GE SIX TIHE MICHIGA N DAILY. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 Tax CollectionS Are Improving, Survey Shows Washtenaw And Nearby Counties Show Rise In Payment Of Taxes ; The results of a tax history study and survey made in 16 counties of Michigan by the Bureau of Govern- ment of the University and the Mich- igan Municipal league have receently been announced by Harold D. Smith as showing a noticeable increase dur-! ing the past year in the paying up of delinquent, or "back" taxes, and in the prompt payment of current taxes. These results are termed of partic- ular interest at the present time be- cause of the agitation in certain quar- ters for legislative action concerning the cancellation of delinquent prop- erty taxes. Washtenaw county is one of the centers of the movement, and has been covered by the survey. Washtenaw Included This study, according to Mr. Smith, who is director of the Michigan Mu- nicipal League, emphasizes the turn taken for the better in current and delinquent tax collections in most of these counties including Washtenaw during the past fiscal year. All too often, Mr. Smith stated, the public discussion of what is happen- ing to the property tax, particularly! concerning its ability to share in the. support of the government," is shot through with a maximum of vagaries and a minimum of facts purporting to show that year by year these de- linquencies are massing and piling up -on the state, while inequal propor- tion, current collections of taxes are falling off. This reasoning, Mr. Smith empha- sized, hints that catching up in their public obligations is impossible for persons who have become delinquents, and that the only way out for the government is to cancel all delin- quencies, particularly those long past due, or to exempt certain classes of property, notably those having had the largest delinquencies in the past,, or as a last resort, to trade prompt current ,payments in the future for, past delinquencies of one sort or an-; other. Would Relieve Delinquents Each or any of these alternatives,; Mr. Smith added, would destroy the government's equities in anticipated collections of delinquencies, and would relieve delinquent property holders of their debt and of their proper public obligation to pay their1 fair share 'for governmental services. Non#delinquent property owners have already sacrificed themselves to pay; for these services, he said. This survey to date indicates that in the main citizens are not only paying their current taxes, but are also catching up with their past de- linquencies, and that the number of property holders who would suffer unjustly if delinquent taxes were can- celled after they had paid theirs is steadily increasing. Concluding on an optimistic note, Mr. Smith particularly praised the work of the HOLC, the farm loans of which are resonsible, according to the results of the survey, for much of the increased tax payment. The HOLC has extended some loans on tax de- linquencies; the total being estimated to form 10 per cent of last year's de- linquencies, and has been vital in encouraging the farmers of the vari- ous communities in which it has worked.1 Semester Starts InI Freshman College The Ann Arbor Freshman College will open its second semester Mon- day, according to an announcement received from the office of the super- intendent of schools. All those interested in registering are advised to apply for admission to- day at the superintendent's office in the Ann Arbor High School on State! Street. The courses which are to be given are history, English, French, C rman, mathematics, zoology and bo tany. Macon Disaster Survivors Brought Ashore Senior, Graduat Students To Get _ _ By RALPH W. HURD Opportunities for senor and grad- uate aeronautical engineers to obtain flight training at the Naval Air Sta- tion. Pensacola, Fla., were presented yesterday by Lieut. Harlan K. Per- ril, of the United States Navy, who is now taking graduate work at the University. Seniors who receive their degrees in June, and recent graduates, who are unmarried and between the ages of 21 and 27, are eligible for this training, he said. R.O.T.C. training is not required for the work, nor is previous aviation experience. In describing the connections of the University with the Navy, Lieu- tenant Perrill pointed out the fact i hat for years the Navy department has sent officers here to study explo- sives, and also in the last two years! has embarked on a policy of sending One Cent Rise Of Milk Prices iNOW In Effect Ann Arbor Cost Is Still Lower Than Charge In Detroit The one cent increase in local milk prices that was voted Wednesday by producers and distributors of the dis- trict became effective at noon yester-' da fy. The increase, which still makes the nrice in Ann Arbor a cent lower than in Detroit, was agreed on in a meet- ing called by a deputy representative of theAgriculture Adjustment Ad- ministration. The reason for the increase was given as an effort to get milk into Ann Arbor from producers who would otherwise take advantage of the high- er price in the metropolitan market. Milk tested for four per cent but- ter fat is increased from 10 cents to 11 cents a quart and from five to six cents a pint, while Jersey and Guern- sey milk, testing four and seven tenths in butter fat, is raised from 11 to 12 cents per quart and from six to sev- en cents per pint. Jersey with five and four tenths butter fat now sells for 13 cents a quart and eight cents a pint. e Aeronautical Flight Training aviators here to study aviation power plnnrs. there being four this year. In addition to this until two years ago a course in Naval Aviation was u.