T V 4' 1 1 THE .M1LCRLIGAN DAIL~Y George Dufy's Band Will Play For Military Ball Tonight At Tp'p ( y ,y YLEHI {'4 R.O.T.C. To Give Surprise Sti ts AtAnnual Af fair Don Lyon, Delbert Hesler Will Lead Grand March At Colorful Dance Members of the R.O.T.C. are spon- soring their annual formal dance at, the Union tonight featuring the music of George Duffy's Orchestra. The band, which has been playing at the Mayfair Restaurant in Cleveland and over the NBC network, is making the Ann Arbor engagement a stop in an extensive tour. Marjorie Black is theE well-known singer who is the soloist with Duffy. Th& decorations for the affair will be unique this year in that they fea- ture an arrangement of colored lights, in the modernistic manner. Red, white and blue are used to give theI patriotic touch. An additional attrac- tion is being planned by the commit- tee in the form of a special stunt, the nature of which they refuse to re- veal. There will be the traditional presentation of the new initiates of Scabbard and Blade, honorary R. O.- T. C. organization. r a i I i i I To Atted Ilatt As Guests Of Co-Chairmen SinkTells f . 7 JI 0 i A] (7 19 Lirtp . Michigan Cbe i oram Chairles A. Sink, chairman of the Yusic cu -t the Michio'an School- master's Club, has announced the ioga'in fcr the sesson to be held to- Miss Hadock, Miss Burke Give Recitals Madeline Hadock, '35SM, organist, gave her graduation recital at 4:15 p.m. yesterday in Hill Auditorium, Margaret Burke will give her master' graduation recital at 8:15 p.m. Mon day, April 29 in the School of Music Auditorium. Miss Hadock is a student of Wil- liam Doty of the organ department of the School of Music. Her progran included a variety of selections among which were numbers of Bach, Frank. Widor, Vierne, and Karg-Elert. Miss Burke graduated from th voice department of the School o Music last year, and will receive he master's degree this June. She will be accompanied by Ava Comin Cas at her concert. Her program will con sist of 20 well-known songs, divided into three groups. The selection she has chosen will be by the mor modern composers such as Debussy f l Ravel, Thomas, Cimara, Veracini, and Quilter. The general public, with the ex- ception of small children, is invited to attend Miss Burke's concert. There is no admission charge. }{i t Faculty Club Holds Election Of Officers Mirs. Everett L. Adams was elected pr:sident of the Faculty Women's Club at the annual luncheon and meeting held at 1 p.m. yesterlay in :e ballroom of the League. She will succeed Mi'. Emil Lorch. Other cncrs elected are Mrs. John W. Bradshaw, who w'; continue in the office of vice rsident M.rs. Her- Where Too ilictiun Pictues: Wuerth, "Charlie Chan In Paris' with Warner Oland and "The Mighty Barnum" with w al- aty and to orrow. Rcgi.sti- n will begIn at 3:30 a.m. t~ ch of t School of Music 4 din . 1 alo icng the registration ez be cet l ran ihcussion meetings. --Oourwesy The Detroit Ne , e d nstraton clinic of M'io L zian Dannlaever, Kansas City, and Miss Barbra Shuker, h' mrusic, elementary ]De hcit, wil, be the guest cs Deibert Hesler, '35E, and Don Lyon '35A v, Junior High School vocal cc -chairmen of the annuai Military Ball to be held tonight at the Union usic, tciy an music literature, _tning instrument technique, and wind i rumeni technique. ih g Suits This Yeuir ;A luncheon will be held at the Un- Sion at 12:30 p.m. today at which time C'arles A. SInk will preside. The South Sea Islands' I uenceUiverst of Michigan Glee Club, un- de the dir ection of David Mattern, :il present a program. The after- g lace Beery: Majestic, "It's a Small ber t . Taggart, who will replace , Woild" with Spencer TIracy and "The Gw' ride wih CaolsLombrd:Mrs. Walter A. Reichert as treasurer, Gay Bridle" with Carole Lormbard; _ rr e nd Mrs. E. D. Dickenson, who is con- ! Michigan, Casino