The Weather Fair and cooler today;, fresh winds shifting to north north- west. Yl r e Sfr tgau ~1aitp Editorials The Case Against Hell Week . A Legalist Looks At NRA.. VOL. XLV. No. 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS 6 U-Boatst Reported Complete London Newspaper Says Submarines Are Ready To-Begin Maneuvers France Plans Air Alliance With Italy Members Of Parliament Charge Program Aimed At England LONDON, April 30.- (Tues- day)-(P)-The information that six German submarines have al- ready been completed and are ready to begin practice maneuvers off Wilhelmshaven, naval base in the North Sea, was plairhned today by the Daily Herald. The newspaper said "this sen- sational development was learned in London last night," claiming Germany's decision to build sub- marines was made last autumn and that construction of the U- boats began around Christmas at Hamburg, Stettin and Kiel. LONDON, April 29. - (/P) - Mem- bers- of Parliament, voicing the anger of the English people at Germany's submarine program, charged today that the U-boat building is aimed di- rectly at this country. They de- manded that the country take quick step~s in co-operation with other pow- ers to check further expansion of the Reich's armaments. - Ministers, headed by Premier Ram- say MacDonald, informally discussed the "legality" of the latest gesture of Reichsfuehrer Hitler in defiance of the Versailles Treaty and arranged for consultations with France and Italy. There were indications that a pro- test, probably in the form of a note, was under consideration, and also possible joint action of the powers atj Geneva. -c Churchill Asks Speed Winston Churchill, an exponent of a large air force, has been pressing for acceleration of this debate. "Almostk every day counts now," he said re- cently. Diplomatic circles here seemed con-t vinced that Gernmany's submarine1 program has been long considered but could easily be regarded as a reprisalc against the British vote at Geneva int support of the League Council's con- demnation of Germany, which Ger- - many'apparently has resented in view1 of the Hitler-Simon conversations be- fore the Stresa meeting.- PARIS, April 29. - (A) - France laid plans today to negotiate a mili- tary alliance with Italy, disclosingl simultaneously that .12 fast pursuitt planes have been assigned to patrol duty on the French frontier to keep German aircraft from spying upon French fortifications.1 Victor Denain, minister for air, an- npunced that he was going to Rome May 9 or 10 "to negotiate an air agreement, approved at the Stresaf conference, and to lay definite foun- dations of one."1 Air Pact Planned Meanwhile the French were leaving1 the handling of Germany's naval re- armament to England, although the7 naval minister Francois Pietri, left for London today. Denain's plans to go to Rome indi-1 cated that a general pact to join Eu- ropean air forces in combating a, danger of sudden attack will be dis- cussed in addition to a bilateral treaty. A Franco-Italian alliance would be extended even to commercial planes,, according to present plans. France, feeling Germany's sub- marine program "awakened England to the Hitler menace,".was now ready, officials said, to follow "in principle" whatever policy Britain adopts. .I The financing of France's 19351 naval program as well as her new air and land armaments will be dis- cussed in the, French cabinet tomor- row. The government faces the prob- lem of finding 2,000,000,000 francs al- ready voted for a national defensef and 25,000,000,00 for other purposes, including budget balancing. Wad Threat Seen TOKIO, April 29. - (P')- Japanese military leaders have issued a series, of statements designed to impress upon the people that war with Rus- sia is still a possibility. Although relations with the Soviets admittedly improved after sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway and al- ,i,,,crhMnzmwic noa hsohrbd by Only Females Are Reproduced By Museums' Amazonian Fish By FRED WARNER NEAL seums scientists it is remarkable that Ann Arbor is being invaded by Am- none of the tiny fish were seriously azons - Amazons of a scaly type to injured. be sure - but nevertheless that's The division here has been experi- what they are. "They" are "Mollies," menting with the "mollies" for three tiny female fish, whose peculiar prop- years now. "We have been most erty is mating with males of different careful in watching them," declared species to reproduce only female Mrs. Hubbs, "and throughout five "mollies," and they came nearly 3,000 generations, the Formosas still re- miles by airplane from Guatemala. produce like the mother, regardless The tiny freaks have just been re- of