The Weather Partly cloudy Saturday and Sunday; continued cool. L t igaz I vattv Editorials On With The Baseball Wars! The Interneship Idea Spreads.. VOL. XLV. No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sir Herbert Ames Addresses Model League Assembly Says Present Time Is Most Critical Since Versailles Treaty Traces European Affairs To Present Martin Wagner, Rhodes Scholar, Is Chosen As Assembly President Pointing to the League of Nations as the hope of world peace today, Sir Herbert Ames, distinguished Ca- nadian diplomat and first treasurer of the League addressed more than 200 members of the Model League of Na- tions Assembly last night in the Union. "Although there has been no time since the Treaty of Versailles so crit- ical and so tense as the present," he declared, "as long as the League exists and is supported, there is a way out of the difficulties that confront us tonight. However black the situation looks, 'we have the League, where there is a chance to iron things out over the conference table." Both Hitler and other European powers are "at the crossroads," Sir Herbert said. "Hitler does not know how far to go, and the powers do not know hQw far to let him go. Some- day, however, the day will come when they must say, 'Stop.'" Sir Herbert traced the European situation from 1920 until the present, explaining that there have been three periods of Franco-German relations: from 1920 to 1926, the period of Ger- man ostracism, followed by recon- ciliation; 1926 to 1932, the period of cooperation between Germany and1 the other nations; and from 1933 on, the period of Hitler domination with Germany outside the League of Na- tions. hile 'drawing a picture of Euro- pean history since the war, Sir Her- bert struck an analogy between the Austro-Hungary-Serbia crisis in 1914 and the Jugoslavia-Hungary crisis in 1934. The latteY, he stated, "if there had been no League, would have had, the same results as the situation which precipitated the Great War." Martin Wagner, Rhodes scholar, as 'delegate from Luxembourg,' was elected president of the As- sembly in the opening session at 11- a.m. yesterday when President Alex- ander G. Ruthven, acting as presi- dent of the League of Nations, pre- sided, welcoming delegates from more than 20 colleges to the eighth annual session of the Model Assem- bly. Hergenroeder Places First In Speech Contest' Northwestern Is Awarded Second Prize; Wisconsin, Honorable Mention The 45th annual contest of the Northern Oratorical League was won last night by Paul J. Hergenroeder of Western Reserve University. Hergen- roeder delivered an oration entitled "In the Service of Our Country," in which he opposed the soldiers' bonus. Hergenroeder claimed that the serv- ices rendered by citizens as soldiers cannot be rewarded by a pecuniary bonus. Paul Ziffren of Northwestern Uni- versity was awarded the second place decision by the judges for his ora- tion on "The Creative Citizen." Hon- orable mention was awarded to James E. Doyle of Wisconsin University for "The Eagle Comes To Earth." The Frank L. Lowden Testimonials of $100 for first place and $50 for second place will be awarded to Her- genroeder and Ziffren, respectively. The contest was held last night in Hill Auditorium, with Dr. Clare Grif- fen, dean of the School of Business Administration, presiding. Judges were professors from the member col- leges. They are: F. M. Rarig, Uni- versity of Minnesota; J. L. Lardner, Northwestern University; H. C. Harschbarger, University of Iowa; H. S. Woodward, Western Reserve Uni- versity; A. T. Weaver, Wisconsin Uni- __- -_ -- - R - I Tv *:n . .'* o Gargoyle Places High In National Judgings In a nation-wide contest conducted recently by the Texas Ranger, humor magazine of the University of Texas, the Gargoyle was rated first among college humor publications of the schools of the northern United States it was announced last night. Two other national contests held recently gave the Gargoyle high rat- ings. The Punch Bowl of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania placed the Gargoyle second, with first honors going to the Jack-O-Lantern of Dartmouth College. The Stanford Chapparal of Stan- ford University also conducted a contest and rated the Gargoyle third. The Pelican of the University of Cal- ifornia was given first place, and second place went to the Jack-O- Lantern. In two of the contests the Gar- goyle was mentioned as "the Vanity Fair of college humor magazines." Tag Day To Be Sponsored By S. C.A._May 17 1600 Boys Will Benefit By Annual Drive For Fresh Air Camp The annual tag day for the benefit of the U. of M. Fresh Air Camp will be held May 