The Weather
Ll r e
Edi torials
Conflict And Understanding
Cooperation For Sanitation..
Mostly cloudy and somewhat
warmer today, preceded by
showers in southeast portion.
Prizes Are
Highest Pulitzer Awards
Are Given To Zoe Akins
And Josephine Johnson
10 Presentations
. Made By Dr. Butler
Taylor Of Herald Tribune
Honored For Efficient
Reporter's Work
NEW YORK, May 6. -PA') - The
Pulitzer prizes for the best original
American play and the outstanding
novel for 1934 were bestowed tonight
upon Zoe Akins' "The Old Maid," and
Josephine Winslow Johnson's "Now
in November."
Announcement of the awards in
journalism and literature, 10 in all
- representing the highest recogni-
tion in these fields in America was
made by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler,
president of Columbia University at
the annual dinner of the alumni of
Pulitzer School of Journalism.
The prize play award, given for an
original American play staged in New
York, carried an award of $1,000. The
novel award also amounted to $1,000.
Taylor Is Honored
William H. Taylor of the New York
Herald Tribune won the $1,000 prize
awarded for a distinguished example
of a reporter's work with his series
on the international yacht races last
September off Newport, R. I.
Arthur Krock, Washington corre-
spondent of the New York Times, was
given the $500 prize as the Washing-
ton or foreign correspondent with the
finest record of distinguished service.
Ross A. Lewis of the Milwaukee
Journal won the $500 award for the
most distinguished example of a car-
toonist's work with a cartoon entitled,
"Sure, I'll Work Both Sides," pub-
lished Sept. 1, 1934.
Charles McLean Andrews, won the
$2,000 prize for the best book of the
year ohthe history of the United
States with his work, "The Colonial
Period of American History," pub-
lished by the Yale University Press.
Given Biography Award 1
The $1,000 award for the best
American biography teaching patri-
otic and unselfish services to the
people went to Dr. Douglas Southall
Freeman of Richmond, Va., for his
four-volume biography of Robert E.
Lee, entitled, "R. E. Lee."
Honorable mention in biography,
went to David Saville Muzzey for his
"James G. Blaine."
"Bright Ambush," a volume of
poems won for Audrey Wurdeman the
$1,000 prize for the American author
of the best volume of verse.
After announcing the awards, Dr.
Butler sent telegrams of notification
and congratulation to the winners.
The Sacramento Bee of Sacra-
mento, Calif., was awarded the $500
prize and medal for the most dis-
interested and meritorious public
service by an American newspaper.
Discuss Future
Plans For New
President Ruthven Urges
That Organization Be
Like Oxford Union
The 1935 Spring Parley came to a
close Sunday in the Union Ballroom
with summaries of accomplishments
by Edward Litchfield, '36, chairman of
the Parley, and the five heads of the
The closing work of the Parley
was the appointment of the contin-
uations committee which will be re-
sponsible for preparations for the
1936 event. It was announced by
Litchfield that the group will con-
sider the formation of a non-partisan
discussion group, similar to the Par-
ley, which will hold periodic meetings
during the year.
This is in line with the suggestion
made by President Ruthven in his
opening address Friday when he de-
clared that he hoped that the Parley
would develop into an organization
resembling the Oxford Union. Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, counsellor in
religious education and one of theI
menvnr fthe Parley. subsribedl
Dies In Plane Crash
Rail Pension
Act Is Ruled
As 'Not Valid'
Supreme Court Renders
5-4 Decision Opposing
Retirement Measure
Congress Puzzled
Over NRA's Validity
Of The
Terms Benefits
Bill 'Legislative
-Associated Press Photo.
* * *
Senator Cutting,
3 Others Killed:
In Plane Crash,
Huge Night Liner Crowded
With Passengers Falls
On Missouri Farm
MACON, Mo., May 6 -(/')- United
States Senator Bronson Cutting, New
Mexico's stormy Independent Repub-
lican, a woman and two pilots were.
killed today and nine persons injured
in the crash of a big TWA transport
monoplane, searching through fog for
a landing field.
The low-winged night liner, its
gasoline supply apparently exhausted,
was demolished on a rain-soaked
Northeastern Missouri farm near the
little town of Atlanta, within 15 miles
of an emergency airport at Kirksville.
