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April 25, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-25

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The Weather


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Probably rain today with
little change in temperature.

No Panacea For Sororities . .
A Permanent Chicago Fair? ...



Bill Passec
Forceful Minority Lead
Debate Against Measure
Party Lines Forgotten
Small Labor Body
Attends Hearing

I A ctions Of StudentsI

Communist Party Denied
Place On Ballot By Bill
Before Senate
LANSING, April 24. - (') - A bill
designed to put teeth in Michigan's
warfare against Communism swept
through the Senate today by a vote
of 21 to 11.
The membership sent to the House
the drastic Dunkel-Baldwin anti-com-
munism measure making it a felony
to advocate the overthrow of the gov-
ernment in any manner.
A forceful minority led a bitter de-
bate against the measure. The argu-
ment transcended party lines and at
times even went over into personality
channels. Heading the fight against
the bill was the veteran minister, Sen.
C. Jay Town (Rep., North Adams) and
Sen. John Luecke (Dem., Escanaba).
Small Labor Delegation
Contrary to expectations there was
no large delegation of labor delegates
in the galleries to hear the debates:
A group of delegates who came to
Lansing two nights ago and demanded
a public hearing sent a two-member
committee here for the, debate today.
They were the Rev. John H. Bollens
and Arthur Kent, Detroit. The two
men sat silently during the long de-
bate. A half-dozen plainclothes po-
licemen were scattered in the gallery
to guard against any violence.
The Senate delayed consideration :
on a companion measure intended to
keep the Communist party off the
election ballot. Democrats have served
notice they are opposed to the bill.
Provision For Change
As the measure left the Senate
a felony charge could be preferred
against any person advocating the
overthrow of government, joining a
society of such principles, participat-
ing in literature where the overthrow
of government is advocated, or dis-
tributing literature of such advocacy.
Labor delegates opposing the measure
claimed it would confer too much au-
thority on police and would give them
a new weapon to break up strike meet-
ings and similar gatherings.
N S.L. Votes To
Hold Meeting
On May First
The National- Student League,
meeting last night in the Union,
voted unanimously to join with the
local labor organization in a demon-
stration on the steps of the Court
House on May 1, despite the with-
holding of permission for such a
meeting by Mayor Robert A. Camp-
bell last night. /
"We won't allow them to hold such
a meeting," Mayor Campbell de-
clared. "The Board of Supervicors
at its last meeting passed a resolution
giving the city the right to police
the entrances to County buildings.
The lawn about the Court House has
just been seeded at great expense, and
we can't allow anybody to spoil it,
Democrats, Republicans, or radicals
Plans for organized opposition to
the Dunckel-Baldwin anti-commu-
nist bills and for the organization of
a National Student League paper
were also made.
Robert A. Cummins, '37, was ap-
pointed managing editor of the paper,
to be called the "Student Review,"
with Joseph D. Feldman, '37, and
Wilbert L. Hindman, Jr., Grad., as
Members of the editorial board. Eu-
gene R. Kuhne, '35, was appointed
business manager.
Ten Escape Death
When Home Burns

A mother and her nine children
narrowly escaped with their lives yes-
terday when the C. C. Poppenger
house at Delhi, Scio township, was

