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April 17, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-17

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The Weather
Generally fair, warmer today:
tomorrow showers. warmer.


*fr igau


The Baldwin Bill...
President Ruthven's
Statement .. .
Student Government Finale..



Name JudgesI
Of Hopwood
Littell, Ruhl, And Dean To
Decide Awards In Field
Of Drama
Sinclair Lewis To
Serve As Judge
John Erskine, Van Wyck
Brooks, Ruth Suckow
Also To Officiate
Judges for the 1935 Avery Hopwood
and Jule Hopwood Awards Contest,
which closes at 4:30 p.m. today, were
announced yesterday by Prof. Howard
Mumford Jones of the English de-
partment, acting director of the Hop-
wood contest in the absence of Prof.
Roy W. Cowden.
National judges in the field of the
drama will be Robert Littell, author
and former dramatic critic of the New
York World and the New York Eve-
ning Post; Arthur Ruhl, author and
dramatic critic of the New York Her-
ald-Tribune and Alexander Dean, who
is now associated with the Yale The-
Erskine To Judge
John Erskine, author and profes-
sor of English literature at Columbia
University; Van Wyck Brooks, essay-
ist and critic, and Mary M. Colum,
wife of Padraic Colum and winner of
the Guggenheim Fellowship in Lit-
erary Criticism for 1930, will act as
judges in the essay contest.
Equally prominent judges have been
obtained for the poetry division of
the Hopwoods. Mark Van Doren, an-
thropologist and professor of English
literature at Columbia University,
Frances Frost, author and contributor
to current periodicals, and Ezra
Pound, founder of the imagist move-
ment in poetry, have consented to aid
the Hopwood committee in determin-
ing the awards in this group.
Sinclair Lewis Accepts
In the field of fiction Sinclair Lew-
is, who refused the. Pulitzer Prize.
for literature in 1926 and received
the Nobel Prize for literature in 1930,
has agreed to act as a judge. Ruth
Suckow, author of "Iowa Interiors,"
whose recent book was a Literary
Guild choice, and Webb Waldron, an
alumnus of the University and a judge
in the 1924 Hopwood contest, will
act as the other *two judges.
Professor Jones stated that 4:30
p.m. today will absolutely be the
deadline for all manuscript and that
all material turned into the English
office, 3221 Angell Hall, must absol-
utely be accompanied by eligibility
slips of the contestants to receive
Political Angle
Of Marx Scored
By Malinowski
Declares Himself strongly
Against Property Control
By Government
Agreement with the scientific the-
ories of Marxism and violent oppo-
sition to the political angle were ex-

pressed by Prof. Bronislaw Malinow-
ski of the University of London,
mathematician, economist, and an-
thropologist, who spoke yesterday af-
ternoon before a capacity audience
in Natural Science Auditorium.
"Conservative, . but not a damn
fool," as he termed himself, Professor
Malinowsk i declared himself strongly
against the political programs such
as "the bloody revolution" and the
government, which Marxians advo-
"We cannot say that one owner-
ship is better than another," he point-
ed out, "because all ownership loses
the creative and saving quality." The
only concession that he could make to
the Marxians cn this point was the
fact that there would be no absentee
land ownersand no unearned profits
"which have led to abuses, and must
be more and more controlled by so-
He stalled that he was quite in
sympathy with an emphasis on the
theoretical teaching of the Marxian
doctrine, becau~se it enabled people
to understand society from a scientif-
ic point of view.



Modern Dancing
Featuring two gentlemen and a
damsel skating blithely alongdthe
Diagonal, the May cover of the Gar-
goyle starts off the issue with a burst
of color photography.
Commercialization of sororities,
with copious examples of how the
thing should be done to be done
right, is another idea which has been
taken up and expanded by this
month's issue. It is expected that
the type of advertising thus urged will
create a new vogue, both for obtain-
ing dates, and in the course of the
rigors of rushing.
"How the well informed dancing
partner will drag his date around
the dance floor" might well be a title
for another section of the issue.
Crearly demonstrated are all the va-
rious emotions which are necessary
for one to show while dancing, such
as the 'dagger glance,' the "come
hither" look, and the goldfish-appear-
ance of enjoyment.
Open House To
Be Held With
Plans For Combining Of
Two Annual Events Are
The annual open house of the en-
gineering college will be integrated
with the Spring Homecoming pro-
gram, which is now' being planned
jointly by the Union and League and
will be held Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, May 17, 18 and 19, it was an-
nounced last night by Douglas R.
Welch, '35, chairman of the commit-
tee in charge of arrangements.
Welch also named the complete
committee for Homecoming. Jean
A. Seeley, '36, newly-elected presi-
dent of the League, will serve as as-
sistant chairman, and President Alex-*
ander G. Ruthven will act in the ca-
pacity of honorary chairman. How-
ard Underwood, '36E, has been named
sec;etary of the committee.
Also on the committee are Dean of
Students Joseph A. Bursley and Dean
of Women Alice C. Lloyd, for the
administration, T. Hawley Tapping
for the Alumni Association, Dr.
Charles Sink, for the School of Music,
Philip Singleton, '35E, president of
the Interfraternity Council, Carl
Hilty, '35, president of the Under-
graduate Council, Allen D. McCombs,
'35, president of the Union, William
G. Ferris, '35, managing editor of The
Other members of the same com-
mittee are:
Maureen A. Kavanagh, '36, presi-
dent of Assembly, Jane Arnold, '36,
chairman of Panhellenic Council, and
Russell Anderson, '36, president of
the Student Christian Association.
The engineering college will open
for display to all Homecoming guests
their special technical exhibits, Frank
A. Denison, chairman of the open
house program committee, stated.
A preliminary program for the
Homecoming week-end including
University athletic events, a family
dinner Saturday evening with a prom-
inent speaker, and various other ex-
hibits was outlined last night by Miss
Seeley. May Festival concerts are
also scheduled for the same week-end.
Letters of invitation will be issued
to all parents of students within a
radius of several hundred miles of
Ann Arbor. Students residing out-
side this area may have invitations
sent to their parents by leaving
names and addresses at the student
offices of the Union.