On Way To Washington
Senator Cutting, 46 years old and
a bachelor, was hastening to Wash-
ington to join in the fight for pay-
ment of the soldiers' bonus. Also in
the plane, loaded to capacity, was a
group of Hollywood film officials,
bound for Annapolis to make a pic-
The dead, in.addition to the Sena-
tor, were:
years old, Kansas City.
HARVEY BOLTON, 28 years old,
pilot, Kansas City.
K. H. GREESON, 24 years old, co-
pilot, Kansas City.
The injured, brought with the four
dead to Macon, were:
Richard Wallace, Hollywood mo-
tion picture director, hurt in the
Paul Wing, Hollywood, father of
Toby Wing, screen actress, suffering
from a crushed chest.
C. G. Drew, Santa Monica, Calif.,
chief electrician for Paramount Stu-
dios, jaw and left leg fractured.
Others Are Injured
William Kaplan, West Los Angeles,
Calif., assistant producer with Para-
mount Studios, broken leg.
Mrs. William Kaplan, fractured
back; paralyzed fiom waist down.
Henry Sharpe, Los Angeles, Para-
mount camera man; superficial cuts.
Mrs. Dora Metzger, Los Angeles
and Port Washington, L. I., broken
right leg and cuts.
Mrs. Metzger's'three-months-old
baby daughter, broken left leg and
Mrs. D. L. Mesker, Kansas City,
wife of a TWA pilot, slight injuries.
Rescue parties were hindered by
the country's rough terrain and slip-
pery roads in reaching the wreck-
age. Rains had made the land for
miles about unsuitable for landing.
WASHINGTON, May 6. - (OP) -I
The Supreme Court tagged the Rail-
way Pension Act "unconstitutional"
today in a 5-4 decision which left con-,
gressional leaders puzzling over the
validity of the administration's pro-;
posed social security legislation and
The verdict whirled rail stocks intoj
a short-lived upward spurt, sent in -I
terested senators to their desks to
study the security and NRA bills in
the light of the court's pronounce-
ment, and brought from rail labor,
leaders a statement that another
retirement measure would be intro-1
duced soon.
Terming the* benefits of the act;
"legislative largess," the majority of
the court - Justices Roberts, McRey-
nolds, Sutherland, Butler and Van-
devanter - found the law invalid. j
It held that retirement benefits
deprived the carriers of property,
without "the due process of law."{
It ruled, too, that the "social" pur-
poses of the bill, however laudable,
were unrelated to efficiency and safety
of operation and were not sustained
by the Constitution.
To the surprise of many, it did not
refer to the point on which a lower
court threw out the act, that it af-
fected intrastate as well as interstate
commerce. But the decision read by
Justice Roberts did affirm the ruling
of the District of Columbia Supreme
With NRA's code rule of industry1
already under Supreme Court con-
siderat ,gn, administration legal ex-
perts were trying to figure what a
similr distinction between inter-
state and intrastate commerce would
do to the code.-
The minority of the high court,
headed by Chief Justice Hughes, who
was joined by Justices Brandeis, Car-
doza and Stone, pointedly disputed
virtually all conclusions of the ma-
jority. The very first paragraph of
the dissenting opinion, prepared by
the Chief Justice, asserted:
"The gravest aspect of the decision
is that it denies to Congress the power
to pass any compulsory pension act
for railroad employes."
Rear-Admiral R. E. Byrd
Heading For Washington
NORFOLK, Va., May 6 - (P) -
Rear-Admiral R. E. Byrd and his po-
lar expedition sailed into Hampton
Roads today, remained a short time,
and at last report was heading for
Quantico and Washington.
The party was on two ships, the
Jacob Ruppert and the Bear of Oak-
land, the latter the former coast
guard cutter that for years did se'rv-
ice in the icy waters around Alaska.
None of the party came ashore in
these waters. Admiral Byrd is due in
Washington tomorrow where he is to
see the president, his family, and
friends, after which he will leave for
New York.
Says Coughlin, Townsend,
Long Economy Plans
Are Scaring Business
Turns Away From
Personal Comment
Former NRA Chief Urges
'Forthright Repudiation'
By Administration
MAYFIELD, Ky., May 6. - (P) -
Terming the Coughln-Long-Town-
send economic plans bogey-men scar-
ing the nation's business, Hugh S.
Johnson tonight advised a "forthright
repudiation" of them by the Roosevelt
The former NRA chief and sharp-
tongued foe of the three made
his remarks in an addressrtora Demo-
cratic rally here.
The Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, which recently con-
cluded a session at Washington in
which it condemned by a series of
resolutions much of the administra-
tion program, was right, said John-G
son, in asking for a declaration
against those proposals.
Johnson swerved away from the
personal comment he had directed
against Senator Huey P. Long, (Dem.,
La.), Father Coughlin, and - to ac
lesser degree - Dr. F. E. Townsend,
of California, in previous public dis-
Refers To Recent Meetingsa
His sharpest designations were "po-1
litical will-o'-the-wisps and nine-day
He did, however, refer to the two(
recent meetings in Des Moines andt
Detroit, attended r pectively by Sen-
ator Long and Father Coughlin, in
this fashion:c
"I don't know what happened inI
Detroit the other day. But the men-1
ace that thundered in the index to or-r
ganize one by one all the discontentedz
of each of the most populous states
in the Union into powerful lobbiest
for particular measures - some off
which had not even been discussed(
with the radio congregation - cer-t
tainly fizzled and failed in the first
Huey Steals Show
"The proposal of a marriage be-t
tween Share-the-Wealth and Socialt
Justice was rejected by the latter.I
Huey stole Milo's - Milo Reno, presi-x
dent of the National Farmers' Holi
day Association - show at DesI
Moines and the radio priest was con-1
spicuous by his absence in the great
Iowa farm revolt.
"Whether funds failed at Detroit
or the good Father couldn't get per-t
mission to talk in any other diocesei
than Michigan is unimportant. The<
abortive union of politics with re-
ligion is on the run, and Huey isn't
getting anywhere with his nonsense
"The only reason we haven't a dic-
tator right now," Johnson said at an-
other point, "is that the very idea was
hateful to the President."
Council Backs
Of Campbell
The appointments of Edward E
Lucas, former president of the city
council of Ann Arbor, to membership
on the board of fire commissioners
and Walter Garthe to the board of
public works from the first ward
which were submitted by Mayor Rob-
ert A. Campbell were unanimously
approved by the city council last
These two appointments mark the
principal changes recommended this
year by the mayor. Other reappoint-
ments which were also unanimously
received by the city council were W.
Hackley Butler for a term of five
years on the board of park commis-
sioners, William W. Laird, city at-
torney, for a term of one year, Wil-
liam F. Verner, city treasurer, for a
term of one year, George J. Lutz, Jr.,
on the police commission for a term
of three years, and Prof. Ferdinand
N. Menfee, of the engineering college,
as a member of the Ann Arbor board
of public works. Both Professor
Menefee and Mr. Garthe will serve
terms of six years each.
Mayor Robert A. Campbell ad-
dressed the meeting of the council
before the regular order of business
was taken up. Opening the new
Faces Insurrection
Name Edith Zerbe
As Chairman For
Next Year's J.G. P.
* * *
Report Troops
Are Mobilizing
In Philippines
Sakdalistas Demand An
Immediate Break With
United States
MANILA, May 7 -(A')- (Tuesday)
Sakdalista forces demanding imme-
diate independence from the United
States were mobilizing early today
within 30 miles of Manila for further
attacks in the uprising which took 60
lives last week near this city.
Policemen with rifles walked Ma-
nila streets, although Acting Gov.
General Joseph R. Hayden asserted
that there was no danger of further
The Philippine constabulary or-
dered three platoons dispatched to'
Manila from provinces unaffected]
by the insurrection of extremists,
ready to be rushed to any trouble
In the nearby Tayabas Province
the constabulary patrol was rein-
forced, despite the statement of Col.
Guillermo Francisco, acting chief of
constabulary, that "danger of an-
other outbreak is remote."
Salud Algabre, woman "general,"
admitted at a hearing at Cabuyao
that she participated in the night at-
tack on the town hall at Cabuyao
May 2, in which the constabulary
repulsed the Sakdalistas, killing 52.
The woman leader accused two
Filipino legislators, Representatives
Aurelio Almazan and Mariano Unti-
vero, of fomenting the revolt against
acceptance of the Commonwealth
Government Constitution in an elec-
tion set for May 14. She said they
urged the Sakdals to fight for imme-
diate, independence from American
government. Gov. Hayden ordered
an investigation of the accusations
against the legislators.
TOKIO, May 6 --(A)- Benigno Ra -
mos, leader of the Sakdalista faction
in the Philippines insurrection move-
ment, told the Associated Press today
that enemies sought his life and "this
may be the last opportunity to meet
"If I am killed the Sakdalista revo-
lution will not die, but will only be-
come more vigorous," Ramos de-
clared. 'As a student of American
history I believe in the virtues of
He said the leaders of the Amer-
ican revolution once "were hunted
and proscribed like I am today."