Murder Case" wit inuing an incompleted term as sec- r Paul Lukas and "Transcient Lady" retary. l with Gene Raymond, Whitney, "Be- e hind the Evidence" with Norman - Foster and "Whom the Gods Destroy" d with Walter Connolly. s Danc'ng: Military Ball at the Un- e ion, Silver Grill of the League, -UR , Chubb's, Hut Cellar. yII1" J B' 5 w ~~A- i The most spectacular innovation for bathing suits this year comes as a iesult of Tahitian infuence. These it. h,, Y bn I3rri m fn hb ,lni cl t'vn ,11. n ave :emear ulously smar . Leading the grand maich at nid-1Te most stiiking models are those night will be the two co-chairmen oAhe most tiingcmodelspreofthose of the Ball, Don Lyon, '35A, and Del- of the identical cotton print of those bert Hesler, '35E, with their guests, worn by the South Sea Island maid- Barbara Shuker, Detroit, and Lillian cns. The Tahitian suits have a bras- Dannahower, Kansas City. Follow- Il e top, with a little skirt and short ing them will be other committeemen bloomers beneath. and members of the R.O.T.C. in full Huge flowers splashed on bright uniform.mcolored cotton are very native. Pastel The dance will last from 9:30 p.m. celanesĀ°+ suits, and those of lastex, to 1 a.m. and the office of the dean are also smart. of women has granted late permission While we are all taking to the knit- until 2:30 a.m. for campus women at- ting sport it would be appropriate to tending. knit a bathing suit. Knitted suits -Scabbard And Blade To Hold FormalDinner Scabbard and Blade will hold a formal dinner tonight prior to the Military Ball in honor of its new init- iates, including T. B. Smith, '35, W. D. Weidner, '36, A. B. Allen, '36, A. B. Cook, '36, H. J. Gaston, '35, L. M.I Mason, '36, R. E. Mason, '36, F. Sweet, '36, J. A. Gay, '35, J. McClintic, '36, L. M. Reading, '36, H. Cheever, '35, R. L. French, '36, R. V. Johnson, '36, P. W. Phillips, ' 6, and W. H. Haughey, are extremely popular and we can make themeto an original pattern in any of the brilliant shades that will be so popular on the beach this sum- mer. Beach Ensembles Popular Halter necks are still used but the well-worn anchor belt buckles are replaced by boat honk fasteners. Strimgs of gayly-colored signal flags will be seen on everything. Many suits boast complete ensembles with knitted caps and wide full skirts. You will like particularlyathat model of which the skirt may also be used as a cape or a beach mat. Capes, you see, are going to be just about as good on the beach as on the street. h If you still like the rubber suit that shocked the world last season, you can feel just as fashionable in one this year. Rubber suits, as the conservative wool, will be seen in the thing in beach bags is a cotton ban- no on will be spent at a band demon- danna which pulls through a wooden , t._ation clinic at Morris Hall. The zing to form a perfect container. demonstration will be given by the But, since the drastic change in University of Wisconsin Band with women's footwear, you must pay more lay Dvorak conducting. attention to beach shoes. Beach shoes The University of Michigan Band are tinted brilliant shades this year will give a concert at 7:15 p.m. to- to, match varicolored suits. This night in Hill Auditorium. At 8:15 trend carries out the revolutionary p.m. the Little Symphony orchestra idea so dominant in footwear for will give a concert in the School of street and formal this season, for a Music auditorium with Thor Johnson few years ago the blues, reds and conducting. yellows would have been dubious An orchestra clinic and discussion even on the beach, will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Emphasizing Colors tomorrow in Morris Hall. The Roch- Carrying out the printed effect in gjster Civic Orchestra will play with the shoe, there is a vermilion-heeled Guy Fraser Harrison conducting.. The patent pump