THE MICHIGAN DAILY EDNEDA MAY 1, 1935 Forest Fires Sweep Wide Areas In New England -Associated Press Photo. The menace of forest fires and their inevitable damage has been felt in many sections of New England, and thousands of acres have been damaged in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. CCC workers are shown battling a bad fire at Groton, Mass. New Library Exhibit Features Collection Of Oriental Books The latest exhibit to be placed in encountered by early Christian col- the display cases of the main library lectors in obtaining copies of the by Miss Ella M. Hymans, curator of Koran, the Bible of the Mohammedan rare books for the University, features religion, is found in one of the early a display of Oriental books, as a fea- copies of this sacred book. It is writ- ture of the Oriental Languages con- ten in the oldest style of cubic script, vention recently held here. and resembles one of the old penman- The collection of manuscripts in ship books rather than a book that this field, according to University of- was regarded as one of the great pos- ficials, dates only from the first Near sessions of a people, and for which East expedition during which Prof. the Islamites would fight to the death. Kelsey purchased a large number of if any indignity was offered to the manuscripts dealing with various bib- book.' lical and liturgical subjects. Later Persian influence slowly creeping other collections along divergent lines into the old Mohammedan empire is were purchased by the University at different times. The collection now shown by the change in character of being shown in the corridor cases is the Arabic manuscripts. The first composed of items mainly taken from ones are plain and unadorned, em- these later additions. phasizing the Word of the Prophet Only Arabic, Turkish and Persian rather than any exterior decoration books are included in this exhibit.rthebtakanfterorderatihn The Persian books in particular are on the book of the Word. Then, with remarkable for the brilliance of il- the increase in size of the Arabian lumination which characterizes them. dominion and the entering of new Vivid golds and scarlets rim the pages influences, the Persian element began of almost all of the manuscripts, while to dominate the policy of the empire. the actual written matter takes up a This is clearly shown by the later minority of the page space. Several copies of the Koran display which of these books were a part of the li- have abandoned. the old. Arabian brary of Abdul Hamid, former sultan tradition of simplicity just as the of Turkey, which were purchased by Arabs of the time were doing in their the library after his deposition in personal modes of living and dress. 1909. These collections, of which only The Arabs began to imitate the older a few items are now on display, were and richer culture of the Persians inventoried by Prof. William H. Wor- whom they had conquered, and the rell. of the semetics department. appearance of their books shows that Other collections are still in the proc- tendency, for now the Arabs too be- ess of being inventoried. gan decorate their books with the A recollection of the vast difficulty brilliant illuminated letters and bor- ders that characterize all the Persian literature. Reductions In The final phase of the collection shows the accomplishments of the last AnnualBudget great Mohammedan group to enter, as a power in world affairs. Turkey inherited the traditions of Islam in Firures Made its turn, and the books of the Turks show the reflection of the increasing Tentative budget estimates for the culturerand civilization of thebnew ~ityof nn Abor asshow intheconquerors. The traditional books, ity of Ann Arbor, as shown in theand the Koran were now supplement- summary annually presented to the db ommeresunhle of 2ouncil budget committee, total $469,- ed by commentaries on the life of 1.7.99as ompredto 482604.98Mohammed, and even the forerunners 172.99 as compared to $482,604.98of the American "Books of Knowl- he size of the budget last year. Iofdghe"ATrisnBooks ofgnol- Numerous alterations in the budget wedge" pTurkish books began, too, to ire anticipated before the figure fi- show pictures of people, notably thoe rially passes through the council, but of the Turkish ambassadors, in direct local authorities expressed their be- violation of the custom of Islam and lief that the total will probably re- the sayings of Mohammed. main below that of last year. The final shelf shows the develop- Increases are sought in nine of the ment of bookbindings, and range departmental budgets, while three de- from cloth and paper toplush, leather, artments have estimated their bud- and, finally, one of the most valuable fets as totaling the same as last year. things in itself that is in the col- Four city departments have turned lection on display, a binding made of n figures below last year's budgets. solid silver that was used on a very The total estimated expenditures large book. rom the fufids of the city may be ------ educed still further by increased re- y Health Service Warns Of Usual SpringPerils Dr. Forsythe Specifies The Dangers