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April 26, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-26

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MemmW VF j.},SmvlR'M~CMNTee
Pub i ed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
%nd the Big Ten News Service.
ssotiated g lgiat ' rss
-1934 ( at 193e
uaD~soN WIsCcwm
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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CITY EDITOR .........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EL|ANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas Fl Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arhur M. Taub.
WSPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
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,EPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
0. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
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ert Cummins, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
.ond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
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Clarke, Gordon Cohn. Stanley Joffe, Jerome I. Balas,
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John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore,
Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf-
son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
a. Kiose, Donald . Knapp. William C Knecht. R. A.
Kronenberger,William D. Loose, William . Mann,
Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M.
Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A.
Starshy, Nathan B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy
Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord.
A preciation
For Sacrifice..
makes certain very definite sacri-
fices in the course of competition is clearly recog-
nized occasionally, as when numerous suggestions
are forthcoming to afford him some sort of finan-
cial compensation.
The case of Neree Alix, Michigan's track stare
who was injured while competing in the California
meet, is a graphic illustration of those sacrifices,
and offers an opportunity for Michigan students
to express some appreciation for the efforts of
athletes as a group.
Staying in school despite great financial ob-
stacles, Alix is typical of the considerable number
that are able to maintain high scholastic records
as well as devote themselves to the demands which
track makes on patience and concentration.
His teammates have organized to stage an ex-
hibition meet next Tuesday for his benefit, and
the student body is given an unusual chance - by
lending support to that meet - to make a generous
gesture' not only to Alix as an individual, but
also to an oft-forgotten group of hard-working in-

highly commended for its effort to treat the
student fairly. The outcome of the Jamboree Was
not entirely disheartening, considering the finan-
cial success of similar undertakings on this campus
the Past year or so.
However, the important activities of the Fresh
Air Camp should not be allowed to suffer. More
than 500 underprivileged boys a year are given
an instructive and enjoyable summer by this
camp, and without its services the lives of these
boys would undoubtedly be harmfully affected.
Because of the poor results from the Jamboree,
S.C.A. officials are contemplating a Tag Day drive
in the near future. They themselves admit the
failure of their experiment and will probably dis-
continue the Jamboree next year. But this sum-
mer the Fresh Air Camp will need funds. Those
who did not support the Jamboree should certainly
come through on the Tag Day drive and even
those students who realized the social worthiness
of the project and supported it might drop an-
other dime into a pail.
[As Others See It
College Pro blemis
(From the Ohio State Lantern)
America, an organization of student governing
bodies, held a conference a short time ago at
Princeton University for member colleges in the
New England and Middle Atlantic Regions. Twen-
ty-five member colleges sent 65 delegates to the
conference who heard well-known speakers discuss
timely subjects, held round-table discussions, and
adopted a number of resolutions some of which are
concerned with problems of recognized importance
on college campuses in the United States.
In only one case was a close vote cast on the
proposed resolutions. In a vote of 11 to 10, the col-
leges scored all local and national honorary so-
cieties with the exception of Phi Beta Kappa as
being "of no value to the college community" and
urged their abolition.
The honorary society situation has developed
into what might be called a racket. Students are
selected for membership in an honorary for this
and that and then told that "national headquarters
must receive $15 per man or the initiation fee
would not be so high."
This campus is no exception to the general rule.
Initiation fees for any honorary, whether it be
journalism or-political science, are so high that
students deserving the honor of membership can-
not be blamed for hesitating before placing the
required amount on the line. Much of this initia-
tion money goes to the bottomless coffers of "na-
tional headquarters." In return for his money
the new member receives a cheap pin, key, or
something equally as useless. The N.S.F.A. would
be doing an admirable piece of work if it started
a national campaign to free college campuses from
the demands of the money-sucking leeches at na-
tional headquarters.
The delegates adopted a resolution dealing with
a matter that is entering more and more into stu-
dent discussions. The measure reads as follows:
"Authorities of the university should give consider-
tion to the advice of undergraduate leaders in
matters of curriculum, student welfare and uni-
versity personnel."
While cynics might declare the above statement
reads as high sounding as most student adopted
resolutions, it must be admitted the delegates have
touched on a subject in which students have shown
increasing interest. At the same time it must
be pointed out that most university administrations
have shown a willingness to permit students to run
their own affairs and express their views on any
university question.
It is doubtful whether students will ever obtain
the power which they would like to have in mat-
ters of curriculum. The very fact that students
are only in college for a comparatively short time
and therefore lack the background necessary to
the selection of compulsory and optional courses,
will make unreasonable the granting of such power.
A Dime A Chance
(From the Cornell Daily Sun)
IT HAS LONG BEEN a recognized fact that man
possesses sufficient ingenuity to conquer any

and all problems on which he may concentrate
his amazing powers. One of the most puzzling
questions of the present day concerns that all-too-
important matter of gaining an adequate income
to maintain an average existence. A certain resi-
dent of Denver has evolved a new racket, or get-
rich-quick scheme, which has caused a flurry in
the Colorado capital reminiscent of the days of
'49, and which has enabled the originator to amass
the wherewithal for a tremendous number of cups
of coffee.
Basing the mechanics of his system on the an-
cient chain letter scheme, this individual has in-
vented a method of gaining $1,562.50 in return for
circulating a few letters, providing of course that
the lure of possible profit is sufficiently large to pre-
vent the breakage of the chain. The letter in itself
is purely and simply a request to the recipient to
forward five copies to friends and to send the
man, whose name stands at the head of an en-
closed list of five names, the small pittance of one
dime. He then places his own name at the end of
this list, omits that of the first man, and sends
the list with the copies of the missive to his friends.
If all goes well and the chain is prolonged he
should receive in due time 15,625 dimes.
While obviously the people at the end of the
chain must suffer due to over-saturation of the
field of victims, the investment is not great and the
divertisement and amusement well worth the time.
The entire affair incorporates the age-old appeal
of a game of chance, and is, on the whole, a
harmless way of playing Good Fairy to another.
Hence it is easy to understand why the Denver
employees have found themselves swamped with a
rush of mail which rivals even the busiest of Christ-
mas season records.
Left-handed students at the Kansas State

