The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow; probably snow flurries
it ig
Students On The League .. .
The Proposed Redistricting .. .
. r
Holmes To
To Lecture Here
On Travels
Famous Adventurer And
Traveller To Deliver An
Illustrated Lecture
Will Describe Tour
Of Austria, Vienna
First Appearance In Ann
Arbor Tomorrow Night
At Hill Auditorium
Burton Holmes will deliver an il-
lustrated travelogue lecture on a tour
of "Vienna and Austria" at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
This will be the seventh of the
series of eight Oratorical Association
lectures for the 1934-35 season and
has been characterized by officials
of the Association as the "most un-
usual, and interesting" lecture of the
This is the first time since the or-
ganization of the Association that Mr.
Holmes has spoken in Ann Arbor, al-
though he has delivered his travel
talks in every large city on the con-
tinent as well as having his films
shown in practically every city, town,
and village of the country.
He has been engaged for several
years in the making of a new series of
travel films and it is these films
which he will present in his Ann Arbor
Unique and fascinating shots have
been collected by the noted adven-
turer, Association officials stated. A
few of these are Maria Jeritza on the
summit of the Zugspitz, Franz Lehar,
composer of "Merry Widow," in the
orchestra pit of the Theatre an der
Wien, shots of the great surgeons
Steinach and Lorenz in their hos-
pitals, and views of ski jumping at;
Swimmering and other centers of
winter sport.
Girl Shot By
Crazed Father
Is Near Death
Police Kill Pinckney Man
After He Murders One,
Wounds Two
Sophia Hofhanesian, 14-year-old
Pinckney school girl, was near death
last night in the University Hospital
as a result of a bullet wound in-
flicted by her father.
The crazed man, Archie Hofhane-
sian of Pinckney, 55 years old, also
shot his 11-year-old son, who is also
in the Hospital here, and murdered
a Dearborn baker before he was killed
by Detroit police.
At about 2 a.m. Hofhanesian herded
the five of his children who were in
the house at the time into one room,
told them "This is the last day you
are going to be on earth." He then
left to get his gun which was outside
the house. While he was gone three of
the children escaped by breaking a
window and crawling outside.
Sophia and John, however, were
apparently too sleepy to realize their
danger, and failed to escape. The
father returned and shot three times,
wounding the girl in the head and the
boy in the arm. Both children under-
went operations for the removal of the
bullets. The girl is in a very serious
condition, according to information
given out by the University Hospital,
while the boy is "resting easily."
After shooting his children, Hof-
hanesian proceeded to Dearborn
where he encountered the couple with
whom his wife was staying in their
bakery. While Mrs. Hofhanesian and
a son, Andrew, 23 years old, concealed
themselves in an upstairs rooni, Hof-
hanesian opened fire, killing Mr. Ar-i
kelian, and wounding the baker's wife
in the neck. She is expected to re-
From Dearborn Hofhanesian went
to Detroit. Police, who had expected
him to come there first, were waiting
for him. When he refused to sur-
render, they opened fire, hitting him
in the back. He stumbled and fell over
a wheelbarrow that was beside the
house. As he fell his gun was dis-
charged, wouniding him mortally in
the head.
Son Asks Court To
Enroute For
African Shore
Mussolini SilentOn Stand
He Will Take Toward
Black Shirts Make
Cagers Down
Strong Iowa
Defends Plan
Five, 2 9
When Automobile
Hits Freight Train
Men Killed
Tn-Power Pact
Aims To Avoid
European Fray
England, France
Join Forces ;
Not Included
And Italy
LONDON, Feb. 16. -OP) - Britain,
France and Italy have joined forces
to keep Europe's peace until the re-
turn of confidence makes their polic-
ing unnecessary, authoritative circles
disclosed today.
That, it was revealed, was the sole
purpose in the Anglo-French accord
drafted at London two weeks ago, to
which Adolf Hitler was invited to ad-
As the government studied Hitler's
noncommittal reply to the proposals
for an inclusive security pact to solve
all Europe's trouble-fraught questions
simultaneously, the sources pointed
to Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon-
ald as the man who conceived the
scheme, and to Sir John Simon, for-
eign secretary, as the man who ex-
ecuted it.