the fathers. It might be hundreds ceived at the University Museums, and of years before a Formosas' will be are the first results of the University found that will produce a male off- expedition to Central America, being spring., led by Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator There are supposed to be six recog- of the Zoology Museum fish division, nized species of mollienisia; with and Dr. Henry Vander Schalie of the many varieties or sub species. All mollusk division. have both male and female members Mating takes place between the fe- which produce live fish in the ordin- male "Formosa" and the male mem- ary manner, according to Museums bers of related species, but the result- zoologists, except for the peculiar va- ing offsprings are always females, riety of Amazon females which are a possessing the characteristics of the hybrid group. Regardless of which of mother, with no traces of the gaudy the males they are mated with, the colorings or fine fins of the father. results are always the same. As a result of this phenomenal situa- Attention was called that the "mol- tion, prolific "double crossers" now lies" play an important role in the infest tropical waters, as each mother story of evolution, inasmuch as hy- has hundreds of daughters but never bridization is one of the factors, even a son. This apparent case of earthen- though no genetic explanation for it ogenesis, offspring without a father, has been found. is the first among vertebrates known Another peculiar feature of Mol- to science. lienisia is their cannibalistic trait. The recent arrivais. which are Both the regular varieties and the on the average about half an inch in "Amazons" eat their offsprings. One length, were caught by Pfofessox tankful here have been broken of the Hubbs in Lake Petin. They were im- habit, either because of the improved mediately shipped to Florida by plane, feeding condition, or as Mrs. Hubbs and after a short rest there, were remarked with a smile, "because of taken by rail here. According to Mu- I improved social surroundings." Michigan Men Are To Return From Jungles Hubbs, Vander Schalie, Expedition Leaders, Will Sail May 4 The Hubbs-Vander Schalie expe- dition to Guatemala will leave the Central American jungles and sail for home May 4, a dispatch received at the University Museums yesterday disclosed. The expedition, headed by Prof. Carl L. Hubbs of the Zoology Museum fish division and Dr. Henry Vander Schalie of the mollusk division, will sail from Belize, British Honduras, the dispatch said. It is believed at the Museums that they will arrive here somewhere around May 10. It was originally believed that the sci- entists would not return until the middle of May. The rainy season in Central America, however, is reported to have started early. The expedition left Ann Arbor Jan. 27, for New Or-, leans, where it sailed across the Gulf of Mexico to Belize. After being held up for some time there when Prof. Hubbs and Dr. Vander Schalie missed their plane, they finally reached Flores, Guatemala, by way of Gaute- mala City. A good part of the terri- tory in which they have been work- ing was wholly unexplored, some, parts of it being termed "less known than the heart of Africa." They immediately began their work in Lake Petin, investigating some un- known deep water fauna and discov- ering some rare land shells. They also explored some heretofore un- known inland lakes in an attempt to find their outlets. These activities, together with the catching of some unusual specimens of fish and mol- lusks, enable them to term their ex- pedition "very successful." The expedition was sponsored by the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, D.C., which is making a re- search over a period of 20 years in the Central American country of the' ancient Maya Indians. Announcement Of Three-Day ParleyIs Made Chairmen Are Appointed To Lead Discussion On Current Topics The full program of the Spring Parley, which will begin its three-day session Friday in the Union, and the chairmen of the five discussion group3s of the Parley were announced, by the executive committee yesterday. Arrangements have been made for general meetings of the whole Parley at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Friday in the North Lounge of the Union and at 10 a.m. Sunday in the Union Ball- room. Two sessions of the Parley, at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, will be devoted to separate discussion groups on the sub-tropics which have been chosen to supplement the formal title of the Parley, which is "Values Involved in Social Conflict at the University of Michigan." Martin Wagner, Grad., . Rhodes