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May 03, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-03

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The Weather

YI r

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E di to rial18

Mostly cloudy today; tomor-
row generally fair, continued

The Fraternities Fall Down..
Spri~g Parley Challenges...
The May Festival Tradition..



Delegates Of
High School Journalists
Welcomed To Campus
By Tayping
Brumm Speaks At
Opening Session
General Discussions And
Round Table Sessions
Begin Today
More than 150 delegates from high
schools throughout the state were
registered at the eleventh annual con-
vention of the Michigan Interscholas-
tic Press Association opened last
night, with many more delegates ex-
pected to arrive for the first gen-
eral sessions today.
Meeting informally in the ballroom
of the Michigan Union last night,
members of the association were wel-
comed to the University by T. Hawley
Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association. Donal H. Haines,
geneial chairman of the convention,
then introduced Prof. John L. Brumm,
head of the department of journalism,
which is sponsoring the meeting.
Brumm Speaks
Professor Brumm outlined the aims
and history of the press association,
and urged members attending to take
an active part in the round table
discussion sessions to be held today
and Saturday. Informal dancing
then followed for the rest of the pro-
General sessions at 9 a.m. today will
open with a meeting in Room 316 at
the Union with an address by Prof.
John H. Muyskens of the speech de-
partment, who will speak on "The
Mother Tongue."
The first group of round table ses-
sions, from 10 to 11 a.m., will follow
the address. While topics have been
announced, and rooms chosen, lead-'
ers will not be assigned to the groups
until this morning, when registrations
are nearer completion.
Many Disusson Groups
A discussion of "School Paper
Ideals," led by E. R. Martin, adviser
of the Dearborn High School paper,
will be held in the ballroom, and an-
other on "News Writing" will be held
on the second floor terrace at the
Union. Other discussions in the first
group' will be on "Selling Advertis-
ing" in Room 222, and on "Art for the
Annual" in Room 223.
A second group of discussions will
take place from 11 a.m. to 12 noon,
headed by a session on "Problems of
Policy," led by Professor Brumm, on
the second floor terrace. Others will
be "Printing the Publication' in
Room 222, and "Circulation Prob-
lems" in Room 223.
The afternoon meetings, will open
at 2 p.m. with a general assembly to
be addressed by Lee A White of the
Detroit News, who will speak on "The
Rising Generation." Another round
of discussion meetings will follow.
Banquet To ,Conclude Meetings
These meetings will be sessions
dealing with "The Magazine," led by
Mr. Haines, in Room 222, "Feature
Writing," led by Edward J. Pettit, De-
troit Times feature writer, in Room
223, and "Sports Writing" led by C. H.
Beukema, Ann Arbor correspondent
for the Detroit Free Press, in Room
224. The advisers will meet on the
second floor terrace.
Today's meetings will be concluded
by the annual banquet at 6:30 p.m.
at the League, to be addressed by the
Rev. William P. Lemon of the First

Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor. He
will speak on "The Adventure of To-
Following the banquet delegates
who wish to visit the Student Pub-
lications Building will be conducted
through it, by student representatives.
Governor Branded
As State Dictator
LANSING, May 2.--(P) -The
Democrats of the Legislature roared
"dictator" at Governor Fitzgerald
Thursday night in answer to his
charge of obstructionist tactics.
George A. Schroeder, speaker of the
House of Representatives and spokes-
man for the Democratic members of
the House and Senate, delivered a
speech in which he said the governor
is seeking to gather into his hands
all the reins of government. It was a
reply to the recent statement by the
governor that an alliance of Demo-
crats and Republican insurgents has

