THE MICHIGAN DAILY A IYP PISTE To Hold Mardi Gras Tonight In League Ballroom Mosher-Jordan Invites Musical Groups To Tea Mosher-Jordan Hall gave a tea dance yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m. in Jordan Hall. Al Cowan's orchestra played for the affair, to which members of the Varsity Glee Club, the Freshman Girls' Glee Club, the Congregational Orchestra, and the Stanley Chorus were invited. Mrs. Katherine Parsons, Mrs. Her- bert Poppleton, and Miss Inez Bo- zorth poured. Co-chairman in charge of the arrangements were Helen Sprague, L35, Maureen Kavanaugh, '36, and Lois Keddy, '35. The assisting committee consisted .of Nathalie Keller, '37, Margaret Shuptrine, '38, Pearl Grant, Grad., Betty Bertoli, '36, Betty Cosolias, '37, Betty .Allen, '36, Jayne Roberts, '38, Jean Nelson, '36, June Rosenblum, 36, Selma Buelow, '37, Elizabeth Be- dell, '36, Dorothy Phillips, '37, Mary Elizabeth Davy, '38, Dorothy Mittel- ! staedt, '36, Betsy Anderson, '38, and Virginia Earnshaw, '38. The tea table was decorated with yellow tapers and a centerpiece of jonquils, daisies, and snapdragons. ELECTS OFFICERS Scabbard and Blade, R.O.T.C. fra- ternity, at their meeting this weekj elected the following officers: Chase R. Teaboldt, '35E,"captain; Charles A. Framburg, '36E, first lieutenant; Paul W. Philips, '36, second lieuten- ant; and Howard W. Underwood, Jr., '36E; first sergeant. Promenade In T b Strips .:white kid form a cleve7@ at tiho. effect in ConnA is newest crev,- tion in nayo brown Linen...o f othe loveli- est shoesyucan.wear al-Tir $395= Senior Queen To Be Named In Ceremony Floor Show To Be Given In Her Honor Following apping, Coronation Plans have been completed for the frc hman Mardi Gras to be given rm 9 to 1 a.m. tonight in the League .3alroorm. Russ Lyonrand his 12 N. {B.C. artists will play for dancing. At 11 p.m. the £enior woman who has received the most votes for the queen of the Mardi Gras will be tap- ped, and then crowned at an impres- give ceremony. Immediately follow- ng her coronation a floor show will be given in her honor. The entertain- ment will consist of selections by the t freshman trio, vocal selections, tap! chorus, tap specialty, tango chorus, and a fortune teller will also be fea- tured. Decorations will be carried out in brilliant colors of the Mardi Gras, and the downstairs Grill of the League will be decorated in Spanish style. Margaret Curry, general chairman of the Mardi Gras, has been assisted by Shirl Crossman, Harriet Shackle- ton, Billie Suffrin, Joan Kimmell,! Helen Purdy, and Theresa Swab. Martha C ook' Gives Annual Formal Dinner Martha Cook entertained at its' annual formal President's dinner last night. The guests included, besides; Dr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven,I Prof. Henry Anderson, Mr.sand Mrs. Ira Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Smith, Miss Ethel McCormick, and three members of the board of gov- ernors who are Mrs. Delos Parker Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Baits,; and Dr. and Mrs. James Bruce. Ruth La Rue, '35, was general; chairman of this function. Chairmen; of other committees include Helen Bryant, '36, reception; Suzanne Malve, '35SM, music; Marie Soucaze, '35, flowers; Lillian Ogoroskin, grad.,| dining room committee. Crystal appointments and spring 9 flowers decorated the dining room tables, and there were red tulips and, white lilies in the parlors. Coffee was1 served in the Blue Room, and at that time a trio presented a musical pro- grain. This was made up of Suzanne Malve, '35SM, at the piano; Mary Jane Clark, '36SM, playing the harp; and Mona Hutchins, '35SM, at the' violin. Several members of Dance Club practice a scene from "Three Dances," one of fourteen compositions to be presented at 3:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Dance Club Members Prepare For Recital ..- Week - End Dances, To Feature Spring Fraternity Formals Five social fraternities are enter- taining with dances tonight, four of which are to be spring formals. Tau -Beta Pi, honorary engineering fra- ternity is also holding its annual. i spring formal in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the League. Russell Runquist, '36, is planning the formal dance to be held at the Theta Xi fraternity house, for which Russ Armstrong and his orchestra will play. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Ken- dall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oakes, Dr. William Brace, Dr. Paul M. Cuncan- non, and Mr. and Mrs. Jed Maebius will act as chaperones. Runquist is being assisted by Carl Abbott, '37E, and Paul Simpson, '37. Max Crosman's 'orchestra will play for the formal dinner dance to be given by Alpha Kappa Lambda fra- ternity. David Winkworth, '36, has arranged for Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Max Veach to chaperone. Prof. and Mrs. A. H. White and Prof. and Mrs. L. 0. Case will chap- erone the annual formal of Tau Beta Pi fraternity. Erich Sommers, '35E, is in charge. Ernest Johnson, '37E, is in charge of the informal dance being planned by Hermitage fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Beacham, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hendley will act as chap- erones. Lieut. and Mrs. R. R. Coursey, Ma- jor and Mrs. J. R. Ferris, Prof. Len Wilson and Mr. Frank Oakes will chaperone the formal' dance to be given by Sigma Chi fraternity. Paul Phillips, '36, has arranged for Max Crosman's orchestra to play. Acacia fraternity is entertaining with a closed spring formal for which Gale Hibbard and his orchestra will play. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pryce, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wagner, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawley Tapping will act as chaperones. Weimar Christ- man, '38, is in charge of the party. VGMA ALPHA EPSILON The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity gave a dinner Wednesday night in honor of Professor A. D. Moore of the Engineering College. Program For Dance Recital Is Announced Members Create Dances To Music. Of, Modern Composers The program for Dance club's an- nual recital, which will be given May 4 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, was announced yesterday by Miss Emily White, of the physical educa- tion department, faculty director of Dance club. The opening dance will be the "Dance of Greeting," with music by Respighi. This dance was composed by Collin Wilsey, '36, and according to Miss White, it represents the most perfect technique in composition of any of the dances which will be pre- sented. Both men and women will take part in this number. The second number will be a series of Studies, consisting of a study by Doris Humphreys, Men's Studies, Balance Study, and Dynamics and Focus. A Dance by Prokofieff will be the third feature, and will be follow- ed by a dance by Julia- Wilson, '36, to the music of Ravel's "Habanera." Two spirituals, "Go Down Moses," and "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" will form the fifth group, and after this three dance groups composed by Miss Wilson, to the music of Bar- tok. will be presented. The numbers in this group are the "Peasant Dance," "Pavonne" and "Dance In The next group will prove of spe- cial interest to students, Miss White said, since they portray campus scenes. It is divided into three parts. In the first, a classroom scene is por- trayed with Truman Smith, '35, as the professor. The second is en- titled "Crossing the Diagonal," and the third will be a scene from a foot- ball game. Part II of the program will open with a "Religious Cycle," portraying Sprimitive, traditional, and modern ideas of religion. This was originally presented in the Unitarian church. The first group will be done to the music of Cyril Scott, the second to Cerbeau's music, and the third to a composition by Raymond Kondrato- wicz, '35SM, who will be the accom- panist for the recital. Oren Parker, assistant in Play Pro- duction, and Althea Lisle, '36, will present the next number, "Le Chat Qui S'Amuse," and will be followed by "Pavanne" by Faure. A romantic dance, "Clair de Lune" will be the next feature, and following this, "The Way of the Cross," com- posed by Miss Wilsey, will be pre- sented. Miss Wilson is the author of the next dance to be presented, "Dance Figures. of Ancient Greece." The final number on the program, "Fire Dance," composed by Miss Wilsey, will be done to the music of De- Falla. I 7 I i JACOBSON'S COLLEGIATE SHOP I I- Where To Go - I Swe New KNEE-ACTION! f. r"" 1' y . .:f , Z 'i :} } .i ':4'f. !; r, .. 'if r.;5?, .y 4.1 : " :! : :: , 1 } 1 "{Y ": 0 :"?l. ': J "it ' Y: 1. 'J . . l " " 'v,,:.,. . : 1 Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The Wedding Night" with Anna Sten; Whitney, "Marrying Widows" with Judith Allen and "Bordertown" with Paul Muni; Wuerth, "Anne of Green Gables" with Anne Shirley and "Ace of Aces" with Richard Dix; Majestic, "Gold Diggers of 1935" with Dick Powell. Dancing: Mardi Gras at the Leagub, Union Ballroom, Chubb's, Hut Cel- lar. r :r : . ,.' ' .. !: :: * These new Belle-Shar- meerKnee-Length Stock- ings make leaping on a bus or swinging into a rumble seat a positive pleasure! Not a thing above the knee to interfere with your reflexes or to start a run. You'll like the tight ... but never too tight ...hold of their Lastex Lace garter too. Also its highly decora- tive look on your legs. By the way, Belle-Sharmeer Knee-Lengths, are made-to-fit the leg as well as the foot. Nice! We're featuring them in grand, smart shades. At these very low prices... and exclusive here. and up, the pair MAY SALE. Continues FRIDAY and SATURDAY CLEAR-OUT REDUCTIONS on all our early SPRING SUITS and DRESSES SUITS at $12.75 and $22.50 Sizes to 40. DRESSES Dresses for daytime, afternoon and evening. Radically reduced for immediate clearance. Sale Prices $16.75 - $12.75 - $8.95 - $.500 i 11 I 11 11