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May 04, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-04

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ I - - -.----.-------~----------. - .

Spring Parley
Defends Free
Speech, Press
Shlarfioan Clarifies Stazin I
Of University ,On Free
Speech Issue
400 Attend Session
'Anti-Red' Legislation Is
Condemned By Faculty
And Students
(Contin"ed from Pre 1
the attitude of the Supreme Court cn
the subject.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department then declared that, "I
personally would prefer that The
Michigan Daily be withdrawn from
faculty control and be placed entirely
in student hands." after he was asked
his opinion of the present situatin
Professor Burton Thuma of the
psychology department, a few min-
utes later, said, "I am in absolute ac-
cord with Mr. Slosson's statement."
Baldwin-Dunckel Bill
A question was raised immediately
afterwards by Winifred Bell, '36, who
asked, "How would the Baldwin-
Dunckel bill influence the teaching
of the course, 'Political Philosophy?'"
The question was addressed to Prof.
Lawrence Preuss, who teaches the
subject in the political science depart-
He replied, "The bill is innocuous
because legal rights are guaranteed
by the Constitution to every citizen,
and these rights cannot be taken
away by any such bill."
Professor Slosson had previously
voiced the same sentiments concern-
ing the legislation now pending in
Lansing which would prevent the
teaching'"of communism in schools.
Professor Preuss continued, saying,
"It would be impossible to give a
course like mine without an exposition
of communism. One could not give
a well-rounded treatment of the sub-
ject without describing one of the
most influential works in history-
"Das Kapital."
"We should not be prohibited in
discussing a form of government
which now is in effect in a country
of 160 million people."
Prevention Of Comifiunism
"Our function is not to advocate
communism. I wonder if the legis-
lators mean to prevent teaching com-
munism in the classrooms. "I have
every confidence in the University
that it will never attempt to curb this
Asked what he thought of the pol-
idles of some of the papers in this
country, Professor Preuss declared
that he could see little difference be-
tween the doctrines of William Ran-
dolph Hearst and the policies of the
National Socialists in Germany be-
fore they came to power.
President Ruthven, in the opening
address of the Parley yesterday after-
noon in which he welcomed students
and faculty, declared that he hoped
that the Parley would earnestly go
about seeking an explanation involved
without taking sides with a restrict-
ed group.
He said, "There has been a tend-
ency for the Parley to develop in the
direction of the 'bull session' which
is of little real benefit. It does no
good to get into a violent argument if
you are looking for an explanation of
"I am not criticizing the Parley,

and you may feel perfectly free to
carry on in any way you see fit.
"Too much time has been taken
up in past Parleys in promulgating
just one point of view. I will be dis-
appointed if the Parley does not de-
velop into a place like the Oxford
Forum where there is no attempt to
propagandize, but to find out the
other fellow's point of view."
The Parley will continue with meet-
ings today at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., and
will conclude Sunday morning with a
summary session in the Ballroom of,
the Union.

All Aboard For New United States Colony In Alaska

F .!

Proposals For
Peace Drafted
In Auto Strike
Other Chevrolet Factories
Force(d T Close Because
Of Toledo Walk-Out
DETROIT, May 3 -Peace propos-
is designed to return to work more
han 32,090 men affected by strikes
n the automobile and applied indus-'
vies are bcing drafted today.
The proposals, it was learned au-
horitatively, will be presented short-
y to American Federation of Repre-
entatives in Toledo where the strike
novemcnt originated in the Chevro-
et Motor Co.'s, plant 10 days ago.
Edward F. McGrady, first assistant
-ecretary of labor, declined to com-
'ncnt on the situation, as did A. F.
>f L. and General Motors Corporation
)fficers. It was known, however that
McGrady regarded the outlook for
in early agreement as favorable and
hat he expected to go to Toledo to-
Repercussions of the Toledo strike
had spread into nearly a dozen states
today, as additional Chevrolet and
Fisher Body Co., plants were obliged
to close because of inability to obtain
transmissions normally manufactured
at Toledo.
The Tarrytown, N. Y., Chevrolet
and Fisher plants, employing 4,200
men, were the latest to announce in-
definite suspension of operation
bringing the number of General Mo-
tors subsidaries forced to close to
nearly a score.
An undetermined number of work-
ers were indirectly affected by the
closings, as steel, glass, hardware,
and other factories curtailed their
working forces pending resumption of
of orders from Chevrolet and Fisher
McGrady and Francis J. Dillon, or-
ganizer in the automobile industry for
the A. F. of L., went into a conference
after McGrady and William S. Knud-
sen, executive vice-president of gen-
eral motors, were understood to have
reached a basis for a proposed prom-
ise with the Toledo strike.