At Demonstrations
Called 'Interesting'
COLUMBUS, April 24.-- (Big Ten)
--"Students are a funny lot," is the
way Professor Floyd C. Dockeray, de-
partment of psychology at Ohio State
University, approached a question to
explain the antics of students at dem-
"There are no explanations as to
why college students act as they do
at demonstrations. I do believe, how-
ever, that this would be an interesting
study for someone to make. I would
like to know."
Professor Dockeray believes stu-
dents are usually too apathetic and
that a demonstration is beneficial in
that it makes students think. But
there is something strange about the
reactions of student demonstrations in
later years, he says.
"The strange part of the entire af-
fair is that the students who,. lead
these cemonstrations usually change
when they get into the world of real-
ity. Nevertheless they receive some
valuable training in clear thinking
while they are in them," he explained.
Professor Dockeray believes stu-
dents in many respects get much more
out of these demonstrations than the
students who stick to book learning
and neglect the practical happenings
of the world around them.
To illustrate the change that some-
times comes over people, the professor
cited the instance of his friend last
summer. The friend was almost rabid
on the subject of communism. Every
chance he would get he would inject
the subject into the conversation.
Last summer he took a trip to Europe.
Since then he has made no mention
of the subject.
"It just goes to show," he repeated,'
"that people change and that the
dogmas of college students many
times become exploded or warped."
Faculty Men
Deliver Talks
To Orientalists'
Karpinsk And Waterman
Address Conference In
Alumni Memorial Hall
Proof that mathematicians and as-"
tronomers of ancient Babylon came
into possession of scientific knowl-
edge heretofore credited to the Greeks
was presented yesterday to the Amer-
ican Oriental Society by Prof. Louis
C. Karpinski of the mathematics de-
partment and Prof. Leroy Water-
man of the division of oriental lan-
guages and literatures.
Addressing the one hundred and'
forty-seventh meeting of the Society,
which met in the Alumni Memorial
Hall, Professors Karpinski and Wat-
erman dubbed their announcement'
"the most revolutionary discovery in
modern times." The proof submittedJ
was in form of a translation of an
old tablet deposited in a Moscow mu-
seum, the significance of which had
been apparently lost in transportation.
"Complicated geometrical, trigono-
metrical, and algebraic problems were
proposed and solved by the Babylon-
ins at least 1,500 years before Eu-
clid," Professor Karpinski declared.
"They succeeded in discovering for-
mulas for finding the area and vol-
ume of a sphere and hemisphere, as
well as for computing chords of a
circle. Their work led directly to the
solution of the quadratic and cubic
Prof. A. T. Olmstead of the Uni-
versity of Chicago Oriental Institute
declared that "It has never been suf-
ficiently recognized that virtually all
the great men of the golden age of
Greece were Orientals."

Boris To Take
Direct Control
Of Government
SOFIA, Bulgaria, April 24. - (W) -
King Boris will be the "supreme ar-
biter" of thenew Bulgaria government
policies, Premier Andrea Toscheff said
The 70-year-old diplomat, called
from retirement to help the king break
the army's tight grip on political
affairs, stressed the necessity for le-
gality and equity in the social order
and complete internal unity behind
the monarch.
He told representatives of the for-
eign press the new government's chief
concern would be to raise the stand-
ard of living of the poorer classes
and revive the nation's economic life.

Meetings Of
Educators To
Begin Today
Shoolnasters Club To
Gather For$ evenitieth
Convention Here
Rthven To Speak
To College Heads
Will Conf er On Teacher
Training, Problems Of
Higher Education1
Functions of the seventieth meeting
of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
will begin today, the first of a three-;
day session, with the sixth annual
conference on teacher training, spon-
sored by the School of Education inj
conjunction with the Schoolmasters'
Although the meetings of the Club
itself do not commence formally until
Friday, an advance guard of more1
than 1,000 members who are expected
to attend will arrive today for the1
teacher training conference and thet
conference onhigher education.
Meeting at the Union at 9:30 a.m.1
the former group will base their dis-
cussions on the conclusions and
.recommendations of their 1935 year-1
book on "The Education of Teachers."
Chairman of the conference will be
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education.
Prof. Raleigh Schorling, also of the
School of Education, will give a talk
on "Directed Teaching," and other
speeches along similar lines will be
made to the conference by Dean W.
E. Lessenger of Wayne University,
who will discuss "Selective Admission
and Promotion," Prof. Thomas M.
Carter, who will speak on "The Cur-
riculum," and Dean C. L. Anspach of
Michigan State Normal College who
will discuss "Supply, Demand, and
Ruthven To Speak
A general discussion of all the top-I
ics treated will follow and at the closeI
of the conference the group will hold
a joint luncheon with the conferencet
on problems in the field of higher edu-
cation. This group, sponsored by the1
University Bureau of Cooperationt
with Educational Institutions, and
consisting of presidents, deans, regis-
trars, and other college officers and1
heads of departments from Michigan
colleges, will meet first at the lunch-
eon, where they will be addressed bys
President Alexander G. Ruthven on
the subject, "Cooperation of Collegej
After the luncheon at 12:30 p.m.,
the conference will continue its ses-
sion at 2:15 with addresses and dis-
cussions, directed by George E. Car-
rothers, director of the Bureau of Co-
operation. The first 25 minutes will
be spent in a discussion of the fresh-
man colleges in Michigan with spe-
cial reference to possible future devel-
opment by Orin W. Kaye, supervisor
of the FERA Freshman colleges in
To Discuss Entrance Rules
This will be followed by an address;
on "Cooperation in College Educa-
tion," by Dean 'Edward H. Kraus of
the Literary College.There will then
by a symposium on recent changes
in entrance requirements. Prof. John
W. Bradshaw will speak on changes
here, and President Wynand Wichers
of Hope College will summarize the
changes in the colleges. Paul A.
Rehmus, principal of Battle Creek
High School, will then comment on
the significance of these changes to
the high schools.
An open conference for general dis-
cussion will follow, led by Dean Ed-

