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April 28, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-28

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____ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___TRE, MICflI(JA cDA-LtyS


RDJ -do= m -"
Pubii ied every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
csoci dted WO ltgi te rtas
==1934 ' Z A135 .
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
publishedrherein. All rights of republication of special dis-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00: by mail,
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development of personality. The worst of it is that
the lack of a pleasing personality may be chiefly
the fault of the individual -or of his earlier
teaching -but it reflects on the institution which
sends him out to make a living without developing
him more fully.
No very direet attempt is made in college either
to impress on the student the necessity for acquir-
ing a pleasing personality or tp aid him in gaining
that attribute. All the social contacts furnished in
the course of four years of college life frequently
fail to help just those persons who need help most.
It is easy to understand why schools have en-
countered difficulties in advancing the cause of
personality development. With all the advances
made in education, however, this particular field
should receive increased attention in succeeding
When it is indispensable not only in applying for
a position, but in all of the business of living as
well, that the individual be endowed with a winning
manner; it should not be too much to assume that
there will eventually be a regular course or courses
in personality development - and compulsory at
i~~'Others fee It]

CITY EDITOR ... ................JOHN HEALEY
SPORTS EDITOR ....................ARTHUR CAI4STEN$
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. laherty,
Thomas E.Groehn, ThomasA hF. Klene, David 0. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, 'leanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.


REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon iV. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralp W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. ed,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard' Weissman. George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
e t Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
4nd Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diejendozf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffitl. Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte
1'ueger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
grad. Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDIT MANAGER ...................ROBERT S. WARD
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS : LOcal Advertising, John Og-
den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts,
Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation
and National Advertising, David Win wath; Classified
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William
Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park,
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Charles W. Barkdull, Daniel C. Beisel, Lewis E. Bulkeley,
John C. Clark. Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Cioushore,
Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf-
son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, Donald R. Knapp, William C. Knecht, R. A.
Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann,
Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M.
Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A.
Starsky, Nathan B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy
Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord.



Spring Parley
Searchlight ...

Not Just Acts Of God
(From the Minnesota Daily)
BELIEVING that "failure is not just an act of
God," Benjamin E. Mallary of the Bureau of
Vocational Education at the University of Cali-
fornia advocates a course in "How Not to Flunk."
While the suggestion is one which might prompt
professorial snickers, it is certain to have the ap-
proval of the majority of college students who many
times during their college years slip perilously near
the danger zone.
Such a course, titled in some universities, "The
Business Technique of Being a Student," would
probably correspond to the "How to Study" course
offered on this campus. A "How Not to Flunk"
course would be far more popular, however, be-
cause it would attract those who are somehow not
intere'ted in "how to study," but hag~e a very keen
interest in "how not to flunk."
When all the psychological explanations for in-
efflciency in study are exhausted, students might
return as a last resort to the old one-word formula
- "study." It might possibly be one solution to the
problem of flunks.
Resting On Our Laurels
(From the Southern California Daily Trojan)
HOWHAS S.C.'S PRESTIGE been built up na-
tionally? It has been largely through the ex-
ploits of the track and football teams in Eastern
contests. One football game against Notre Dame
at South Bend or Chicago does more to spread the
"fair name" of Southern California nationwide
than a dozen games played here in Los Angeles.
And by participating in, and winning, the I.C.-
A.A.A.A. track meet held at Philadelphia or Cam-
bridge, the Cardinal and Gold cinder men have
made track and S. C. synonymous in the minds of
the Eastern and Midwestern sports-minded.
Let us not fool ourselves by thinking that S.C.
grew from a "small-time school" to one of the
greatest in the nation merely because we have an
excellent medical school, for instance. Or for any
scholastic reason, though there is no questioning
that these are the things that have made it a really
great school, in itself.
But what has made this possible?
The fame achieved through athletic successes
that is S.C.'s has brought tuition-paying students
from all over the country, and from many foreign
nations as well.
They may nt have come because they hoped to
play on the great Trojan teams or even because
they wanted to bask in the glory that the various
athletic teams brought to the school. But - it was
these very same athletic teams, through their vic-
tories over i@tionally-known opponents and in im-
portant meets, that put the name of Southern Cal-
fornia in the minds of all those intersted in at-
tending a college.
It has been the I.C.A.A.A.A. championships of
the track team giat put Troy on the track and field
roster of imnportance; so why, when S.C. has per-
haps the greatest collection of stars in its history,
should it spurn an opportunity to further its glories
through a lack of interest?
Advertising is based on the idea that though the
original outlay may seem high, the increased re-
turns which are directly attributable to this ad-
vertising more than pay for the original expendi-
ture. Certain short-sighted business men will not
advertise because it means immediate added ex-
penditures, not seeing that there is an increase in
profits through this self-same advertising.
Perhaps it does cost a considerable sum of money
to snd some two dozen athletes all the way across
the country for a track meet, but wouldn't the in-
crease in prestige and the added revenue to be
derived from this prestige make it worthwhile?
Education In A Hurry
(From the Daily Wlhini)
HE UNIVERSITY of Chicago student who made
such a stir in the press when he recently grad-
uated from that university with his degree of bach-
elor of arts after only 20 months of study pro-
nounced a serious indictment of modern educa-
tional systems when he said he cut classes so fre-
quently because it was foolish to listen to lectures
when he could get the same material more easily
by reading texts and other books.
That this student was abnormal and not a good
example upon which to base a general rule cannot
be disputed. Yet he touched a serious defect when

he pointed out that in many cases the lectures
of professors and instructors add nothing to the
knowledge of the student beyond that which in-
telligent reading could have given him.
'There are many students who need the repeti-
tion in class to grasp the subject - the question

