THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 19 35 Broadcast To x ,. Be Given By Speech Class Program From Imaginary Station Is To Include Imitations Of Stars A three-hour broadcast will be giv- en from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday over the public address system in Morris Hall by the students in Speech 152. Tht program from the imaginary station WMA will include local ver-. sions of radio attractions from "Stoopnagle and Bud," and "Clara, Lou, and Em" to "News of the Day" and women's fashions. The staff for station WMA will be Stewart Cram, '35, program manag- er; John C. Healey, '35, studio man- ager; and Turrell Uleman, '35, con- trol operator. The three-hour laboratory pro- gram will open at 9 a.m. with the "Breakfast Club" consisting of one- minute commercial announcements and a musical program using grama- phone records. Robert Engel, '35, and Charles Baird, '35, will be in charge. To Give News Broadcast Benjamin McFate, '36L, and Court- ney Evans, '35, will describe selected news events and emulate the radio program, "News of the Day." At 9:30 a.m. a speech class will be dramatized by Casper Beimfohr, '35, Robert Anderson, '35, Mary Pray, Grad., and Eleanor Blum, '35. A women's fashions program will be broadcast at 10 a.m. in which Charles Brownson, '35, will be the announcer, and Harriet Kesselman, '35, will describe through commercial advertisements the trends in women's fashions. Reading of poetry by Douglas Reading, '36, will feature the "House By the. Side of the Road" program, on which David Zimmerman, '35, will be the announcer. Harold Parker, '35, and Joe Horak, '35, will follow this with a broadcast of sports fore- casts. Cram To Be Vocalist At 11 a.m. Stewart Cram, '35, vocal-' ist, will give a song review with Rob- ert Engel, '35, as accompanist, and Edward Downs, '35, announcer. The well-known "Clara, Lou, and Em" skit will be enacted as a com- mercial broadcast by Marjorie Oost- dyk, '35, Frances Byrne, '37, and Eleanor Chase, '35. E. Jerome Pet- tit, '35; will act as announcer. Mary Pray, Grad., will teach list- eners the whys and wherefores of cooking in her commercial school at 11:30. Lawrence Clayton, '35, will be the announcer. The public address system will next send a "Stoopnagle and Bud" pro- gram which will feature John Richardson, '36, and Howard Bressler,7 '35, after which station WMA will gong its 12 o'clock time signal and sign off. This program will be broadcast to, the world's smallest radio audience under the direction of Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of the campus studios in Morris Hall, and will serve, as a mid-semester examination for the participants. lame Radcals ext Of Proposed Senate Bill Mahing Communism A Felony Substitute For 1935, it shall be unlawful for any per- SENATE BILL NO. 292 son to serve as professor, instructor Michigan or teacher in any public school of Fifty-Eigth Legislature this state until he or she shall have Regular Session of 1935 March 21, Introduced by Senators Dunckel and Baldwin, ordered print- ed and referred to Committee on State Affairs April 16, Reported substituted, order- ed printed, referred to Committee. of the Whole and placed on General Orders A BILL To promote respect for the consti- tution, laws and institutions of this state and the United States, to in- sure the teaching thereof in the in- stitutions of this state, to provide penalties for institutions employing teachers or admitting students con- trary to the provisions of this act; to prohibit and provide penalties for advocating the overthrow of our gov- ernment by force and other commu- nistic activities. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: Section 1. Any person who: (a) Advocates the overthrow of government, or (b) With intent, in any way or manner whatsoever, to encourage, foster, further aid or abet any at- tempt to overthrow the government, publishes, issues, gives away, sells, distributes, or possesses for distribu- tion any book, paper, document, or other printed or written material which advocates the overthrow of government; or (c) Knowingly organizes dr aids in the organization of, or knowingly be- comes or remains a member of any society, association, or organization which has as its object, or as one of its objects the overthrow of govern- ment or the advocacy df the over- throw of government; or (d) With knowledge of the purpose of the meeting or assembly, attends any meeting or assembly at which the overthrow of government is advocat- ed; or (e) Owns, occupies, possesses, or controls the use of a room, building, or other structure or place, and know- ingly permits the same to be used as a meeting place of persons who advo- cate the overthrow of government, or as the headquarters of any society, as- sociation or organization which has as its object or one of its objects, the overthrow of government; or (f) Teachers or advocates in any public or private school or education- al institution in this state any scheme plan or system which contemplates the overthrow of government; or (g) Has in his possession or trans- ports from any point within