THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIRtSr THE MICHIGAN DAILY _= .;, U! I the topics of the three speakers to account for the repetition of the theme. In all fields, in con- nection with all subjects, the need for education as the keystone of a democratic system of govern- ment is becoming increasingly obvious. The sys- tem which has been good enough in the past must be reinforced from the roots up if it is to resist the attacks of the new methods which threaten it. Seemingly by nature a nation of buck-passers, the United States has long slipped by without im- pressing on its citizens the responsibilities they must assume. One result of present unrest may be to bring about a much-needed re-emphasis on the seriousness of adequate "education for citizen- ship." The SOAPBOX_ Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential uponurequest. Contributors are asked to be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words. COL LEGIlATE OBSERVER Pubiis ed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association aid the Big Ten News Service. 6~-MEMBER Nsodated (9 giit rtss -1934 li935E- MASON WSCOSISN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or unot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis- patches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by "Third Assistant Postmaster-General Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall, $1.50. During r'egular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, 4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. =Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 M~ANAGING EDITOR.............. WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR.........................JOHN HEALEY EITORIAL DIRECTOR ........... RALPH . COLTER SPORTS EDITOR.................ARTHUR CARSTENS WO1WEN'S EDITOR ......................EluANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flahery, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Klene, David G. Mac- donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub. 6PO'IS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Muphy. SEPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard 0. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W. Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart, Bernard Weissman. George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob- ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray- rond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager. Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, OliveGriffith. Har- riet Hathaway, Marion, Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Mrrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Iueger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino- grad, Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER-..............RUSSELL B. READ. CREDIT MANAGER ....................ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department. Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom Clarke. Gordon Cohn, Stanley Joffe, Jerome I. Balas, Charles W. Barkdull, Daniel C. Beisel, Lewis E. Bulkeley, John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D. Falender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf- son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry J. Klose, Donald R. Knapp, William C. Knecht, R. A. Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann, Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky, Nathan B. Steinberg. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR M. TAUB Commencement Speaker. . T HE UNIVERSITY has always been very fortunate in being able to se- cure speakers of national - and occasionally in- ternational - importance to address the 2,000-odd graduates and their guests at the annual Com- mencement exercises each June. The speech of such a dignitary adds considerable prestige to these important occasions. In obtaining a speaker for this year's exercises, the University has been particularly fortunate. The Hon. Cordell L. Hull of Tennessee, President Roosevelt's secretary of state, has accepted the in- vitation tendered him by President Alexander G. Ruthven to address the Commencement audience June 17. secretary Hull, who was relatively unknown at the time he was appointed to serve pn the Presi- dent's cabinet, has been, since March,h1932, one of the leaders in his key position with the new administration. His authoritative knowledge of law, finance and matters of current importance stamp him as an interesting speaker for such an occasion. In order 'to speak at the Commenceemnt exer- cises, Mr. Hull will be forced to leave his official duties in the Nation's Capitol. In past years many prominent people have addressed these programs, but only rarely has the University been so for- tunate as to be able to bring here a man so closely connected with current affairs. Education For Citizenship. HE ENLIGHTENMENT of its cit- izens as the essential element of a successful democracy was stressed here recently by three prominent speakers, led by President Ruth- ven at the annual Honors Convocation, who urged better education on the thesis that "a democracy is successful as its citizens are informed." On this same theme, Dr. John Sundwall, director of the division of hygiene and public health, ad- dressing- the administrative teaching conference of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, pointed to the training of its citizens of tomorrow by the teachers of today as their leading duty. He re- minded them that the ultimate judge-of all mat- ters in the democracy was the people, and that "to judge well, this judge must be an educated and in- telligent one." ~1 Dunckel-Baidwin Protest To the Editor: Tonight at eight o'clock there will be a public hearing on the Dunckel-Baldwin bill. We believe that this bill is a serious threat to the historic American rights of free speech and assembly be- cause, 1. There is already in existence in this state a criminal syndicalist act which makes the pending bill unnecessary. This act fully establishes the principle which the Dunckel-Baldwin bill attempts to set up. But the Dunckel-Baldwin bill extends beyond this simple principle of. protecting the government from specified acts of treason and comprehends in its all-inclusive terminology many legitimate phases of free speech and assembly. 2. Not only is the broad wording of the bill objectionable from a political point of view, but it is precisely the constitutional defect pointed out by Chief Justice Hughes in the case of Strom- berg v. California, 283 U.S. 359 (1931), when he said: "A statute which upon its face . . .is so vague and indefinite as to permit the punishment of the fair use of this opportunity (for free discussion) is repugnant to the guarantee of liberty contained in the Fourteenth Amendment." Last week, the De- troit "Legal Record" contained two articles, one by a former Attorney-General of the State, ex- plaining fully why this measure is probably uncon- stitutional. 3. The restrictions of this bill constitute a men- ace to academic freedom, which is fundamental to'universities in democratic states. As President Ruthven recently said: "A democracy is successful as its citizens are informed." 