THE MICHIGAN DAILY /t Lantern Nigbt Drake Relay Queen Li t Of Patrons, To Be Held At Of Military Ball Palmer Field Is Announced Prominent Senior Wopan Gov. and Mrs. Fitzgerald To Lead March; May 22 Will Be Among Guests Is Set As Date Of Honor At Dance Lantern Night honoring senior Further details concerning arrange- women will be held Wednesday night, ments for the Military Ball to be held May 22, at Palmer Field, according Saturday night at the Union have to Ruth Root, '35, general chairman . ? r been announced by the committee in of the affair. / charge under the chairmanship of The lfine ofmachwDon Lyon, '35A, and Delbert Hesler, The line of march will be led by o'35E. As was stated yesterday, George the senior whose activities in the op- ,;pyDuffy's orchestra is replacing Tommy inion of the old W.A.A. board are Christian's as the band for the occa- most all-around. The old board will sion. meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the lounge/ Patrons Ancunced of the Women's Athletic Building to Those who have been invited as decide' on the appointment. patrons and guests of honor include The leader will then choose on Gov. and Mrs. Frank D. Fitzgerald, the basis of merit points, eight senior President and Mrs. Alexander G. assistants. The graduating class will Ruthven, Honorable Robert Campbell, be followed by junior, sophomore, mayor of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Camp- and freshman women, who will be led -Associated Press Photo. bell, Vice-President and Mrs. James D. by eight of their classmates with the Miss N na.Kenneaster, brown-eyed, Bruce, Vice-President and Mrs. Shir- most outstanding activities. brown haired student at Fresno State ley W. Smith, Vice-President and Mrs. -o-lCoe, Fiven; Cai.,was chosen Clarence S. Yoakum, Regent and Mrs. Jeanne Johnson, '37, will be in C go e r 's , ai., as at'enJunius E. Beal, Mr. Leroy Cram and charge of the properties for the line queen of this year's Drake relays at Regent Cram, Regent and Mrs. David of march while Helene Kipf, '37, will Des Mlnes because of ier poise, per- H. Crowley, Regent and Mrs. Franklin head the committee to decorate the sonalty, be uty and intedligence. M. Cook, Regent Charles F. Hemans, field. Charlotte Whitman, '35, will Regent and Mrs. James O. Murfin, make arrangements for the band. Regent and Mrs. Richard R. Smith, During the afternoon, Field Day, l arie M urphy Regent and Mrs. Ralph Stone, Hon. which is in charge of Lucile Betz, and Mrs. Maurice R. Keyworth. '35 will be held. Women distinguish- * Deans Are Invited ing theiselves in athletics will be L asked to participate. Teams will be Special invitations have also been Trf at hso a sent to the deans of the various col- encontes rom all thehuse doncam- In M ardiG ras leges including Dean and Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. them. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Samuel T. Dinner for the seniors will follow Marie Murphy, '35, was the winner Dana, Dean and Mrs. James B. Ed- the Field Day, according to Jean of yesterday's balloting for Mardi monson, Dean and Mrs. Albert C. Fur- Gourlay, '37Ed., who is in charge of eras queen with a total of 820 votes. stenberg, Dean and Mrs. Clare E. Grif- this part of the entertainment. Jo- fin, Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, sephine McLean, '36, is chairman of Charlotte Whitman ran second with Dean and Mrs. Mortimer E. Cooley, publicity. 