17, Student Christian Association officials announced last night. William Q. Barndt, '37, chairman of the committee in charge of the event stated that the tag day was be- ing sponsored "in order to raise more funds for the Fresh Air Camp pro- gram. The Association feels justified in holding the tag day because of the fact that the jamboree program was not supported wholeheartedly by the campus." All fraternities that aided the jam- boree in any way will be given tags gratis and in advance prior to the sale of tags on campus. The Fresh Air Camp summer sea- son will open immediately following the close of school in June. Accord- ing to the camp director, George G. Alder, the program for the year of 1935 is one of the most ambitious ever attempted by the camp, for it will provide more than 1600 "boy weeks." It is planned to have 100 boys from Ann Arbor remain at the camp,.for the entire season. At two week intervals another 100 boys will attend the camp from Detroit, Ham- tramck, and other communities in the vicinity. The camp has served more than 5,000 boys during the 13 years of its existence and has provided underpriv- ileged boys with the opportunity to live a clean, wholesome, cosmopolitan life, Barndt said. At the present time on the camp site a new camp building is being built which will be used by the S.C.A. and will be let to other campus groups for retreats and week-end affairs. The counsellors of the camp and other administration officials are chosen from University students and faculty. LemonWhite Give Talks At MIPA Session Minister G i v e s Address At Banquet For High School Journalists Press Convention To Conclude Today Four Discussion Groups Will Feature Meetings To Be HeldToday. A plea to the youth of today to "have a tomorrow" was voiceddlast night by the Rev. William P. Lemon of thebFirst Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, who addressed 200 high school journalists at the annual ban- quet of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association on "The Adventure of Tomorrow." Dr. Lemon divided the people of the word into three categories in his lecture: "Those who have no to- morrow, those whose tomorrow is go- ing to be a yesterday served up again, and those who really have a tomor- row." He deplored the condition of the individual whose world is a prac- tical world of the immediate present, as well as those for whom the future would be no more than the world of their forefathers. Discusses Journalism At an earlier session of the conven- tion delegates were addressed by Lee A White of the Detroit News staff, who outlined for them the offerings and possibilities of a journalistic ca- reer. The two callings can exist in har- mony, however, he admitted, and pointed to several examples of fa- mous writers who had started or who still worked in the field of journalism. He completed his lecture by an- swering questions submitted by the high school journalists, most of which dealt with opportunities for getting positions in the field, and the oppor- tunities for women in journalism. Muyskens Speaks The morning session was addressed by Prof. John H. Muyskens of the de- partment of speech, who spoke on "The Mother Tongue." He traced the growth of "the organism of truth" as a series of four processes, first superstition, then description, com- parison of observations, and the pe- riod of objective experimentation. Meetings will conclude tomorrow with a general session to be addressed by Dr. William D. Henderson, direc- tor of the University Extension Divi- sion, who will speak on the "Power of Personality." His lecture will be followed by four discussion groups. Begin Suit Against Wilhernine Carr, '37 Prof. John L. Brumm. chairman of the journalism department, has started suit for $20,000 against Wil- helmine F. Carr, '37, daughter of Prof. L. J. Carr of the sociology depart- ment, and the Y.W.C.A. for alleged injury to his daughter, Jean Carol, two years ago, it was announced yes- terday., Professor Brumm charges that Miss Carr, while an instructor of archery at Y.W.C.A. Camp Takona, in Jack- son County, shot and pierced the right eye of his daughter, Ann Arbor school girl, causing her to lose its sight. Circuit Judge George W. Sample, before whom the suit was instituted, announced yesterday that he will "consider the case further" before making a decision. Is In Supr'eme Court's Hands American Iederation Of Labor Condemns Senate Lease Resolution President Predicts Program Will Pass Speaker Byrns Claims That House Will Prefer Two Year Extension WASHINGTON, May 3. - (P)- The supreme test of NRA's constitu- tionality rested tonight with the nine