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April 20, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-20

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M ;
Publsaed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
sso0tated Cfiolagiat l$rts
-1934 1935
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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CITY EDITOR .........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................EIANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas A. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Fleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
..Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall . Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
Bond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith. Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
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Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Stanley Joffe, Jerome I. Balas,
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John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore,
Herbert D. Failender, John T. GuernseyJack R. Gustaf-
son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, Donald R. Knapp, William C Knecht, R. A.
Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann,
Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M.
Roth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A.
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WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Helen'Shapland Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Betsy
Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord.-
Rebuke For
Childish Action. .
THE EXHIBITION of infantilism
that characterized the conduct of
some persons in the history class that met in the
West Physics Building yesterday afternoon was so
vicious and lacking in courtesy to the professor -
who was conducting the session in the absence of
the regular instructor - that it deserves the indig-
nant censure of every adult student on the Mich-
igan campus.
Throughout the one-hour lecture period certain
members of the class, who must never have de-
veloped after their kindergarten days, amused
themselves at the expense of the majority interest-
ed in the exposition being made by the instructor,
by indulging in every type of nonsense that would
catch the fancy of a six-year old.
This and similar silly groups of men and women
students may some day be taken to represent the
cream of what this college and this country has to
offer. It is a tragedy, indeed, when that is possible.
Fortunately, there are still a great majority of
students at the University of Michigan who have
retained the courtesy and good breeding they
brought with them, and some that have gained
it from their college careers.
Doubling One's
Efficiency .. .

46XT OU CAN DOUBLE your efficiency
after a little training. The odds
are a hundred to one in favor of this being true,"
says Walter B. Pitkin in his book, "More Power
to You." Mr. Pitkin is not alone in saying this.
Psychologists have often estimated that very few
persons ever attain more than half their potential
The superior efficiency of a great many men over
others, then, would indicate that so many of these
others are probably running on about 25 per cent
of their potential capacity.
Of course everyone's life is his own and he may
do with it what he wishes. He is harming society
only indirectly by not accomplishing more than he
now does.
But the individual's own life is being relegated to
a plane on which he will not really enjoy himself
as much as if he were living a strenuous and pro-
ductive mental life.
Mr. Pitkin goes on to give many rules and sug-
gestions in his book to aic4 persons in theii' ac-
quisition of more efficiency. Undoubtedly the will

As Others See It
Lament For Townsend
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
IT IS REPORTED from Washington that the
Townsendites have struck their flag and are
now willing to reduce their pension demands from
$200 monthly to $50 monthly. What an anti-
In the beginning, the Townsend movement had
kind of glamour. Dr. Townsend and his followers
were the Coal Oil Johnnys of economics. Their
relentless disregard of facts, logic and statistics
was nothing less than magnificent. Such questions
as whether the country could survive complete
breakdown if everyone over 60 got $200 a month
were waved aside with dogmatic finality.
According to its founder, the success of the
Townsend plan was dependent on the expenditure
by each recipient, within the month, of the $200.
But he never let the country in on the secret of
how this provision was to be enforced. Presum-
ably, it was to be left to the sportsmanship of the
pensioners. Here, again, one must marvel at the
implicit faith placed by Townsendites in human
A Townsend plan gone humdrum and practical
can attract no such support as the vision of a
Utopia, into whose portals we all can enter tomor-
row or a week from Tuesday. It might attract a
mild burst of handclapping. But no frenzied
Training Our Leaders
(From The Indiana Daily Student)
r[HERE NOW EXIST perhaps 50 enormous gov-
ernment owned corporations with aggregate
capitalization as great or greater than 50 of our
largest private corporations. Not only the execu-
tives who will in the future manage these public
corporations, but also those who will administer
the private corporations must be able to work with
governmental agencies and have a thorough under-
standing of the requirements of government in
all its phases.
This was the theme of a speech given by Herman
B. Wells, state bank supervisor, before social sci-
ence students at the Indiana State Teachers Col-
lege recently.
Mr. Wells pointed out that a great new field
of opportunity has opened up in the past few
years for the enterprising college man or woman
well trained in the principles of economics, soci-
ology,, political science and commerce. Both the
public and the private business leaders of the fu-
ture will need a workable knowledge of all these
subjects, and it will be by an integration of the
teaching of these subjects that colleges and uni-
versities will do the most to aid society in this
period of rapid shifting of emphasis from private
to public business.
Undergraduate students at Indiana University
who cherish ambitions to be among the business
leaders of the country 25 years hence would do
well to integrate their studies so that they can
gain a solid foundation of education in economics,
sociology, political science and commerce; not just
one of them but all of them. By studying all these
subjects in conjunction the student can best pre-
pare himself technically and socially for leadership
in both our private and our public businesses.
'Go To Church' Sunday
(From The Ohio State Lantern)
IS RELIGION dying out in collegiate circles? Re-
formers, educators, and clerics may have their
own ideas on this subject, but figures available at
the registrar's office would make it appear that the
answer is "no."
The application for admission to the University
reserves a space for prospective students to list
their religious affiliations. A tabulation of these
religious connections reveals that a total of 7,562
students maintain a definite religious affiliation.
But will 7,562 student heads lift from as many
pillows next Sunday morning when the church
bells begin ringing? This is the Sunday that has
been set aside as the University's "Go to Church"
Sunday, sponsored by the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.-
Although the number of students admitting re-

