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May 03, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-03

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FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1935


Enrollment For
Geology Field
Station Begns
Cam p Opens Registrati on
To Limited Number Of
Map Data Collected
Courses Designed For The
Undergraduates; H. a 11,
Scott, Ehler To Teach

New Strikes Result In Closing Of.

More Factories

Senators Plan
Investigation Of
Relief Handling

Tax Case Approved


Grants Of States
Force Hopkins To
Up Threat

,, '. .

Students of the University who de-
sire to attend the 16th annual session
of the Geological and Geographical
Field Station, to be held June 19 to
July 28 at Mills Spring, Ky., should
make their applications immediately
according to an announcement made
yesterday by Prof. G. M. Ehlers of
the geology department, director of
the station.
The total registration is limited to
45 students and a large number have
already expressed their intention of
attending. This year, according to
Professor Ehlers, there will be ac-
commodations for a limited number
of women, the first girl student hav-
ing gone down to the camp last year.
Professor Ehlers emphasized the
fact that the instruction given in the
field courses corresponds very closely
to the work done by professional
geologists and geographers. The stu-
dent is first given instruction in the
use of his instruments and in field
methods and is then assigned a defi-
nite area for study. He is thus placed
in the same position as a professional
geologist or geographer, Professor
Ehlers explained, and is given the op-
portunity to apply his previous train-
ing at the University in observing and
interpretirig the various phenomena
of his assigned field.
Make Maps Of Area
The courses offered by the station,
primarily for the undergraduate, are
under the direction of Professor Eh-
lers, Prof. L D. Scott of the geology
department and Prof. Preston E.
James of the geography department.
During the course of the field investi-
gation, the data collected is checked
by the instructors and incorporated
into a large geological and geographi-
cal map of the area which is being
compiled by members of the station.
These maps have proved to be of
great scientific interest, Professor Eh-
lers stated, and several of them have
accompanied published reports writ-
ten by staff members and graduate
students of the station.
There are also courses designed
especially for those int'ested in
teaching and for the professional
geologist. These courses are mainly
directed along research lines and
other special work.
As a direct result of the work done
at the station several papers have
been published. The papers are all I
relative to the regions studied in the
vicinity of the camp, and have been
published by the members of the sta-
tion staff and graduate students.
In speaking of the schedule of the
work in the courses, Professor Ehlers
pointed out that after the more in-
tensive work at the station is con-
pleted, the field parties make a recon-
naissance trip by automobile similar
to the one led by Professor Scott
during spring vacation.
Much Recreation Planned
A full recreational life is reported
by Professor Ehlers for both students
and members of the staff. Swimming,
horseshoe pitching, and baseball rank
among the leading sports, and the
"Varsity" baseball team has earned
quite a reputation for itself around
the countryside.
The location of the camp in Mills
Springs is the nearest area to Ann
Arbor in which extensive rock forma-
tions are exposed at the surface. Va-
rious rock strata representing many
different geologic periods are avail-
able for study. This is an ideal set-
up for the course offered to beginners
in geology, since these courses are
stratigraphical in nature. In Mich-
igan the glaciers which have passed'
over most of this state have covered
up the red rock with large amounts
of glacial deposits.
Weathering and erosion processes
acting upon these rocks have pro-
duced various types of soil formations
which, according to geographers, have
an intimate relation to crop develop-
ment. This affords,' therefore, ex-
cellent opportunity for the study of
this relationship. The glaciers in
Michigan have, on the other hand,

caused great confusion'and complex-
ity in soil types, thus making a study,
of soil types extremely difficult.
Many Unusual Formations
Besides these made to order fea-
tures for study, there are a number
of natural bridges, underground cav-
ers with unusual formationsin them,
and many other picturesque features
which make the camp site an ideal
"Students planning to attend the
station should make their intentions
known to the instructors in charge
of the courses as soon as possible,
and immediately thereafter should go
to the Health Service for typhoid im-
munization," Professor Ehlers said.

-Associated Press Photo.
As the Federal government stepped into the trouble zone of the giant automobile industry, new strikes
precipitated by the closing of the Chevrolet plant in Toledo shut down other General Motors corporation
subsidiaries, throwin, 13,000 men out of work. Above are shown idle workers gathered around the Chev-
rolet and Fisher Body companies' plant at Norwood, Cincinnati suburb, while below is part of the 9,000 men
who lost their jobs when the Fisher Body plant in Cleveland shut down.