Paul Philips Appointed
Secretary Of Council
Paul W. Philips, '36, of Kenil-
worth, Ill., yesterday was appoint-
ed secretary-treasurer of the In-
terfraternity Council for the year
1935-36, it was announced follow-
ing a meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Council.
Philips, who is a member of
Sigma Chi fraternity, has been
active in the Council organization
for two years as a tryout. He was
recently chairman of the publicity
committee for the Interfraternity
Ball. In his freshman year he was
a committeeman for the Frosh
The newly-elected secretary-
treasurer will serve with George
Williams, '36, of Sigma Phi fra-
ternity, who was elected by the en-
tire membership of the Council to
fill the position of president for
next year at a meeting held Wed-
nesday night.
The retiring secretary-treasurer
is Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, of Pi
Lambda Phi fraternity.
Ruthven Opens
Model League
Meeting Today
Students Of More Than 20
Colleges Are To Attend
Two-Day Session
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will open the first plenary session of"
the Model Assembly of the League ofE
Nations at 11 a.m. in the First Con-
gregational Church, with a welcoming
speech to the 250 delegates. He will
preside during the election of theT
president of the Assembly. .
A luncheon at the Union will fol'
low, at which Prof. James K. Pollock
will speak on "Impressions of Gen-
Students of more than 20 collegesc
and junior colleges in the state will
attend the sessions here today and to-
morrow. They will act as representa-
tives of the nations in the League of!
Nations at Geneva.-
Meetings of the special committees
on the revision of the League Cove-
nant, on the Balkan problem andon
munitions will be held at 2 p.m. inf
the Union. About 50 delegates will
attend each meeting to present theE
views of the various countries on
these questions.
Public Invited
The Council, the executive body of
the League, will meet at 3 p.m. in the
Union to discuss the Yugoslav-Hun-
garian borderline dispute, the Abys-
sinian-Italian problem, and the
Franco-Italian note on Germany's
rearmament. These meetings wil all
be open to the public.
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves will act as
toastmaster at the banquet at 6 p.m.
in the Union and will introduce Sir
Herbert Ames, who will talk on "Hit-
ler At the Crossroads."
Saturday the committees will meet
at 9:30 a.m. in the Union, and the
Assembly will close with its second
plenary session at 11 a.m. in the Con-
gregational Church. Sir Herbert will
act as critic of the League, pointing
out suggestions for procedure and1
discussion. A final luncheon will be
held in the Union for one representa-
tive of the International Relations
Clubs and faculty advisers to formu-
late plans for next year's Assembly.
Purpose Explained
The' colleges and junior colleges
to be represented are: Adrian, Al-a
bion, Alma, Battle Creek Junior Col-
lege, Bay City Junior College, Calvin,
Central State Teachers' College,
Flint Junior College, Grand Rapids

Junior College, Highland Park Jun-
ior College, Hillsdale, Hope, Jackson
Junior College, Michigan State Nor-
mal, Michigan State College, Muske-
gon Junior College, Nazareth, Port
Huron Junior College, Wayne Uni-
versity, Western State Teachers' Col-
lege, and the University.
The purpose of the Model Assembly
of the League of Nations, according
to Philip Van Zile, '36, secretary-
general, is to give the students an idea
of the actual working of the League.
In thediscussions the emphasis is
not upon reaching definite conclu-
sion, he maintains, but upon reveal-
ing the many sides to international
issues and the need of compromising.
Te sTeamBeats
Western State, 5-2
KALAMAZOO, May 2.- (Special)
-University of Michigan's tennis
team defeated a strong Western State
aggregation here today in a hard
match, 5 to 2.
Michigan won four of the five