Received in the morning mail from L.O.E., '3:
Some day I'll inherit a fortune
From somebody, God knows who!
And then I'll give to this darn old school
Some gifts - not many - a few.
Under each tree on the campus
I'll place a secluded seat,
So to find a place to pleasantly rest
Won't be such a difficult feat.
And every seat in the classrooms
Will have an adjustable back,
And there'll be clocks on the mirrored walls;
Of the time we'll all keep track.
There'll be no more congestion
On the diagonal 'tween each class,
Moving sidewalks will convey
The peaceful passive mass.
Oh, when I inherit that fortune
From somebody (praised be he!)
This place will be a paradise
For a lazy guy like me.
* : :
Here's an item coming from the Indiana Daily
Student taken from the Daily Tar Heel:
"William Randolph Hearst is something of a
puzzle to most undergraduates and we are no ex-
ceptions. "Red Baiting Bill" is one of the big army
and navy men who believes that anything that is
radical will destroy his pet theory of nationalism,
anQ at the same time he tales an extremely radical
stand towards economic inter-dependence,
"Undergraduates, on the whole, have little re-
spect for Mr. Hearst, except that he seems to be,
on the surface, sincerely interested in what he is
fighting for. Recent analysis of the Hearstian
complex shows a decidedly crooked path of U'ears-
tian endeavor, crooked in that "Red Baiting Bill"
has deviated from a consistent policy.
"We agree with the Hearstian opposition. Mr.
Hearst is not Uncle Sam; he's a menace."
* * * *
A professor at the University of Illinois tells
a story of a young Englislm teacher who began
teaching in the grades. She opened her first
class by laying down the law, telling the chil-
dren what would be expected of them, and
above all, what would not be permitted. She
said, "There are two words that I positively
will not allow anyone to use in this class.
They are 'lousy' and 'screwy'."
She paused' a moment to let it sink in, but
one little fellow got impatient and asked,
"What are the words teacher?"
The freshman at the Uiversity of Ugaryland
moaned and sighed; he wrote, thought, erased, and
wrote some more. Much business of head-scratch-
ing; more furtive looks at his neighbor's paper.
Finally, came the end. He wrote at the end of his
"Dear professor: If you sell any of these an-
swers to the humor magazines, remember I want
my cut."



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Off The Record

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. .

T HE SPRING PARLEY will hold its
annual three-day session next week-
end. Again Michigan students will be given the
opportunity to raise questions before a multi-par-
tisan group and have them thrashed out squarely
Not designed to settle problems or to pass resolu-
tions, the Spring Parley is intended, however, to
bring out into the light any soiled linen that should
be laundered with the soap of public opinion.
In a period when faction is striving against
faction, when radical and liberal thought clash
with reactionary and conservative thought and
when misunderstanding and confusion is rife, it is
urgent that some clearing house of ideas be set
up, if only to clarify the issues at stake. The Spring
Parley is such a clearing house.
Parleys of the past have never been faced with
the significant issues which now confront the 1935
gatherings. Problems had only been developing
during the previous years. Now many have come
to a head, and the campus and the world cries out
for their solution.
The Parley will not dodge these issues. The title,
itself, "Values Involved in the Social Conflict at
Michigan," shows that the Parley leaders are fully
aware which way the tide is ebbing. The selection
of the five sub-topics to be brought up for dis-
cussion - "Academic Freedom," "Technique for
Social Action," "Race Discrimination," "War,"
and "Political Philosophy,"- only emphasizes this
awareness of crucial issues.
Next week anybody and everybody who has a
bohe to pick, a question to raise, or a point to be
clarified, will have the opportunity to talk. Fac-
ulty men will be present to sharpen the ,wits; as
many students as possible who have something to
say will be heard and will be answered. Most im-
portant, the real University of Michigan will be
given a chance to dome out of hiding so that we
may all see what it truly is.
The Personality
Problem . ..
T HE STORY of the young job-seeker
walking more or less jauntily into
an office with a diploma under one arm and a Phi
Beta Kappa key on his watch chain - and then
walking disconsolately out again -is too true to be
*...-.-...Tf hann,narv _Tnn -nrnd a ar?, nr

MARY ROBERTS RINEHART, the writer, was
asked at a Washington party which included
people from the four corners of the nation, what
single sentence expressed the deep South most
perfectly in her mind.
She thought a split second, smiled mischieviously,
and said:
"Take two and butter them while they're hot."
Policeman E. Ficklin Brown, who guards the
main entrance of the Senate, never has drawn
a gun on anyone.
He doesn't have to. He stands six feet, nine-
and-a-half inches, and weighs 305 pounds.
He is 29 years old.
ONLY a few minutes are absorbed when the Pres-
ident stops work to press a button at his
desk, and open a fair which may be thousands of
miles away.
Ever.y room the President uses in the White
House has a telegraph wire outlet. When time
for the ceremony arrives, "Doc" Smithers, the
White House wire chief, comes in carrying the gold
telegraph key which always is used for such occa-
He plugs it in, pulls out his watch and signals
the President who presses the key,
The key was given to President Taft to open the
1909 Alaska-Yukon exposition. It never has been
used by anyone except presidents or presidents'
AMBROSE O'CONNELL, executive assistant to
Postmaster General Farley, has a story to tell
of governmental hazards.
He picked up a phone to call a PWA divion.
Right in the middle of the conversation the pleas-
ant-voiced secretary stopped short and uttered a
terrified scream. Dead silence followed.
O'Connell's hair stood on end. He could get no
answer. Just as he was tearing out to cross wide
government lawns to see what had happened, the
phone rang.

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