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April 27, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-27

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lu i the u1letta Is constructive notice to all members of the
un t y .r d t1e office of the Assistant to the Presideut

House Apprves Naval
Appropriation M easure
WASHINGTON, Aril 26 - (P) -
.The House passed with thundering
chorus of "ayes" today the record
regular Naval Appropriation Bill for
peace-time - a $460,000,000 measure
to build the fleet to treaty strength.
The measure now goes to the Sen-
ate, where expected passage will
boost the Administration's 1936 de-
fen program close to the billion
dollar mark when coupled with the
recently enacted Army Appropriation
The laying down of 24 more ships
toward a treaty strength Navy by
1942, adding 11,00 enlisted men and
building of 555 new airplanes, is pro-
vided in the measure.
Cpdciemned in debate as prepara-
tipa for foregin wars and defended
as essential to peace-time defense,
th bill complements the $400,000,-
000 War Department supply measure.
Hutton Railway Car In
Detroit Starts Rumors
DETROIT, April 26 -(I)-Pres-
ence of the Hutton family's private
railway car, "The Curleyhut," in the
yards at the Union station here led
to rumors today that Princess Barbara
Hutton Mdivani was aboard.
Efforts to cofirm the report were
fruitless. Burley railroad detectives
refused to permit anyone to approach
the car, and station officials would
inake no statement.
Franco-Russian Pact
Ironed Out By Powers
PARfS, April 26 -(A)- France and
Russia today smoothed out the last
rugh spots in their proposed mutual
military assistance pact, and tonight
it was confidently expected the agree-
irnt would be initialed tomorrow
A 75-minute conference between
Foreign Minister Pierre Laval and
Ambassador Vladimir Potemkin, of
Russia, at the Quay d'Orsay sufficed
to reconcile conflicting views* as to
the text of the treaty.
A virtual military alliance linking
the two former Allies, the new agree-
ment promises France the help of
Russia's huge red army and Russia
the aid of France's blue-uniformed
police in the event either is attacked.
State Denies H uptmann
Plea On 'Error' Charge
TRENTON, April 26-(IP)-The
state entered formal denial today to
defense charges of "error" in Bruno
Richard Hauptmann's trial for the
murder of the Lindbergh baby.
Prosecutor Anthony M. Hauck, Jr.,
of Hunterdon County filed with the
Court of Errors and Appeals a 100-
wrd "answer" to the voluminous de-
fense document asking reversal of
Hauptmann's conviction.
Nuns To Handle Nursing
Of Dionne Quintuplets
NORTH BAY, Ont., April 26 -(P)-
-e igious sisters, members of the Or-
der of the Grey Nuns of the Pem-
broke diocese, will take over nursing
duties to the Dionne quintuplets June
1, Judge J. A. Valin, chairman of the
board of guardians, announced today.
The Ontario Red Cross has main-
tained the nursing staff at the Da-
foe Hospital and borne other expenses
since the five baby girls were born,
May 28, 1934.
Judge Valin said that Mme. Luise
de Kiriline had asked to be relieved of
her duties as head nurse at the hos-
At Toronto, Leo Kervin, manager
for Mr. and Mrs. Oliva Dionne, said

that although the quintuplets's par-
ents would prefer to have Roman
Catholic sisters care for the babies,
they would not be satisfied until they
have complete control of their five
little daughters.

'SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1935 -
VOL. XLV No. 149I
-Marsh and Mandebaum Scholar-I
ships: During the current semester
the Colleges of Literature, Science,
and the Arts will award three Mandle-
baum Scholarships and two or more1
Marsh Scholarships for the year 1935-
36. Application blanks are now avail-
able in the office of the Dean of the
College, and must be returned to that'
office on or before April 30. These
scholarships are restricted to stu-
dents enrolled only in the Literary
College. In making the awards, con-
sideration will be given to the char-'
acter, financial need, and scholarship'
of the applicants, in the order named.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tifica'te for June who have not com-
pleted the personnel records on file
in the Recorder's office of the School
of Education must do so on Saturday,
May 4 (not April 27 as previously an-
nounced), 9 o'clock, Room 4200 U.
Sophomore Engineers: Class jack-
ets may be ordered at Masten and
Chase, 211 S. Main St. These jack-
ets must be ordered before May 2.
Picture of Cheering Group at the
Stadium will be taken on May 4 in-
stead of April 27.
Students Interested in Spring Frolic
Those students who are interested in
securing tickets for the Spring Frolic
can get tickets at the Information
Desk on the fourth floor of the Uni-
versity High School or by calling
Charles Emling at 7071.
Contemporary: The manuscript
deadline has been set ahead to Sat-
urday, May 4. All manuscripts should
be submitted to Contemporary office,
Student Publications Building.
Academic Notices
History 12: The mid-semester
make-up examination in Lectures I,
II and III will be given Saturday a.m.,
April 27, at 9, in 1018 A.H.
Geology It: There will be a field
trip Saturday at 8 a.m. Please bring
50 cents for bus fare.
Free Lecture On Christian Science
by Robert Stanley Ross, of New York
City, Saturday, April 27, at 8 p.m.,
in Hill Auditorium. Under auspices
of Christian Science organization.
The public is cordially invited.
Exhibition - Architectural Build-
ing: Water color paintings made in
Europe and in this country by Henry
F. Stanton, Detroit architect, are
now on exhibition in the ground floor
corridor, Architectural Building. Open
daily, 9 to 6, through April 27.
Events Today
Women Students: There will be a
supper hike this evening to which all
are invited. Bring your own supper
and meet at the W.A.A. Building at 5
p.m. We will be back by 7:30.
Cosnopolitan Club: Annual Spring
Informal Dance from 8 to 12 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Gents, 50 cents. Ladies
Coming Events
Vocational Series - Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: A meeting will be held on Tues-
day, April 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1025 Angell Hall for students in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in future
work in forestry. The meeting, will
be addressed by Dean S. T. Dana of
the School of Forestry.
The next meeting in the vocational

series, to be addressed by Prof. H. B.
Lewis, director of the College of
Pharmacy, will be held on May 2.
Acolytes: A meeting will be held
on Monday, April 29, 7:30 p.m., Room
202 South Wing. Professor A. H.
Copeland will read a paper on "The
Foundations of Probability."
Graduate Education Club meeting,
Monday, April 29, 7:10 p.m., Univer-