scholar-elect; Cyril Hetsko, '36L, Law Review and on the Board of Gov- ernors in the Law School; Wilbert1 Hindman, Grad., Earhart Fellow; Winifred Bell, '36, chairman of the judiciary committee; and Irving Le- vitt, '36, president of the Council of Religion, were elected as chairmen of the sub-committees on "War," "Techniques of Social Action," "Aca- demic Freedom," "Political Philos- ophy," and "Racial Discrimination," respectively. Members of the executive commit- tee said that they expected to be able to announce the membership of the complete faculty panel today. The Parley will be opened. they declared, with short addresses by five members. On the following day, the group will split up into the five sub-com- mittees which will be led by the stu- with two or three members of- the faculty also present, and on Sunday the Parley will come together for the last time for a general summation of what has been accomplished, it was explained. Highest Court Fails To Pass O1nNRA Cases Says It Lacks Jurisdiel ion Over Constitutionality Of New York Law Validity Of Oil Code Also Disregarded Appeal In Motor Vehicle Case Is Dismissed For Improper Complaint WASHINGTON, April, 29. - (P) - The Supreme Court today refused to pass on several cases bearing on NRA enforcement. The court announced that it was without jurisdiction to rule on the constitutionality of a New York State law for enforcement of the NRA code of fair competition for the motor ve- hicle retailing trade, declining to re- view a decision by a three-judge Fed- eral Court which upheld the State act. In the motor vehicle case, theicourt said it was forced to dismiss the ap- peal because the Federal Court which sustained the State law had no juris- diction to consider the complaint and should have dismissed the suit. State Law Challenged The Spielman Motor Sales Co. had challenged the law when prosecuted on charges of selling automobiles be- low NRA code prices., It attacked the validity of the National Recovery Act, the NRA code.and the New York en- forcement law. The refusal to pass on the oil codes was on the ground that no question within its jurisdiction was presented in a case involving the Wilshire Oil Co., Inc., and other producers in the Santa Fe Springs and the Huntington Beach oil fields in Southern Cali- fornia. The controversy now goes back to the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for a ruling on a decision by the Federal District Court for Southern California prohibiting the oil companies, pend- ing further orders, from producing the product in excess of the amount allocated them by Secretary of In- terior Harold L. Ickes, administrator of the oil code. May Be Returned Instead of passing on the case the Court of Appeals asked the Supreme Court to decide whether Congress had fixed standards sufficiently definite to warrant the petroleum code, and if so whether the delegation of such power to the President was valid. After the Court of Appeals rules on the dispute it may be brought back to the high court for a final de- cision. Tha court adjourned without rul- ing on two cases in which decisions have been expected for several weeks. These cases involve ie constitution- ality of the Railway Pension and the Frazier-Lemke Farm Mortgage Mora- torium acts." Hell Week Pranks At Minnesota Are No Longer Menace MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., April 29. - (Big Ten) - In the future hotel night clerks may not have to deal out sta- tionery, golf courses may again leave out their flags at .night, household pets may be put out and people who have been troubled annually for their signatures may pursue their various professions undisturbed. Nearly all fraternities last week de- clared they planned to follow the In- terfraternity council's suggestion that Hell week activities be confined to houses. Neophytes will continue to drag themselves to ' campus restaurants where they will eat hamburgers and drink beer in a standing position. But the frantic wild goose chase and the early morning hitch hike from the country is nearly gone. BULLETIN LANSING, April 29.