Is Given To
P. T. Van Zile

Will Provide

For Study

Next Summer At Union
Seminar In Geneva
25 Students To Go
From United States
Michigan Representative
To Study In Conjunction
With League Of Nations
Philip T. Van Zile, '36, of Detroit,
has been awarded a scholarship for
next summer at the Union Seminar
in Geneva, according to word re-
ceived yesterday by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven.
Announcement of Van Zile's selec-
tion was made in a letter sent to
President Ruthven by Mrs. Alexander
M. Hadden, vice-president of the
board of directors of the students In-
ternational Union Inc., of Geneva,
Switzerland and New York.
The scholarship provides for tui-
tion in the Union Seminar, which is
conducted by Prof. Pitman B. Potter,
and board and lodging in the Union
Villa at 177 Chemin Rigot, Geneva.
The school will begin on July 4 and
end about Sept. 4.
Van Zile was selected as one of 25
students from the United States. Ap-
proximately 25 others will go to Gen-
eva from foreign countries.
According to Van Zile, the holders
of the scholarships will study in con-
junction with the League of Nations.
Members of the League secretariat
will address the students, and they
will have the use of the League library
The University's representative will
sail for Geneva shortly after the con-
clusion of examinations in June.
Van Zile has been prominent in
campus activities for the past three
years, and is now serving as secre-
tary-general of the Model Assembly
of the League of Nations, which is
convening in Ann Arbor today and
In his freshman year, we was elect-
ed president of his class in the literary
college. He was also a member of the
editorial staff of The Daily for one
year. Van Zile is affiliated with Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
Banquet Given
For Initiates Of
Phi Beta Kappa
Prof. Robert Bradshaw Of
University Of Illinois Is
Speaker, Honor Guest
The Michigan chapter of Phi Beta
Kappa, national honorary scholastic
organization, honored its new in-
itiates at the traditional initiation
banquet of the society held last night
at the Michigan League. Approxi-
mately 125 people, including the in-
itiates, active members and their
guests, attended this year's banquet.
Prof: John W. Bradshaw, president
of the chapter, opened the program
with introductory remarks which were
answered by Helen Elizabeth Aigler,
'35, on behalf of the women initiates,
and Edmund Keil Heitmann, '35, for
the men.
The guest of honor and chief
speaker on the program was Prof.
Robert D. Carmichael, dean of the
Graduate School of the University of
Illinois who addressed the group on
"Number and Clear Thinking: an
Aspect of Human Culture." Prof.
Carmichael is himself a member of
Phi Beta Kappa, the editor of the
publication of the American Mathe-
matical Society and author of nu-
merous well-known works on mathe-
He based his speech upon the theme
that number as the principle of order

is one of. the basic concepts of civ-
ilization and traced its development
through the history of ancient Baby-
lon, Egypt and Greece to the present
Professor Carmichael stressed the
theory of number as essential to the
perception of clear and precise rela-
tionships in thinking and to the de-
velopment of theories of both the
infinite and material in nature. This
supposition is basic in the Pythago-
rean and Aristotelian philosophies, as
well as in that of Kepler who stated
that, "God created the world accord-
ing to number and in number is
found the secret of the Creator's

Roaring Flames In
Firetrap' Consume
Dilapidated Chair
Injured innocence, fear. pomposity,
disgust, curiosity, levity - all were
in evidence late yesterday afternoon
when University remen were called
out to combat a laze in University
Hall which threatened to consume a
whole chair.
The fire, wh was discovered
shortly before 6 p.m., had started
in some oil-soaked rags in a closet
on the first flodr of the building
which has long been hopefully re-
garded by students as a potential
"Why," protested the sub-janitor
to his superior, "them rags was hung
up! We took them down - or was
they hung up?"
"Will it be safe to work upstairs
tonight?" a timid co-ed inquired of
a fireman. "We've been working all
night lately."
"Sure! Sure! Say, what do you
do up there all night? . . . Oh, an ex-
"Well, George," a professorial-
looking individual temarked, "I guess
we'll have to go back to work tomor-
And then a new, batch arrived.
"Where is it? ...What is it? . .
Oh! . . . that chair! Is that all?"
Supreme Court
Participates -In
Fight For NRA
Optional Regulatory Code
Plan Receives Chamber
Of Commerce Vote
WASHINGTON, May 2 -(P)- An.
Administration fight for the life of
NRA; centered before sharply ques-
tioning members of the Supreme
Court and in a Senate committee
room, today caught the attention of
the capital.
From the bench of the high court,
both liberal and conservative mem-
bers shot searching inquiries at
Stanley Reed the solicitor general, '
who opened the government's argu-
ments on the constitutionality of
NRA. Plainly the court showed its
interest in the intrastate phases of
the law, and in the delegation of
code making authority by Congress.
Favor Voluntary Codes
Almost simultaneously, the Cham-
ber of Commerce of the United States
declared by resolution it wanted even
less restriction, calling for purely
"voluntary" codes. But from another
business quarter, Secretary Roper's
business advisory council, the Presi-
dent was informed by formal reso-
lution that it desired NRA extended
for two years in line with adminstra-
tion requests.
Elsewhere in the capital principal
attention was centered on the cau-
tiously moving $4,000,000,000 works
program; the allotment of $140,000,-
000 for May relief needs; the opening
of a tri-cornered bonus battle in the
Senate; and the critical attitude
adopted toward the Administration
by the Chamber of Commerce.
Hear Bonus Proposals
The Chamber, in a series of reso-
lutions adopted amid some uproar,
criticized almost every phase of the
Roosevelt program. In almost un-
precedented fashion, business men at-
tending the convention refused to
adopt the reports of the resolutions
committee wholesale, but insisted on
making some of the criticisms more
The Senate during the day heard
proponents of the inflationary Pat-