this state, with the intent, in any way or manner whatsoever, to encourage, foster, fur- ther, aid or abet any attempt to overthrow the government, and books, pamphlets, documents, or papers, of any kind, wherein or whereon appear any words, signs, or symbols, advo- cating or suggesting the overthrow, by force, violence or other unlawful means, of the government; Is guilty of a felony and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than one year nor more than fourteen years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2 No license to teach in any of the public schools of this state, nor renewal thereof, shall be issued un- less the applicant therefor shall take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation, which shall be filed with the application for such license or renewal at the time of filing same: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the state of Michigan, respect for law and order, and undi- vided allegiance to the government of the United States of America." Sec. 3 From and after September 1, leader. He was last reported to be in Miami. y A report of the investigating of- ficials published this morning iden- tified Concepcion Valdivieso, a woman indicted in the Falla kidnaping, as the wife of Rafael Giraud, who was in- dicted with Guiteras, Joaquin del Rio Balmaseda, former secretary of jus- tice, and others charged with the attempt on the life of Panabaz, a former governor of Oriente province. taken and subscribed to and filed with the secretary of the school board the oath or affirmation prescribed in sec- tion 2 hereof or after such person has violated such oath. Sec. 4 From and after September 1, 1935, it shall be unlawful for any person, except a subject of any coun- try other than the United States, to serve as professor, instructor or teach- er in any university, college, junior college or normal school in this state, the property of which, or any part thereof is exempt from-taxation or is supported in whole, or in part by pub- lic funds, until he or she shall have taken and subscribed to the oath or affirmation prescribed in section 2 hereof, and filed the same with the secretary or registrar of such insti- tution, or after such person has vio- lated such oath. Sec. 5 Any person who is a subject of any country other than the United States, and who is employed as a pro- fessor, exchange professor, instuctor or teacher, in any such institution shall, before entering upon the dis- charge of his duties, subscribe toan oath to support the institutions and policies of the United States during the period of -his sojourn in this country. Sec. 6 From and after September 1, 1935, every citizen of the United States of America applying for ad- mission to a university, college, jun- ior college or normal school whose property, or any part thereof, is ex- empt from taxation, or which is sup- ported in whole or in part by public funds, shall take and subscribe to and file with the secretary or regis- trar or such school the following oath, or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the con- stitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the state of Michigan, and will, by pre-, cept and example, promote reverence and respect for the flag and institu- tions of the United States of America and of the state of Michigan, respect for law and order, and undivided al- legiance to the government of the United States of America." Sec. 7 The oath in each instance shall be administered by a person au- thorized by the laws of this state to take acknowledgements, or by such officer of the institution as may be designated by its president. Sec. 8 Any university, college, jun- ior college or normal school which shall employ any person as a profes- sor, teacher or instructor in violation of the provisions of this act shall, during the continuance of such un- lawful employment. (a) in case of institutions support- ed wholly or ir part by state funds, receive no moneys, either directly or indirectly from the state fo any pur- pose whatsoever; (b) in case of institutions, the property of which or any part there- of is exempt from taxation, shall im- mediately forfeit all right to such ex- emption. Any university, college, junior col- lege or normal school which accepts students therein in violation of the provisions of this act shall be subject to the same penalties and forfeit- ure as are provided in this section. Sec. 9 As used in this act;, the term "government" shall, except where the context indicates reference to a par- ticular government, be construed to refer to and include the government of the United States, any state or ter- ritory of the United States, and any political subdivision thereof. As used in this act, the term "over- throw" shall be construed to mean and denote any attempt to destroy the existing form of government by force, violence, deceit, subterfuge or any un- lawful means. Sec. 10 Nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit or in any man- ner interfere with or limit the right of peaceful picketing or striking in in- dustrial controversies. Sec. 11 All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby re- pealed.1 Sellars Sees Communism As Unlikely Here Points To Fascism As Being More Probable In America (Continued From Page 1) impression which the allied nations do not wish to give. "So," he said, "you have a deadlock - with the makings of a war." According to Professor Sellars, the chief hope for peace at present is the ability of the allied compacts to keep Germany down. "But," he added, "this is not the best peace. Instead it is based on the theory that might makes right. It makes for a state of diplomatic war." Has Not Reached Goal Speaking of Communism as a social goal, Professor Sellars stated that while Communism is the ideal of the Soviet State, "It is not as yet realized, and circumstances may even be forc- ing Russia away from it. Events alone will tell the story. "There has been too much doctrin- aire Marxism," he added. Professor Sellars termed President Roosevelt's social security program "merely a beginning," pointing out "how completely Americans have ig- nored" social problems. "We went wild in pursuit of external things," he said. "It is only recently that we have at all opened our eyes to the vital questions that confront us." Predicts Social Reform Professor Sellars hoped that "if the President is able to bring back prosperity, we will continue to pro- gress along the lines of social re- form." Stating that most European countries are years ahead of the United States in social legislation, he pointed out that Great Britain's un- employment insurance "acted as a cushion" for the depression in that nation. The University's political philos- ophy expert also expressed the hope that "America will become really socially conscious and solve her prob- lems in a rational, intelligent man- ner." He predicted, however, that "an uncertain and zig-zag path will probably be followed, because the situation is so novel here. Our past of pioneer individualism," he contin- ued, "will have a direct bearing on the route taken." He cited as possible course of action "a swing to semi- Fascism, followed by a reaction to a saner position." Shift From Individualism The shift in political philosophy, both in the United States and in the world at large, Professor Sellars ob- served, is away from the older indi- vidualism to a "social realism, domin- ated by the idea of the good of the community at large." Nationalism has been a "vicious factor" in contemporary political phi- losophy, he said, and declared that nationalism makes for "international anarchy. Industrial capitalism," he pointed out, "has been linked with nationalism and 'imperialism." He mentioned Japan as a "preco- cious disciple" of the West in its mili- tarism and extreme nationalism. "A rational solution of our politi- cal problems is always far more de- sireable than revolution," he declared in conclusion, "but that demands edu- cation, reflection, tolerance, and open-mindedness. The question be- fore America today is, shall we en- courage these necessary conditions of social advance?" Hal f-Billion-Year-Old Fossil Found On Lake ITHACA, N. Y., April 19. - (P) - Fossilized sea urchin a half billion years old, was found yesterday on the Cornell University campus, Dr. Ken- neth E. Carter, University paleontolo- gist, announced. The fossil - the second found on the campus in 20 years - was discov- ered in paleozoic rock at the head of Beebe Lake. The earlier specimen is now in Harvard Museum. . In life the urchin was globular in shape and covered with spines. Orientalists To Hold Meeting In Ann Arbor American Oriental Society To Discuss Civilizaton Of Eastern Countres The annual convention of the American Oriental Society, in con- junction with its Middle West Branch will be held here April 24-26. After the opening of the first meet- ing Wednesday morning, the Orint- alists will be officially welcomed by President Alexander G. Ruthven at a luncheon in the Union; and a re- ception will be given by President and Mrs. Ruthven at their home that same evening. To Cioose Officers During the course of their regular sessions and business meetings, which will be held in Alumni Memorial Hall, the Society's officers for next year will be chosen and recent develop- ments and discoveries in the fields of Eastern history, culture, and civili- zation presented. The members will hear, in the Wednesday afternoon meeting, the Society's presidential address on "Linguistic Science and the Orientalist," delivered by Prof. Roland G. Kent of the University of Pennsylvania. Several local mem- bers will also give papers. Will Inspect Museums The Orientalists will be given op- portunity during their stay to inspect various museum exhibits of interest in their special fields. The General Library and Alumni Memorial Hall also have arranged several exhibits displaying Arabic and Islamic manu- scripts, papyri. Japanese road maps, Persian miniatures, and other ob- j ects. Local members of the committee arranging the convention include Prof. Leroy Waterman, the chairman; and Prof. William H. Worrell, both of the Oriental languages depart- ment, Dr. Mehmet Aga-Oglu, Freer fellow and lecturer on Oriental Art, Miss