with the toe in strips 1iternoon will be devoted to demon- of vermilion,black, and white o 'ration rehearsal and discussion. At red, green, and white plaid linn hs time the "Jumblies" will be -per- beach ghillie with low white leather frmed by the Elementary School heel and a trim with tassels. A kid- festival Chorus, composed of 500 skin sandal with a red-edged sole children. This cantata is being pre- under red, green and white straos ;lred for the May Festival. emphasizes the fact that any andI all colors can be worn on the beach. The classic influence is outstand-' i ld Interviews For ing for beach wear. The model is a J.G.P. Applicants Today kidskin trimmed with alligator hav-I ing a white line around the edge and Women who petitioned for posi- a small metal buckle. Another is a tions on the central committee of suede slip-on shoe of dark blue with next year's J.G.P. are to be inter- a twisted fringed suede ornament in viewed by Judiciary Council be- the front. Suede will be seen fre- tween 3 pi. and 5 today. Appli- quently on the beach, even in an in- cants are urged to appear early, tricately cut red suede pump trimmedIsince 65 petitions were received for in red and white kidskin and buckled the 11 chairmanships. with a strap in front. i i t L-i Qi Katherine Carpenter Marie Murphy Georgia Karison Ann Osborne Sarah Pierce C - F1 0i EU i'ination Queen of the Mardi Gras Check 8 out of the names below and deposit Ballot in ballot boxes before 1:00 p.m. Billie Griffiths Charlotte Whitman Hilda Kirby Isabelle McKellar Virginia Cluff "Unpleasant breath" cre- ates a "Twin Personality" but that doesn't mean you will be twice as popular with the girls! Use Lavoris and be"'O.K." all the time. "Medicinal in action - - but not in taste~ MOUTH WASH GARGLE - 25c -SOc - $1 Bottles - NOTE: All students may vote. After checking names tear out the ballot and place in ballot boxes at the Daily, Angell Hall, Union,~ League, Ro- mance Languages Bldg., or Natural Science Aud., Barbour Gym, Betsy Barbour, Mosher-Jordan, Engineering School, Music School. At _ ii - -ta.-m I1j CALKI NS-FLETCHER State at No. U. - State at Packard 5th and Washington I' mom i E '36. !rightnst shades of red, orange, Ted Argue, '34, chairman of the af- green, or yellow. fair, stated that Dean A. H. Lovell of Peasant Berets Match More attention is being paid to the engineering department and T. what you will wear with your bath- Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni Association, will be init- iated into the society as honorary members. Last Saturday, those who were to be initiated i n t o t h e organizationI marchedto the Boy Scout camp at ]dexter where they cleared the camp and prepared a six o'clock supper. During the night, they did regular military guard duty. Sunday they re- turned to Ann Arbor where they took their initiation pledge on the campus.' ing suit this season. You will be both pleased and amazed to see the new Basque berets that will carry out a peasant influence, and the newest -- TATE TREET W ATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING TwiO mol t JAYS we've just about everything that 's new ' hr Spring .. .. .>-\( r::~ 5r Q& y Amon ur-newest1 "two tyles f7 n brown and whjzte tha have Connie's "ha5dao-re "appeal (f o ther~s~are /r'I white, " > :::r: v ' : 1 ist co::ge. gray . it the .;1 most co al arr1 of the season! p thra X" Q ' { -S. C/ s. M ;'';i ; . .'::: 300 TO CHOOSE FROM There's a glorious selection to choose from for those who shop early in this pre-season event. Linens, piques, felts, ac 'MOBIL Y of This Grand Sale of Beautiful and cti ccessories At Drastic Price Reductions of Na 2 Ofthl 4%'1 5% SPECIAL 40PAT P ISHDR PASTEL SHADES $1.95 Values $ $2 95"A - $3 95 -~ -Y izn sport fabrics, panamas and straws delight the eye for almost1- n*'~inv caion. I 1 0 ,rU4 1 I1 I I I