monson. At the same time there will
be an exhibit of books and literature
in the field of college education, ar-
ranged by Dr. Harlan C. Koch, as-
sistant director of the Bureau of Co-
operation. This will conclude today's
Conferences in the various fields of
secondary education will begin Fri-
day morning following the first busi-
ness meeting of the Schoolmasters'
Club as a whole at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater in the League.
Chapman To Speak
In Lecture Series
Dr. Royal N. Chapman, Dean of
the Graduate School and Director of
the Experimental Station of Tropical
Agriculture of the University of Ha-
waii, will deliver an address on "Crea-
tive Research and Human Affairs," at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural
Science Auditorium in another of the
University lecture series.
Dr. Chapman is a world-famous au-

Add (Early Works
To (Collectin Iit
Clements Library
The recent purchase of several rare
specimens of the early products of
the science of printing, to be added to
the collection in the William L. Cle-
ments Library, was announced by Dr.
Randolph G. Adams, director of the
library, upon his return from New
There, with funds obtained from
an anonymous donor, he bought for
the library several specimens from
the collection of John B. Stetson,
Jr., in a sale of that collection which
Dr. Adams described as "the note-
worthy sale of the current year."
Among the books he brought back
with him is the earliest and one of
the most authoritative works pub-
lished on the natural history of Mexi-
co, which was printed there in 1615,
written by FranciscoHernandez, per-
sonal physician of the King of Spain.
A still earlier book is a copy of the
exceedingly rare first edition of the
famous "Provisons Cedulas Instruc-
iones" of Vasco de Puga, published
there in 1563, and containing the de-
crees and orders given by the King
of Spain for the administration of
An early example of American
printing obtained for the Clements
Library is a history of Indian troubles
written and published by William
Hubbard in 1676 in Boston. This
book contains a map which is the
first wood cut map ever engraved and
printed within the borders of the
United States.
Fatio To Talk.
On League Of
Nations Today
International Organization
At Work To Be Described
By Carnegie Professor
Speaking on "The World Center,"
M. Guillaume Patio, visiting Carnegie
professor from Geneva, will lecture
at 4:15 p.m. today in Natural Science
M. Fatio's lecture, - describing the
League of Nations and other interna-
tional organizations at work, will be
illustrated. Admission will be free.
Arriving from Grand Rapids today,
M. Patio will remain in Ann Arbor
through next Sunday. During his
stay he will attend several dinners
and will meet with the International
Relations Club at 4:15 p.m. Friday
in the political science seminar room.
Next Sunday morning he will speak
at the Methodist and Christ Disciples
A member of the Comite of the
Centre of the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace and a noted
author, M. Fatio, is making a tour of
southern and middle western states
lecturing at universities and colleges.
He was appointed a representative of
the University of Geneva on a mission
to American universities in 1935.
While not a member of the League
of Nations staff, M. Patio aided in
establishing it, and has closely
watched its activities for 15 years.
ORANGE GROVE, Tex., April 24. -
(A') -The body of Cadet Lawrence
Thomas Allen, a student flier missing
on a training flight from Kelly Field
since last night, was found in the
wreckage of his plane eight miles
north of here today.