725 votes. The other contestants Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Her- -__ _ _ successful for positions on today's bal- bert C. Sadler, Asst. Dean and Mrs. lot received the following number of Wilbur R. Humphries, Asst. Dean and votes: Ann Osborne, 65; Billie Grif- Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, Asst. Dean and ts: Ann; saboel 695; ileGr if-50 M rs. Fred B. W ahr. fiths, 660; Isabelle McKeller, 650; Others are Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Kay Hildebrand, 650; Maretta Mart- G. Novy, Dr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Ward, Motion Pctures: Whitney, "Behind nek, 595; Virginia Cluff, 595; Kath- Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Coller, Capt. the Evidence" 'with Norman Foster, leen Carpenter, 590; Sarah Pierce, and Mrs. Carleton B. Peirce, Prof. and "When the Gods Destroy" with 585; Hilda Kirby, 585; and Georgina and Mrs. F. Bluthe Stason, Prof. and Walter Connolly; Wuerth, "Painted Karlson, 580. Mrs. Rene Talamon, Lieut.-Col. Mer- Veil" with Greta Garbo and 'Fire- Students are requested to vote 'for ton G. Wallington and Mrs. Walling- bird" with Vera Teasdale; Majestic, ten women listed on today's ballot. ton, Mr. Walter P. Rea, President "It's a Small World" with Spencer Such a large number of votes were Charles Sink of the Music School and 'T'racy and "The Gay Bride" with cast yesterday that it kept a large Mrs. Sink, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur E. Carole Lombard; Michigan, "Casino committee busy in the League for Boak, Prof. and Mrs. Philip E. Bur- Murder Case" with Donald Cook several hours counting the ballots. sley, Prof. and Mrs. Louis M. Gram. and "Transient Lady" with Henry Voters are urged, therefore, to cast The guest list also includes Prof. Hull. their ballots before 1 p.m. and Mrs. Edwin G. Goddard, Prof. Dancing: Hut Cellar. Moses Gomberg, and Miss Gomberg, Prof. and Mrs. William H. Hobbs, Dr. and Mrs. Dueben L. Kahn, Prof. and S PO RS Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Prof. and Mrs. Leigh J. Young, Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Robbins, Maj.-Gen. Guy Wilson, Col. and Mrs. Henry W. Miller, Col. . and Mrs. Alfred E. White, Major and "Mrs. John C. Brier, Major and Mrs. Herbert A. Kenyon, Major and Mrs. Ferdinand N. Menefee, Major and SLACKS Mrs. Preston E. James, Mr. and Mrs T. Hawley Tapping, Mr. and Mrs. Paul WOOL ,JERSEY Leidy, Mr. And Mrs. Herbert G. Wat- A new department that DUCK, TERRY- kins, Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. Forsythe, will add to the com- Dr.Margaret Bell, Dr. William M. pleteness of CLOTH Brace, Dr. and Mrs. John V. Fopeano, Dr. George A. May, Dr. and Mrs. Mau- Shorts and Halters rice R. McGarvey, Dr. Helene E. Schutz, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson M. Smith. PEQUES, SEERSUCK- Other Patrons Other patrons are Vice-Governor ERS, GINGHAMS and General and Mrs. Joseph R. Hayden, TERRYCLOTH Maj.-Gen. and Mrs. Frank G. McCoy, Colonel and Mrs. Lyon, Major and G Mrs. Basil D. Edwards, Major and SKIRTS sMrs. Walter E. Lay, Major and Mrs. Philip C. Pack, Major and Mrs. Frank FOOL JERSEYS and A. Mickle, Major and Mrs. Walter C. COTTON KNIT Sadler, Major and Mrs. Clair Upthe- grove, Major and Mrs. Carroll A. Pow- ell, Major and Mrs. K. L. Hallenback, P II , Captain and Mrs. Charles B. Gordy, CHECKS, and AN- Captain and Mrs. Arthur B. Custis, Captain and Mrs. Robert H. Lord, CHOR TRIMS Lieutenant and Mrs. Frederick S. Randall, Lieutenant and Mrs. Stanley G. Waltz, Col. Edward S. Sirmyer, forwOthe*9 Prof. and Mrs. Arthur D. Moore, Prof. Lewis N. Holland, Prof. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Bailey, Prof. and Mrs. O peningLAURA BELLE Charles P. Wagner, Prof. and Mrs. John W. Eaton, Prof. and Mrs. Ar- SHOP thur S. Aiton, Prof. and Mrs. Robert of Our N4ew, Moderri, @4 B. Hall, Prof. and Mrs. Floyd E. Bar- Up-to-Date 3 15 South State tell, Prof. and Mrs. Edward L. Erick- B__son, Prof. Henry C. Adams, Prof. and - -- -- Mrs. Benjamin W. Wheeler. Parlor on the SECOND FLOOR Adjoining the China and Glass Department (NLY the highest type service...................... will be rendered by local op- erators at very moderate prices. Just the type of work you want. Wait for the opening., o We have installed the latest and newest in beauty parlorr equipment. "'h ~ v o Our gas unit hair dryer will dry your hair faster and more comfortably."Empress" Permanent 9 We are equipped with spe- cially enstrieted shampoo ba- Combines all the artistry and per- sins. We know yon will like our fection that makes each "Empress" shampoos. wave an individual creation. Cur s $3oOO o~r n p h .:Cxn sra r. nfillxr .4.... - .. 'I . .4 Lillian1 To Sin Lillian Evantii mous American Ne prano will join th of Negro artists f be given at 4 p.' Sunday, April 28 sohn Theater, it h She will sing a gro recital. Miss Evanti, w from Washington, most of the last ei where she is perha than she is here. in five languages, as well. On her last ret States her concert by two notable ap fore a large and en at the Belasco Th town, and the othi with the DetroitS tra. During the past has appeared inE and Austria, incl London, Berlin, Co Salzburg where cr claiming the poet the expressiveness ing moods. The Eva Jessye of eight men, seve tion to Miss Jessy members are coll Dance Chit To End I At Leag Dance Club's bu cessfu season will ern dance recital and night, May 4, delssohn Theater. The season ope Dance Club perfor ience of 100 stud High School. Thi stration was rep modification Nov.: Angell Iall. On Nov. 16 a t with only eight m participating was versity Elementar Dance Club anE of Jackson High S a modern dance cluding studies, te by performing th 1,000 persons. A cycle of thre primitive, traditi which will be re proaching recital, 20 in the Unitaria Dance Club w demonstrate at t National Physical tion conventions, undertake the trip W.A.A. To Campus Qualifying score golf tournament, w sored by W.A.A.n by Monday, April '36, chairman of t nounced yesterday Groups of two, play together at t course, and shoul in there or at th All entrants shout and each player's s by his partner. T be based on the m The eight wom lowest scores will the women's golf given a free memb versity Golf cours Q1ee VOTE F Ls MarieA 1 Charlot LI1Anne ( QIBillie G Q Isabelle LI Kay Hi NOTE: Evanti, 2 g InLy internationally fa-1 gro Coloratura So- e Eva Jessye choir er their recitals to n. and 8:15 p.m., in' Lydia Mendels-! as been announced. up of songs at each o originally came D. C., has spent ght years in Europe ps even more noted She not only sings but speaks them urn to the United t tour was marked pearances, one be- thusiastic audience eater in her home er as guest soloist Symphony Orches- year Miss Evanti England Germany iding the cities of logne, Munich and itics agreed in ac- ry of her art and of her ever-chang- Choir is composed n women, in addi- e, the director. All ege graduates and b Season n Recital ue Theater siest and most suc- end with a mod- Saturday afternoon in the Lydia Men- ned Nov. 8 when med before an aud- ents in University s informal demon- eated with slight 14 in Sarah Caswell hird demonstration embers of the club given at the Uni- y School. swered the request chool, Jackson, for demonstration in- chnique and dances ere Dec. 12 before e religious dances, onal and modern, peated at the ap- was presented Jan. n Church. as also invited to he Mid-West and Education Associa- but was unable to Sponsor Golf Meet s for the women's hich is being spon- must be turned in 29, Louise Mack, he tournament, an- three, or four may he University Golf d hand their score e W.A.A. building. ild play 18 holes, core should be kept he tournament will edal score. en obtaining the be given places on team, and will be ership to the Uni- Ehimii )L .n of the OR 10 out of t Murphy tte Whitman Osbourne .riffiths McKeller