ligious affiliations is a large percentage of the
student body of more than 9,000, we wonder how
large is the percentage of students giving real
thought to religion beyong writing it down for the
Collegiate thought and comment picked up at
fiaternities and sororities and dormitories by the
freshmen has a way of causing many students to
forget certain phases of home training especially
along religious lines.
College students as a whole know that the reds
constitute a very minor group on any one campus.
But the public does not know that. The public
sees them all running around with an insane
light in their eyes, waving red flags and shouting
"Down with democracy!" -Daily Illini.

Spring is here and we fill this column today with
an item taken from the Tufts' College Weekly,
written by Leviticus Y. Pimplebunny.
"In the vernal season, the puerile anthropoid's
caprice reverts vicissitudinarily to solicitudes of
pre-eminent devotion."
This adage was not formulated from metaphys-
ical logic or the consequences of extensive cortical
exertion cited by philosophical hypotheses, but
from the discerning sagacity acquired by fre-
quently reiterated subjective reactivity experienced
while tossed thither and yon in the throes of this
environmental millenium, of none other than the
world transcendent authority and brain snap, Le-
viticus Y. Pimplebunny.
Considering this situation as an immurement re-
sulting in a virtual state of hysteroepilepsy because
of its tendency to be lenocinant and lusorious by
impastation, (we warn you, the rest is nonsense)
its detrimental effects are judged as overwhelming-
ly gross, inenigmatically because desultory miseri-
cordia largely holocryptic in nature, requires iatra-
liptic care. Eleemosinarily, such spumescent salta-
tory infrequently wives the extringent postulates
of its antithesis. Traducently stooming the in-
corrigible ooze in the pristine thurible of coquetry
(you'd better quit) makes possible a dilineation in
miscegenation. On the other hand the cosmo-
rama of eneagonal persistence flagrates an inanilo-
quous polution of crystalescence in such opine and
crinoline gyrecocracy, the effect produced is a
gwiniad of hedonic mnemomicism, or in other
words metaphrastic scrupulosity. Hence a dege-
lation of libido would mean melioration of leu-
comelanous strips. Prurience demands that the
imporosity of isochronous con-comitance be abe-
cedarian. This disease is known as "etaoin shrdlu."
(I guess you are a sucker after all!)
This may be old, but it's still good:
A lecture, it is said, is the process by which
the notes of a professor become the notes of a
student without passing through the brain of
A professor at the University of Colorado takes
the prize for being the most absent-minded. The
class met at eight and waited 15 minutes for the
professor to appear. Finally they got up to leave
and to their amazmnent they found him outside
the door, busily engaged in conversation with an-
other professor. The class sat down again. A few
minutes later the professor walked in and asked
who was supposed to be teaching the class. "You
are,' came the answer. Later he confessed that he
was about to announce that the professor would
probably, not appear that morning.

