 'av-
elins and discuses all afternoon."
They all hint darkly that Yost would
give his life's-blood for the support of
the University golf course but not a
nickel for track -regardless of the
fact that he took a trip to the coast
with the tracksters, presumably on
their budget.
A month ago, after considerable
subterranean pressure was brought to
bear, Yost promised the boys that
the much-desired wooden shed would
be erected in plenty of time for the
Ohio State-Michigan dual meet this
Last week one of the writers cas-
ually mentioned to to Yost that he'd
better "put the B and G boys to work
on that press box pretty soon." Yost,
it is said, looked a little startled, and
said, "Oh, wa-a-a-a-1, we decided not
to build that this year."
The recipient of the glad tidings
clutched longingly at the heavy ink-
well on the desk, considering its lethal
possibilities, but thought better of his
act, and watched Yost stalk majes-
tically out of the office.
Heretofore the practice in covering
track meets has been to give the
scribes a table in the middle of the
field. The chief objection to that
idea, outside of the danger to life and
that set-up, to get fast wire service
with bulletins for the early editions of
the Sunday papers which are printed
late Saturday afternoon.
** *
IF JESSE OWENS breaks any world
records, as he is likely to, two-
thirds of the Sunday newspaper read-
ers won't know about it, simply be-
cause of the time necessary to get the
story from the field to an uptown of-
fice by messenger boy. With only
messenger service available .it is im-
possible to send a decent running
Any student of publicity is aware
that a close dual meet here Saturday,
between two leading contenders forl
the Conference title, with a few new
records thrown in, would be the best
build-up in the world for the Big Ten
We are not asking any unusual
privileges. A press box was always
available for the scribes when the
meet was held in Chicago.
I, personally, have no consuming
interest in the whole matter, for by,
May 24 and 25 a successor will have
taken my place here. However, I
would hate to have outside sports
writers, coming to Ann Arbor for the
meet, remark, as they have often
done in the past about accommo-
dations at football games, on how
"tight" the University is in compar-
ison with other Big Ten schools.
Tuesday night - University
of Toledo at Swane Field at To-
Friday and Saturday -Ohio
State University at the Ferry Field
Saturday - Ohio State Univer-
sit at the Ferry Field stadium.
Thursday - Northwestern Uni-
versity at the Ferry Field counts.
Friday -Northwestern Univer-
sity versus Ohio State University
at the Ferry Field courts.
Saturday - Ohio State Univer-
sity at the Ferry Field courts.
Saturday -- University of Illi-
nois at Urbana.
Three Kentucky Derbies have been
held with only a trio of horses facing
the starting barrier -in 1892, 1899,
and 1905.
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Travel in comfortable, roomy coaches
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' ;
Ii ____ ___________
Above all
out, took over the lead.
American League
Chicago .......... ...11 4.
Cleveland............9 4
New York ...... .... ..9 5
Boston .............. 9 6
Washington ....,......8 8
Detroit ............ . . .6 9
Philadelphia .,.. , ... .8.3 11
St. Louis .............2 10
Yesterday's Results
Boston 2, Cleveland 1.
New York-Chicago, rain.
Philadelphia-Detroit, rain.
In addition to the relay events each
team will enter three men in each
field event. The total points scored
by a team's trio of entries in an event
will be accordingly placed.
The relay events include the 440-
yard spring medley, %-mile, mile, and
two-mile. In the field the high jump,
broad jump, pole vault, shot put, dis-
cus throw, and javelin throw are the
events on the program.
BALTIMORE, May 6. - IP) -- The
arrival at Pimlico today of Omaha,
Kentucky Derby champion, gave a
mighty impetus to racing interest
here as preparations were speeded up
for running the Preakness Satur-
Washington-St. Louis, wet grounds.
Games Today
Philadelphia at Detroit.
New York at Chicago.
Washington at St. Louis.
Boston at Cleveland.
National League
W L Pct.
New York ............ 9. 3 .750
Chicago .............. 8 5 .615
Brooklyn .............10 7 .588
St. Louis.............9 7 .563
Pittsburgh ............ 9 9 .500
Cincinnati..........7 9 ..438
Boston .. ..... 5 10 .333
Philadelphia ..........2 9 .182
Yesterday's Results
Pittsburgh 8, Boston 6.
Chicago-New York, rain.
St. Louis-Brooklyn, threatening
Cincinnati-Philadelphia, rain.
Games Today
Pittsburgh at Boston.
Cincinnati at Philadelphia.
Chicago at New York.
St. Louis at Brooklyn.
Others may disappoint. I never do. I'm always
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