THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATRDAY, APRIL 20, 1935 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1ubot*~un the Buletn i oonstrctive notice to all memberu 0 the UDlv~rsityA 0 Cy receiv d at the office of the Assistant to the Pre deut until 3:30;1130 aam. Saturday. Huey Ignores Relief Administrator's Threats mittee for the freshman project, will meet all freshman women who have not yet paid their $1.00 project dues Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 in the Undergraduate Offices at the League. Poetry Reading Contest: The final time for entering this contest is 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 24. The name and telephone number of each con- testant and the list of poetry to be used must be handed in to Professor Hollister, or Professor Eich, or at the office of the Department of Speech and General Linguistics, Room 3211, Angell Hall. Contestants must be eligible to take part in public activi- ties. Each contestant will have 12 minutes in which to talk about and interpret from memory the poetry selected. College of Architecture Seniors: Orders for commencement invitations announcements must be in by 5 p.m., Monday, April 22. See Rose Mary Best, second floor drafting room, 8- 10, 3:30-5 on Monday. Academic Notices English 88: I shall not meet Eng- lish 88 on Monday, April 22. The writing assignment for next week will be due Wednesday, April 24. A. L. Bader Events Today Iota Sigma Pi: The initiation will be held at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. White, 608 Onondaga Avenue, 4 p.m. Initiation dinner will be at 6:45 p.m., Michigan League, when Helen Norris Morse, National Secre- tary, will speak on "X-ray and Bac- teria." Les Voyageurs: The initiation ban- quet will be held at the Stevens Lake House, Whitmore Lake, at 6 p.m., in- stead of at the cabin as previously arranged. All active members and those volunteering transportation will meet at the cabin af2 p.m. U-M Outdoor Club: There will be a hike this afternoon to the Boy Scout Cabin along the Huron River. There the group will play games and have an outdoor supper. Return to town about 7 p.m. Any student in- terested in going may leave with the group from the Women's Field House at 2 p.m. The cost of the supper will be between 20 and 30 cents. All Graduate Students are invited to attend a hike and supper out of doors today in the Huron Hills. The Graduate Outing Club, under the di- rection of J. E. Marceau, will leave Lane Hall at 3 p.m. Price of supper will be 25 cents. Women Students: There will be a hike for all women students today. Meet at the W..A.A. Building at 2 p.m. Coming Events Vulcans: Very important meeting in the tower room of the Union at 6 o'clock, Sunday. Engineering Open-house Display Committee meeting at 4 o'clock Sun- day at the Union. Please bring a copy of your plans for the displays. Assembly: Important meetings on Tuesday, April 23, 4:15 p.m., at the League. Music Section of the Faculty Wom- en's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. G. E. Densmore, 2116 Melrose Ave., at 8 o'clock, Wednesday, April 24. This will be the final meeting of the year, and election of officers will be held. Glenn D. McGoech, instruc- tor in the School of Music, will dis- cuss the programs to be presented at the May Festival. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday: 7:15 a.m.-Students gather at Guild House, walk to hills above fire- place for Easter Service. Breakfast at fireplace following. Call 7332 for reservations by Saturday noon. 12:00 noon -Students Class on Classified Directory NOTICE CLASSIFIED NEW AND USED CARS A.M.S. Inc. 311 W. Huron ADVERTISING Phone 2-3267 Place advertisements with Classified _ _ _ _ _ _ Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. LAUNDRY The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea extra charge. sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 Cash in advance 1ic per readng line snbe redlvr.Poe3O (on basis of five average words to 9x line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Careful work at low price. 4x Telephone rate -15c per reaading- line for one or, two insertions. WANTED 14c per rearlingline for three or more insertions.WATD ME'OL AN M 10o discount if paid within ten days WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEV from the date of last insertion. suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dal Minimum three ines per isertion. lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month......................8c cago Buyers. Temporary office, 20 4 lines E..D.,' 2 months........ ,30 2 lines daily, college year.......c North Main 7x 4 lines E.O.D., college year.......7c 100 lines used as desired.........9c 300 lines used as desired.........8c ll t tin . 1,000 lines used as desired........7c 2,000 lines used as desired 6 ....... R "Ge n The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch.Gi e Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add Fa ey letersc A per line to aboveral Farley G iven letters. Add c per line to above pto bold face, upper and lowercase.Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face J b Q e to capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point tyUCoNnstNik And Chairmai LOST AND FOUND (lN+ 1Q A f t rT nn -Associated Press Photo. Unperturbed by the national administration's threats to withhold work funds fyem the state, Senator Huey Long (left) pushed along bills through the Louisiana legislature to give him control of expendituret of work relief-funds. Harry L. Hopkins (lower right), Federal relief admin- istrator, and Secretary Ickes (upper right), PWA adnministrator, have threatened retaliation if the measures are approved. LOST: Thursday eevning, near Pret- zel Bell Tavern, stamped leather bill fold, containing considerable sun o money. Will finder please phone 4075. Liberal reward. 191 Old Testament in Guild House, Mr. * Chapman,leader. 6:00 p.m.