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April 24, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-24

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Publibmed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Slmmer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
Asodated (9011agiate rasa
-s1934 QWl f&lDIj0 1935 E
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR . . . .. . .... . .... ..........JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EIXANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas F. Kleene, David 0. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, 'Pleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
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tEPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
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Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
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ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
taond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
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grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
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CREDIT MANAGER ...................ROBERT S. WARD
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son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J.rKlose' Donald R. Knapp. William C Knecht, R. A.
Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann,
Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M.
Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A.
Starsky, Nathan B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy
Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord.
A Distinguished
Scholar Is Lost...

find time to drop in on the Convocation and pay
homage to their harder-working classmates. They
should take just as much pride in "winning"
scholastic averages as they would in a winning
football team. After all, opinions to the contrary,
educational institutions were founded for the ad-
vancement of knowledge.
The serious-minded student has come into his
own at last. Only the very jealous can call him
a "greasy grind," and it is to be noted that the
jealous usually do not last long in a University.
As Others See It
A Sense of Rumor
(From the Syracuse Daily Orange)
PROF. LOGAN ESAREY, speaking recently before
a luncheon meeting of Blue Key, upperclass-
men's honorary organization, said that the char-
acteristic he prizes most in his students is a sense
or humor. "Not the kind of sense of humor that
brings loud guffaws, but the kind that causes a
twinkle in the eye," Professor Esarey explained.
The professor, one of Indiana's most beloved in-
structors, declared that his greatest teaching thrill
comes when in the course of a lecture he catches
a twinkle in the eye of one of his students. He
then feels that at least one student has caught the
spirit of the lecture. "The loud laughter on some
occasions isn't necessarily a manifestation of a
sense of humor on the part of anyone," he pointed
out, "but usually indicates a mistake on some one's
A sense of humor is such an invaluable asset
that every student owes it to himself to give more
thought to its cultivation. Some persons, like
Dr. Esarey, are handsomely endowed with it, while
ethers are apparently devoid of anything but the
sourest outlook on life. Those whose dispositions
brand them as glum grumblers would do well to try
not to take themselves and the stern realities of
life so seriously.

The Senate committee hearing on the compul-
sory R.O.T.C. bill for the University of Wisconsin
students developed into a near riot recently as
members of the Daughters of the American Rev-
olution, Communists, anti-war committee members,
and representatives of churches and veterans or-
ganizations sought the floor during a three and
one-half hour session.
While nothing decisive resulted from the meet-
ing, members of the state committee stated that
they, were so irked by the demonstrations of the
Communists that they would report the measure
favorably out of committee. At the hearing, a peti-
tion of 1,144 students was presented in opposition
to the bill which would provide for compulsory
military drill.
Although the conservative state senate is likely
to pass the measure, it is believed that the Progres-
sive-controlled assembly and Governor R. F. La-
Follette will prevent enactment of the bill.
Get up at 8:50 for a 9 o'clock class . . .
wiggle into clothes ... brush teeth hurriedly..
. grab up a few books ... rush towards campus
... attend class and finish tieing shoes . .
attend another class and begin wondering
when you'll have some money ... go to a lec-
ture and catch up on sleep ... lunch.
Study most of the afternoon . . . have a dis-
cussion with roommate on some inane thing
(love, heredity, future) ... write a letter ...
look over Daily and find out you missed a
fairly good lecture on some fairly interesting
subect... dinner.
Start to study ... decide not to study now
... wonder whether to go to a show alone or
-- (this sort of thing has wonderful possibili-
ties) . . . decide to do latter . . do latter -. -
come home too late to do any studying... bed.
Wanted: One detective agency of more than av-
erage efficiency to investigate nefarious doings on
the campus at Duke University The student coun-
cil at that institution is rather perplexed, embar-
rassed and annoyed by a recent mishap in campus
politics. It seems that at a recent election for the
presidency of the Men's Student Government As-
sociation 957 students reported at the polls, and
1,324 ballots were cast.
And speaking of worms another horrible Hell
Week practice comes to light. Pledges at Kent
College must go out and collect worms. Said
worms are then drawn, quartered and deposited
in capsules. After sufficient deterioration has
taken place, capsules and contents are consumed.



An Old, Old Story

(From the Oregon Daily Emerald)
ONCEUPON A TIME there was a fraternity man,
a sorority woman, a hall man and an unaffil-
iated man. They lived east, west, north and south
of Condon Hall, so you see they didn't know each
other at all.
And they all went to the University of Oregon.
They all had student cards because they all wanted
student cards, which is enough explanation for the
moment. The point is that they could all vote
when they were supposed to vote which would be
right soon now if this story was being written to-
Now when the ballots were placed before these
four people at the student election, the situation
was very awkward, and one might go so far as to
say stupid as regards the four people, and very nice
as regards the politicians, which after all want
votes no matter if they are awkward votes or not.
The fraternity man acted like a machine. He
was wound up by a "big man" at his house and
told to do "this," which, when he did, made him
feel very funny' He couldn't help feeling maybe if
he had done "that" he would feel better, or at
least not so funny, and just because he wanted
to do "that."
The hall man was mad because he felt he wasn't
"in on things" as much as he would like, but he
hesitatingly voted "this" because he wanted to feel
as near as possible a part of the "big man's ring."
The sorority girl acted something like the fra-
ternity man only different because she was fem-
inine and consequently was .not wound up quite
so hard by the "big girl." And she, too, wanted
to do "that" when she was told to do "this" and



Q Supplementing Higgins' Water-
proof and General (Soluble) Black
India Ink, there is a line of beauti-
ful, sparkling and transparent col-
ors that have found wide accept-
once and use in many types of arts
and science courses.