The two, they said, sought restora-
tion of confidence on the Continent
-by peaceful or forceful methods-
in order to restore trade, and thus
economic prosperity, hoping to make
Britain's traditional leadership in'
world affairs once more secure.
Should Hitler reject the essentials
of the plan, Britain, France and Italy
would join their armed farces to as-
sure peace until normal conditions
make the "big stick" no longer neces-
Thompson Wil
.Speak on Work
In Wind Tunnel
Prof. Milton J. Thompson of the
aeronautical engineering department,
will be the principal speaker at the
meeting of the aeronautical engineer's
division of the A.S.M.E. to be held at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Professor Thompson will talk on
the subject "From Wind Tunnel to
Full Scale." He is a noted authority
in the field of theoretical aerody-
namics, and is the author of several
papers on this subject. Among his re-
cent publications is one entitled "The
Drag of Tapered Cantilever Airfoils"
published in the Jourial of. Aeronau-
ticdl Sciences.
Professor Thompson is also one of
several prominent men asked to con-
tribute to six volumes of "Aerody-
namic Theory" under the direction of
N. F. Durand of Leland Stanford
Also included on the program will
be a brief talk by Lieut. Harlan Per-
rill, United States Navy officer sta-
tioned here for graduate study. Lieut.
Perrill will discuss the Navy Training
Station at Pensacola, Fla. After the
meeting refreshments will be served.
Will Defend Homes With
Lives, Ethiopian Envoy
ROME, Feb. 16. - (') - The first
detachment of Italian troops sailed
for Italy's African colonies today as
Benito Mussolini continued silent
as to the stand he means to take in
the Italo-Ethiopian controversy.
A battalion of black shirts secretly
embarked at Naples this afternoon, it
was officially revealed, after being re-
viewed by Crown Prince Umberto, and
n Duce reviewed two other battalions
preparatory to their departure for
Eritrea and Italian Somaliland
In the face of the embarkation of
the Italian troops, Negradas Yesus,
Ethiopian charge d'affaires, declared:
"We will defend our homes with
our lives. If Italy comes against us,
her blood will be on her own head."
Other Officers Attend
Mussolini was also accompanied at
the review by the secretary of the
Fascist Party, Achille Starace, and by
under-secretaries of war and navy,
Baistrocchi and Cavagnari. Also pres-
ent were Gen. Teruzzi, chief of staff
of militia, and I Duce's son-in-law,
Count Galeazzo Ciano.
The premier first made an address
to the troops, after which they passed
in review before him. Il Duce was
given an ovation when he left the
barracks. Meanwhile hundreds of sol-
diers moved into Rome today from
northern points, preparatory to em-
barkatior for Africa.
Troops Newly Equipped
The troops entered the city for
final inspection before leaving for
Sicilian ports.
Tye troops in the streets wore brand
new uniforms, and ordinary trench
caps, but the pith helmets of the
tropics dangled on the soldiers' backs.
Hundreds of other reservists con-
tinued to receive mobilization cards,
telling them to hold themselves in
readiness for the moment mobiliza-
tion posters are pasted up.
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Feb. 16.
- (N) - A government spokesman in
a special communique said today that
troops of Emperor Haile Selassie had
not advanced a step and had not oc-
cupied any point in disputed territory
since the Ualual incident, which
strained Ethiopian relations.
The official statement added that
reports of the occupation of Silar were
More Snow, Colder
Weather Predicted
With a falling barometer and little
wind velocity recorded last night at
the University observatory, more
snow and lower temperatures were
indicated for today.
Snow began falling yesterday
shortly after 6 p.m., and fell the
greater part of the night. Driving
was made difficult as the snow swirled
across icy roads, and the county road
commissioner's office as well as the
city street department promised ac-
tion if the storm continued.
The temperature at 9 p.m. yester-
day was a little above 29 degrees, but
colder weather was expected. This
will be in contrast with Friday when
the mercury rose at one time to 35
Meyers Leads Michigan To
Victory As Varsity Rallys{
At Finish
Hockey Six Drops
RoughGame, 3-2
Michigan Tech Hands Out
Defeat To Wolverines In
Second Games of Series
(Special to The Daily)
(Complete Box Score On Page 3)
IOWA CITY, Feb. 16.-- (/) -Three
baskets caged in the waning minutes
of play enabled Michigan's basketball
team to eke out a 29-27 win over the
strong Iowa quintet here tonight. It
was the Wolverine's second Confer-
ence victory of the season.