By Senate

Is Approved
Vote Of 26-3,

_______ -K.)

No'in'al Colleoce
Dean Chosen
Ashland Head
Prof. Anspach To Launch
New Educational Plan
At Institution
Prof. Charles L. Anspach, dean of
Administration and head of the edu-
cation department at the Michigan
State Normal College in Ypsilanti,
was yesterday appointed president of
Ashland College, Ashland, O.
Professor Anspach, whose resigna-
tion from the Normal college becomes
effective in July, will launch at Ash-
land an educational experiment sim-
ilar to the plan now in use at Chi-
cago University and Harvard. The
plan is, in its essential part, an indi-
vidualization of college curricula to
fit the needs of each student.
Dr. Anspach came to the Ypsilanti
Collee in 1930 as head of the edu-
cation department, taking over the
duties of dean of Administration last
year. A graduate of Ashland, he re-
ceived his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees here
in 1923 and 1930 respectively. Before
coming to the Michigan State Normal,
Professor Anspach was registrar and
head of the education department at
Professor Anspach is at present
working with Prof. Raleigh Schorling
of the School of Education on a book
dealing with problems in supervised
teaching. He is the co-author of two
books on educational psychology and
supervision respectively.
Revival of Campus
Tradition Planned
Plans for the revival of an old
Michigan tradition which has not
been in force on the campus for many
years - a mass sing - are being car-
ried to completion under the auspices
of the Interfraternity Council. The
sing will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday, May 8, on the steps of the Li-
According to the tentative program
it is planned to begin the sing by
having the band march to its stand.
Members of the Glee Club will be
massed on the Library steps with stu-
dents filling the rest of the area.
The committee of the Council which
is furthering the plans is composed"
of George Y. Duffy, '35, George Dill-
ingham,, '35, and Graham Batting,
'35. Committee members announced
that the sing is not being planned as
a substitute for Swingout, permission
for which is still being considered. .
TULSA, April 24. - OP) - Olin Wy-
att, 14 years old, has a bullet in his
brain, but he says that it doesn't
bother him. Doctors will wait several
days before deciding whether to oper-
ate. Shot accidentally while at play,
Olin said he felt "sick at the stom-

First Chinese Sorority
Established On Campus
The first Chinese sorority in the
United States has been established
on the campus of the University. The
new organization, which aims to bring
Chinese women students in closer so-
cial and intellectual contact, will even-
tually be international in scope, chap-
ters being planned already for Lohdon
and Shanghai.
The new sorority, Sigma Sigma Phi,
will include all Chinese women, native
or foreign born, who are studying
in the United States or foreign col-
legesband universities. The Charter
members, who are Helen F. Vong,
Pearl L. Chen, Lillian Y. Wang, and
Lily Wang, expect that a close union
of students will enable those who re-
turn to China to do better work in
the rebuilding of that nation. Most
Chinese students in foreign countries
study medicine, public health, educa-
tion, or other sciences and return to
practice or teach in Chinese schools
or colleges.
West Relieved
By Rain Storm
In Dust Areas
Most Moisture Received By
Drought Region In Last
Four Years
DENVER, April 24 - (T) - The
drought was broken definitely today
over a wide area of the West.
Some sections reported more mois-
ture than at any time since the West-
ern dry scourge started four years
ago. Snow or rain reports came from
Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico.
Utah, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Nebraska and Kansas. Parts of the
dust belt, however, had nothing more
promising than dark clouds.
"They sure got the Indian weather
sign on us," sighed F. O. Case, Baca
County agent, at Springfield, Colo., as
he received reports that his dust-
blighted southeastern sector was the
only part of the state which failed
to receive moisture.
The North Texas dust zone report-
ed "threatening weather." A part
of the Western Kansas dust country
received showers yesterday.
On Crest Of Divide
The storm today rode the crest of
the continental divide from Montana
to New Mexico, spreading east and
west for a hundred miles into dry
farm and range lands.
Federal crop statisticians in Colo-
rado and Wyoming agreed that the
snow, from a few inches to several
feet in depth, was "the most favor-
able thing that has happened for
Residents of two-mile-high Lead-
ville, Colo., wondered tonight if win-
ter has decided to spend the spring
here. Thirty-three inches has fallen
in 15 days - and no permanent let-
up is in sight yet. Seven inches fell
between 5 p.m. Tuesday and noon to-
Much Rain And Snow
Breaking with a downpour of rain
in Western Nebraska late yesterday,
the storm spread rapidly southward
and to the West. It left a blanket of
new white snow fringing the dust
lands from Lamar, Colo., to the south
and from La Junta, Colo., eastward.
At North Platte, Neb., 1.60 inches
of moisture fell within a few hours
and a flood occurred near Hastings,
Neb., where a section of a railroad
was washed away. One train was al-
most 18 hours late arriving at Denver.
Almost enough rain and snow fell
at Denver within 24 hours to change

the city's moisture deficiency, 1.18
inches for the year, into a surplus.
The ground was so dry, however that
a large portion of the moisture soaked
into the ground as rapidly as it fell.
Witheridge Is Elected
President Of A.S.M.E.
David Witheridge, '36E, was elected
president of the American Society of