sity Elementary School Library. C.'
L. Crawford will talk on "Differential
Purchasing Power In Michigan" and
Lee Thurston on "A County Survey."''
Meeting open to all interested.
Alpha Kappa Dciia meeting Tues-
day, April 30, at the home of Prof.l
Roy H. Holmes, 706 Monroe Ave.
Prof. Holmes will speak on "ApplyingI
the Letter Technique to Rural Re-t
search in Michigan" after which there
will be a group discussion.
Athena, women's honorary speech
society, will meet Wednesday, May 1,
7:30 p.m., Athena Room. Members
unable to be present are required to
make a satisfactory excuse to Mar-
garet Dunn, secretary, before the
Genesee Club meeting on Sunday,
4:30 p.m., in the Russian Tea Room
of the League. Professor Baxter will'
give an illustrated lecture on Alas-
ka. This is to be a dinner meeting
so members please make reservations
as soon as possible with the president.
All Graduate Students are invited
to attend a bird walk Sunday morn-
ing. The Graduate Outing Club, un-
der the direction of George Wallace,
will meet at the animal cage behind
the University Museum at 6 a.m.
Breakfast will be served at a charge
of 20 cents.
Vanguard Club meeting Tuesday,
April 30, 7:45 p.m., Union. Prof.
Preuss, of the Political Science de-
partment, will speak on German rac-
ial ideology and its influence on Ger-
man politics. All interested are cor-
dially invited.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Sun-
9:45 a.m.-- A class for young men
and women of college age meets in
the balcony of the church auditor-
ium. Dr. Roy Burroughs is leading
discussions on the Wesleyan Move-
ment and the Industrial Revolution.
10:45 a.m. - Morning worship serv-
ice. M. Guillaume Fatio, visiting
professor from Geneva, will speak
on "Education for International Un-
12:10-12:40 p.m.-The usual class
for young men and women will not
meet until next Sunday because of
the Wesleyan Guild cabinet week-end
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Age, Sunday:
6:00 p.m. -Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Hour. Installation service will
be held at this time for new officers
and council members in Stalker Hall.
Fellowship supper after the meeting.
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m. - Mr. Sayles will preach
on the topic, "Concerning God."
12:00 noon-Student class in
Guild House. "The Eighth Century
Hebrew Commonwealth." Mr. Chap-
6:00 p.m.- Roger Williams Guild
meets at Guild House. The Rev. L.
L. Finch, associate minister of the
First Methodist church will speak,
using as his subject Dr. E. Stanley
Jones' last volume, "Christ's Alterna-
tive for Communism." A cordial in-
vitation is extended to all students in-
terested in the building of a new so-
cial order.
Refreshments, discussion and a so-
cial hour will follow the address.
Unitarian Church: Annual meet-
ing of the Parish tomorrow. Devo-
tional service at 5:15 p.m. Mr. Mar-
ley will talk on, "A Minister Looks
At the Church." Buffet supper at
6:30. Presentation of reports and
election of Trustees will take place
at 7:30. There will be an exhibi-
tion of works of art of certain mem-
bers and friends of the church.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy

Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church School,
11 a.m. Kindergarten, 11 a.m. Morn-
ing Prayer and Sermon by the Rev.
Edward M. Duff, the Easter music will

be repeated by the men and boy's
choir, 5 p.m. Young People's Fellow-
ship meeting in Harris Hall.
Appcntrments of the Disciples
(Church of Christ) Guild, Sunday:
10:45 a.m. - Morniig worship serv-
12:00 noon-The Upper Room
Bible Class taught by Mr. Pickerill.
5:30 p.m.-Tea and social hour.
6:30 p.m. - Discussion meeting,
topic, "The Church in the Modern
7:20 p.m. -Evening worship serv-
All friends and members of the
guild are cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
Harris Hall, Sunday:
Sunday evening there will be the
regular student meeting in Harris
Hall at 7 o'clock. Dean Alice Lloyd
will speak on, "My Ideas of Educa-
tion." All students and their friends
are cordially invited to attend.
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liams at S. Fifth Ave., Sunday:
10: 30 a.m. - Morning worship serv-
ice. Sermon by the Rev. Henry Yod-
er. Theme, "Living With Christ."
4:00 p.mn. - Lutheran Student Club
hike and outing. Meet at Zion Luth-
eran Parish Hall at 4. Transporta-
tion will be provided.
Spaker Says
Research Has
Great Benefits
Dr. Chapman Shows That
Business Gains Accrue
From Research
Declaring that scientific advance-
ment has by no means reached its
culmination, Dr. Royal N. Chapman,
Dean of the Graduate School and
Director of the Experimental Station
of the University of Hawaii, spoke
yesterday in Natural Science Audi-
torium on the subject of "Creative
Research and Human Affairs" in an-
other of the University lecture series.
There is a school of thought, he
said, which believes that science is
susceptible to'the "law of diminishing
returns" and that it has today reached
its furthest -extent.
In refutation, he quoted, Commis-
sioner of Labor Phillips, who after
a two-year research, in 1886 advised
young men to disregard science for it
had reached its furthest development.
At this time, he pointed out, the
Wright brothers, Einstein, and other
scientific greats of today were young-
sters and who, if they had heeded
his advice, would not have served
humanity as they did.
That business regards creative re-
search as beneficial is apparent ac-
cording to statistics given by Dr.
Chapman. In 1928, of 800 executives
questioned, only three indicated their
disapproval of it. Again in 1931, af-
ter two years of the depression, a
large majority of these same men de-
clared their belief in creative re-
search, opining that the restoration
of good times rested in furthering it.
Of the degradations to human af-
fairs which would be possible if crea-
tive research were abandoned, Dr.
Chapman cited the thr~atening ex-
termination of the grape fruit crop
in Hawaii several years ago. The
salvation of the crop rested in a man
who had done extensive laboratory
research of the bug which was des-
troying the grapefruits. Only by
retaining creative research, he pointed
out, will the constant threats to
human affairs be warded off.