man bonus bill and the compromise
Harrison measure argue heatedly for
their proposals in the Senate cloak-
rooms, however. Advocates of the
Vinson clan, which would let Con-
gress decide later how the money
would be paid, were reported to be
gaining strength.

Anti-Red Bill
Hearing Jams
House Floor
Passage Of Measure Is
Demanded By University
Of Detroit Dean
Proposal Approved
By Wilbur Brucker
Dunckel-Baldwin Bill Is
Vigorously Opposed By
Patrick H. O'Brien
(Special to The Daily)
LANSING, May 2.--The open
hearing on the Dunckel-Baldwin bill
before the House of Representatives
tonight was transformed into a politi-
cal debate, as former Governor Wil-
bur Brucker and Frank X. Martel,
Detroit labor leader, attacked each
other in impassioned speeches.
The ex-Governor, speaking for the
proponents of the bill, charged that
Martel was nothing but a pseudo.
labor leader, while Martel answered
that at least he was a labor leader
at present, while Brucker was an ex-
Both men then completely left the
subject of the bill under discussion,
and scored each other with random
shots from their political pasts.
Fifteen hundred spectators jammed
the crowded galleries and floor, cheer-1
ing and booing freely as the propon-
ents, mostly Legionnaires and repre-
sentatives of fraternal organizations,
and opponents of the bill debated be-
fore the assembled legislators.
Terming Brucker "Wobbling Wil-
bur," Martel made the feud even more
personal by stating that "the former1
governor will never, I predict, be re,~
turned to a major Michigan office."
He declared that "no one could get a
labor office under Brucker without the1
approval of the Michigan Manufac-
turers' Association."
Brucker then came back for a third
time to praise the labor department'
in his administration, to attempt to
answer the charges of Martel, and to
assert that Martel had not answered
questions he proposed regarding thei
Dunckel-Baldwin bill.
LANSING, May 2. - (') - Advo-1
cates and opponents of the Dunckel-
Baldwin anti-communism bill
jammed the House. floor tonight to at-
tack and defend the measure which
is now pending in the Legislature.
The Rev. Joseph Luther, dean of
men of the University of Detroit, de-
manded passage of the bill, declaring:
"The issue is clear. It is God, re-
ligion, morality, Americanism against'
Soviet Russia. Revolt is not the path
to social justice."'
Carl Smith of Bay City, member
of the national law and order com-
mittee of the American Legion, urged
the passage, and he was joined by
Joseph Kruze, vice-president of the
Society of World Veterans of Russia,
Mrs. Agnes Dunn of Bad Axe, chair-
man of the Americanism committee
of the American Legion Auxiliary,
N. L. Welch, Hillsdale College student,
Desiderius Nagy, pastor of the Holy
Cross Church of Detroit, and R.
Wayne Newton, of the Michigan Farm
F o r m e r - G o v e r n o r Wilbur M.
Brucker demanded that the bill be
written into the statute "as a chal-
lenge to those who advocate over-
throw of government by force." He
told the legislators:
"You cannot be patriotically in-
clined unless you believe this measure
should be enacted."

