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April 19, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-19

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Group Leaders
Of Orientation
To Be Trained
Changes Announced In.
Organization Of League

Attends Convention

Plans for the training of the wom-
en who are accepted on the orienta-
tion committee were announced yes-
terday by Margaret Hiscock, '36,
chairman of the orientation commit-
The members will be selected from
the group who petitioned, after they
have had personal interviews with
a faculty-student central committee,
which will be conducted by Miss His-
cock, Miss Ethel McCormick, and
Jean Seeley, '36, president of the
League. Applicants will be inter-
viewed from 4 to 6 p.m. today, and
from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m.
The organization of the committee
this year will be changed, in accord-
ance with the more comprehensive
nature of the orientation program,
Miss Hiscock said. The group will
be divided into two sections. One
these will take charge of the admin-
istrative work, while the other will be
the personnel group, who will have di-
rect contact with the new students.
This second group will be divided in-
to two sections, one to work with new
upperclassmen, and othe other to
work with freshman women.
After the committee has been se-
lected, three meetings will be held for
the personnel group this spring to
familiarize them with their work. The
first meeting will be an introduction
to the general aims of the program.
the second will be a discussion of the
attitudes which should be maintained
by the group leaders, and the third
will be a social meeting, at which the
leaders will meet the faculty advisers
of their groups, and will learn the
details of the program for orienta-
tion week. If a fourth meeting is
necessary, it will be a round-table
meeting at which the leaders may
offer suggestions and ask questions.
Golf Tournament Is
Planned By W.A.A.
Louise Nack, '36, who is in charge
of the Golf Tournament for W.A.A.,
has announced the rules for all women
interested in entering the contest.
Groups of two, three, or four may
play together at the University Golf
Course. All entrants must have
played 18 holes, and handed in their
score at the course before Monday,
April 29. Each player's score is to be
kept by his partner. The tournament
will be based on the medal score.
The eight women obtaining the lowr
est scores will be given places on the

-Associated Press Photo.
Rase Leng, daughter of Senator
Huey Lcng of Leuisana, is shown as
Ahe attended the convention of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
at Washington.
Ingenious IBooths
Will Be Featured
At Penny Carnival
The booths, which from the begin-'
ning have been the main stay of the
Penny Carnival, are characterized this
year by ingenuity. Besides the usual
offerings of soft drinks and food, the
houses will give a new twist to old
Chi Omega is now training live
ducks for their role as pegs. Contest-
ants standing back of a chalked line,
will attempt to ring the bird's neck
as he swims around in the large
wooden wash tubs.
Betsy Barbour House has created
a laughing boy through the mouth
of which balls will be tossed. A simi-
lar feature proved popular with the
men last year.
"See yourselves as other see you" is
a device originated by Helen New-
berry Residents whereby the student
will receive a silhouette snap shot of
Due to the modified bullion stand-
ard, the lucky spin of Alpha Xi Delta's
roulette wheel will yield butterscotch
patties instead of gold coin.
A Cassandra from the Alpha Delta
Pi will tell fortunes, revealing the
wisest course to follow. Zeta Tau
Alpha is conducting Keeno contests
and for those not interested in parlor
games the carnival offers ping-pong.
Students entering Jordan Hall's
booth will not be served victuals, but
will be permitted to spear the pota-
toes, strung up before them, with
Adelia Cheever House, who won the
silver cup for the most originally
decorated booth in 1931, '32, and last
year, will again sell food. Lemonade
and cookies will be served in the
"Crooked House."
If the evening is warm, Alpha Gam-
ma Delta's bar will be crowded, and
Alpha Chi Omega's frost bites and
Delta Zeta's ice cream will be in de-
Collegiate Sorosis, inspired by the
season, will carry out the Easter motif,
selling jelly beans and chocolate
Easter eggs.

Science Group
Hears Speech
By Dr. Stuart
Illustrated Talk Given On
The Central American
At the regular meeting of Beta
Chapter of Phi Sigma scientific so-
ciety for faculty members, Wednesday'
night in the Natural Science Building,
Dr. L. C. Stuart of the Zoology Mu-
seum gave an illustrated talk entitled
"The Tenderfoot in the Tropics."
The tropics to which Dr. Stuart re-
ferred include the southernmost por-
tion of Mexico and Central America,
particularly Guatemala and the re-'
gion south of Lake Petan, the largest'
lake in Central America. It was in
this area that the famous Mayan'
civilization flourished.
The civilization of this Empire has
been extensively studied by archae-
ologists for some time, but until re-
cently the zoologist and the botanist
have not penetrated the region.
Although the expedition which Dr.
Stuart headed was the third of its;
kind, the main problem still was
searching for sites for extensive study.
As a sideline, however, the expedi-
tion did manage to make the largest
collection of specimens ever brought
back from that area. This collection
includes 1,500 reptiles, 10,000 amphi-
bians, and a few fish.1
Women's Club.
To Hear Talk.
At Bach Homej
The applied education division of1
the Ann Arbor Women's Club will en-
tertain the club at a program and tea
at 2:30 p.m. today in the Anna Bots-
ford Bach home.1
Mrs. Mary Ayres of Dundee willt
give an illustrated lecture on birds.
She is being presented by the con-
servation division of which Mrs. Avery
Shroth and Mrs. C. W. Fisk are chair-
man and vice-chairman. Mrs. Burra
Boylan is director of the applied edu-
cation division.
Hostesses for the afternoon will be]
Mrs. Julio del Toro and Mrs. Edward
W. Blakeman, and Mrs. Charles H.1
Eaton and Mrs. William C. Hoad will
The first of a series of hikes spon-
sored by WA.A. will be held Satur- ;
day. Everyone interested is invited
to attend, the group leaving at 2
p.m. from the Women's Athletic
Building and returning before dusk.
Later on breakfast and supper hikes
and canoe trips will be arranged.