Add this to your list of definitions:
Collegiatism: Putting three nickels into a
marble machine; being elated when you win a
* ** *




Greatly surpassing hopes of monetary gain

or just financial reward,

man's greatest

achievements have ever been influenced by
his desire for recognition, in his pride of
accomplishment, and his insatiable craving
for praise. Here at the Daily, admittedly,
black figures for 1934 were not exactly dis-
pleasing, but still more pleasing and qualify-

ing was the recognition accorded us by


1 .

should we say

It's no stopping these chemistry professors. Re-
cently one at the University of Maryland asked
one of his students to name a certain chemical
in a solution. The student replied that he didn't
exactly know but it was right on the end of his
"Don't swallow it," retorted the professor, "it's

substantial increase in the number of adver-
tisers whom we serve year in and year out...
42 per cent to be exact... making it a year
filled with pleasure and pride in producing
results and student trade for an ever-growing
ist of clients who have been more than gen-
erous in their appreciation, constancy and
Th *higanDi

A Washington

WHEN THE DEMOCRATS gather in national
convention next year, one of those rare oppor-
tunities to refashion things political in a way that
could deeply influence the future, not of the Demo-
cratic party alone, but also of the two-party Amer-
ican system, will present itself.
They will have the chance, unhampered by the
usual warfare between rival presidential nomina-
tion aspirants, to knock the two-thirds majority
requirement for nominations out for keeps. There
has been no similar chance to jettison that dis-
cord breeder since Woodrow Wilson was renomi-
nated in 1916.
Most Democratic veterans trace a lot of the
party's long and painful casting in a minority role
to that two-thirds rule. It was born long ago of
the immediate necessities of a particular candidate
and has been carried over from campaign to cam-
paign to stir up factional strife and promote such
bitter contests as that in New York in 1924 which
leave their scars for years.
ONLY WITH A first term Democratic president
to be renominated with good prospects of re-
election does there come an opportunity to drop it.
When the party is out of power, rivals for the nom-
ination have developed their campaigns so long be-
fore the convention meets that alliances to "stop"
the leader, like the "stop Roosevelt" move in '32,
are built up in advance on the basis of the two-
thirds rule.
As Roosevelt campaign manager at Chicago that
year, Jim Farley precipitated a stormby a threat to
knock out the two-thirds rule when the convention
met. Roosevelt had a majority of delegates pledged
but not a two-thirds majority.
There has been no mention of the two-thirds
rule by anyone since that pre-convention brush
in Chicago.
S ANOTHER CONVENTION year comes along,
however, Mr. Roosevelt could move toward
elimination of that troublesome and undemocratic
rule without stepping on anyone's toes. It is tra-
ditional in both parties to renominate first-term




State and Huron Streets
5:15 O'clock
"Science in Search
of the Soul"
7:30 P.M.
"The- Religious I.G.
of Students"
By Dr. Murray VanTuyle, of the
Psychology Department.

Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director .
Services from now on will be held in
11:15 A M. Sermon at the Hillel
Foundation Chapel by Dr. Bernard
"Ethical Significance
of Passover"
10:00 A.M. A Memorial (Yizkor Serv-
ice will be held at 538 N. Division.

washington Street and Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A.M. Sunday School; lesson
topic, "the Resurrection and the
Future Life."
9:00 A.M. Service in the German
10:30 A.M. Easter Service with ser-
mon on,
a "he Importance of
of Christ's Resurrection"
Text,1 Corinthians 15,12-20
5:30 P.M. Student Fellowship and
Supper to be followed by an East-
er song service.
6:30 P.M. "Easter Days," an Easter
service given by the Sunday School

. Sri.
_ w to

State and washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
L. LaVerne-Finch, Minister
A. Taliaferro, Music
6:00 A.M. Easter Sunrise Service for
young, men and women of college
age. Kappa Phi has charge of the
program which will be based on

(Missouri Synod)
west Liberty and Third Streets
Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor
6:30 A.M. A brief Sunrise Easter
Service, "Why Seek Ye the Living
Among the Dead."
9:30 A.M. Easter Service in German.
10:45 A.M. Easter Morning Worship.





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