Firebug Confesses

-Associated Press Photo.
Herbert Carle Peterson (above),
quoted by Chicago police as confes-
sing he was the firebug who has ter-
rorized Chicago's Rogers Park dis-
trcit with 10 apartment house fies.
PARIS, May 2 --(/P)-- Feodor Cha-
liapin, the noted basso, who is suf-
fering from grip and bronchitis, was
rushed to the American Hospital to-
day from Havre by ambulance after
a physician had found his condition

-Ann Arbor Daily News Photo.
Alaska-bound to start life anew in a valley of the midnight sun, 274 farm colonists from Minnesota are
shown as they boarded the army transport St. Mihiel in San Francisco. They are part of the 1,000 persons to
occupy the government-sponsored colony in Alaska's M dtanuska valley.

Indiet Foulkes
On Post Office
Bribe Charoe
2 Additional Counts Are
Issued Against Former
GRAND RAPIDS, May 3 - W) -
Warrants were issued today for the
arrest of George L. Foulkes of Hart-
ford, former Democratic congress-
man from the Fourth district, who'
was indicted by a Federal grand jury
yesterday with two others on charges
growing out of the post office depart-
ment's investigation last year of
charges that postmasterships were
being sold in southwestern Michigan.
Named in the true bills with the
former representatives were Dan J.
Gerow of Sturgis, and Elmer Smith
of Paw Paw.
Foulkes and Gerow were named
together in an indictment charging
conspiracy to solicit funds in Feder-
al buildings, while Gerow and Smith
were named in separate indictments
charging them with the actual soli-
citation. Foulkes is now in Washing-
ton but could not be reached for
Col. Amos W. Woodcock, former
prohibition administrator, and now
special assistant to the attorney-gen-
eral, will conduct the prosecution of
the cases. Gerow is a former St.
Joseph county Democratic chairman,
and Smith is former postmaster of
Paw Paw.
PostofFice inspectors carried on an
investigation in southwestern Mich-
igan for three weeks last fall after
Edmund Cook, postmaster at Allegan,
sent telegrams to Washington, charg-
ing that postmasterships were being
sold in the district.
The indictment against Gerow
charges him with 15 instances of
soliciting funds from persons in Fed-
eral buildings, including postmasters.
Smith is charged with three instances.
The true bill against Foulkes and
Gerow charges that they conspired to
commit an offense against the United
States. It alleges that Foulkes gave
Gerow a letter of introduction and
that Gerow showed the letter to 27
postmasters in the Fourth Michigan
The indictments against Gerow al-
so charge that he solicited and re-
ceived funds for Democratic political
It is charged that on June 6, 1934,
Gerow received a $10 check from Le-
roy Groves of Three Oaks, and a $54
check on July 2, 1934, from H. S.
Snow, postmaster at Otsego.
Paul Nims To Head
Mathematical Group
Paul T. Nims, '37E, was elected
president of the Junior Mathematical
Society by an unanimous vote at the
final meeting of that organization
Harry M. Bendler, '36E, vice-presi-
dent, Claude Elwood Shannon, '36E,
secretary; and E. Bryce Alpern, '36,
treasurer, were also elected and took
office immediately. The outgoing
officers of this organization are
George J. Varga, '36, president, and
Irene E. Hall, '35, secretary.
Prof. Norman Anning of the Math-
ematics department is faculty ad-
visor of the club.