WASHINGTON, May 2.- (iP) -
Senators preparing to conduct a
sweeping investigation into the han-
ding of relief watched today to see if
:harry L. Hopkins, the relief admin
istrator, would make good his latest
threat to withhold Federal funds from
states refusing to make requested
Numerous developments pointed to
the possibility of an immediate show-
down on FERA's efforts to force state
officials into line.
Chief among them was the fact that
Hopkins was at work on grants to be
made today or tomorrow from the
$100,000,000 fund which he asked
President Roosevelt to set aside yes-
terday for May relief needs.
He was aware that the Illinois
house of representatives, faced by the
threat that Federal funds would be
cut off at midnight last night unless
the state agreed to raise $3,000,000
monthly for relief, had rebuffed a
sales tax proposed to meet the ulti-
matum. In the Illinois statehouse it
was rumored that Hopkins stood
ready to take over the state's relief
administration and assume full re-
sponsibility for the care of its l,165,-
897 on relief.
Pennsylvania, with 1,866,819 depen-
dent on relief payments, likewise had
failed to comply with a Federal de-
mand for larger contributions. Sev-
eral other states were in the same
category. Missouri moved only yes-
terday to get under the wire by pass-
ing a bill appropriating $500,000 for'
relief this month.
Apparently mindful of these situa-
tions, the Senate yesterday sent its
appropriations committee into a gen-
eral investigation of the distribution
of relief funds.
It gave the committee specific or-
ders to find out what share of the
relief burden states are required to
bear, what information they are re-
quired to supply in seeking Federal
funds and what agreements are de-
manded of them.
Plan Inspection Of
G. M. Laboratoryl
A tour of inspection to the Detroit
City Airport and through the Gen-
eral Motors Research laboratory will
be made Saturday morning by the
Aeronautical Division of the Amer-
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers,
as a part of a series of extended
Frank Denison, '36E, was elected
chairman of the organization as a
recent meeting, and Edwin Middle-
don, '37E, was chosen vice-chairman.
Other officers are: William McCance,
'36E, secretary; Roy Sandstrom, '36E,
treasurer; and Francis Wallace, '36E,
engineering council representative.

Two More


X-Ray Experts
Of State Will
Convene Here
Michigan Association Of
Roentgenologists Meets
Tomorrow In Hospital
Michigan X-ray experts, some of
them among the most noted in the
country, will come to the University
Hospital tomorrow for a meeting of
the Michigan Association of Roent-
The program for the Association's
meeting was outlined by Dr. Samuel
Donaldson, of St. Joseph Mercy Hos-
pital, secretary. A combined dinner,
business and scientific meeting will
occupy the delegates, at which time
it will be decided whether or not a
section of radiology should be estab-
lished in the Michigan State Med-
ical Society. The election of officers
will follow this discussion.
Two papers will be delivered by
members of the University Medical
School faculty. They are "Interver-
tebral Tuberculosis," by Dr. Carl
Badgley of the bone and joint surgery
department, and "The Surgical Treat-
ment of Bronchogenic Carcinoma of
the Lung," by Dr. John Alexander of
the thoracic surgery department.
The dinner is scheduled for 6:30
p.m. while the scientific session will
take place at 8 p.m. in the clinical
Council Pronlises
Blanced Budge t
A pledge of the city council budget
committee to keep Ann Arbor's spend-
ing program within the limits of the
municipal income was announced yes-
Meanwhile, the struggle to meet
the financial requests of the various
city departments continues. Be-
cause it is unable to include in its
income estimate any extra funds
which are uncertain, the committee
indicated that it may resort to draft-
ing a supplementary preferred list of
"non-allowed" items which may be
granted later provided money is avail-
On the total city valuation of $37,-
801,515, the city will be able to raise
$283,511.36 for general administration
expenditures. In addition, however,
funds for debt service and for special
assessments must be included in the
budget, it was pointed out.1
The debt service will be approxi-
mately $123,016, according to present
estimates, and special assessments
funds will total $54,593.02.