Adelaide A. Adams of the fine arts department, Dr. Carl E. Guthe of the anthropology department, Prof. R. B. Hall of the geography de- partment, Prof. Campbell Bonner of the Greek department, and Mrs. A. S. DeWitt and Henry K. Schoch, both of Detroit. Clarence Darrow 78 Faculty Me n Are Named On County Board Donal H. Haines of the journalism department and Prof. George L. Jack- son of the School of Education were elected recently to the board of direc- tors of the Washtenaw County Con- servation Association as representa- tives of Ann Arbor. The board of the newly formed so- ciety is composed of 12 representative sportsmen from all parts of the coun- ty. The communities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti have two members each on the board, Saline, Dexter, Manchester, Milan and Chelsea one each. Two of the boardmembers are selected from among the farm land- owners of the county, and one posi- tion, for the village of Whitmore Lake, has not yet been filled. Both Mr. Haines, who has been in- strumental in the founding and or- ganization of the society, and Prof. Jackson have strongly sponsored the movement locally. The Association was formed on the lines of the Jack- son county organization of a similar character which has conducted a very successful program. The aims of the society which have been expressed in a six-point program consist of active participation in game management, restocking of county lakes and streams, establishment when practical of rearing ponds, cooperation with the Federal government and the Jackson County Conservation League in de- veloping the Waterloo project, and highway beautification and refores- tation. Officers of the society will be elected at a meeting of the board of directors to be held next week. --Associated Press Photo. Clarence Darrow, veteran Chicago attorney shown as he appeared on his seventy-eighth birthday anniver- sary, opines the world is all right but needs a more equitable distribu- tion of wealth. POST TO MAKE FILM BARTLESVILLE, Okla., April 18. - (P) - Wiley Post, one-eyed round-the- world flier, is going into the movies. The former Oklahoma farm boy an- nounced today he has completed ne- gotiations with a Hollywood studio to appear in a fifteen-episode aerial thriller. He will start work Sept. 1. U Air Carnival SUNDAY APRIL 21 PLANE RIDES $1.00 STU DENT CONTESTS PARACHUTE JUMP Ann Arbot Air Service South State Street Road For SiX More Cuban Crimes Police S r lThat LeftisiS Were InvolvedIn iavana, City Hall Robbery HAVANA, April 19. - P) -Police laid half a dozen additional crimes td ay at the door of the group of Leftist leaders indicted yesterday with Antonio Guiteras, former secretary of war, navy and interior, for the $300,000 kidnaping of Eutimio Falla Bonet. Among the crimes the authorities said were perpetrated by members of the radical group were the $156,000 Havana city hall robbery last Oct. 30; a $1,000 Santiago postoffice rob- bery; an attempt to rob Royal Bank cffices of $60,000 near Holguin, Ori- ente; a train robbery near Havana:. InvestiLators said the robberies and a series of extortion attempts were intended to raise funds for fi- nancing a revolution. Guiteras a Cu- ban-American, is a fugitive from jus- tice in connection with the shooting of Jose Penabaz, . another radical iii-' -- 'Ii Jb FA 10 ? 0 SAINT ANDREW'S ESPISCOPAL CHURCH 1869 1935 D i v i s ion at Cca the r in e S t r e e t EASTER DAY Seryices Your Vacation Tri p- Whenever you go - make sure of one thing- that your travel funds are in a safe, conven- ient form. We recommend- AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL CHEOUES S ' {:'." . *:}i{ai? ::a:;;"%}: .~r: s}C;:";""":: :.. " 1f'".:ir:"}ty:};::}:TiM :7.;.'}:.,g ;};;{+$a," ti" C{:"v>?'r" +i.. ,y~, ;{+ S' . J:_ '": ;".r 4::'v .. ":4:.::.}i ."+,', ": ,: ' },1 f .! 1 "". ".. }:""r'f> ":"; T;. Y1.{11 ;.";biQ{,:%}, },',"""1"V 1'{1I ' {y1t:y1.. .fY:.1','h"".''1S y f"?v ;i}{.}'::%ri.1r" . .v{ r x " .S i t. A ;' ;:.Y,1 1:(" .;v3 :{' }? "r:.}::r'{""h : :"1' ,""' .1ri i{.:'.tr{:Sy "" t:q.}.t w eaf4 $;r-'" : k" v:1,.v., n.}.y;;{". : } ::.: i:"i .1atfttv-} " ""}".:s1:}" Y.}:4 :"p------ :11*3{"". l:{" N SAVINGS-as in beauty-the new 1935 Electrolux is years ahead. You'll find, as owners everywhere have found, that this modern gas refrigerator will actu- ally pay for itself with its big three-way saving. Electrolux saves money on running cost-thanks to its simpler, more efficient operating principle, which requires no moving parts at all! It saves, too, on food bills because of the fuller protection this remarkable refrigerator gives to milk and other perishables. Finally, Electrolux saves on depreciation. It is the moving parts in a refrigerator that wear-and Electrolux has none! Come in today and see the l eautiful new Electrolux for yourself! Compare its advantages with those of any other refrigerator. Inspect carefully its sparkling white cabinet-its gleaming hardware. Examine its many worth ...~ic n~au n'm L1Y.tA- whd trr". ti !1m 7:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. CHORAL HOLY COMMUNION. Music by Men's and Boys' Choir. CHORAL HOLY COMMUNION