Blakeman Explains Religious
Interests Of Eastern Schools



"Religious interest at Michigan
seems comparable to that at the
great Eastern Universities," said Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, Counsellor in
Religious Education, upon his return
from the Yale Conference of Univer-
sity Chaplains.
"The plans differ widely " Dr.
Blakeman said. "For example, to
cover the central functions of coun-
selling, worship, teaching, religious
activity and lectures, Yale, Prince-
ton, Smith and Williams have
churches organized to function in a
central chapel on the campus, while
Pennsylvania, Boston University and
Columbia have directors, or counsel-
lors, but no central worship." ,
In spite of the presence of Theo-
logical Departments and Departments
of Religious Education at all of the'
older Eastern Universities, the courses
in religion are not available to fresh-
men, engineers, pre-medical or busi-
ness administration students; also,
the courses are elected by a rela-
tively small group in Liberal Arts.
Although there are few courses at
Michigan which teach religion, he
said, the total enrollment in such
courses compares favorably with that
at the Eastern Universities.
He pointed out that the University
of Pennsylvania, with a Chaplain
whose offices are in the Union, and an
elaborate Christian Association in-
cluding seven University pastors, and
a very large budget, and Boston Uni-
versity, with a director functioning
through a Council of Religion such as
Michigan has, seemed to report the
best results.
This conference, the first of its
kind, was held in the faculty rooms
at the Yale Divinity School, and was
called by Chaplain Sydney Lovett
Arrest Twenty
For Pi eketil
Mercury Office
NEW YORK, May 3 -(/)- Twenty
persons - 13 men and seven women
- were arrested today on charges of
disorderly conduct as they picketed
offices of the American Mercury Ma-
gazine at 730 Fifth avenue.
Still chanting condemnation of the
magazine editors' alleged unfairness
to organized labor, the picketers were
escorted to a police station in two
patrol wagons.
Those arrested, including former
contributors to the Mercury, mem-
bers of the Office Workers' Union and
the Writers' Union, were taken into
custody after police had warned
them that mass picketing was a vio-
lation of the law. The picketers
charge that Lawrence Spivak, owner
of the magazine, and Paul Palmer,
editor, violated the NRA in discharg-
ing seven employes. Spivak and Pal-
mer contend the workers were fired
for inefficiency.

of Yale, Prof. Clarence Shedd, also
of Yale, and Dr. Warren Powell ofa
Boston University. Reports came
from Dean Hicks of Yale, Gulikey of
Chicago, Sporry of Harvard. '
"It fell to me," said Doctor Blake-
man "to represent the State Univer-
sity students, and I reported on the
four tasks assigned by President
Ruthven to the Counselor, namely,
that the University will seek first,
to understand the problems of reli-
gion as faced by the students; sec-
ond, to be available as a Counselor
for students in religious and personalf
matters; third, to be adviser to thea
administration in religious matters
and to be a contact person between
the University and religious agencies;
and fourth, to correlate the efforts of
campus ministers. That we were
able to report the following activities
seemed to put Michigan in the top
group at the conference:
I. Regular counseling service used
daily by the students.
II. The Spring Parley - a faculty,
student engagement as to Values.
III. Our Council of Religion, en-
gaging divergent faiths.
IV. The Lectureships, w h i c h
brought Canon Bell and Prof. Arthur
Eleven Die As
Storms Sweep
Throuah West
(By Associated Press)
Tornadoes, electrical storms and
wind-driven snow brought death to
11 persons, injury to scores of others
and caused untold property damage
in the middlewest today.
Floods brought additional hazard
to the stricken area.
Three persons were killed by torna-
does in northeastern Arkansas, four
others in Kentucky and four in south-
ern Arkansas. Property damage esti-
mates ran into the millions of dollars.
The twisters were accompanied by
a deluge of rain. At historic Church-
ill Downs, freshly groomed for the
Kentucky Derby, Saturday, slight da'
mage was reported, but it appeared
likely the race would be in the mud.
A late spring snowstorm whipped
across Wisconsin. Five inches of
snow covered the ground at LaCrosse
today and it still was snowing. The
storm amounted almost to a blizzard
as it swept toward Lake Michigan
borne on a 40-mile wind and with the
temperature below freezing.
Meanwhile torrential rains sent
rivers to near the flood stage in In-
diana and Illinois. Both the Wabash
and White rivers in Indiana were ris-
ing rapidly and railroad service on
two lines was disrupted by washouts
near Peoria, Ill.
i 11111

