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May 03, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-03

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FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1935i


Varsity Opens Big


Varsity Seeks
Leadership In
Baseball Race
Illini-Michigan To Feature
Strong Pitching A n dI
Leadership in the Big Ten base-
,all race will be the most important
.tem at stake when the league-lead-
ng University of Illinois baseball
team meets the second-place Wol-
verines on Ferry Field tomorrow, but
two individual features of slightly
lesser significance presented by both
teams will, add a human-interestj
touch to the crucial contest.j
Most of the Illini's power this year
lies in their pitching and infield.I
Illinois sport scribes have Worn their
typewriter ribbons thin singing the
praises of their star sophomore hurler,
Hale Swanson, who is of Swedish
descent, throws a hard fast ball, but
relies mainly on a fast-breaking curve.
Taking into account Swanson's ex-
ploits to date, it is suspected that it's
not the old college loyalty alone
which brings forth these glowing ac-
counts. Swanson has already won
three Conference games and lost one.
He struck out 15 to beat Ohio State
5 to 2 in the opener. He only fanned
9 in defeating Wisconsin 4 to 0 but he
regained his form by whiffing 13
Boilermakers Tuesday to submerge
Purdue 7 to 3. That's good pitching
for a sophomore, or any one else even
though Ohio State, in a return game,
drove him from the box with seven
hits in four innings.
Infield Good
The Orange and Blue infield isn't
as sensational as its pitching ace,
but it now rates as one of the two
best in the Big Ten, Michigan being
the other. Capt. Ben Lewis at third
leads the Illini at bat and in the field.
He is hitting at a .450 clip. He looked
like a great ballplayer here last year
when Whitey Wistert beat Illinois 4
to 2. Lewis made one exceptional
stop in that game, going far to his
right to spear a hard grounder and
throw a Wolverine runner out at the
Stormy Swikle was a steady fielder
here last year, and he's purported to
be a much improved ballplayer. He's
only hitting .200 in four Conference
games. At second, the Illini have
their only newcomer in the infield,
in Murray Franklin who is good
enough to replace the keystone sacker
from last year's champs. Franklin is
one of the Orange and Blue's mur-
derer's row, boasting an average of
Red Duffner, who hit a homer in
the ninth off Whitey Wistert at
Champaign last year, to beat Mich-
igan 7-6, is back this year, but it's
strongly suspected that Red will not
hit anything like a homer Saturday
off Berger Larson, who will know how
to pitch to him.
Rival Swedes
Like Illinois, Michigan also has a
pitcher whose ancestors hailed from
Sweden. Berger (Swede) Larson, who
will show the Illinois hitters what
tricks a curve ball can do, hasn't
as enviable a reputation asSwanson,
only because Michigan hasn't played
as many games as Illinois. Larson
had the Ohio State batters transfixed
at the plate when he let the Buckeyes
down with two hits and eleven strike-
outs in his only Conference start two
weeks ago. In what should be the
tightest hurling duel of the year when
Larson and Swanson meet Saturday,
the hurler who emerges on top will
be recognized as the dean (not Dizzy
Dean) of Big Ten pitchers.
Enough has been said of the field-
ing ability of Michigan's inner gar-
den, except that it would be difficult
to pick an all-star college infield
which could emulate the Wolverine

quartet of George Ford, Jack Teitel-
baum, Clayt Paulson and Capt. Russ
Oliver. The Maize and Blue can't
equal the Illini in hitting strength,
possessing no .450 hitters, but they'll
be dangerous enough to give Swan-
son a harrowing afternoon.

Miller Enters Ten
Fords In Annual
500 - Mile Classic
Harry A. Miller, famed designer
of race cars, has officially entered ten
"Ford V-8 Specials" in the 500 mile
race at the Indianapolis Motor Speed-
way, making up the largest team
ever to enter the grueling - contest.

Weiss To Me
Capt. Siegel
Feature Ma
Only Two Veterans
To Reinforce Mar
Two Others Rated

Tennis Season Wit
t * * Spring Squads
In STAR* Are Ready For
tch flTAnnual Tussle

Tapering Off Exercises In
View For Varsity Tracknien

Back v a


AR J -


In the past although a large number Defending their Conference dual-
of Fords have been nominated, few feet ther firstWBolverinenettpeitio
have ever qualified and an even when they confront the University of
smaller number have figured in the i Chicago tennis team this afternoon
money winners. on the latter's courts in Chicago. It
The announcement of Miller's en- was the Chicago meet last year which
decided the title, when the Maize and
tries, however, must be taken seriously Blue racqueteers edged their oppo-
fdor he is the outstanding race car nents 3-2 in the final contest of the
builder of the country, having wonseon
every race since 1928, far outdis- seO last year's team, the Maroons
tancing the Deusenberg family, which have but two veterans remaining to
for some time was his close rival.,compose the nucleus of the 1935
The cars are all front-wheel drives group. Capt. Trevor Weiss .has been
with special built chassis. In making 'No. 2 man for Chicago for two years,