Earl Meyers, Dick Evans and Matt
Patanelli starred for the victors. Mey-
ers continued his recent scoring spree,
accounting for 10 points to lead Mich-
igan's attack. Evans and Patanelli
played a good floor game, and were a
large factor in holding the powerful
Iowa offense in check.
Hawkeyes Lead At Half
Losing 10-9 at the half, the Hawk-
eyes came back strong in the second
frame to pile up a 25-17 lead on the
wilting Michigan five. Soon after re-
placing Al Plummer, midway in the
second half, Dick Joslin tipped in
two difficult one handed shots, to
bring the Wolverines within four
points of the Hawkeyes.
Earl Meyers followed with two free
throws, amidsthe booing and hissing
of the Partisan Iowa crowd which
became more intense as the Hawkeyes
attempted to stave off Michigan's de-
termined last-minute rally.
With the score 25-23 and only min-
utes remaining, Patanelli, Evans and
Meyers sank successive shots to give
Michigan a 29-25 lead. Barko con-
nected on a one-handed hook shot,
Grim and Lindenmeyer scored on
free throws, but the game ended with
the Hawkeyes two points short.
Guarding Is Close
Close guarding by both teams made
the first half a low scoring period.
Michigan took an early 6-0 lead on
baskets by Meyers and Evans but the
half ended with the Wolverines lead-
ing by only one point. Tamagno, who
went in for Gee at center, after the
latter was held scoreless, handled the
pivot post well, and Michigan looked
like a greatly improved team.
Barko and Rosenthal, leading Big
Ten scorers, starred for the losers,
scoring 16 points between them.
The Wolverines left for Evanston
tonight, where they will meet Noh-
western tomorrow night.
HOUGHTON, Feb. 16. - (P)-In a
hectic hockey game between the Uni-
versity of Michigan and Michigan
Tech, the Engineers from northern
Michigan defeated Michigan, 3 to 2, to
even the series, staged as the feature
of the Winter Carnival, at one game
Latimer and Charles Ferries teamed
up twice in the first period to
gather in a pair of scores with Cap-
tain Johnny Sherf taking up a pass
from Heyliger late in the period to
make it 2 to 1, in favor of the Tech-
The second period went scoreless
but overflowed with action, fist fights
and hard checking being featured by
both sextets.
Latimer again tallied in the final
frame, with Heyliger getting another
for the Wolverines, who swarmed in
on Maki, but all other offerings were
turned aside.
Prior to the start of the game,
Michigan Tech presented the visitors
with individual copper hand-made
miniature anvils through their Car-
nival Queen, while at a copper-coun-
try Michigan alumni banquet, each
was presented with a miniature
hockey stick.
tichigan Pos . Mich. Tech.
B. Chase ...... Goalie ......G. Maki
David .......... LD ........... Olson
MacCollum .....RD ........ Mullins
Heyliger .......C .........Latimer
Berryman ...... R W .... Crause (C)
Sherf (C) ......LW...... C. Ferries
Alternates: Michigan Tech, Pelto,
Werrther, R. Ferries, McLean, N. Ner-
Alternates: University of Michigan,
Courtis, Ed. Chase, Merrill.
First period scoring - C. Ferries
(Ttimer) 1:53. Latimer (C. Ferries)
"ssociatea -res Poto
Dr. Townsend
Tells Congress
About His Plan
Solons Vent Sarcasm On
What He Calls 'Simple
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 -()- A
gray-haired California doctor tried to
convince the Senate finance Com-
mittee today that $200 monthly pen-
sions for all over 60 was a "simple
expedient" for meeting the nation's
economic troubles, but the Committee:
found it not so "simple."
Dr. F. E. Townsend, author of the
Townsend Pension Plan, was sub-!
jected to a sarcastic, some times hum-
orous cross examination by commit-
tee members. But he stood his ground,
contending his plan would probably
double the volume of business and
bring an era of plenty.