Bill Labelled 'Yardstick';
To Be Levied On Basis
Of .73 Mill Tax
Measure Is IJp For
Approval In House
Vote To Allot $1,352,267
To State; Separate Bill
Considered In House
LANSING, April 24.- (3)- The
Senate passed a bill today to give the
University of Michigan an annual
appropriation of $4,062,355.
Labelled a "yardstick" measure, the
bill went to the House requiring the
University's appropriation to be levied
on the basis of a .73 mill tax. It
passed the Senate by a 26 to 13 vote
with Senators Case, Doyle and Man-
kowski, all Democrats, the only dis-
Likewise the Senate passed another
bill to "measure" the appropriation for
Michigan State College on the basis
of a .243 mill tax. The vote was 26
to 2. Under the measure, M.S.C.
would receive $1,352,267 annually.
Case Leads Opposition
Minority leaders Leon D. Case, lead-
ing the opposition to the University
appropriation; characterized the in-
stitution as a "rich man's university'
and claimed the bill would be a dis-
crimination against other educational
institutions. He said the University's
appropriation had been reduced only
18 per cent during the depression
while Western State Teachers College
had suffered a cut of 40 per cent in
the same perio4.
"I would like to see the payroll of
the University," Case shouted. "They
just come down here and ask for a
lump and never give the Legislature
any information about their big sal-
Several Alumni Present
Several alumni of the University
in the Senate rushed to the defense
of the appropriation. Chairman Ar-
thur D. Wood, of the finance com-
mittee, said that appropriations for
the care of indigent patients 'at the
University Hospitals should not be
considered a part of the institution's
fund. He said the University actual-
ly spent $4,080,000 last year by using
reserve funds and past obligations
due it.
Bills are pending in the House
which woud make specific appropria-
tions of $3,200,000 for the University
and $1,200,000 for M.S.C.
Perry Honored By
Associated Press
Stuart H. Perry, Adrian, member
of the Board In Control of Student
Publications, was named as a member
of the executive committee Associated
Press by the board of directors which
met Tuesday in New York.
Mr. Perry is editor of the Adrian
Daily Telegram and received his )!.B.
from the University in 1894 and
graduated from the Law School in
1896. He was given an honorary
Master's Degree in 1919. He succeeds
the late Adolph S. Ochs of the New
York Times as a member of the ex-
ecutive committee.
Frank B. Noyes, Washington, D C.,
was reelected president of the associa-
tion at the meeting, and W. J. Pape,
Waterbury, Conn., and Houston
Harte, San Angelo, Tex., were named
Board Sets Date For
Filing Of Applications
The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting
for the appointment of managing
editor and business manager of
The Michigan Daily, The Summer

Michigan Daily, the Michigan-
ensian, and the Gargoyle, and
business manager of the Summer
Directory, at 2:30 p.m., May 17,
Each applicant for a position is
requested to file nine copies of his
letter of application with the Audi-
tor of Student Publications not
later than May 10, 1934, for the use
of the members of the Board. Car-
bon copies, if legible, will be satis-
factory. Each letter should state

$4,062,355 Budget For

Hospital School Gives Children
Chance To Continue Education,

Hospitalization should be no bar-
rier to the education of children, said
Mrs. Edith Milnes of the University
Hospital, in describing the work of
the special education department.
"Our objective is to keep Jimmy,
Johnny, and Mary as close to normal
boys and girls as we can in a very
unusual situation."
That the child patient is apt to
baecome a part of the hospital and to
accept its vocabularly in preference
to that of his home and family, is
shown by the small boy who called
to one of the ward workers, "I'm not
'taminated,' just 'sposed'." In the
University Hospital, there is an ex-
cellent preventative to hospitaliza-
tion in the form of a very complete
and adept social service department,
under the direction of Miss Dorothy
Should a visitor step from the ele-
vator onto the ninth floor of the Uni-
versity H-osital. it is not the least

see the material with which 'the
children work, and hear the general
cry of, "Here come the play ladies
(ward workers) ," by less fortunate
little brothers and sisters who look
forward with great anxiety to the
coming of those good samaritans.
But this work in the shops is supple-
mentary to the regular academic work
which is under the supervision of Miss
Geraldine Notley, and which is a
regular part of the state course of
study. The -academic work includes
all grades from the primary to the
eleventh. There is also work in the
senior high school, but the courses
studied by each student are those of
his own local institution.
Each teacher must have her state
teacher's certificate, just as if she
were teaching a class in a public
school, for the Hospital School is di-
rectly assigned to the Office of Pub-
lic Instruction and choice of text-
books and methods of teaching must
be approved by Prof. L. W. Keeler as

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