-(A')-The governor's leadership in the Sen- ate went down to defeat in a bit- ter battle tonight by a vote of 20 to 11 when the Senate concurred in house amendments to the bill abolishing the state Administra- tive board which made it unac- ceptable to the chief executive. The bill creates a state director G.O.P. Leaders Map 1936 Fight In Meeting Roosevelt Plans Hit Obstacles Filibuster On Anti-Lynch Bill Blocks Senate For Third Straight Day Republicans Seek Early Adjournment Program Of Work Relief Takes Shape With Hope Of EarlyProjects WASHINGTON, April 29-(W) - Roosevelt leaders in Congress today sought to spur their followers into more speed and "better cooperation" toward enacting the President's five- point legislative program before mid- summer, but ran into immediate dif- ficulties. For the third straight day the Sen- ate remained blocked in the grip of a filibuster by southenr Democrats against the anti-lynching bill. Added to this, Republican leaders, joined by a few Democrats, demanded that the list of "must" bills be shortened to make an early adjournment possible. Elsewhere is the capital of $4,800,- 000,000 work relief program took fur- ther shape as word was forthcoming that the President hoped to have un- der way by early summer projects that would bring low rental homes to city dwellers and improve living con- ditions for farmers of poor lands.,Sec- retary Ickes said after a confeence with the President that he had $100,- 000,000 in housing projects in 28 cities which he hoped to initiate by mid- August.' Refuses To Adjourn The Senate remained in the throes of a determined Southern filibuster against consideration of the Anti- Lynching Bill. Late in the afternoon, for the third time in as many :days, the Senate refused to side track the motion to consider the bill by voting down a proposal to adjourn by 38 to 37. i l r 1 r -Associated Press Photo. Meeting in Excelsior Springs, Mo., a score of mid-west Republican leaders czmurising an unofficial "grass roots" committee called by Har- rison E. Spangler (tep,right), national committeeman for Iowa, discussed a proposed regional meeting at which. a 1936 platform will be discussed. With Spangler is Arthur M. Hyde, former secretary of Agriculture.' Below are, left to right: Martin A. Nelson, Austin, Minn.; Senator C. H. McKenzie, St. Paul. New Issue Of French Club Technic Will Will Pr e s ent Appear Today PlayTonight Article By Thoren On 'Via 18th Century Comedy By Stratosphere' Is Feature Marivaux To & Offered Of Magzine By Cercle Francais The Cercle Francais will present its The April issue of the Michigan annual French play at 8:15 p.m. today Technic, first since the selection of at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The i new staff, will go on sale today in play, "Le Jeu de l'Amour et du Has- the East and West Engineering Build- ard," by Marivaux is the brilliant{ ings. comedy of the 18th century French1 Featured in this issue is an article theater. 'ntitled "Via Stratosphere" by Ru- The plays presented by the Cercle Dolph L. Thoren, '35E, dealing with Francais have been annual events for the problems and prospects of travel more than 25 years and present the 'n the stratosphere. unusual opportunity of hearing a cast Other articles in the magazine ire "Calorizing Steel," by Dr. Claude of student actors perform in the orig- L. Clark of the engineering school, inal French plays of the French 'State Registration for Engineers," theater. 'y Prof. Charles T. Olmstead of the This .year's choice has the addi- ngineering school, and "Camp Da- tional merit of being one of the truly vis, Dedicated to Surveying," by Prof. great French comedies of all time. larence T. Johnston, director of the The preparation of tonight's produc- camp. tion places heavy demands on the Honored this month in the "May skill of the actors and on their lin- We Present" columns are Thoren, 1 guistic ability. Prof. Rene Talamon, who is treasurer of the Aero branch and Charles Koella of the French de- of the American Society of Mechan- partment have been supervising the' ieal Engineering, Edward F. Jaros, work of the cast for several weeks. '35E, secretary of the Transportation Those who will take part in to- Club, Delbert P. Hesler, '35E, co- night's performance are Elisabeth 0. Thairman of the Military Ball, Oliver Laub, '36, Margaret Cutler, '36, Frank S. Spark, '35E, senior ball committee- W. Funk, '35, Maurice R. Demers, '35E, man, and George A. Dankers, Jr., Carl A. Nelson, '36, Vaudie Vanden- '35E, berg, '36, and Robert Hawley, '35. . I . Republican chiefs, joined by a few Democrats, clouded the situation fur- ther with demands that part of the Administration's agenda be scrapped to allow early adjournment. An open break between the Cham- ber of Commerce of the United States and Mr. Roosevelt on major policies appeared imminent as the Chamber, in annual convention, issued a re- port condemning the Administration's banking legislation. Charges that industry was "con- spiring" to defeat the American Fed- eration of Labor's legislative program were made at a rally of Federation leaders. William Gren, A.F. of L. president, said that dinners for Con- gressmen in swanky hotels here were only one part of industry's campaign to defeat the Wagner Labor