Here's an interesting (?) contribution coming
from K.L.O. '36:
IF - (With Apologies to Kipling)
If you can do your ec when all about you
Are raising hell and tempting all the fates --
If you can write a paper while classmates flout
And never think of liquor or of dates -
If you can plug and grind and work and study,
And thereby make the Phi Bete list,
Then you'll know more than almost anybody -
But, dammit, think of all the fun you've
Honesty - Fear of being caught.
Truth -Lack of tact.
Courage - Combination of stubborness and res-
Pleasure - One-half memory; one-half anticipa-
Love - One-half imagination; one half biology.
Good Sport -One who lets you have your own
Crank - One who does what he wants to.
Pessimist - One who sees things as they really


Friend - Someone who wants something.
Virtue - Lack of opportunity.
Conscience - The voice that tells you not to do
something after you've done it.
Humor - Appreciation of something which you
are glad is happening to the other fellow.
Moron - One who is content with a serene mind.
Temperament - An excuse for making a damned
fool of oneself.
1. At the end of a dance tune, don't be a slave
to convention - just leave your partner in the
middle of the floor. It will give her a few moments
of complete independence, for which she will not
fail to thank you.
2. Pick out one frater -preferably an athlete
-and cut him every time he dances with a new
girl. This will keep him from ever being stuck and
make him your eternal debtor.
-3. Whenever you see a person looking slightly
uncomfortable in his formal studs, just untie his tie
and rip off his collar. His gratitude at thus being
afforded relief will know no bounds.
4. Should the dance become dull, sprinkle a
little sand on the floor. This never fails to make
things interesting.
5. Spike the chaperone's punch. (No comment
as to the results of this little gesture are neces-


A Washington




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THE COMMANDING sweep of the economic se-
curity bill through the House strongly implies
that it will reach the President in very much the
House form. Against such a majority, Senate
tinkering with the bill either to liberalize its pro-
visions or to scale down its costs, is not likely to get
by the conference committee.
That is all the more true since the bill attained
its House prestige without application of a "gag"
rule. Most ardent Senate advocates of the Town-
send old-age pension plan, or any other of the
proposals so decisively beaten in the House, cannot
hope to revive them via the Senate. That is a by-
product of the open tactics used in the House. In
effect, possible Senate alterations were sharply
limited in advance.
The House bill, or any final version based upon
the idea of Federal matching of state old-age
pension provisions, carries with it, however, seeds
of an issue that may take on major significance
next year. Once the security bill is in operation
with a wide variety of pension rates being paid in
the various states, it is possible that the effort to
make the Federal rate payable in all states, re-
gardless of state action, will gain great momentum.
Since it will be a general election year, the chance
of that will be increased.
A SSUME that senators and representatives when
this session ends go home to face such a pic-
ture as Taylor of Tennessee drew during the House
"I visited the little town in which I live recently
and during two days I spent there scores of old,
decrepit and gray-haired mothers and fathers in-
quired of me as to the fate of 'their bill,' the old-
age pension bill," he said.
The Tennessee aged will receive no Federal ben-
efits from the security bill unless the state does its
share. The legislature meets only every two years
in that state as in some others. The theory of
the Federal act is that it will serve to compel the
states to security enactments in order to partici-
pate in Federal funds. It may not work out that
way. Experience of the depression years indicates
that Washington affords a much easier political
pressure target than the various state capitals.
Back that up by the spectacle of Uncle Sam
handing out the full $15 a month to eligible aged
ill one state where an adequate state old age
pension act is in force; and at the same time pay-
ing lesser sums or nothing at all to the same sort
of people in all adjoining states.
THERE are supposed to be some 7,000,000 in the
age group involved. Unless there is great ex-
pedition by state legislatures, perhaps costly spe-
cial sessions, not a great many of the old folks will
get the full benefit of the Federal act for a long


Willis Ward

The Jamboree
L ATEST REPORTS indicate that the
Student Christian Association bare-
ly cleared expenses on the All-Campus Jamboree
given for the benefit of the University Fresh Air
Camp at Patterson Lake.
Although there are a number of Detroit and
Ann Arbor people who have yearly contributed
large sums of money towards the maintenance
of the camp, the bulk of the running expenses
have been derived from student subscription. The
financial failure of the Jamboree threatens to ser-
iously impair the work of the camp and may result
in a reduction of the number of boys enabled to
Two years ago student and general subscriptions
for the camp were obtained from a two-day Tag
Day drive. The results of these drives were gen-
erally financially satisfactory, except in those lean
years when the student pocketbook was equally
lean. The S.C.A. attributed this depreciation in
revenue, however, to the possibility that students
were beginning to tire of contributing money and
receiving nothing in return. Last year they init-
iated the Jamboree. successfully.

This meet is being sponsored by the Varsity Track Team for the

benefit of

NEREE ALIX, two-mile star, Who suffered a compound fracture of the leg in

the California meet.

All proceeds will go to Alix to help him remain in school.

Competition will be between members of the University's Indoor Cham-
pionship team and stars of the Michigan Normal team. Several former Normal
stars and Michigan freshmen will also compete. Eddie Tolan, Michigan's double
Olympic winner, may run in the 100-yard dash.

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