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May 01, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-01

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The Weather

J rmlmm

r4t an.


Model League As A Peace
Factor . .
Michigan's Annals Receive
Attention .

Continued cool and unsettled
today. Possibly rain in south-
east. Warmer tomorrow.

______________________________________ U


Administration Disavows
Army Revelation Of Its
Would Protect All
Secret War Plans
Views Given By Officers
Are Termed Individual
By High Executives
WASHINGTON, April 30- () -
An unprecedented Presidential threat
to censor military secrets unfolded
before Congress accompanied an em-
phatic government disavowal today
of Army testimony on "emergency"
war plans touching the unfortified
Canadian border and off-shore -Brit-
ish and French isles.
Bluntly, Mr. Roosevelt told the
House Military Committee that if
confidential testimony given behind
locked doors was to be printed as a
public document, "I shall find it nec-
essary as Commander-in-Chief of the
Army and Navy to require that in the
future such testimony be given only
after approval by me."
The President wrote Chairman
John J. McSwainathat assertions by
high Army officials "do not represent
the policy of the Administration or of
the Commander-in-Chief."
A little later, Secretary of War
George H. Dern advised the White
House that the views given by Army
officers "were individual and had not
been submitted to either the Chief
of Staff of the Secretary of War."
Sharing major interest in the capi-
tol with the President's reprimand, a
bi-partisan move developed out of a
discordant White House conference,
in the Senate today to modify and
then extend the NRA for eight
months instead of two years as re-
quested by the administration.
Leaders of the effort to permit the
Blue Eagle to fly for only eight more
months, with its price fixing and in-
trastate regulation powers eliminated,
claimed major headway had been
made in picking up new followers.
Speech Group
To Meet Here
F o r Contests
Northern Oratorical Meet
Will Include Students Of
Many Colleges
Ann Arbor will be host to its first
Northern Oratorical League contest
since 1929 when representatives of the
member colleges assemble in Hill Au-
ditorium Friday evening, May 3, for
the 45th annual contest.
The contestants will be students
representing the University of Iowa,
the University of Minnesota, North-
western University, Western Reserve,
the University of Wisconsin, and the
University of Michigan. On the basis
of its age and the excellence of its
oratorical presentations, the League
is famous throughout the country.
Original impetus for the creation of
the organization was supplied by a
small group, of which Professor-
Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood was

an outstanding leader.
Douglas Reading, '36, was selected
as the representative of the Univer-
sity following well-contested primary
and final competitions. His subject
will be "Patriots or Puppets?" which
is an analysis of the munitions in-
quiry and the causes of war. For
his excellence in delivering this ora-
tion in the final contest, Reading
was recently awarded the Chicago
Alumni Medal for excellence in ora-
The contest, beginning at 8 p.m.,
will be judged by Professors Harsch-
barger of Iowa, Eich of Michigan,
Rarig of Minnesota, Lardner of
Northwestern, Woodward of Western
Reserve, and Weaver of Wisconsin.
First and second place winners will
receive $100 and $50, respectively,
these awards being known as the
Frank C. Lowden Testimonial.
Noted Surgeons To
Convene At Hospital
More than 30 of the nation's most

Labor Organizations Will Hold
Demonstrations Despite Edicts

Despite the disapproval of local
authorities, local labor organizations
will attempt to hold a May Day cele-
bration at 7 p.m. tonight on the steps
of the Court House.
The demonstration is to be spon-
sored by a United Front Committee.
composed of various labor and radical}
organizations of Ann Arbor, and is to
be a part of the May Day demonstra-
tions to be held all over the world.
Mayor Robert A. Campbell, who
announced last week that the police
department will be summoned if nec-
essary to dispel the meeting, advised
the sponsoring group to meet in a
public park rather thanton the Court
House steps, which is forbidden, he
declared, to any organization regard-
less of political association.
The National Student League,. or-
ganization of University students, will
not participate in the sponsorship of
the demonstration, officials of the
group announced last night, despite
the information on a bulletin circu-
lated downtown yesterday. Their
regular Wednesday night meeting has,
however, been suspended in order that
member who desire may attend the
downtown meeting.
May Day, labor's international holi-
day since 1889, dawned with fore-

bodings of violence in some parts of
Europe today (Wednesday).
In the United States, a special po-
lice arrangements went into effect in
many cities to handle parades and
mass meetings, but no serious disor-
ders were expected.
Thousands of troops and police
were held ready in Europe, particu-
larly in France, Spain and Austria,
to cope with any emergencies that
may d'evelop.
In Moscow where the day is an of-
ficial holiday, Joseph Stalin was to
review big detachments of the huge
red army. Communists and Social-
ists prepare&to hold separate parades
and demonstrations in New York City.
Approximately 1,300 policemen, the
smallest detail in years, were assigned
to special duties.
Chicago feared demonstrations at
the city's 12 relief stations, closed by
a financial crisis. The communists
will parade with police permission.
San Francisco's observance was to
be marked by a labor parade and an
evening mass rally called in protest
against the California criminal syndi-
calism law.
In Cleveland the celebration plans
called for a "united front" parade of
from 10,000 to 15,000 Communists,
Socialists, labor unionists and I.W.W.