ildebrand All students m Vegro. Soprano, W ia Mendelssohn all have a wide background of expe- rience on the stage, some having V played principal roles on the New in York stage. be The appearance of the choir in Ann wd Arbor is sponsored by the Dunbar F League and the Congregational Stu- mo dent Club. 16: of t lae t'S gro -tsho has it Y aver iti iRai ar fra Georgina Karlson, '35, chairman of Pr the finance committee for the Assem- int bly Ball, announced in her report to low the Assembly during its regular meet- ten ing yesterday that the organization T made $209.25 profit on their annual fro dance. the The Assembly voted to give $125 of Fo the net profit to the Undergraduate an Fund of the League. The remaining wit money will be kept in the treasury of Th the Assembly, according to Maureen not Kavanagh, '36, president of the As- wh sembly. T The group voted unanimously to pas continue the Assembly banquet at we which time the members of the Senior tra society take their pledges. At the aft same meeting, the Assembly decided lar to have special editions of the Bulletinla rather than the monthly issues as bri has been the practice this year. The ag Bulletin is the official news organ of lac the Assembly. ate de League Duplicate Bridge Winners Are Announced Winners in the duplicate bridge tournament, played Wednesday night at the League, were announced as follows: North and South, Urban Barnsworth and R. C. Shankland high with 92, while Mrs. Mary C. Lake and C. Lhevine came in second with a score of 86. East and West winners were Ray Whipple and C. F. Rogers with 82/, with Mrs. William Halstead and William Holmes coming in second with 76. ALPHA TAU OMEGA Members of Alpha Tau Omega fra- ternity will attend a dinner, Satur- day night, April 27, to be given by the alumni of the Ann Arbor chapter in honor of the group's new initiates. The dinner will be given at the De- troit Athletic Club. The initiates are: John Clark, '38; Frank Gibbs, '38E; Donald Knapp, '38; Morris Morgan, '37FC; Sigurd Lynner, '38; Gustavus Shallberg, '38; Don Wangelin, '38E; Crosby Wyman, '38; Richard Schaus, '38E. PI TAU PI SIGMA Pi Tau Pi Sigma, national fratern- ity for R.O.T.C. members, held a meeting last night at the Union. Lieut. E. J. Kelly of the National Guard ad- dressed the group on the subject of the Guard. ZETA PHI ETA Zeta Phi Eta, women's speech so- ciety, made plans at a luncheon meet- ing held Wednesday for a program to be presented May 7 at which Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, founder of the speech department of the University, will speak. Members of other campus speech societies, Athena, Adelphi and Alpha Nu, will be invited to the meeting. J.G.P. APPLICANTS The Judiciary Council will interview all applicants for positions in the Jun- ior Girls' Play in the Undergraduate Office from 3 to 4:30 p.m. today and from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. a -tion I Mardi Gras he following candidates: Maretta Martinek LI Virginia Cluff 'Kay Carpenter Q Sarah Pierce LI Hilda Kirby L Gig Karlsonf ay vote. After checking Have a Good Time in $5.50 *4 Smart (and practical). New, Dark-on-Light color combi- nations. Easy-going comfort. And they're going fast at this new low price for qual- ity. B arft-n 's Yodeler-Peasant YODELER-PEASANT White with Brown Tongu e ., :, 4, 115 SOUTH MAIl . Afterm Easter HALF-PRICE CLEARANCE of FINER APPAREL We offer new Spring merchandise at drastic reductions for immediate clearance: high- fashion apparel for wear all Spring and into Summer . . . excellent values, so shop early! 1 II SUITS--/z PR ICE were $14.95 to $25.00 TWEEDS AND WOOL CREPES- SWAGGER AND TAILORED TYPES RESSES - V% PRICE were $14.95 to $19.75 PRINTS -- SHEERS - ENSEMBLES FwPRICE and DINNER GOWNS were $19.75 to $35.00