From Sunburn, Poison Ivy, Sumac Sunburn and poison ivy were des- cribed yesterday by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health Service, as the two greatest health hazards confronting students in the spring. "We advocate tne development of a tan," Dr. Forsythe said, -"even though the benefit of a tan is prob- ably overrated, if it is acquired grad- ually. Sunburn, however, does much harm, besides the pain suffered." He said that sunburn resulted in loss of sleep, sometimes a fever, some poisoning from the injured tissue, and the danger of infection from blisters. He described poison ivy as simply a case of contact with the paint which is found around fences and in woods. He said that the low growing vine is poisonous even before the leaves are out. Poisonous sumac, a head-high bush found in swamps, accounts for some of the poisoning, experienced by stu- dents, he said. In the spring it still has the dried-up berries on it. and, like the ivy, is poisonous before the leaves are developed. "The poison is a waxy, sticky sub- stance and acts when it comes into contact with the skin," he remarked. "Both types of poisoning are best combated by a thorough scrubbing with hot water and strong soap, fol- lowed by a good rinse. Since the wax is poisonous in small amounts, it is necessary that the washing be very thorough and done as soon as possible after exposure." Blisters on the hands also take their toll the physician said. He added that the blisters should not be broken once they have been developed, and advised that those whose work is likely to lead to them should wear cheap gloves until their hands tough- en up. FUR COATS MADE TO REMODELLING -REPAIRING CLEANING - STORAGE PRICES REASONABLE Greenbaum, TheFurrier 448 Spring Street June 1 Marks Beginning Of Final Exams Daniel L. Rich Announces +chedule For All Schoos And Colleges (Continued From Page 1) Business Adm. 152 - Saturday a.m., June 1. Business Adm. 206 - Thursday a. m., June 6. Any course not listed in any of the above groups may be examined at any time on which the instructor and class concerned may agree. Each student taking practical work in music in the School of Music will be given an individual examination. Each such student should consult the bulletin board at the School of Music to learn the day and hour assigned for his or her individual examination. Regular class work will continue until Friday night, May 31. Examinations in the College of Engineering are scheduled according to the time of meeting of the class. For courses having both lecture and quiz sections, the hour in question is the time of the first lecture period of the week. For classes having only quizzes, the time of examination de- _ pendsupon the time of the first quiz meeting. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the examina- tion period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work dur- ing one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of con- flicts between assigned examination periods should be reported for adjust- ment to Prof. J. C. Brier, Room 3223 East Engineering Building, before I May 30. To avoid misunderstand- ings and errors, each student should a receive notification from his instruc- tor of the time and place of his ap- pearance in each course during the period June 1 to June 11. Examinations begin at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination may be r changed without the consent of the t Classification Committee. Classes Time Of Examination Mon. at 8 - Saturday a.m., June 1. Mon. at 9- Tuesday a.m., June 4. 1 Mon. at 10- Monday a.m., June 3. Mon. at 11- Wednesday a.m., June 5. Mon. at 1- Monday a.m., June 10. Mon. at 2 -Saturday p.m., June 1. Mon. at 3 -Tuesday p.m., June 11. Tues. at 8 -Monday p.m., June 10. Tues. at 9 - Tuesday p.m., June 4. Tues. at 10 -Saturday p.m., June 8. Tues. at 11 - Thursday p.m., June 6. Tues. at 1 -Tuesday a.m., June 11. Tues. at 2-Monday p.m., June 3. Tues. at 3- Friday a.m., June 7. E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2- *Thursday a.m., June 6. Surv. 1, 2, 4; Spanish - *Friday p.m., June 7. M.E. 3; German- *Wednesday p.m., June 5. E.E. 2a; Shop 2, 3, 4; French - *Sat- urday a.m., June 8. Draw. 1, 2, 3,; Ec. 51, 52, 53, 54 - *Fri-- day a.m., June 7. *This may be used as an irregular period provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Case System Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course Co-educational College Degree or Two Years of College Work with Good Grades I. Required for Entrance Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished Morning, Early Afternoon and Evening Classes For further information address CHARLES P. DAVIS, Registrar 233 Broadway, New York I AIRLINES TICKET OFFICE Reservations and Tickets For All Airlines The Increased Appreciation by Ann Arbor of Superior Services Proves That Must Be the Best." "GREENE'S 12 Nickels Arcade Phone 6040 I DOMESTIC & FOREIGN TRAVEL SERVICE Steains ihin. Airnlanc and Railroad Tickets, I CLEANERS &' DYERS ICROCLEAN ' UNDE TEMICSCOP - Phone 2-3231 1119 S. University 516 East Liberty 440 S. Statf Mack & Co. Basement .I.I E~ , _w _... _...