June 1 Marks
Beginning Of
Final eExams
Daniel L. Rich Announces
Schedule For All Schools
And Colleges
Last Exam Given
Tuesday;_June ii

Meet For Alix
Is Successful
Proceeds Of Event Go To
Help Injured Distance
Ypsi Normal And
Michigan Compete



Council To Elect
New Heads; Vote
''On Major Issues

Special Arrangenents
Engineering College
Also Released



Are Forced
Field House
And Cold


Noted Speaker
Will Address
Meeting Here
Ames Lecture Features The
Eighth Annual League
Of Nations Assembly.
Sir Hubert Ames, prominent lec-
turer and international figure, will
speak on "Hitler at the Cross-Roads"
before the Eighth Annual Model As-
sembly of the League of Nations at
the banquet Friday night in the
Two hundred and fifty delegates
from more than 20 colleges and junior
colleges in Michigan will attend the
sessions of the Model League here
Friday and Saturday. The delegates
will act as the representatives of the
55 countries at Geneva. "Observers,"
who take no active part in the pro-
ceedings will represent the non-mem-
bers, Germany, Brazil, Japan and the
United States.
Is Distinguished Diplomat
Sir Hubert has distinguished him-
self in diplomatic circles, and while
Canada's delegate the League became
the first treasurer of that organiza-
tion. His speech will be one of the
outstanding features of .the program,
which will include a meeting of the
Council on the questions, "Jugoslav-
Hungarian borderline dispute," "Ethi-
opian-Italian dispute," and the
"Franco-Italian note on Germany's
rearming;" the committee meetings
will be concerned with the Balkan
problems, the re-organization of the
League Covenant, and the Saar and
munition questions.
The purpose of the Model Assembly
of the League of Nations is to give the
students an idea of the mechanics of
this body by dramatizing the sessions
held at Geneva. No attempt is made
to settle international problems, but
rather to make apparent the com-
plexity of the situations and the need
for compromise.
Wagner To Preside
Martin Wagner, Grad., will act as
president of the Assembly and Philip
Van Zile, '35, will be the Secretary
General of the League. It is the duty
of the latter to be present at all ses-
sions of the Assembly and the Coun-
cil as well, for he is head of the
League secretariat, the body which
does the routine business of the
League and makes all investigations.
He is a paid expert and not a repre-
sentative of any country.
The Council is composed of four-
teen active members who form the
executive body of the League. Morton
Adinoff, '37L, will act as president of
the Council and he will be assisted
by Margaret Hiscock, '36,
Randall Resigns
Alumni Position
Frederick S. Randall, since 1929
Council secretary and assistant to the
general secretary of the Alumni As-
sociation, announced his resignation
Mr. Randall, who has also managed
the Alumni Travel Bureau, will open
his own travel service at 12 Nickels
Arcade. He will handle complete do-
mestic and foreign travel service, rep-
resenting all airlines, steamship lines
and railroads, including such com-
panies as the American Express, Thos.

Union Issues
Invitations To
Announcements Are Sent
Out To Persons Living
Near Ann Arbor
Invitations and announcements for
the annual Spring Homecoming to be
held Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
May 17, 18 and 19 were issued yes-
terday to all friends of the Uni-
versity and parents living in this
vicinity, it was announced last night
by Douglas R. Welch, '35, chairman
of the committee and recording sec-
retary of the Union.
Welch stated -that, although invi-
tations were now being sent to only
parents living within a relatively close
range of Ann Arbor, any students
whose homes are outside the Mid-
West may have invitations sent to
their families by leaving their ad-
dresses at the Union offices.
Plans for the three-day program
which will integrate the regular
Homecoming, sponsored jointly by the
Union and League, and the engineer-
ing college open house are rapidly
going forward. Welch stated that in
all probability the name of the
speaker for the Family Banquet, to be
held Saturday night, June 18 at the
Union will be announced soon.
The large committee working on
the program has already planned
various exhibits and other features to
entertain the record number of vis-
itors which is expected. There will
also be several University athletic
events and May Festival Concerts
held during the week-end.
The chairman is being assisted by
Jean A. Seeley, '36, as assistant chair-
man. Howard Underwood, '36E, is
serving as secretary of Spring Home-
SPRINGFIELD, Colo., April 30 -
(I')- A tenth "dust belt" death in less
than two weeks and a score of emer-,
gency ,hospital patients were reported