Explains Plan
As Townsend explained that his
plan called for each pensioner to
spend his $200 for commodities or
services each month, Chairman Pat
Harrison asked:
"Would shooting craps with half
a dozen other fellows be services?"
"Oh, now," Townsend replied, some-
what taken back.
"But buying the dice would be a
commodity?" Senator Alben W. Bark-
ley, Kentucky Democrat suggested.
"Yes," the doctor agreed.
"What are you going to do with
the white collar man on a fixed sal-
ary?" Harrison asked.
"Enhance his ability to buy, by in-
creasing his pay."
Harrison said that with 10,000,000
or more aged, the plan would cost
$24,000,000,000 a year. But a two
per cent tax would raise only five
billion dollars, leaving a deficit of
$19,000,000,000 a year.
"Yes," Townsend said, "but we will
not be able to put 10,000,000 on the
pension immediately. It took two
years to get 4,000,000 men into the
Army. We would have to examine
each citizen for his citizenship and
age, as we examined applicants for
the Army."
Answers 'Oh, Now'
"Would we have much trouble
drafting people to take this pension?"
Senator Tom Connally (Tex.-Dem.)
asked sarcastically.
"Oh, now," Townsend said.
"Well you were comparing it to
raising an army," the Texan said.
Harrison remarked that in some
counties there were 500 Negroes to
one white person.
"Do you think they would work,
if they were given $200 a month?"
Harrison asked.
"I know he would work if you used
the same coercive methods you have
always used."
"Doctor, do you believe this is a
sound economic plan?" Barkley asked.
"I know it is," the Californian re-
plied firmly.
He contended that the plan would
double or quadruple business and that
"mass production has a tendency to
lower prices."
Negro Butlers Go Social,
Form 'Sigma King' Frat
ATHENS, Ga., Feb. 16.-A)-_
Negro butlers of Georgia fraternity
houses have petitioned Superior Court
for a charter to organize a college fra-
ternity, Sigma King, which has pro-
vided University of Georgia students
with many amusing moments during
its formative stages.
Membership in the organization is
open to fraternity and sorority house
butlers and other Negroes with uni-
versity connections, but it isn't so easy
to join. Butlers of one well-known
fraternity and a ranking sorority will
not be admitted on the grounds that
their social standing would hurt the
Entire Nation
Tdensely Awaits
Gold Decision
Wall Street Preparing For
Hysterical Dealings If
Government Loses
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16-(P)-The
national capital tonight keyed itself
up to a suspense-filled week-end,
firmly convinced that the long-await-
ed Supreme Court gold decision will
be handed down on Monday.
The last two Saturdays had brought
announcement that the verdict would
not come on the following Monday
opinion days. Today the court de-
parted from that newly-established
precedent. It met, consulted, and left
the capitol without a statement of
any kind.
The absence of what has thus be-
come a customary announcement was
quickly interpreted as meaning the
decision would come on Monday. In
the business world, preparations were
being made for the opinion. The gov-
ernors of the New York stock ex-
change were advised to hold them-
selves inwreadiness for a hurry call
meeting before the market opens.
There has been much talk of clos-
ing the exchange when the verdict
is announced so that traders may
analyze the opinion and avoid hys-
terical dealings, in the event that the
decision goes against the government.
If the decision is.not announced on
Monday, it probably will be withheld
until at least March 4.
George Webber, George
Wheeler Are Victims;
Local Residents
'ragedy Occurred
At 9:50 Last Night
Pontiac Road, Four Miles
From Ann Arbor, Scene
Of Fatal Accident
George Wheeler, 42 years old. 608
High Street, and George Webber, 51
years old, 712 Fountain Avenue, were
Gilled last night when the Willys-
Knight sedan in which they were rid-
rig crashed head-on into a freight
rain at 9:50 on the Pontiac road,
four miles from Ann Arbor.
The automobile, driven by Wheeler,
rhlo owned it, apparently going at a
high rate of speed, was headed north.
It struck the thirty-sixth car in a 60-
ar train, derailing it and holding up
transportation for some time. Ac-
cording to Deputy Sheriff M. A. Al-
ber, the men were killed instantly.
The car was completely demolished.
Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn was
alled, but immediately sent the bod-
ies to the Staffan Funeral Home, de-
ciding not to hold an inquest.
The sheriff's office was first notified
of the accident at 10:03 p.m., and
vere at the scene within five min-
utes. The reason for the accident,
ther than it appears that the ocu-
pants of the car did not see the train,
is not known.
A brakeman on the train is reported
by Deputy All er as saying, "I saw
he car coming and knew it was go-
ing to hit. I tried to stop the train
but it was too late." The train did
ound a whistle before reaching the
The tracks are in the open, and the
rossing is not considered by the sher..
iff's office to be a difficult one. The
train was one of the Ann Arbor road.
Wheeler is survived by his wife,
Pearl, a son, Stanley C. Wheeler, a
mechanic, and a daughter-in-law,
Gladys. Webber leaves no local sur-
Geneva Offers
New Courses
To Journalists
Relations Of The Press To
The League Of Nations
Will Be Studied
A training course in journalism and
press problems which is designed for
young journalists is to be conducted
in Geneva, Switzeraland, from July
1.1 to July 20, according to announce-
ment received today from the Inter-
national Student Service, the spon-
soring organization.
The course will be under the chair-
manship of Malcolm Davis, director
of the Geneva Research Center, and
formerly foreign correspondent for
American newspapers and magazines.
The program will be composed of a
study of international news services,
a study of the press in relation to the
League of Nations, and an examina-
tion of trends 'influencing the news-
paper as a factor in moulding public
The speakers will include Michael
Poberezski, press correspondent for
the League of Nations, Clarence .
Streit, Geneva correspondent for the
New York Times, and Paul Radek,
journalist from the Soviet Union.
The entire course will be given in Eng-
lish. 1
Non-Stop Record Is
Sought By Aviators
ISTRES, France, Feb. 16 - () -
Two French veterans of long-distance
flights, Paul Codos and Maurice
Rossi, roared outsover the south Af-
lantic today in quest of another non-
stop record to better the one they
already hold.
Borah Claims NRA
Promotes Monopoly
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 -(-P)-- An
assertion that "ample evidence al-
ready is available that recovery ad-
ministration codes have been "pro-
moting monopoly" was thrust by Sen-
ator Borah today in the widening
debate over NRA continuance.
Even as he spoke President Roose-
velt worked on a special message to
be transmitted on Monday, recom-
mending a one-year extension of the
recovery act with authority for ex-
tending it another year if necessary.
"We cannot have too many facts,"
Borah said, "but there is already
ample evidence at hand .that monop-
oly under NRA is draining the pockets
of the average man in the United
States through price fixing.
"The anti-trust laws ought never
to have been suspended and in the
interest of humanity they ought to
be restored and enforced."
'Little World's Fair' Is To Be
Given In Detroit March 9-17
Future Of Education System
Discussed By Dean Edmonson
New outlooks for the educational
system were surveyed by Dean James
B. Edmonson of the School of Edu-I
cation in his discussion of "Schools
and Education in 1934," before a
group of parents and teachers in
Monroe this week.
More than 5,000 schools are ex-
pected to close by March 1, with not
and outstanding salary warrants
amounted to more than $100,000,000,
but kindergartens, playgrounds, eve-
ning classes and other essential serv-
ices have been eliminated from many
school programs.
"Among the new educational en-
terprises is the educational program
conducted in the Civilian Conserva-
tion Corps camps. All who are con-
cerned realize that effective rehabili-
"The Little World's Fair," that's
What they're talking about in Detroit
these days, and by that they mean
the Detroit and Michigan Exposition
which will be held March 9-17 in Con-
vention Hall in the Motor City.
According to the advisory commit-
tee, of which President Alexander G.
Ruthven is a member representing
education, the exposition will portray
the entire history and progress of
Michigan from its beginnings one
hindrdn vars ago Besides the Uni-
planned by exhibitors will follow the
modernistic style of A Century of
Progress, and others, the committee
in charge says, will introduce some
even more "bizarre" styles. The en-
trance of the hall, created especially
for the civic affair, showing a huge
wheel, representing business progress,
with the mighty arm of power turn-
ing it, is especially striking, those in
charge assert. Prizes of $45 each are
being offered for the most novel dec-
orative scheme.