Ramos said he might return to the
islands to resume command of the
fight against the United States regi-
me and the Commonwealth Move-
35 Mosher-Jordan
Girls, 55 Men To
Be Movie Extras,
At least 55 University men have
a chance to break into the movies-
and along with 35 girls from Mosher-
Jordan, too.
A motion picture, the plot of which
centers around college life, is being
filmed at the University, and the need
for 55 "extras" was suddenly discov-
ered. So, the company doing the
"shooting" has decided to hire Uni-
versity students, at a nominal fee,
to stand in the stadium tomorrow and
look collegiate.,
Those interested are requested by
the company to report to the press;
box entrance of the stadium at 8:30
a.m. tomorrow, dressed as for ana
October football game.
The picture, which will be released'
in theaters throughout the country
in approximately a year, will includef
scenes of a Detroit hotel, dog ken-x
nels near Pontiac, the stadium, and
the Wolverine grid squad in action.,
The story is based on a recent mag-i
azine serial, officials said.c
University students who have beeni
cast in minor supporting roles are
David Zimmerman, '35; Kenneth Nor-
man, '35; Alex Miller, '38; Charles
Baird, '35; Ben Thayer, '37; Carl Gil-
ler, '36; and Waldo Abbot, Jr.
Initiation For
Phi Kappa Phi
Held At Union
Honor Society Elects New
Officers; Professor Dana
Named President'
Phi Kappa Phi, national honor so-
ciety, initiated a group of seniors and
graduate students having high scho-
lastic records at the annual initiation
banquet of the organization held last
night at the Union. The society hon-'
ors students in all schools and col-
leges of the University, holding its
elections twice yearly.
Prof. Samuel T. Dana of the for-
estry school, president of Phi Kappa
Phi, officiated at the initiation and
also at the election of officers for
the coming year which followed the
ceremony. Dr. Carl E. Guthe was
elected president 'of the group. Prof.
Stuart A. Courtis, vice-president;
Prof. Roy S. Swinton, secretary-
treasurer; and Prof. Preston E. James,
corresponding secretary. Prof. Wal -
ter F. Colby and Prof. Edwin B. Mains
were appointed to the executive com-
Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
history department spoke on the
causes of the World War, developing
the various theses originated by the!
differentcountries involved to jus-
tify their participation. He stated
that the original theory of Germany's
sole responsibility has been aban-I
doned and that it is now the gen-
erally accepted view that the conflict
ensued from the policies pursued by
the various European governments.
All the nations involved must share
the responsibility, according to Pro-
fessor Ehrmann.
Seniors who were elected to riem-
bership include Harry Arnold, Jr.,
Nancy Atkinson, Melvin Beaudette,
Marion Bertsch, Richard Brandt,
John Brookhart, Wilbert Budd, Dan
(Continued on Page 2_
Select Other Members Of
Central Committee For
Junior GirlsPlay
Catherine Peck To
Act As Assistant
Named By League Council
Because Of Leadership,
Edith Zerbe, '37, has been chosen
;eneral chairman of next year's Jun-
or Girls' Play, the League Council
nnounced last night.
Catherine Peck, '37, will act as as-
istant chairman. Other appoint-
nents include Grace Snyder, '37, fi-
aance chairman; Betty Ann Beebe,
37, dance chairman; Mary Lambie,
37, properties; Doris Wisner, '37, pro-
rams; Charlotte Hamilton, '37, ush-
rs; Margaret Guest, '37, costumes;
Jane O'Ferrall, '37, makeup.
Selection of the J.G.P. central com-
nittee was based on leadership, past
experience, and efficiency. Candi-
lates for the various positions were
.nterviewed by the Judiciary Council,
which made recommendations to the
league Council.
Active In Class Projects
Miss ,erbe has been active in class
projects since her freshman year.
She was an officer of Freshman Girls'
Glee Club, a member of Dramatic
Club, Stanley Chorus, the League so-
cial committee, Freshman Project
committee, and the entertainment
ommittee of the Sophomore Cabaret.
viss Zerbe is affiliated with Pi Beta
Phi sorority.
Miss Peck, who is an independent,
is a member of Stanley Chorus, the
activities committee at Martha Coor
dormitory, the costume committees of
Children's Theater and Sophomore
Cabaret and co-chairman of the
membership committee of Assembly.