Mystery Shrouds
Intentions, Actions
Of Two Curators
Dr. Norman E. Hartweg, assistant
curator of the Zoology Museum rep-
tile division, and his associate, Dr.
L. C. Stuart, may have gone to Pitts-
burgh. They may be attending the
annual meeting of the American So-
ciety of Ichthyologists and Herpetolo-
gists. They may be going to read
papers before the society. In fact,
they may be doing and going to do
almost anything.
The story is that they left Ann Ar-
bor yesterday shrouded in deep mys-
tery. "Go see Hartweg," said Dr.
Stuart when asked about the pro-
posed trip.
"Stuart knows all about it," said
Dr. Hartweg when the question was
put to him. Asked if he was going
to read a paper, he returned laconi-
cally and with a grin. "Maybe."
"What paper are you going to
"I don't know."
"Is there anyone going with you?"
Dr. Stuart was asked.
"I don't know," came the answer.
"But -you're sure you are going
"I think so."
After about ten more similar ques-
tions with ten similar answers, the
pestering Daily reporter gave it up.
"Goodbye," said Drs. Hartweg and
Stuart sweetly.
It was learned last night that the
two zoologists, accompanied by Mrs.
Helen T. Gaige, assistant to the di-
rector of the University Museums,
and Charles F. Walker, Hinsdale fel-
low in the Zoology Museum, left Ann
Arbor in an automobile. It is be-
lieved at the Museums that they are
headed for Pittsburgh, where they
may attend a convention.
I y v(" Vi c t
May 'Delay Fears
Hay fever sufferers, whose annual
agony includes the spring varieties,
commonly known as rose fever, will
probably not start their sneezing and
crying for a few more weeks at least,
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the Health Service said yesterday.
"The amount of pollen in the air
so far is too small to do much dam-
age," Dr. Forsythe said, "and the re-
cent cool weather has retarded the
plant growth quite a bit."
Of course, those whose sufferings
are due to different food irritants,
furs, and feathers, go on suffering just
the same, the physician said. For
them, year-around serum treatment,
instead of seasonal, is the only relief

Dodge Is Invited To
National Conferene
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the geog-
raphy department left recently for
Washington where he will attend
meetings of the Population Associa-
tion of America.
Professor Dodge, who was recently
appointed to a national committee to
advise on research in population
problems, is attending the meetings
on special request of the population
committee of the Association.
He expects to return to Ann Arbor
1 ,

-Associated Press Photo.
Support of his conduct in present-
ing the government's income tax case
against Andrew W. Mellon was given
by Secretary Morgenthau in a tele-
gram to Robert H. Jackson (above),
government counsel. Mellon called
the telegram "interference" by the
treasury secretary.
Students Vote To
Continue.NIRA For

Sessions of Spring
Parley Start Today
(Continued from Page 1)
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counsellor in
Religious Education and one of the
sponsors of the Parley, declared, "It
is to be hoped that the deeper ques-
tions of human destiny as well as,
those of social adjustment may en-
gage us at the Spring Parley. The
"Value" phase of the subject is chal-
"Also, if we frankly discuss some
of the issues on which we seem to
differ radically, we should be able to
reduce tension and establish confi-
dence among groups."
It was pointed out by members of
the Executive Committee last night
that the purpose of the Parley is not
"to decide issues, but to present to the
student body all sides of current prob-
lems, and to- provide the opportunity
for students of all opinions to come
together and thrash out their prob-
lems on a rational basis."

If Prof. Everett S. Brown's class in
national politics has anything to say
about it, President Roosevelt's plan of
extending the NIRA for two years
will become law,
Professor Brown submitted to his
class yesterday three proposals, of
which they were to vote for one: to
extend the NIRA for one year, intra-
state business being excepted from
its control, as was advocated this
week by the Senate finance commit-
tee; to extend the NIRA for two years
with modifications, as is advocated by
the President; and to either repeal
the NIRA or to let it die a natural
death on its expiration, June 16.
The results of the vote, which was
taken without attempt to filibuster
or log-roll, was: for the first, 29; for
the second, 40; for the third, 15.
The bill is now expected to be sent
to the Senate.
Leonard Woodcock of Detroit will
deliver an address on "The History
of Economic Crisis" at 8 p.m. today
in the Socialist Hall at 217 S. Main
Street. Mr. Woodcock, a student of
economic trends, will give an anaylsis
of American economic history. Open
discussion will follow the lecture.

Let's be going, Mabel,
here comes "Twin-
Personality Pete" . .
"Unpleasant breath" creates
an unpleasant personality,
which offset the fine qualities
of a pleasing personality.
To avoid having a "Twin-Per-
sonality" use Lavoris regularly.
"Medicinal in action
--- but NOT in taste"



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