The schedule of final examinations
for the second semester was released
last night by Daniel L. Rich, director
of classification. Dates listed are
for all classes in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, School
of Education, School of Music, School
of Forestry and Conservation, College
of Pharmacy, School of Business Ad-
ministration, and the Graduate
Following is the list of examina-
tion dates identified! by group letters:
Code Letter Date of Examination
A - Saturday a.m., June 1.
B - Tuesday a.m." June 4.
C - Monday a.m., June 3.
D - Wednesday a.m., June 5.
E-Monday a.m., June 10.
F -Saturday p.m., June 1.
G -Tuesday p.m., June 11.
H - Monday p.m., June 10.
I - Tuesday p.m., June 4.
J - Saturday p.m., June 8.
K -Thursday p.m., June 6.
L - Tuesday a.m.; June 11.
M -Monday p.m., June 3.
N -Friday a.m., June 7.
0 - Saturday a.m., June 8.
P - Thursday a.m., June 6.
Q --Friday p.m., June 7.
R - Wednesday pm., June 5.
X - Each course in Group X may
be examined at any time mu-
tually agreed upon by class
and instructor.
Each course in the College of Liter-
ature, Science, and ythe Arts, and in:
the School of Music has a code let-
ter for examinationpurposes. Many
courses appearing in the Announce-
me of the Graduate School carry.
these code letters also. Other courses
not carrying the code letters will be
examined as follows : Ei
Classes Date of Examination
Mon. at 8 --Saturday a.m., June 1.
Mon. at 9-- Tuesday a.m., June 4.
Mon. at 10 -Monday a.m., June 3.
Mon. at 11-Wednesday a.m., June 5.
Mon. at 1- Monday a.m., June 10.
Mon. at 2- Saturday p.m., June 1.
Mon. at 3 -Tuesday p.m., June 11.
Tues. at 9- Monday p.m., June 10.
Tues. at 9 - Tuesday p.m., June 4.
Tues. at 10 -Saturday p.m., June 8.
Tues. at 11-aThursday p.m., June 6.
Tues. at 1- Tuesday a.m., June 11.
Tues. at 2-Monday p.m., June 3.
Tues. at 3 - Friday a.m., June 7.
Further, the courses listed below
will be examined as follows:
Education Cl. -Wednesday p.m.,
June 5
Business Adm. 102 -Friday pm.,
June 7.
Business Adm. 122 - Saturday a.m.,
June 8.
(Continued on Page 6)
CHICAGO, April 30. - (IP) - Sam-
uel Insull's bond, which guarantees
the deposed utility magnate's pres-
ence at his next criminal trial, was
reduced today from $200,000 to $10,-

Forced into Yost Field House by1
high winds and low temperature, the
track squads of Michigan and Mich-l
igan State Normal College yesterday
staged one of the most successful1
meets of the indoor and outdoor sea-
Held for the benefit of Neree Alix,1
Michigan's star distance runner who
is recovering in a California hospitalI
from a broken leg incurred as Mich-
igan was meeting California there two
weeks ago, the event was not only a
financial success but also presented
some of the outstanding track per-
formances of the year.
No score was kept in the meet,
which was purely an exhibition affair,
although the entire Michigan Normal
squad, under Coach Lloyd Olds, took
part as a gesture towards Alix.
With Willis Ward ou, with an in-
jured leg and Eddie Tolan, world's
sprint champion who was to have
given an exhibition, failing to make
his appearance, the shorter track
events were eclipsed by brilliant per-1
formances in the longer events, run1
at odd distances. Two Yost Field
House records were shattered, by
Clayton Brelsford of Michigan in the
three-quarter-mile run and by Bill
Zepp, Normal's peerless distance star,1
in the mile and one-half run.-
Running behind Captain Harvey}
Smith for five laps, Brelsford made
his bid as he entered the -final lap,
passing Smith on the turn and sprint-
ing all the way home. A final chal-
lenge in the backstretch by Smith
with his famous "kick" was success-'
fully put off and the sophomore star
won by two full strides. His time of
3:08.9 not only eclipsed his own best
time for the Field House, but also
compared favorably with the time of
Glenn Cunningham last week as he
won the same event in the Drake Re-
lays, outdoors, in 3:05.6.
In the longer run, Zepp added the
the mile and one-half record to his.
two-mile record as he proved himself
the outstanding distance runner ever
to run in the Field House. Never
pressed, Zepp sprinted around the last
lap to finish in 6:50.7. Walter Stone,
Michigan's number-one distance star
in the absence of Alix, ran the bestj
race of his career, indoor and out-
doors, to finish in about 6:57.
Stan Birleson, in the 300-yard dash,
showed real form as he won the event
in :31.9, while Bob Osgood headed
Moreau Hunt in the high hurdles in
the fast time of :08.4. In the low
hurdles Hunt reversed that order to
beat his sophomore teammate in the
(Continued on Page 3)
Measles Cases
Fill Contagious
Hospital Here