Even while the depression was here all graduates were placed promptly.
Business coneitiuns are now so improved that our employment department
has more calls than it can fill.
Beginning and Review Classes in all business branches. Day and Evening
Session. Wanted a Stenotypist, preferably a young man.
State and William Sts. Phone 7831

One Sale at:





she was mildly but hopelessly mad as girls some-
time get over such things as "this" and "that."
And the householder, or the unaffiliated man
could do whatever he wanted to, butt he didn't
know what to do because he didn't know anything
about either "this" or "that," which is almost as
bad as the other or maybe worse.
So "this" was elected because the "big men"
spread "this" around the campus and "that" didn't
have a chance or maybe didn't exist at all.
And so the four people got headaches thinking
about it and decided to forget it until next year,
and the government of the students, for the stu-
dents and by the students, grew and grew and
And the "big men" slept easily.

Tobias J. C. Diekhoff, long a mem-
ber of the German department, represents a se-
vere lossnto the teaching staff of the University.
He wvas one of that very small group of individuals
who have served on the faculty for more than two
Many an alumnus of the University and hun-
dreds of undergraduates were shocked to learn of
the sudden death of the beloved scholar and
teacher yesterday. Professor Diekhoff was respect-
ed and revered by his many students, as well as
his colleagues on the University faculty.
Professor Diekhoff's death will also be felt out-
side University circles, for he was nationally recog-
nized as a scholar in Germanic philology. He was
the author of a large number of authoritative
books and learned papers, and a very active mem-
ber of several distinguished societies.
Professor Diekhoff was first connected with the
University as a student here early in the 1890's.
In 1893 he became a member of the faculty as an
instructor. Since that time, he had progressed
through the various ranks to a full professorship
in 1916. He would have been automatically retired
by the University from teaching in three more
years at the age of 70.
Last rites will be observed tomorrow when six
members of the faculty will pay tribute to their
distinguished colleague by acting as pallbearers.
Recognition Of
Real Honors. .
dents who brought honor to tht.
University by their scholastic achievements will b,.
in return publicly recognized Friday at the 12th
annual Honors Convocation.
Our congratulations to every one of the 725 stu-
dents who have been placed on the University's
select guest list. It is small enough compensation
at best for your noteworthy efforts.
On the surface, 725 does not appear to be a very
select group. The number is almost one-tenth of
the total University enrollment, but an examina-
tion of the requisites to receiving an invitation to
the Convocation should soon convince skeptics of
the exclusiveness of the traditional assembly.
Torn divea on invitation all that freshme-n -snh-

Mr. Filene Asks Another Chance
Admits Bungling Under NRA, Thinks Business Has Learned

From the Testimony of

Before the Senate Finance Committee
ANY FAILURE of the NRA so far can be attrib-
buted definitely to the failure of business men
to change their basic attitude toward business
when basic economic change had made it neces-
sary. I do not think, however, when all the facts
are in, that business has made such a deplorable
failure in this as many seem to think.
It is true that we went to bat and fanned. It is
true that we burdened ourselves with innumerable
and all-uncalled-for- agreements governing details
of business competition, for the purpose of stabiliz-
ing prices instead of stabilizing prosperity.
It is true that, instead of increasing the buying
pbxver of the masses by lowering prices and paying
wages as high as we could pay, we formulated
codes in many instances which actually raised
prices and robbed ourselves of the market which we
had to have if recovery were to come, and then we
haggled with labor in the hope that, if wages must
be raised, they would not at most be raised enough
to enable us to sell enough of our goods to keep
workers employed and thus make our business seem
On the face of it, I admit, it looks rather stupid.
But I plead extenuating circumstances. For that
was the way we had all learned to do busines; and
this new event - this Machine Age of enormous
production -which made it not only unnecessary
but impossible to do business in that way any
longer, was a social event, and we business men
had had almost no experience in analyzing social
Admitting, gentlemen, that we bungled our
chance when you presented us with the NRA, I
want to ask you candidly if the American business
mind, in spite of all the formal pronouncements
of the chambers of commerce and manufacturers'
associations, has not made really remarkable prog-
ress toward renonizin the need of intnroiing

Because we bungled our chance, it is now pro-
posed not to give us another chance.
The NRA, I admit, cannot be fully successful
until the mind of business has become sufficiently
aware of the new problem, so that it will concen-
trate upon the necessary central task of increasing
the buying power of the masses.
No matter how successful certain individual bus-
inesses may temporarily be, it is obvious that we
can't run our modern industrial machine as a
whole unless the masses can buy its products-that
is, we can't run it on any business system. The
government might conceivably take it over and
operate it in some lifeless bureaucratic way.
Or we might install some dictatorship of labor,
called Communism, or a dictatorship of privilege,
known as Fascism, under which the masses might
get a living instead of experiencing an abundant
life. But if we are to have liberty and prosperity
-including economic liberty and economic pros-
perity - we must have them under economic law.
We cannot operate this American machine at its
present and rapidly increasing capacity unless
the masses can buy on a scale which was never
before heard of, and the masses cannot buy on any
such scale unless wages are removed from competi-
tion, and organized business and organized labor
co-operate on the task of seeing how high those
wages can be made. That means that there must
be codes, with teeth in them. It means that chis-
elers and economic traitors must be brought to
And I am compelled to agree with the President,
who, from the start, instead of attempting to ad-
minister our economic affairs, merely opened the
door by which business, with the cooperation of
labor, could set up its own controls.
All I urge is that you leave that door open. Then
if business fails, it will not be your responsibility.
The NRA we must remember, was never intended
to produce recovery by some power within itself.
It was an act, rather, a charter under which bus-
iness, if it grasned its nnnnrtnity .Alda ofttn


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