Frank X. Martel, president of the
Detroit and Wayne County Federa-
tion of Labor, charged the bill was
not an American Legion measure, but
one "written by the United States
Chamber of Commerce which is hid-
ing behind Legion backs."



Open Here,


Speaks In Contest


Ruthven Speaks At
Meeting, Praises
Of Committee


-Ann Arbor Daily News Photo.
Speech Contest
Will Be Held
Here Toni 4th
Representatives From Sixt
Universities To Competet
In Hill Auditoriumz
Representatives from six middlee
western universities will compete inf
the Northern Oratorical Leaguez
speech contest tonight in Hill Audi-
orium before a distinguished com-
mittee of judges from the membert
schools. The first speech will be
given at 8 p.m. Dr. Clare E. Grif-
fin, dean of the School of Business<
Administration, will be the presidingt
The contestants, _n the order of<
their appearance, are: Douglas K.t
Reading, '36, "Puppets or Patriots";
Paul Ziffern, Northwestern Univer-
sity, "The Creative Citizen"; Jamest
E. Doyle, Wisconsin University, "The
Eagle Comes to Earth"; Paul J. Herg-1
enroeder, Western Reserve University,
'In the Service of Our Country";1
Chauncey Fay, University of Iowa,
'The Way of Life"; and Lucie Law-
son, University of Minnesota, "Must
It Be War?"1
The judges are professors df speech
in the faculties of the competingI
schools. By a rule of the Northern
Oratorical League they are automa-
tically disqualified from casting a1
vote in favor of their school's candi-
date. The judges are: J. L. Lardner,c
Northwestern University; A. T. Wea-;
ver, Wisconsin University; H. S.
Woodward, Western Reserve Univer-
sity; H. C. Harschbarger, University
of Iowa; F. M. Rarig, University of
Minnesota; and L. M. Eich, Univer-
sity of Michigan. The contest prep-
arations have been managed by Carl
G. Brandt of the department of
speech of the University.
Members of the local speech de-
partment will entertain visiting pro-
fessors at a dinner at the Union to-
night. Dean Griffin and Professor-
Emeritus Thomas E. Trueblood, one
of the founders of the Northern Ora-
torical League, will also be guests.
The dinner will be preceded by a short
business meeting at 2 p.m.
Plans Outlined
For All=Campus
Sing On May
Plans for the All-Campus Sing,
which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday, May 8, on the steps. of the
General Library, were announced yes-
terday by George Duffy, '35, Chi Psi;
chairman of the committee on ar-
With the Varsity Glee Club as-
sembled on the steps of the library,
the Varsity R.O.T.C. Band will march
from Morris Hall to the stand erected
near the center of the Diagonal, Duf-
fy said.
While the participants assemble
around the Glee Club on the library
steps, the band will play two num-
With Prof. David G. Mattern of the
music school as the leader, the Glee
Club will start the singing with one
number, and this will be followed
by several sung by the students, ac-
cording to Duffy. The band will then
fill in with a short intermission,
after which several more college songs
will be sung by the entire group. The
sing will be closed with the singing
of the Yellow and Blue.
Duffy requested that allbstudents
make an earnest effort to be on the
steps by 7:30 p.m. at the latest.