justices of the Supreme Court, while, through other channels, the admin- istration fought to prolong the Blue Eagle's life. The conclusion of arguments before the high court- marked by sharp questions from the bench - coincided with the building by Roosevelt forces of a backfire against the Senate move to shorten NRA's life and clip its wings. Little could be guessed from out- ward appearances as to what decision the justices will hand down weeks hence, but the administration effort to win from Congress a two-year extension of the recovery law was plain. There were these developments during the day: 1. President Roosevelt received at the House the executive council of the American Federation of Labor, bearing an endorsement for a two- year extension of NRA and a con- demnation of the Senate resolution for a modified lease of life until next April. 2. Later the President said he was convinced that an overwhelming ma'- jority of business men were in gen- eral agreement with the recovery ef- forts and his program would go for- ward in Congress regardless of coun- ter-suggestions by some organiza- tions. The program was criticized by the Chamber of Commn&ce of the United States. Asked about these attacks Mr. Roosevelt repeated the brief talk he made yesterday to the business advisory council in which he ex- pressed the feeling that in many cases so-called organizations of business men do not in reality speak for the group as a whole. 3. Confirming reports that the ad- ministration's strategy was to seek to win its case in the House, Speaker Joseph Byrns predicted that the House would prefer a two-year exten- sion and would not accept the pro- posal forwarded by the Senate finance committee. 4 NRA proponents in Congress announced receipt of many telegrams from industry protesting the short projected extension. 5. To the Senate the labor commit- tee in itsformal report urged enact- ment of the Wagner Labor Disputes Bill to replace NRA's Section 7A "to insure industrial peace," Swimmers Pick Fehsenf eldAs 1936_Captain~ Frank Fehsenfeld, of Indianapolis, National Collegiate champion in the high and low board diving events will lead Michigan's swimming team in defense of National and Big Ten titles next year. He was elected at the annual squad banquet held last night in the Union. After taking second place in the Conference meet of this year, Fehsen- feld came through in the National meet to score victories in both diving events over Bill Busby of Iowa, who had beaten him in the Big Ten com- petition. The new Wolverine leader took second places in the Indiana and Michigan State dual meets this year, behind teammates Ben Grady and Der Johnston, and won first place at Ohio State over Ned Diefendorf. In the National A.A.U. indoor championships held early last month in New York Fehsenfeld took fourth place in the low board event and fifth in the high board competition. Last year Fehsenfeld failed to win a Varsity letter after being forced to the sidelines by the superior perform- ances of Dick Degener and Johnson. He did not do any diving until the National Collegiate meet where he placed twelfth and later was given eighth position on the All-America .Fate OfNRA Spring Parley Upholds Free Speech And Press; Condemns Anti-Red Bill 6 Faculty Men To Speak In Churches Here Prof. John Muyskens Will Lecture On 'Why Do We Know?" Lectures by six members of the University faculty have been an- nounced as part of the varied pro- grams offered by the churches of Ann Arbor for student consideration to- morrow. Prof. John L. Muyskens of the speech department will discuss the topic "Why/ Do We Know?" at the 6:30 p.m. meeting of the St. Paul's Lutheran club. Preceding Prof. Muy- skens' lecture, a fellowship hour and supper will be held at 5:30 pm. "The Age of Voltaire" will be the topic of Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department when he speaks at the 10:30 a.m. service of the Congregational church. Rev. A. R. Heaps, church pastor, will con- tinue in his series on "The Old Test- ament in the New Times" with a dis- cussion of "The Glory of a Great Friendship." Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the soci- ology department wil speak on "The Church as a Social Force" before the members of the Roger Williams Guild at 6 p.m. Dies Suddenly Sharf man Clarifies Stand Of University On Free Speech Issue 400 Attend Opening Session Yesterday ROBERT * F. FREMONT * * Auto Injuries Prove Fatal To RI. F. Fremont Blood Clot Causes Sudden Death Of 18-Year-Old University Freshman 1 i i i Dr. Kenneth L. Jones of the botany Robert F. Fremont, 18 years old, a department will be the guest speaker freshman in the literary college, died when the Young People's Society of suddenly at 5:30 p.m. yesterday in the First Presbyterian church meets the University: Hospital astthe re- at 6:30 p.m. following the usual Sun- sult of injuries suffered in an auto- day night supper. After the talk by mobile accident two weeks ago. Di. Jones, the members of the society The direct cause of his death was will elect officers for the coming attributed to a blood clot which had year. "God's Preference" will be the formed on his arm and which went to topic of Dr. William P. Lemon, the brain. church pastor, for the morning wor- Fremont, the son of Mr. and Mrs. ship at 10:30 a.m. The annual in- Elmer Fremont of Harmon Ave., Bir- stallation of new officers will also mingham, was graduated from Philips take place at this time. The Tuxis Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H., in Society will meet at 6 p.m. to study 1934 and came to this University last the life and work of John Joseph fall. He was a member of Sigma Chi Eagan. .fraternity, and was a freshman re- Prof. Howard McCluskey of the porter' on The Daily. psychology department will lead the The accident from which his death discussion of the student group meet- resulted, occurred Friday, April 19, ing at Harris Hall at 7 p.m. Sun- when he was hitch-hiking his way to dayt his home in Birmingham for the week-end. The car in which he ob- A continuation of the discussion of tained a ride was involved in a minor (Continuea on Page 2) accident and Fremont's left arm was fractured above the elbow. He was Free Accused Mail the only passenger injured. Taken to the University Hospital, Man On $500 Bond his arm was placed in a cast, and .Man Phospital physicians reported that he was making steady improvement until John W. Isaacson, 45-year-old Ann yesterday. At about 4:30 p.m. he Arbor mail carrier charged with steal- suffered a sudden sinking spell and ing money from University students' oxygen tanks were rushed to him. letters, was granted his liberty yes- He recovered temporarily but suffered terday in Detroit on $500 bond. another relapse and died within 20 Isaacson is to appear before the minutes. A fraternity brother, Her- IbertsW. Mason, '35, of Detroit was Federal grand jury soon. He waived with Fremont when he died. examination when arraigned before The party which was to have been Commissioner J. Stanley Hurd held by the Sigma Chi fraternity last Thursday. night was cancelled by its president. Isaacson was arrested here Tuesday No arrangements for the funeral by Post Office Inspector Robert Mac- have as yet been announced other Lachlan who declared that the mail than that the body will be taken to carrier had several "decoy" letters in Birmingham for burial. his possession belonging to Mosher- Jordan residents. Women from that VETERAN CHIEF DIES AT 88 dormitory as well as other students MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 3 -P)- living on his route have recently been General Charles A. Desaussure, 88 missing money in their mail. The years old, 2ormer commander-in- amount of the theft is believed to ex- chief of the United Confederate Vet- ceed several hundred dollars. erans, died here today. Union Pays $35,000 To Student Employees For Current Year Discussion Will Continue With Two Sessions At 3 P.M. And 7 P.M. By ARTHUR M. TAUB A vigorous defense of free speech and press and a tacit condemnation of proposed "anti-red" legislation was made by members of the faculty and student body as the 1935 Spring Par- ley opened its second session in the Union last night. The crowd of more than 400 which packed the North Lounge to capacity heartily applauded the faculty speak- ers who were repeatedly called back after finishing a statement to clarify and discuss more thoroughly ques- tions raised. Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of the economics department, in answer to a question raised by Wilbert Hind- man, Grad., in respect to whether or not the recent statements of Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven and Re- gent James O. Murfin limited aca- demic freedom, declared that he did not believe that. the University had any desire to check the teaching of. any courses in the University. "In times of hysteria it is danger- ous to make a general statement.' Among our courses is one on "Pro- grams of Social-Economic Ref orm in which we teach what Socialism, Communism, Syndacalism, and other forms are. We have no apologies to make in teaching a course like this," Professor Sharfman said. Right To Think "The faculty believe deeply in the right to think, to interchange thoughts with others. I'm