Senate Defeats
Bill To Delay
Tax Payments
Motion For Postponement
Until Nov. I Falls Two
Short OfMajority
LANSING, April 26. - UP) - The bi-
ennial attempt to postpone the date ofj
the payment of taxes met defeat in
the Senate today.
Fifteen senators, two short of the4
necessary majority, voted for the
Nichols House bill permitting tax-'
payers to meet their levies by Nov. 1
without general penalties and interest
charges. Amendments to the meas-
ure, however, had provided that in-
terest charges would not be canceled
on special assessments and that a 4
per cent collection fee would be levied
for all late payments.
Senator Don Vander Werp, (Rep.,
Freemont), led the opposition to the
measure. He charged that the Legis-
lature "lYas been postponing the col-
lection date so long that the people
have begun to expect such action. We
will never get people to pay their taxes
on time unless we call a halt to this
Minority leader Leon D. Case also
spoke against the measure.

Classified Directory

Place dvertisements with Classified
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The classified columns close at five
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Box numbers may be secured at no
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STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006

COLLEGE MEN: Two to travel in
Michigan and learn selling during
coming summer. Salary and trans-
portation. See 0. H. Sands, Room
302 Michigan Union, Saturday, 9-11
a.m. 196
suits. Will pay 3. 4. 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main . 7x
MANY a fur coat was ruined by in-
experienced cleaning and storage.
Only a furrier can give this service
scientifically and satisfactorily.
Thirty-one years of unexcelled serv-
ice guarantees perfect safety.
Zwerdling's, Phone 8507. 198
A.M.S. Inc. 311 W. Huron
Phone 2-3267

The bill passed the House with a!
collection date fixed for Dec. 1but
the measure was amended before its LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sex darned.
defeat to advance the date one month. Careful work at low price. 4x


The Senate likewise defeated by a'
vote of 20 to 8 the DeLano House bill
to make prison inmates pay for their I
expenses while in prison if financially
capable of meeting the costs.
A bill appropriating $10,000 for the
national convention of the Grand
Army of the Republic next September
at Grand Rapids went to the gov-
ernor. The measure previously had
been approved by the House.
A bill abolishing special fees upon
the collection of the $1 driver's license
went to the governor. The member-
ship sent to the House the Moore billl
permitting municipalities to accept
their general obligation bonds and
Home Owners Loan Corporation bonds
for taxes delinquent prior to March
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 26.
-iP)- Walter McGee, the first kid-
naper to be sentenced to death in the
United States, was denied a rehearing
today by the Missouri Supreme Court,
divison No. 2, (cq) and almost imme-
diately his victim, Miss Mary McEl-
roy, announced she would plead for
the life of McGee, who is under sen-
tence to hang May 10.

KANSAS CITY, April 26. - 0) -
Snow in the mountains and rain on
the plains brightened crop prospects
today in sections parched by last
summer's drouth.
Snow fell in the Rocky Mountains,
closing highways with huge drifts.
Rains, ranging from drizzles to down-
pours, were welcomed oy farmers in
Wyoming, NebrasKa, Kansas, Okla-
homa and northern Texas.
Architect's BALL

WASHINGTON, April 26. - (P) -
The labor department sought today
to arrange a settlement of the strike
in the Chevrolet automobile plant at
Toledo, 0.
Secretary Perkins was hopeful that
efforts of Thomas J. Williams, de-
partment conciliator sent to Toledo
last night, would help to end the

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