Library Steps Are
Scene Of One-Man
Strike Against War
A one-man student strike against
war was held on the library steps
yesterday afternoon by a large gentle-
man in a blue sweater.
Orating lustily for several minutes,
he delivered a speech that bore a
distinct resemblance to the Gettys-
burg address, but despite his thun-
derous tones no audience accumu-
Queried afterward, he denied that
he was a prospective member of any
organization, or that he was under
the influence of intoxicating bev-
erages. Refuting the idea that he
was attempting to start a "Blue
Sweater'' movement on the campus
he stated "I felt like striking, so I
just went and struck!"
Spring Parley
Faculty Panel,
Names Issued

Are Chosen

May Formulate
Mass Sing In

Will Receive Report On
Reorganizing Of Buyers'
To Make Decision
On Hell Week Plan

Plan For
Place Of

Of Many

The complete list of members ofd
the faculty panel of the Spring Par-
ley was announced last night by Ed-
ward Litchfield; '36. chairman of the i
Parley's executive committee.r
Prof. Roderick D. McKenzie, chair- .
man of the sociology department,
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of
the economics department, Registrar t
Ira Smith, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of£
the political science department, t
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so-
ciology department, Prof. Lowell J.C
Carr of the sociology department,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-t
tory department, Prof. John P. Daw-
son on the Law School, Prof. Howard
Y. McCluskey of the School of Edu-
cation, Prof. Burton D. Thuma of the
psychology department, Prof. William
A. Paton of the economic department
and the School of Business Adminis-
tration, Dr. John M. Dorsey, physi-
cian at the psychopathic hospital,t
Dr. John M. Dorsey, physician at the
psychopathic hospital, Prof. WesleyE
H. Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment, Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the phi-k
losophy department, Prof. H. Mum-}
ford Jones of the English department,
and William B. Palmer, assistant in
the economics department, will make
up the panel.
Selection of the members of thet
group, which will be in attendance;
at the sessions of the Parley, was
based on an effort of the executive
committee to have all shades of opin-
ion and points of view present, said.
Litchfield. "The panel as it now
exists comes as close to this goal as is
possible," he declared.
The executive committee of the
Parley will meet with the members
of the panel-Thursday to discuss the
issues involved in this year's event
and to select the lead-off faculty
At the Thursday meeting, which
will be held after the traditional pre-
Parley luncheon, members of the
panel will be assigned to the differ-
ent sub-committees which will meet
Saturday to concentrate discussion
on the sub-topics of the Parley.
Detectives Watch
Student Strikers
NEW YORK, April 30. - (A --
Students of Hunter College, school
for girls, who have been active re-
cently in the peace council - an or-
ganization college authorities refuse
to recognize - have been under the
eye of the police department alien
squad for the past two days.
This became known tonight after
two of thesquad detectives aided the
dean, Miss Hannah H. Egan, in dis-
persing a group of students who had
gathered today in one of the class-
rooms to hear an invited speaker, Jo-
seph Cadden, editor of "The Student
Mirror," a publication of the National
Student Federation of America.
Oarrin xr-afn.A f A up whalP.