__ered on the campus to seniors in- sre4ed in becoming aviators in the Naval Reserve. This course was dis- continued largely because of the shortage of funds for training such personnel, he stated. In spite of the fact, however, two Michigan graduates were sent to the Naval Air Station at Pensacola last summer and according to the latest reports are getting along with "fly- ing colors," Lieutenant Perrill said. This year, along with the revived public interestain the Navy has come a "New Deal" for Naval Reserve Avia- tion, he continued. The Director of Budget has provided for the flight training of approximately 360 re- serves, this figure being subject to the amount finally appropriated by Congress. All indications, however. Lieutenant Perrill predicted, pointed to the authdrization for this number by Congress. This will mean that from the area served by the Naval Reserve Air Base at Grosse Ile, which includes the University of Michigan, about 60 stu- dents will be sent to Pensacola dur- ing the coming summer, he said. Lieutenant Perrill plans to give a short talk on this subject at the meet- ing of the aeronautical engineers division of the A.S.M.E. which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Union. He will interview all those who are interested in fuller details after the meeting. Relief Views Upheld -Associated Press Photo. In this Associated Press picture is shown a group of survivors of the ill-fated dirigible Maron, as they landed at San Francisco aboard the U. S. S. Richmond after the big airship had sunk in the Pacific off Point Sur, Calif., in the third major disaster for naval aircraft in recent years. Interchangie Of Students With Japan Is Urge Senator Thomas Suggests Proposal As Means To Better 'Understanding' WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. - OP) - An interchange of students with Ja- pan was proposed today by Senator Thomas (Dem., Utah), as a means of bringing about a better and "neces- sary understanding" between the two countries. Otherwise, Thomas, who spent five years as a teacher in Japan, said, he feared that distrust between the two nations would grow until it brought war within the next ten years. The quiet-spoken Utah Democrat said such a conflict would be "the bloodiest ever known to the world." He suggested that Congress pro- vide an annual appropriation for five years to bring deserving Japanese stu- dents to the United States universities and colleges. It would, through the state department, ask Japan to make similar provisions for financing stu- dents from the United States in Jap- anese institutions of higher learning. The Utah senator said at least 10,- 000 students from the oriental nation could study here for four years each "at a total cost of but slightly more than one battleship." "Thus for but a little more than the cost of a battleship to each, Japan and the United States could guaran- tee peace in the Pacific where war would be foolish and disastrous," he insisted. "Nations that understood each other and have no fear of each other will never fight. What better way is there to obtain this necessary understanding and trust with its re- sulting guarantees of peace?" FERA STUDENTS TO DANCE All University students working on FERA jobs have been invited to at- tend, free of charge, the weekly dances held from 9 to 12 p.m. every Saturday night in the Unitarian; Church. A five-piece orchestra and entertainment are features of the dances. NEW CARS FOR TAXI SERVICE PP H H NO 4545 CAMPUS CABS 24-HOUR SERVICE I. T-HES( AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN An Art Cinema League Presentation "THE GOOD COMPANIONS" Unlike any of the Art Cinema League presentations to date, "The Good Companions" is a musical com-1 edy, light, gay, and oh, so veddy, veddy British! 'As such it will amuse most of those who see it, and espe- cially those who do not make a very critical comparison between it and American musical movie, which, even in its most mediocre examples, is a far superior" medium of entertain- ment. The basic elements of "The Good Companions" are a very sketchy -and poorly put together adaption of the CREEN * plot of J. B. Priestly's novel, three songs which just miss being hits, and Miss Jesse Mathews (which means a beautiful figure topped by a Lor- etta Youngish head which produces lots of pep). Among the minor at- tractions might be considered the fact that everyone in the cast is Eng- lish and consequently has the accent which never fails to amuse American audiences. There is not much more, however. The whole production is haphazard, the photography and direction'being poor, and the acting too hurried and sketchy. It is all thrown together, and the producers have missed many opportunities to create a good show. -C.B.C. Recent Graduates Of Library At Work All students who received degrees in library science last June have obtained full-time positions, it was announced recently by Dr. William W. Bishop, librarian of the Univer- sity and head of the department of library science. Some of these positions are temp- orary, Dr. Bishop explained, several of the graduates working on FERA projects in public libraries in Mich- igan and other states. Also, he added, salaries are considerably lower than they have been in former years. "However, in spite of these factors," Dr. Bishop continued, "according to reports received by us, no other school has an equivalent record of having obtained employment for all mem- bers of last year's graduating class. 'Commons Has Confidence In ReliefPolicy LONDON, Feb. 15. --(P) -A de- termined labor effort to have the House of Commons censure Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald's gov- ernment for its unemployment relief policy went down to overwhelming defeat late last night. The vote, coming after charges and countercharges had been hurled back and forth as MacDonald fought back stoutly at his adversary, was 374 to 68. MacDonald, striking out lustily in reply to his critics in the labor and liberal . camps, charged the labor party with "making political capital out of the unemployed." George Lansbury, veteran labor leader, who moved the motion of non-confidence in the national gov- ernment, asserted MacDonald's min- istry had "forfeited the confidence of the country" in handling the unem- ployed assistance bill. All Shades Spring Lining Tailored to Fit, $22 and up Chas. Doukas, Custom Tailor 1319 South University I -- 0 The selection, buying and preparation of the right kinds of Turkish tobaccos for making Chesterfield Cigarettes is a business in itself. XYJE have buyers in all the to- bacco markets of Turkey and Greece, including Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Samsoun. And at Smyrna Chesterfield GORDON QUARTET JACQUES GORDON, 1st Violin PAUL ROBYN, Viola DAVID SACKSON, 2nd Violin NAOUM BENDITZKY, Cellist has built the most modern to- bacco plant in the Near East. Here the spicy, aromatic Turkish leaf is sorted and graded under the eyes of our own tobacco men. Then it is put away to age in its own climate for two years or more to make it milder and better-tasting. When you blend and cross-blend the right kinds of aromatic Turkish tobacco with mild ripe home-grown tobaccos as we do in Chesterfield you have .. . the cigarette that's milder the cigarette that tastes better ((,L YA 1 1 1 IW7\o - 00 aAA. rrolorrr