not aware that anything has been done to change that spirit." Regent Murfin's statement was as follows: "There is no place on the campus of the University of Michigan for professors teaching Communistic doctrines. I have been assured that there is no such teaching, but if I have proof that Communism is being taught or encouraged I will take steps to remove such professors from the payroll." President Ruthven's statement, is- sued April 17, which was also referred to, declared that "University work has been interfered with and the reputa- tion of the institution has been called into question recently by perversive activities of a few professional agita- tors, by certain other misguided per- sons not connected with the Univer- sity, some of whom are residents and citizens of the state, and some of whom are not, and, unfortunately, by a small group of immature students. Continuance of these activities will not be tolerated. "As has been the practice in the past, no meetings will be permitted on the campus or in University build- ings without permission obtained from University authorities...... . The University has no desire to curtail freedom of speech, but as state-sup- ported institution devoted to educa- tion, it proposes to continue to fulfill to the utmost its obligations to the state and the cause of general educa- tion." Academic Freedom Continuing the answer to the ques- tion on academic freedom, Professor Sharfman said, "I see no reason why, even, when we are supported by the State we cannot be free to think and speak, even on unpopular subjects." This statement was made by Pro- fessor Sharfman after a student had asked the question: "Is there any or- ganization on the campus indulging in perversive activities?" On this same query, Professor Sharfman brought up the subject of the local National Student League, to which the question referred. "After all," he said, "the National Student League is a recognized or- ganization on the campus. I was on the Committee of Student Affairs when it was recognized, and I strong- ly favored recognition." He main- tained that he still had the same opin- Lack Of Politicians Dooms Dunckel-Baldwin opponents By FRED WARNER NEAL LANSING, May 3.-It was the consensus in the capitol today that tactics of the Dunckel-Baldwin bill opponents last night at the open hearing in the House made its pas- sage virtually certain. Chief among the tactical errors charged by advocates of the bill, which makes it a felony to advocate violent overthrow of the government, was the speech by William Weinstone, state communist organizer in Mich- igan. When Weinstone, who with his dark complexion and long black hair resembled a typical story book rad- ical, spoke in opposition to the mea- sure, Sen. James A. Baldwin, (Rep., A-Alhnn) rnc sn*r of the bhill. de- the passage of the proposed act, were also scored by its opponents who be- lieved tactics of the opposition to be misguided. In the course of his speech, Hindman said that "Some- day, we, the youth of Michigan, will have to sit here in the Legislature to rectify the mistakes you make." Most effective speeches against the controversial bill were given by the R~ev. H. H. Bollens, of Detroit, rep- resenting the Civil Liberties. Union, which handled the case of the opposi- tion; and the Rev. Dr. Field of De- troit, representing Bishop Edgar Blake of the Methodist Church. Although speakers on both sides were heckled by opposing sides in the galleries and on the edge of the floor, By THOMAS H. KLEENE Nearly $35,000 in wages - both in cash and in board -will have been paid out for the current year to men students employed in the various de- partments of the Union by the close of the Summer Session, it was estimated yesterday by Stanley G. Waltz, gen- eral manager of the Union. This sum represents a sharp de- crease of 10 per cent over wages paid out to students working at the Union last year, in spite of the fact that the wage scale has remained exactly the same. Mr. Waltz attributed this rise to a general improvement in business in all of the departments of the first six and one-half months was nearly $168, or an average of $1.34 per day to each student employe. The largest number of students em- ployed regularly in any one depart- ment work in the taproom and cafe- teria. Approximately 50 men are in these two departments. The next largest group, 20, is employed in the capacity of waiters in the dining room. The Union employs other students as follows: Seven in help hall, six as dishwashers for the dining room, five in the billiard room, the Pendleton Library, the barber shop and the swimming pool, three in the bowling