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May 05, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-05

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technical exhibits prepared by that school. The
Family Banquet, with a prominent outside speaker,
will be one of the features of Saturday's program.
There will also be a program of University athletic
events during the week-end.
In addition to these events, guests will have an
.excellent opportunity to ,attend the ,annual May
Festival which is being presented in Hill Audito-
rium at that time.
Homecoming is one of the few traditions that
has survived from the large number that was for-
merly a part of University life. In the past few
years, these occasions have drawn increasingly
large groups of guests. There is little question
but what the amount of effort which is entailed in
the preparation of these programs is more than
justified by the enthusiastic results.
/ As Others See It
What Of The NRA?
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
W E BELIEVE that the President is ill-advised in
asking that the NRA act be rewritten before
the moot questions raised by the present act are
passed upon by the Supreme Court; even more,
we believe that he errs in asking that the new leg-
islation, going further than the old, shall set up
what amounts to a supreme court in the troubled
field of employer and labor relations. That is what
the President calls for when he says that the
new law should "safeguard, define and enforce col-
lective bargaining."
There can be, we believe, no valid objection to a
restatement of labor's right to organize and bar-
gain collectively. That is an inalienable right of
labor, a right implicit in the Constitution and the
whole American schen:e of things. Congress went
as far as it should go when it affirmed this right
in Section 7A of the present act. To go further
would be to launch the government on a course
that could lead only to compulsory arbitration,
through labor courts - which is something against
which Samuel Gompers warned labor in his annual
presidential report to the A.F. of L. 35 years ago.
It is true, as the President says, that no reason-
able person wants to abandon the gains that the
NRA has made in the direction of decent minimum
wages, the prevention of excessive hours of labor,
the protection of children against exploitation.
There is, however, the grave question as to the ex-
tent of Federal powers to impose wage and hour
and other regulations on industry. Until the
Supreme Court rules on this question, any rewrit-
ing ofthe NRA by Congress will be a shot in the
We do not believe that the NRA should be incon-
tinently scrapped; that would be to produce chaos
in many lines of industry. Industry in general,
though objecting on various grounds to the pres-
ent law, favors the continuation of the NRA in
some form. A referendum taken by the Chamber
of Commerce of the United States a few months
ago showed a vote of 1,508 to 420 in favor of such
Senator Clark of Missouri has suggested that
Congress should not attempt to revamp the re-
covery law till after a decision of the Supreme
Court on the constitutional points involved. He
has proposed, therefore, that the present law be
extended for nine months, with the provision that
it shall not be interpreted by the NRA to permit
price-fixing or to give jurisdiction over purely
intrastate business. Meantime, the Schechter test
case, which is expected to bring a clean-cut and
controlling decision, will have gone through the
Supreme Court. Congress would have three
months after the beginning of the next session to
work out a new law.
We believe that the suggestion of the Missouri
Senator is eminently sound and should be adopted.
Either of the other courses open to Congress -
revision of the law without the guidance of a Su-
preme Court opinion or failure to enact any substi-
tute - carries the danger of taking the country out
of the frying pan into the fire.
Fort Macon, which guarded the harbor at Beau-
fort, N. C., during the Civil War, has been restored
by the CCC. And the war between the states will
probably be started again over the division of the

work relief spoils.I


We refuse to vouch for the veracity of this
A circus recently visited a well-known Uni-
versity town. The strong man connected with
the show took a lemon and cut it in half. He
took one half in his hands and squeezed out
the juice, using all his strength. Then he
"Anyone in the audience who can squeeze
another drop of juice out of this half-lemon.
gets $25.''
Several huskies walked up to the platform.
They squeezed with all their power, but not a
drop came out. Then a scrawny little man
walked up. He took the lemon-rind in one
hand, and, according to reports, about a pail-
ful of juice came out.
The strong man was astounded. "Who are
you?" he asked.
The little man looked up at him disdainfully.
"I'm a buyer for the A. & P."
The Alpha Phis at Ohio State University were
put to no end of fluttering- and bother recently
when a lighted cigarette, said to have blown into
the dormitory, caused a roaring blaze which
routed all the girls from their beds in the wee
small hours. The cigarette absolutely must have
blown into the dormitory, the girls say, for all other
entrances were barred, and according to an Alpha
Phi ruling, smoking is forbidden in the dormitory.
Therefore, up pops the cigarette from nowhere,
and floats through the air.
Further interest was furnished to the affair
by the gallant members of Phi Gamma Delta
and Tau Kappa Epsilon who willingly, oh, so will-
ingly, extinguished the blaze before tbh city fire-
men arrived on the scene.
The charter of Purdue University states that
the University must have among the members
of the Board of Regents the following: "One
farmer, one woman, and one person of good
moral character."








This interesting contribution comes
M.N.O., '36:


I sometimes wonder what a Phi Bete
Thinks of when he's on a date.
Does he like them dumb and pretty?
Does he like them plain but witty?
I sometimes wonder if she's late -
Does he mind the little wait?
Does he like 'em small, his lasses?
Does he like 'em tall with glasses?
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
'Unfortunate Accident'
To the Editor:
On the front page of your issue of May 4, ap-
peared an article concerning a suit brought by
Professor Brumm against the Y.W.C.A. and my
daughter, Wilhelmine Carr.
The second paragraph of that article contains
an implication which might be construed as libel-
ous. You say: "Professor Brumm charges that
Miss Carr, while an instructor in archery at Y.W.-
C.A. Camp Takona, in Jackson County, shot and
pierced the right eye of his daughter, Ann Arbor
school girl, causing her to lose its sight."
In the interest of fairness to Professor -Brumm
as well as to my daughter you will no doubt
wish to correct the suggestion that the shooting
might have been something other than an unfor-
tunate accident.
-Lowell Juilliard Carr.


Walker Drafted to Serve Again
Man Who Dodges Titles Is Too Valuable For Roosevelt To Spare
(Associated Press Staff Writer)


Frank C. Walker, the Mon-:
tana Irishman who became a
millionaire New York attorney,' > :
is said to have been offered
everything in Washington ex-
cept a cabinet portfolio. He has
dodged most of the great titles
offered him, but in the mean-
time performed job after job
for the New Deal and quietly
slipped away.
First, he put the entire bus-
iness set-up of the adminis-
tration down on paper through
the Central Statistical Board.'
Then he created the United
States Information B u r e a uFRANK c
through which any honest cit-.

to be filed by states, counties
and municipalities
It is because Mr. Roosevelt
has a personal pledge with Con-
gress to supervise allotment of
work-relief funds that Walker
agreed to see and hear for him
every application for -money,
sort out spending plans and
submit worthy ones to WAB, the
new Work Allotment Board. In
all probability there is not an-
other man in the world who
could have persuaded this "most
reluctant of all public servants"
to return to official life.
Walker has proved there is
no sacrifice he will not make
for Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The President, in turn, trusts
him with a faith he has in none
save his own faithful "Louie"
-Col. Louis Howe. Walker's
devotion to Mr. Roosevelt is at-
WALKER tested by the fact that he ac-
cepted his present duties over




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