Four major issues will be discussed
nd acted upon by the Interfratern-
ty Council when they meet at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 306 in the Union.
They are:
1. The election of officers for the
oming year.
2. A final vote on the modification
>f Hell Week.
3. The report of the committee on
the reorganization of the Fraternity
Buyers Association.
4. Formulation of plans for the in-
stitution of a fraternity mass sing to
eplace the abolished Swingout ex-
Nominations Made
The Executive Committee of the
Council mt yesterday and nominated
hree men for the presidency, but
their names will not be disclosed until
the vote is called. The Committee
will meet some time after the election
;onight to appoint the new secretary.
Philip A. Singleton, '35E, Phi Kappa
Psi, and Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, Pi
[ambda Phi, are the retiring presi-
dent and secretary, respectively.
The much-discussed question of
Hell Week modification will receive
ts final test tonight when'two alter-
native modification plans will be pre-
sented to the fraternity representa-
ives for examination. Any action
taken will probably center around
Hell Week regulation plans submit-
ted by a Council conmittee and a
committee of fraternity freshman, al-
though if the Council cannot decide
on either of the plans, the possibility
looms that a compromise may be ef-
fected embodying parts of each of
the plans.
To Reorganize Buyers
Frederick Jones, '35, Phi Kappa
Sigma, will introduce a plan to reor-
ganize the present Fraternity Buyers
Association. Jones said that the plan,
as a whole, will broaden the functions
and strengthen the management of
the present Association.
Definite plans for a fraternity mass
sing will be discussed and acted upon
at the meeting. A committee, headed
by George Duffy, '35, Chi Psi, has
been working on plans for the sing
for the past month and will present
its report.
Singleton last night stressed the im-
portance of the meeting and urged
every house president to be present.
He stated that because of the action
which will be taken on the reorgani-
zation of the Buyer's Association,
every house steward will also be ex-
pected to attend.
Postal Carrier
Suspectied 0Of
Believed To Have Stolen
Money From Letters To
The apprehension of a postal car-
rier who, it is believed, has been steal-
ing letters containing money sent to
co-eds in the various dormitories for
a period of almost a year, was re-
vealed last night by Postal Inspector
Robert B. MacLachlan.
The carrier, John Isaacson, 45
years old, was arrested as he left the
post office yesterday with several de-
coy letters on his person, and is now
in the county jail. A warrant will
be sworn out for him today, and he
will in all probability be arraigned
before Federal Commissioner J. Stan-
ley Hurd in Detroit this afternoon,
on the charge of theft of a letter.
Letters with money in them have
been reported missing from Mosher-
Jordan Halls, Couzens Hall, Martha
Cook, and Helen Newberry dormitory
for the past year, although Isaacson

Rise In Teacher Employment
Is Prophesied By Pres. Munson

The present teacher employment
situation has a bright outlook in
Michigan, in spite of the severe na-
tional surplus, a survey by President
John M. Munson of the State Teach-
ers' College at Ypsilanti reveals. The
survey was reported on at the recent
conference on teacher training at the
Michigan Schoolmasters Club here by
Dean C. L. Anspach of the same
According to President Munson's
findings, a definite surplus of teach-
ers was accumulated in the years
1930, 1931, .and 1932, variously esti-
mated but not definitely known. That
it did exist, however, was proven by
the inability to place graduates.
The year 1933-34, however, has
shown a complete turn in the situa-
tion. On Dec. 1, 1934, only 174, or 12
per cent of the graduates of teachers
colleges that year, were available for
placement, and by March, 1935, the
number had decreased to 120. In ad-
dition 546 unemployed graduates of
previous years found positions.

about 71.6 per cent of the field. This
includes about 100 teachers now em-
ployed by the FERA and the Fresh-
man Colleges. Only 500 of these
2,300, however, President Munson
pointed out, are recommended for
positions by the officials reporting
A detailed study of the various
fields in teaching shows that a mod-
erate turnover will absorb all avail-
able competent teachers in the
elementary and rural schools, and
teachers of the general subjects. In
addition, a shortage already exists in
some specialized fields such as art,
public school music, home economics,
commercial and industrial training,
and special education for the handi-
capped. Thus all available teachers
in these fields will immediately be
President Munson then quoted a
resolution passed last year by the
legislative assembly of the Michigan
Education Association, in which it
was pointed out that candidates who

Dr. Brace Also Announces'
Early Start Of Spring
Further spread of the mild epidemicl
of measles was noted yesterday by'
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the Health Service, who said that 13'
cases have been reported to the
Health Service since Spring Vacation.
Dr. Forsythe said that the con-
tagious ward in the Hospital was full
Monday, and that arrangements had
been made with the Hospital to use a
ward in the South Branch if the sit-
uation got out of control and the
Hospital ward could not handle the
None of the cases so far are sec-
ondary, Dr. Forsythe said, but all
seem to have been contracted during
Spring Vacation. He defined a sec-
ondary exposure as one contracted
here among the student body, and
said that if any show up they will do
so in a short time, as the incubation
period of the disease is from 10 days
to two weeks.
Dr. Brace said that the forerun-
ners of the usual spring accident wave
had begun with a broken leg received
in a fall from a' horse, and a number

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