(Robert Henderson will present "The
Simpleton of the Unexpected isles' 'in
the annual spring program of the
Dramatic Season.)
(Editor of The Nation)
The most recent plays by Bernard
Shaw are commonly regarded as the
products of an old man. It may beI
that they are, if I am to regard the
complacent opinions of some of my
younger confreres, but as I watched
the latest unfold upon the stage of
the Guild Theater in New York I
found myself not only very genuinely
entertained but suddenly possessed
of a brand-new theory to account
for the new character which his lat-
est comedy, "The Simpleton of the
Unexpected Isles," shares with "The
Apple Cart" and "Too True To Be
That theory is as follows: Bernard
Shaw is not in any way old or senile,
but merely come at last to the point
where he feels justified in doing ex-
actly as he likes.
Writes Now For Fun
For nearly fifty years he courted
the public in his own indirect way,
sweating over the difficult problem of
expressing himself in terms it would
accept, and shaping his unconven-
tional plays into something remotely
resembling the conventional form.
Then, at about three score and ten,
'he realized that there was no reason
why he should bother himself any
longer. The critics be damned; he
would please his public directly, in his
own fanciful and amazing way. He
would write exactly what he found it
fun to write and leave it in the form
it happened to be in when it ceased
to be fun to work on.
This suddenly and startlingly new
form for his plays is what has out-
raged the critics; and befogged a cer-
tain cosmopolitan group of his au-
dience; always, at best, the group
Shaw has- always delighted in outrag-
ing and outsmarting.
Now it is not easy for a confirmed
puritan like Mr. Shaw to become ir-
responsible, even at an advanced age;
but as soon as he achieved one irre-
sponsibility he achieved another. For
half a century he forced himself to be
what he - if no one else - fondly
believed to be stern and practical. At
last, however, he has freed himself.
from the fetish of practicality. As,
he announced in "Too True To Be
Good," world affairs have now got be-
yond the point where even he could
arrange them. He is convinced at
last that mankind is damned beyond
hope of redemption, and the convic-
tion has taken a great weight off his
Shavian Expostulation
Since nothing 'eould be of any use,
there is no need to keep up the effort
to be useful. Shaw has been called
"the man who can explain anything

to anybody and who enjoys doing it."
He now gives way to his profoundest
impulses. He talks copiously and vi-
vaciously about everything and in-
dulges in horseplay to his heart's con-
tent. True, some of these subjects
which occur to him are political and
moral. But they are no longer sup-
posed to have any practical bearing on
anything. In other words, these later
plays are not tracts at all. They are
simply Shaw for Shaw's sake. And
the spectacle of Shaw outside his pul-
pit is so new and original that some
of those critics who attacked him for
his former sermons now foam in fury
because Shaw has entered the realm
of entertainment and fun.
"The Simpleton of the Unexpected
Isles" is the least serious of the three
plays, and to me it is consistently en-
tertaining. For that, a good deal of
credit must go to the brilliant cast
so rich that, besides Nazimova and
Romney Brent in the feaured role,
it has in secondary parts such first-
rate performers as McKay Morris
and Lionel Pape.
Romney Brent especially is a de-
light to watch as the cheerful Simple-
ton, but then there has never been
a play written that would not be
worth seeing if he were in it.
Anyone interested in acting as
hostess for the Penny Carnival
tomorrow night is asked to ap-
pear at Barbour Gym at 9 pm.
tomorrow. Hostess badges will
be given out at the door.
SUITS... of Quality
and Individuality! at
16.75 and 29.75
DRESSES ... stunning
new dresses in navy,
prints . . . and pastel
shades! at 12.75 s
Others 7.95 to 25.00
1 BLOUSES. . . all new
versions to comple-
ment your Easter suit!
Others to 5.95
HOSIERY . . by Art- I
1 craft in shades that
are right! at 1.00
Others 79c and 1.35
East William off State


_ ff
j 'I

r ..



women's golf team,
a free membership
Golf Course.

and will be given
to the University

Where To Go

Baseball Tournament
Schedules Announced
Baseball games in the Intra-
mural . tournament for women
will be played off on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays a n d
Thursdays at 4:30 and 5:15 p.m.
All preferences must be turned
in today at the Women's Athlet-
ic Building or to Kate Landrum,
'37, who may be reached by call-
ing 22543.

Freshman Women Meet
With Wyvern Advisers'
Leaders of freshman activity groups
organized by Wyvern, junior women's
honorary society, met with fresh-
man women interested in athletics
and dramatics yesterday at luncheon.
They outlined the project in which
the freshmen could assist in the Pen-
ny Carnival, acting as members of
the hostess committee.

Motion Pictures:

Wuerth, "WingsI

in the Dark" with Myrna Loy. Also,
"Marie Gallante." Michigan, "Prin-
cess O'Hara" with Jean Parker, and
"Transient Lady." Whitney, Dick-
ens', "Great Expectations" and "Hap-
piness Ahead" with Dick Powell.
Majestic, "Lightning Strikes Twice"
with Ben Lyon and "Carnival" with
Lee Tracy.
Dancing: League, Silver Grill, Un-
ion, Chubb's, Hut Cellar, Granger's.
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., April 18. -
(A)-Shirley Temple's dimples swept
six-year-old Warren Davies right off
his feet. He tried to phone her that
he was coming out to Hollywood to
marry her, but he only had $1.20,
and Chicago police hustled him back
rJfor the ,severe or nsore
Sdressy tail6 red suits -
j fwithFlattering Brimsr
$.95 to $10
o n1


N.R.A. -- A.A.A. -- C.W.A. -- P.W.A,
But Now It's S. Y. F.


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