the entry no mention of the Ford
Motor Car Co. was made and it is
the opinion of experts that it has no
interests in the team. The cars were
constructed at Miller's private plant
at 2340 West Lafayette Street, De-
Pilots for six of the speed creations
have been chosen, including some of
the outstanding drivers in the coun-
try. They are: Peter DePaolo, winner
in 1925; Dave Evans, Diesel veteran;
Cliff Bergere, stunt man who has
been in the money for the last five
races; Billy Winn, outstanding dirt
track driver; George Barringer, who
will be trying for his second start;
and Ted Horn, a new man from the
Eastern ovals.
The machines are to be largely
stock of the standard V-8 type.
Novel ScorRSin
System Honors
HighPoint Men
A new experiment has been intro-
duced in Intramural competition this
year. A point system has been de-
vised and kept during the year and
the winners with the highet number
of points will be awarded the Intra-
mural monogram. About 50 to 75
numerals will be awarded.
The oval shaped monogram will
consist of an "M" in the center of
the 1935 numerals with Michigan
at the top and intramurals at the
bottom. The emblem will have the
Michigan colors with the dark blue
as the background.
Points may be accumulated in any
ten of the 34 sports and may be made
in either team or individual compe-
tion. Individual entries are limited
to the number of points they may
earn in any one sport. For example,
tennis tournaments are run in the
fall, winter, and spring; singles and
doubles. It is only possible to earn
points in one tournament (singles or
doubles), in one division each period
of the year. This system would en-
courage keener competition in the va-
rious sports.
In team athletics an individual par-
ticipating in all games will receive
the same number of points as earned
by his team. However, if he partici-
pates in part of the games he will
only be awarded points in proportion
to the number of games in which he
played. For example, if his team is
awarded 150 points for winning the
basketball tournament and there were
five games played, an individual play-
ing in one game would receive one-
fifth of the 100 additional points, or
20 points. This 20 plus the 50 en-
trance points would allow him a total
of 70 points. The final tabulation
on the different players will be made
at the end of the year and monogram
with numerals will be awarded ac-
cordingly. Whether or not the pro-
gram will be continued depends upon
how successful the system works out
this year.

sharing with Max Davidson the
doubles championship crown for both
years. He will face Capt. Seymour
Siegel of the Michigan squad in the1
No. 1 match of today's conflict.
Ellmore E. Patterson is the other
Chicago player to boast of any ex-
perience. He has been a letter-win-
ner for two years, as has Weiss, and
will pair with the captain to make
up the first doubles team. Reports
from the Windy City indicate that
he will face Michigan's ace, Bob An-
derson, in the singles rivalry.
The remainder of the Chicago
squad is composed of three sopho-
mores. Normal Bickel, Norbert Bur-
gess, and Herbert Mertz have all
been stars in Chicago junior tennis
circles. The first two received high
ranking in the Western Tennis Asso-
Miller Sherwood, Howie Kahn, and
Johnny Rodriguez will probably be
the ones picked by Coach John John-
stone of the Wolverine squad to face
the Chicago sophomores. Milton Es-
kowitz, who was the sixth man to
make the trip from Ann Arbor, is
expected to fill the role of alternate
Tomorrow the Wolverines will face
the Minnesota tennis players, also in
Chicago for a week-end of strenuous
Conference net play.
Maroons Get $900 Per
Man As Play-Off Share
MONTREAL, May 2. -(P) - Each
member of the Montreal Maroons,
winner of the Stanley Cup, will re-
ceive $900 as his share of the National
Hockey League Play-off receipts. The
amount is some $300 less than each
member of the Chicago Blackhawks
received last year.
Edmund Sousa, the amateur bil-
liard champion, is an Egyptian per-
fume manufacturer and speaks 13
Edgar Sonderman, basketball star
at Syracuse University, has earned a
straight "A" average in his engineer-
ing studies.