The sing is being sponsored by the
Interfraternity Council and has been
instituted with the thought that it

Faculty Group Of
Sixteen On Panel
Litchfield Will Preside At'
Two Sessions Of Annual
The 1935 Spring Parley will begin
a three-day discussion on "Values
Involved in Social Conflict at the Uni-
versity of Michigan" at 4 p.m. today
in the Union with members of the
student body and a panel of 16 facul
ty men in attendance.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
who will open the first session of
the Parley today, praised the aims of
the gathering in the following state-
ment yesterday:
"The Spring Parley is designed to
encourage the students to discuss
fundamental problems of life. Ad-
mittedly the objectives of the Parley
are not easily attained becauseof
the human tendency to adopt un-
tested assumptions, to argue upon in-
sufficient evidence, to propagandize
rather than educate and to be con-
cerned with superficialities rather
than with fundamentals.
"The development of a philosophy
should be the result of dispassioned
thinking, honest inquiry and unpreju-
diced discussion. It follows, there-
fore, that the Parley can be success-
ful only as the students taking part
in the discussions exhibit and pro-
mote intellectual honesty, a trait
which is singularly lacking in miany
parts of our present civilization."
The session will continue with a
meeting at 7 p.m. tonight, an after-
nopn and evening meeting tomorrow,
and the concluding forum Sunday
Litchfield To Preside
The 16 members of the faculty pan-
el wilr'be seated together facing the
general attendance at the meeting to-
day and all other general meetings,
and will be the "targets" for written
or verbal questions raised by inquir-
ing students. One member of the
panel will deliver a short opening ad-
dress this afternoon on the sub-topics;
to provide a basis for later queries
and discussion.
The faculty outline of the problems
presented in each of these subjects
will be followed by discussion from
the floor. Edward Litchfield, '36,
chairman of the Parley, will preside
over the meetings today and the final
meeting Sunday morning.
The Parley will be divided into five
sections at the Saturday meetings
with student chairmen presiding over
a more intensive discussion of each
of the five sub-topics. Wilbert Hind-
man, Grad., Martin Wagner, Grad.
Cyril Hetsko, '36L, Winifred Bell,
'36, and Irving Levitt, '36, will lead
the discussion groups on "Academic
Freedom," "War," "Techniques of
Social Action," "Political Philosophy,"
and "Racial Discrimination," respec-
Members Of Panel
Prof. Roderick D. McKenzie, chair-
man of the sociology department,
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of
the economics department, Registrar
Ira Smith, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of
of the political science department,
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so-
ciology department, Prof. Lowell J.
Carr of the sociology department,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department, Prof. John P. Daw-
son of the Law School, Prof. Howard
Y. McClusky of the School of Edu-
cation, Prof. Burton D. Thuma of the
psychology department, Prof. William
A. Paton of the economics department
and the School of Business Adminis-
tration, Dr. John M. Dorsey, physi-
cian at the psychopathic hospital,
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour-
nalism department, Prof. Roy W. Sel-
lars of the philosophy department,
Prof. H. Mumford Jones of the Eng-

lish department, and William B.
Palmer, assistant in the economics de-
partment, will make up the faculty
In a statement issued yesterday,
(Continued on Page 6)
Conant Given A Medal
For Snubbing Hitlerite

Sea And Plane Sickness BowI
To The Nose Bag Of Science

PHILADELPHIA, May 2. - (A').- If
you become car-sick, buy a bag of
peanuts, throw the nuts away, and
hold the bag over your nose while
you breathe. It's a cure, announced
today at the American College of
Physicians' meetings.
Try it on sea sickness and plane
sickness. Any kind of paper bag
will do.
The treatment was found during a
study of "hyper-ventilation," de-
scribed by Dr. William J. Kerr, of San
uvn,,,,nH1io n hws itself in

product of the human breath, holding
a paper bag over the nose effectively
raises the carbon dioxide, and acidity.
Dr. Kerr said that holding the breath
for 15 seconds should have about the
same effect as the paper bag.
Coronary thrombosis, the heart di-
sease so fatal to high pressure brain'
workers, lost a little of its fearful-
ness in announcement by Dr. Paul D.
White, of Boston, of certain newly-
found heart troubles which have been
mistaken for the thrombosis. They
have been diagnosed as acute pul-

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