To do something you have always wanted to do!
The Ann Arbor Flying Service have initiated a plan
whereby you drop a BOMB from a plane into a
circle about ten feet in diameter.
A Free Ride Over Ann Arbor will be Awarded Each Winner
per Person
50c per Trial
Special Flying Exhibition every hour 2 to 6 p.M.
Rides Over Ann Arbor, $1.

Health Service
Reports More
Measles Cases
No Danger Of Epid.ent
Dr. Forsythe Says, And
Service Not Over-Taxed
New cases of measles have number-
ed about 1 0 in the past week, Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service, announced yesterday.
He stated that all the cases still
are traceable to the vacation period,
and none of them seem to have been
contracted since the opening of
school. He added that the number
has not as yet overtaxed the available
facilities for patients.
"The dangers of a widespread epi-
demic are not so great," Dr. Forsythe
said, "as long as all the infections
can be traced to contacts during
Spring Vacation. However, the po-
tential danger lies in cases that de-
velop from exposure on the campus.
The disease can be fairly easily' con-
trolled as long as these 'secondary'
cases do not develop."
Dr. Forsythe stated that danger
from exposure to the disease is great-
est in the period just before the out-
break of a rash on the infected indi-
vidual. At this time the person hav-
ing the disease does not realize it, but
seems to be suffering only from a bad
cold, together with a sore throat.



over an ordinary stove...

Philippine Freedom
Efforts Denounced
WASHINGTON, May 3-(A)-Fil-
ipinos were urged to. abandon inde-
pendence efforts in a minority re-
port presented to the Senate today
by Senator Kellar, Tennessee Demo-'
crat, member of a committee whichl
conducted an investigation in the
The chairman of the committee,
Senator Millard Tydings, of Mary-
land has not yet submitted the ma-
jority report.
McKellar's report charged that the
new constitution frankly sets up a
dictatorship in the Islands because
"the Filipinos confessedly are notI
ready for a Democratic or Republi-
can form of government."

a mark of distinction,
an emblem of respect

y 01U HAVE heard the term "modern" applied
to many stoves. But only an electric range
is truly modern. Fuel stoves still use the same
cooking method that was in vogue 50 years
ago ... These stoves LOOK up-to-date, per-
haps-but their method of operation is un-
changed. They still depend upon combustion
to obtain heat --and the dirt and soot and
fumes attendant upon combustion are still in
evidence under their "modern" guise.F
Only an electric range is different. Electric
heat is as clean as sunlight. An electric range
furnishes only pure heat from a glowing wire.
An electric range is truly MODERN-and the
cleanest, most convenient' way of cooking
today. You can own a modern electric range
for $89.50-completely installed and ready to
cook. See the latest models on display at your
dealer's or the Detroit F dison office.

Enjoy These Advantages of
Electric Cooking!
® CLEAN. Electric heat is as clean as sun-
light. There is no.ske or soot to soil
kitchen walls and curtains. Cooking ptnsl
remain bright and shiny after long use.
® HEALTHFUL. Electricecooking seat-its
nourishing juices and natural elements in
meats and vegetables. Important food values
are retained.
* WATERLESS COOKING. With your ale.
tric range you use no water for roasts and
only half-a-cup for vegetables.
* MODERN. In attractive and striking de.
signs, these electric ranges do much to
brighten and add a feeling of newness to your
entire kitchen.
FULL FLAVORED. Electric eooking-h-a
a deliciously different flavor-a wsature
Slavor in foods. Meats and vegetables cook
to melting tenderness in their own jice..
INEXPENSIVE. Electric cooking costs Iet
than a cent a meal per Persoa.
SAFE. An electric range supplies only p re
eat from a glowing wire-there Ino
flame, no matches, no fumes.

I ,*- I





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