EVERY now and then some "sub-
versively" minded individual de-
cides that he knows better than wel
do what should occupy the most space1
on The Daily sport page. Then he
proceeds to tell us about it in no un-
certain terms.
Apparently these so-called master-1
minds forget that there is only so,
much space for all sports each day.
If we had unlimited space we could
run stories on jumping bean racesj
in Haiti and beauty contests on the
Boardwalk. As it is, however, we have
to make some choice of what we shall
use, and what exclude.
Certainly, we would like to cover
all national sport events thoroughly,
but, with space limited, leave that to
the metropolitan dailies while we
concentrate on the local field.
The writers of these letters. cer-
tainly reveal more than a touch of
narrowmindedness, aye, even symp-
toms of pig-headedness. However,
we wish to assure L.F.M. that the
omission of baseball scores Wednes-
day morning was due to an oversight,
and will not happen again if it can
be avoided. Obviously lack of space
forbids use of the Associated Press
facilities to run a complete cover of
each big league game, much as we
would like to do so.
Dear Sir: May 1, 1935
.The absence of the major league
baseball scores in this morning's
Daily was noticed. I am an ardent
follower of the two leagues and The
Daily is my only way to follow my
favorite clubs. Anyone can notice
a lack of interest in these teams on
the part of The Daily. Only a little
space a day is given over to them
while any other paper has good write-
ups of the games. I am sure that the
Associated Press must have accounts
of the games.
Trusting that more time and space
will be given over to the ball scores,
I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir:
Why is it The Michigan Daily di-
rects so little attention toward the
major American sport of horse rac-
ing? While it may be rather faceti-
ous to compare The Daily to the New
York Times, I couldn't help but notice
how the latter "played" the story
of the Woods Memorial last Sunday.
It was given a two column head at
the top of the front page of the sports
section, while the Daily apparently
was not aware of the fact that such

Blue Team Led By Runner
Is Favored To Win Over
Yellow Squad
The Blue and Yellow teams, under
the direction of Jerry Ford and Bill
Borgmann, Varsity center and guard
respectively last fall, will practice
lightly this afternoon in preparation'
for the annual spring football game
to be held tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the
The two squads were separated
from one another Wednesday and
spend yesterday polishing up team-
work and running new plays in im-
promptu scrimmages.
Captain Bill Renner will be at the
helm of the Blue eleven tomorrow,
and he and his mates are favored
slightly over their lighter clad rivals.
Cedric Sweet, Chris Everhardus, and
Joe Ellis are sophomore veterans who
will see action in the Blue backfield.
Bob Cooper, Frank Dutkowski, Nick
Nickerson, and Jce Smithers are
among the Blue ball carriers from
the freshman class, while Earle Luby,
George Marzonie, Fred Olds, and Bob
Schroeder head the list of yearling
linemen wearing the dark jersey.
Steve Remias, junior fullback, is
the only letterman on the Yellow
squad, and Ed Greenwald, Bob Camp-
bell, Walt Lillie, and Stark Ritchie
are among the freshman luminaries
on Borgmann's team.
Whitey Aug, veteran halfback, is
the only member of the squad defi-
nitely out of tomorrow's game be-
cause of injuries, while Sweet, Schro-
eder, and Olds are still on the border
line, according to Dr. Frank Lynam,
team physician.
Babe Ruth now has five right field
fences of 300 feet or less to aim at
the National League, as compared to
only two in the American League.
an event took place, at least it ran no
Nor can I help but recall that The
Daily gave last year's Derby, one of
the greatest annual sports events in
America, a three inch story.
If you are not aware that a great
many students on campus are inter-
ested in the ponies, I can enlighten
you, or you can do so yourself by
visiting any of the local "book shops."
If, it is merely because you are not
aware of the student interest in rac-
ing, you stand corrected. And with
the approach of the Derby I shall
eagerly look forward to the awaken-
ing of The Daily's "horse sense."

Counting the days before the Con-
ference track meet here May 24 and
25, Coach Chuck Hoyt yesterday out-
lined the future training program of
Michigan's team briefly as "work and
less work." But 11 practice days re-
main before the big meet, and Hoyt's
program will be directed toward
maintaining the peak of form which
he believes the squad has already ap-
proached, if not reached.
Hoyt's program of a minimum of
work for his squad, however, is no'
innovation as it reflects the general
training theory on which he goes.
That theory has been variously stated
by track observers and critics, but it
embodies the general principle that
most satisfactory results are to be
obtained by bringing a squad to form,
not too hurriedly, and then keeping
it there by refusing to allow it to go
stale by overwork.
One of the most important factors
in such a conditioning process is the
weight chart, which Hoyt observes
perhaps more religiously than any
other Varsity coach, as he believes it
to reflect most accurately the indi-

ANN ARBOR, May 2 -(AP)- Eight
player football teams for schools too
small to make eleven-man teams
practical will be demonstrated Friday
night by E. J. Hendershott, coach
of Morrice, Mich., high school at the
opening session of the annual Mich-
igan football clinic in Yost Field
Rules of the eight-man gridiron
game to be outlined by Coach Hend-
ershott call for field 120 feet wide
instead of 160. Offensive line re-
quired to have five players instead
of seven, the guards being eliminated,
three man backfield. Only other
difference in rules requires three
players instead of five between 40 and
45 yard lines on kickoffs.
All of Friday night's session will
be devoted to talks by high school
coaches. Other speakers will be Guy
Huston, Flint Northern, Hal Shields,
Hamtramck, Herb Smith, Cooley
High, Detroit, Gordon MacDonald,
Traverse City, Oscar Johnson, Muske-
gon Heights, Harold Steele, Grand
Rapids Central.
Eighty-nine baseball clubs in the
minor leagues started the season with
new managers.
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