Miss Snyder, also affiliated with Pi
Beta Phi, is a member of The Daily
business staff, the League social corn-
mittee, Sophomore Cabaret finance
committee, and is also treasurer of
On Cabaret Committee
Miss Beebe, a member of Collegiate
Sorosis, has worked on the League
reception and theater and arts com-
mittees, and on the entertainment
committee for Sophomore Cabaret.
Miss Lambie, a member of Gamma
Phi Beta sorority, has assisted on the
publicity and house committees of the
League, and on the decoration com-
mittee for Sopohomore Cabaret.
Miss Wisner is also on the League
house committee, and worked on the
Sophomore Cabaret program commit-
tee. She is affiliated with Alpha Cii
Omega soority. Miss Hamilton, a
member of Gamma Phi Beta, has as-
sisted on the point system com-
mittee of the League, the entertain-
ment committee of Sophomore Cab-
aret, and the 'Ensian staff: Miss
Guest worked on the costume com-
mittee fo- Sophomore Cabaret, and is
a member of Chi Omega, Dramatic
Club, and Comedy Club. Miss O'Fer-
rall, affiliated with Collegiate Sorosis
was costume chairman for Sophomore
Cabaret, and assisted on the Panhel-
lenic Banquet committee. She is also
secretary of Wyvern.
Union Cards Ready
For Life Members
Union life membership cards and
buttons are now available to all sen-
iors and other students who have
been on the campus four years, ac-
cording to an announcement made
last night by Allen D McCombs, '35,
president of the Union.
Applicants for life membership are
required to present their student
membership cards at the business of-
fices on the basement floor of the
Union, McCombs said.
It was explained that all students
who have been on the campus eight
semesters will receive their buttons
and cards without charge, All sen-
iors who have not been enrolled in
the University that length of time
will be required to pay $5 for each
semester of residence under eight.
There will be no refunds made for
students who have been enrolled more
than four years.
EL PASO, Ark., May 6 -(t-- Two
m - Pn ifi~r h ShriffT C- Plant.
Railway Act Decision Termed
'A Borderline Case' By Bates
The five to four decision of the
United States Supreme Court yester-
day in declaring the Railway Retire-
ment Act unconstitutional was termed
last night by Dean Henry M. Bates
of the Law School "one of those bor-
derline cases."
Dean Bates responded to a request
for an interpretation of the high
court's ruling before a complete text
of the decision, as handed down by
Justice Owen J. Roberts, had reached
Ann Arbor.
Dean Bates denied that the deci-
sion reflected a strict interpretation
of the interstate commerce clause of
the constitution. There is no hard
and fast rule for governing such
cases," he said. "It is largely a mat-
ter of opinion and interpretation."
He was of the opinion, however,
as explained by members of the eco-
nomics department here, it provides
for retirement of railway employes
at the age of 65, or those who have
completed 30 years service, with an
annuity granted on basis of previous
The Supreme Court termed the Act
unconstitutional, Dean Bates ex-
plained, mainly for two reasons: be-
cause it was drawn so as to include
all employes of railways, some of
whom, though working for a corpora-
tion dealing in interstate commerce,
are not actually involved in interstate
commerce; . and" because the high
judicial body declared that it was not
a true regulation of commerce.
In citing the first reason for un-
constitutionality, the court asserted
that as that part of the act was in-
valid, the entire measure was likewise.
Age-Old Line Of Traditions
Lies Behind The Senior Sing
Down through University of Mich-
igan history there has always been,
in one form or another, a traditional
event held each year in which the
singing of Michigan songs has played
a paramount role.
The sings have at times been la-
belled differently, but for some years
the traditional sing of the year came
on Cap Night. In 1928, however, a
Pep Bounce was substituted for the
usual Senior Sing. At the time it was
described editorially as "a husky lad
which will no doubt live long and
lustily during the years to come."
tomorrow, on the steps of the General
Library, is not the establishing of a
new tradition but rather the reawak-
ening of one that has been rather
dormant the past few years.
A good deal of the loss in 'popu-
larity of the old Senior Sings was at-,
tributed by many to the fact that
in 1931 the seniors were not required
to wear the Cap and Gown and, as
an Alumnus writer puts it "it was
extremely difficult to distinguish the
senior participants from the specta-
Acting under the assumption that
to limit the participants to seniors
<:_1Anvtcr f-rfh r a fro fomth