4. Radical thought can not be destroyed by legislative ukase. Metternich learned this when he tried to stamp out democracy in Europe. The Romans found it out when they tried to eliminate Christianity from the Empire. Surely this is one lesson that history has made plain. Repression merely makes these activities clandestine, bitter and far more dangerous. It is essential that this and similar measures before the Legislature be defeated. We therefore urge all students on this campus to attend the hearing tonight, to write or wire individual legis- lators, and in other ways to indicate that there is in this state a reasoned and determined opposition to such bills. -W. L. Hindman, Jr. G.Mennen Williams. Sheridan Morgan. Don Leland. Mack Barr. Hugh M. Jones, Jr. As Others See it_ A Glance At Accounts (From the Daily Pennsylvanian) IN AN EDITORIAL last Friday on the Alumni Giving Fund, we discussed the benefits that both parties to the drive receive in return for their support. Since some men are more attracted by plain facts and figures minus the emotional appeal, we are going to supplement our first editorial by approaching the topic from this latter angle. Everyone is aware that the tuition at Pennsyl- vania is $400 per annum, but few realize how pit- eously inadequate a man's tuition is in covering the complete total cost of a year's education. If anyone is laboring under the false impression that his tuition allows the University to clip a profit after all expenses are defrayed, we would like to set him right without further delay. ' The actual cost to the University of educating a student for one year is slightly more than $900. Part of the difference of $500 is between the in- come from tuitions and the real cost is met by state funds, endowments and other income, but one of the most important and reliable sources of making up this deficit is the annual appro- priation by the Alumni Giving Fund. So if you want to be very business-like and draw up a ledger account, of your college educa- tion, you will find yourself with a $2,000 debit balance at the end of four years with which you were never actually charged and never will be. None of the solicitors for the Giving Fund will flout this fact in your face in an effort to extract a pledge from you. This important share of the expense of your college career is philanthropically written off when you graduate, but if you are a true and loyal Pennsylvania alumnus, and if you are grateful for the immeasurable benefits that you have received by attending Pennsylvania for four years, then surely you should be anxious to show in some measure the appreciation which you feel by contributing as generously as possible to the Alumni Giving Fund. By BUD BERNARD. Here's a poem we picked up: I DON'T My parents told me not to smoke- I don't. Nor listen to a naughty joke- I don't. They made it clear I mustn't wink At pretty girls, nor even think About intoxicating drink- I don't. To flirt or dance is very wrong- I don't. Wild youths chase women, wine and song- I don't. I kiss no girl, not even one; I do not know how it is done; You wouldn't think I had much fun- I DON'T. * * * * Precisothermocalorimeters (whatever they may be) are the very newest and snappiest numbers for determining whether or not your girl has spring fever =or sumpin'. At a recent dance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this new gadget was used to determine the admission price. The basic price was one dollar, and after the suffering escort parted with that paltry fee, the committee on admissions took the gal's tem- perature with this precisothermocalorimeter. After which, the escort had to pay further to the tune of one cent for every degree of temperature. Might be a good investment at that. This is an interesting contribution: SOME STUDENT SENTIMENTS Don't say spring to me, It's not all it's supposed to be. For some, it means warm, balmy days, And blue skys above. Some get the skating craze, While others fall in love. For me the days are not too bright And I cannot sleep at night. I never hear the robin's song Or see the buds on bush or tree As wearily I plod along, Trying to make my "D" a "C." A skeleton in the family closet at Cambridge - it evidently happens in the best of them, for ac- cording to a recent report a certain president of Harvard was not all that a good president should be. This black sheep of the Crimson family once ran away with most of the institution's funds, battled three constables when fined for beating his professors with a cudgel, and had the record of being married three times without the formality of a divorce. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 1. SOUTHERN SOLIDARITY in the Senate on any moot question means a virtual veto on that particular legislation. There are enough Southern votes, even leaving out so-called border states such as Maryland, to block action utterly. Even the modest Sen- ate cloture rule, adopted with so much hesitation, could not . be invoked against so substan- tial a minority. That being true, exactly what Senators Costigan and Wagner as authors of the anti- lynching bill thought to profit by endeavoring to force con- sideration of the measure in the Senate is not easy to i~oae.WaGNtJR puzzle out. They were on no- tice by a large and seasoned group of Senate long- distance talkers that the bill not only could not pass but would not be permitted to reach a par- liamentary roll call. Yet Costigan forced the issue. Why? FRANKLY, the Bystander does not know. There is nothing about the public records of either sponsor of the bill to disclose motives. Immediate personal campaign exigencies hardly can be in- volved. Wagner is not up for election again until '38. Being foreign-born, the Senate or a governor- ship is the constitutional limit of his political am- bitions. Costigan is up next year; but why should anti- lynching legislation have a special appeal in Col- orado? Lynch law has not ruled in that state much, unless it was back in frontier days. If Senator Costigan dreams of party promotion, an- tagonizing the Democracy of the Solid South would not seem a reasonable way of trying to make those dreams come true. And, if some of their Southern colleagues are right about what sort of a door the Costigan- Wagner bill would open to Federal direct interven- tion in the police affairs of the states, the two authors of the measure were taking special risks. They are acclaimed as the leading Senate friends of organized labor, of labor generally. They share that with Black of Alabama, father of the 30-hour week bill. And Black told them: "The bill as it is written would be the greatest weapon to opponents of organized labor extended to them since the beginning of this government. woo There Are Onl~y 26 M.-ore Days OfPublicatio'n FOR OUR READERS TO BE INTIMATELY CONNECTED WITH THE MER CH A N T S THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF THE MICHIGAN DAILY. A printed salesman always look an(l feels his best. And, if his best is something worth taking notice of, you'll find he's every bit as welcome as anyone you could have sent to see your prospec- tive customer. Just as a salesman must be neat, so must a printed salesman. It must look as if special pains had been taken to insure its accept- ante and approval. Our printing service gives you the best in workmanship, at low cost, plus our advice and experience* Snti