-Guild service. Mr. Chapman will speak on the Oberom- IS mergau Passion Play. Refreshments follow the program. Methodist Episcopal Church, Sun- day: 6:00 a.m. -Wesleyan Guild Easter sCOLUM Sunrise Service. In the auditorium Mrs. Mar of the church. The program has been welfare,o arranged by Kappa Phi, Methodist statement Girls' Club. "Christ's Last Week On warden of Earth" will be portrayed through the accep readings and music. All students and fective M their friends of college age are cor- dially invited. There will be no eve- In annc Ding meeting of the Guild Easter man mad Sunday. ters to th 7:00 a.m.- Easter Breakfast will sion, whi' be served by Kappa Phi at Stalker Thomas Hall for all friends of the church. Mr. Thom Make reservations before Sunday, if The let possible, by calling 6881. Tickets "The o which are 25 cents per person, may E. Thomf be purchased at Stalker Hall or the penitentia church office. and specif 8:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Serv- mission, ice. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chosen said Prest as a subject for this Easter sermon, the Ohio "Why Immortality?" be and is 9:00 a.m. - Kappa Phi will serve records o Easter Breakfast a second time to ac- sion of 0 comodate those who cannot come earlier. HOL 10:30 a.m.-Morning Worship At a m Service. This will be a repetition of national the 8 o'clock service. tional frai lowing o: Unitarian Church: Sunday evening guerite service at 5:15 o'clock. "Science in othy Bei Search of the Soul." Orthodox re- May Eli: ligion finds a Protagonist. secretary Liberal Students' Union meeting at Penhale,' 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Van Tuyl of the Psy- chology Department will talk on Services some laboratory experiments. are: 7:00 a. Congregational Church, Sunday: ion, musi 10 :40 a.m. - Sermon by Mr. Heaps. 9:00 a.m Subject, "Intimations of Immortal- nion; 11 ity." Special music. Stringed trio ing Praye with Arthur Hackett, soloist, and by the R double quartet. the men 6:00 p.m:-Student Fellowship - Kinder Supper to be followed by a musical Pageant, program by the Symphony Orchestra sented by under the leadership of Thor John- ship and son. Firs-t B Harris Hall, Sunday: 9:30 a.] 7:00 p.m.-There will be the regu- 10:45 a lar student meeting. Mr. Lewis will Easter m lead a discussion on "Immortality." organist All students and their friends are by Mr Sa cordially invited. Life Eterr 7:30 p.1 Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: in church ) Warden Reinstated tBUS, O., April 19 - ( ZP) - rgaret Allman ,director of, announced today the rein- of Preston E. Thomas as d the Ohio penitentiary and tance of his resignation ef- ay 1. ouncing the action, Mrs. All- Le public copies of her let- e state civil service commis- Th is hearing an appeal to for reinstatement, and to has. ter to the commission: rder of removal of Preston as as warden of the Ohio ary, together with all charges fications filed with the com- are hereby withdrawn and ton E. Thomas as warden of penitentiary is directed to reinstated as warden on the f the civil service commis- hio." D ANNUAL ELECTION eeting of Pi Lambda Theta, women's honorary educa- ternity, neld recently the fol- fficers were elected: Mar- 3all, Grad., president; Dor-. se, Grad, vice president; zabeth Smith, '35, recording -treasurer and Gertrude '36, corresponding secretary. of worship Easter Sunday ,m. -Choral Holy Commun- c by the men and boys choir; n. - Choral Holy Commu- :00 a.m. -Festival Morn- r, Holy Communion, sermon ev. Henry Lewis, music by and boy's choir; 11:00 a.m. garten; 4:00 p.m.-Easter "The Tree of Life" pre- the young people's fellow- the church school. aptist Church, Sunday: .m. - Church School. .m. -Worship and sermon. ausic. Prof. E. Wm. Doty, and choir director Sermon ayles, minister, on "This Is ,nal." I. - Special musical service auditorium. 'Petition' To End JBlue-Books Drawn Up By Alpha Nu Crusading against all blue-books and quizzes, Alpha Nu, honorary speech fraternity Thursday night held a humorous parliamentary, drill in which a sham petition to the effect that blue-books and quizzes should be done away with was drawn up and passed by a large majority. Another accomplishment of the meeting which was supposedly run according to Robert's Rules of Order, but at which pandemonium was the order, was a "petition" to Dean Bur- sley that the professors who gave the "regrettable E's and D's to the mem- bers of Alpha Nu be fined $100 on general principles, said amount to be given to the fraternity treasury and be apportioned to the members for beer. Library Displays Shakespeare Sets (Continued from Page f) morphoses of Ovid from which "Venus and Adonis," "Lucrece," and parts of "The Tempest" and the Sonnets are believed to have been drawn; the Mir- ror for Magistrates of 1559, a source for the Histories and "King Lear"; Holinshed's Chronicles of 1586-7 re- garded as a source for "MacBeth," King Lear' and "King Henry III," the Actes of the Englysh Votoryes of 1561 - thought to be the basis of "Hamlet"; and Aristio's Orlando Fur- ioso, from which it is reputed that the famous shipwreck scene of "The Tempest" was taken. Last in the cases are the noted edi- tions of the 18th Century including that by Samuel Johnson in 1765, Alex- ander Pope's edition of 1723 and Louis Theobald's edition of 1733 in which he harshly criticized Pope's edition and consequently earned for himself the main part in the latter's biting satire, "The Dunciad." Editions by George Stevens, Edmund Malone and others are also included. 25c MAJESTIC 35c Mainee Evenings Starting Today - Shows at 2:00 - 3:30 - 7:00 - 9:00 I M I C I GAN DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMI IFIA A I DAILY 15c TO 6 P.M. WHITNEY Last Day CHAS. DICKENS' "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" and DICK POWELL "HAPPINESS AHEAD" Tomorrow I "BEHIND THE GREEN LIGHTS" With Judith Allen and Showing Only at 3:29 and 8:29 Charles BICKFORD ~ Helen VINSO N a I I I - -- U