Disputes Bill, the Black-Connery 30-hour Week Bill and the social security legislation. Wagner Bill Approved And, meanwhile, the Wagner Bill was approved by the Senates Labor Committee with but one strengthen- ing amendment - which would make it unfair labor practice for employers to refuse to bargain with represnta- tives of employees chosen under the method set up in the bill. The com- mittee agreed to report the bill to the Senate as soon as chairman David I. Walsh, of Massachusetts, could have iit printed and write the report. Opposition to NRA within Demo- cratic ranks broke into the open when Sen. William H. King, of Utah, in- troduced a bil lto abolish the Recovery Administration and transfer its fun- damental powers to the Federal Trade Commission. New Deal And AAA Policies Attacked BOSTON, April 29 -(;')- A con- certed attack on the New Deal and a bitter indictment of the AAA's cot- ton policies was promised tonight as Republican leaders of six states gath- ered here on the eve of a New Eng- land regional conference. A military declaration by U.S. rep- Resentative Joseph W. Martin, who headed the group seeking President Roosevelt's intervention in New Eng- land's textile crisis, sounded a key- note for the meeting. "The last two months plainly indi- cate-that the welfare of the textile in- dustry lies with the Republican party," Martin ,asserted on his arrival from Washington to attend the con- ference regarded nationally as the Prooram For Unemployed Youth Outlined By Professor Myers A four-point program for assisting unemployed youth, to be carried out by the public school system in collaboration with relief agencies, is outlined by Prof. George E. Myers of the educational school in an article entitled - "What of Unemployed Youth" appearing in the April issue of "Education" magazine. The plan calls for general educa- tion with attention to civic, social, and economic questions as well as to cultural interests, further prepara- tion for a suitable vocation, building up a wholesome recreational life, and developing the habit of participating wisely and effectively in community service activities. A substantial share of the Federal work relief funds, according to the who wish to participate in the pro- gram. The proposal further calls for par- ticipation by these youth for a min- imum of 20 hours a week in "an edu- cational, recreational, and unpaid community service program deter- mined in accordance with individual needs and liabilities." Comparing his 'proposal with "the human salvaging work of the CCC camps," Professor Myers says, "the program proposed here, carried on in the communities to which they (un-{ employed youth) belong and contrib- uting directly to the immediate im- provement of those communities should be no less effective in fitting youth for community life nor in con- tributing to social welfare." Professor Myers asserts that "un- a' Prominent Local Dog, Succumbs To Prolonged,,Ills Max Berry, distinguished member Max Berry's best day's work from of the University of Michigan's can- the standpoint of birds flushed was ine "set," died late Saturday night at made during an attempt to determine the home of his master, Prof. Howard the total population of game birds on M. Wight of the School of Forestry a 2,000-acre tract. nd Conservation, 1417 South Univer- .During the brief period of about sity Street. He was a Gordon setter, eight hours accompanied by the 11 years old, and his death was caused pointer, Professor Wight flushed 116 by a series of ailments resulting from birds. In this particular investiga- by seie ofaimens esutig fomtion no man or group of men could old age. have covered the area with the same Black-haired, sleek-appearing, and efficiency, he said. standing out from the rest of the Among the animals toward which campus dogs for his policy of never Max showed particular interest in his entering campus buildings, Max Ber- work were squirrels, rabbits'and eats, ry's chief claim to fame was the and on several occasions he attracted honor of establishing for his kind an Professor Wight's attention in a most enviable place in conservation work. amusing manner to skunks. A skunk In an interview yesterday-Professor 'was always quite a treat for him. He Wight ranked Max Berry along with seemed to consider it as something Rin Tin Tin, former national favorite entertaining instead of something to of moviedom, as two dogs that have chose, for he would stand over a "done most in their respective fields skunk with front legs spread apart, for the advancement of the canine tongue out and ears up, his tail wag- world." ging happily. Trained especially for his unique Mention should be made of one