Powers Ask
For Censure
Of The Reich

Initiative Is
By France

Of German

Resolution Scores
Treaty Violations
Demands For New Peace
Accords Are Suspected
By Poland
GENEVA, April 16.- (R) -France,
Britain and Italy today asked the
League of Nations to censure Adolf
Hitler for rearming Germany in vio-
lation of treaties, and punish nations
which repudiate treaties in the fu-
France, in a memorandum accom-
panying the resolution, declared flat-
ly "the German initiative of March
16 (Hitler's renewal of compulsory
military service) must be condemned."
(A German government spokesman
said at Berlin "you may be certain
if this goes through the League of Na-
tions, Germany never will rejoin it.)
The ti-power resolution declared
Germany's rearmament equivalent to
repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles
and condemned in unequivocal lan-
guage "any unilateral repudiation of
international obligations."
German circles here were quick to
declare the resolution too strong. It
will hinder Germany's participation
in collective peace arrangements, they
Dissension among members of the
council flared up immediately after
introduction of the resolution.
Tall, erect Joseph Beck, foreign
minister of Poland, pointed out that
the Warsaw government has taken no
part in negotiations leading up to
the present situation and said Poles
were suspicious of demands for new
peace accords such as were proposed
in the resolution.
"We fear that new accords," he
said, "may hinder and weaken the re-
gime of non-aggression on Poland's
eastern frontier or compromise our
friendly relations with our Western
Dr. Munch, the Danish representa-
tive, said he had "serious doubts" con-
cerning certain points raised in the
memorandum and would have to con-
sult the government of Copenhagen.
Salvador de Madariaga of Spain
reserved the right to introduce
No vote was taken on the resolu-
tion today, the Council adjourning
until tomolirow after debating ilt
Young Democrats
DIsciss Munitions
A discussion of the munitions ques-
tion, led by Marie Murphy, '35, will
feature the meeting of the Young
Democrats Club to be held at 7:15
p.m. today in the Glee Club Room of
the Union, it was announced yester-
day by Richard L. Shook, '35, presi-
dent of the organization.
Business matters and the appoint-
ment of committees will occupy the
rest of the meeting.
An invitation to attend the meeting
was extended by Shook to all persons
interested in the Democratic party.
FLINT, April 16-(P)-Miss Lea-
tha Voorhies, 18 years old, who fell
from the balcony to the main floor
of the I.M.A. auditorium Sunday af-
ternoon while watching a vaudeville
program, died today of her injuries.

Illinois Joins
Nation In Red
Communistic Teaching Is
Scored By Senatorial
Anti-Radical Drive
Strong In Lansing
Would Demand Allegiance
Pledge By Every State
College Student
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 16. - (o)
- An investigation by the state sen-
ate to determine whether Communism
is taught in Illinois universities was
proposed today by Senator Charles W.
Baker, Republican. Consideration of
his resolution was postponed until
The resolution said:
"It has been openly charged that
subversive communistic teachings and
ideas advocating a violent overthrow
of the established form of govern-
ment of the United States and the
state of Illinois have been instilled in
the minds of many students of certain
tax-exempt colleges and universities
in the state of Illinois."
Baker proposed that the investiga-
tion be made by a committee of five
senators, with full power to subpoena.
His resolution made no specific
mention of the University of Chicago,
where Charles R. Walgreen, drug store
executive, has charged that Commu-
nism is taught.
Concerning charges of Communism,
Baker's resolution continued:
"If true, such a system of indoc-
trimation would imbue many of the
young generation of the state of Illi-
nois with a feeling of disrespect and
disloyalty to the principles of Demo-
cratic government as guaranteed and
secured to the people of the state of
Illinois by the Federal and state con-
"If such a condition exists, such
endoctrination, if allowed to continue
undisturbed, would tend to corrupt
the minds of future generations, so
as to endanger the pvinciples that the
people of Illinois hold dear."
The resolution would make it pos-
sible to extend the investigation to
all "wholly or partly tax-exempt col-
leges and universities."
LANSING, April 16 - 01)5- The
Legislature continued its drive against
radicalism in publicly supported edu-
cational institutions. A resolution
was introduced in the House by Rep.
Charles D. Pullen (Rep.-Mt. Pleasant)
proposing that students refusing to
take an oath of allegiance be barred
from all State colleges.
Governor Fitzgerald may appeal
for pressure from the public to bring
his economy bills onto the floor of
the House, he indicated today.
The governor reiterated he is not

Baldwin Bill Receives
General Support From
Jiutlven, Other Officers

Conplete Text Of Baldwin Bill
Requiring Oath Of Allegiance

Lack Of Universal
For Citizens Raises


Fifty-Eighth Legislature
Regular Session of 1935
Feb. 12, introduced by Senator
Baldwin, ordered printed and
referred to Committee on
To require all teachers, in-
structors and professors in jun-
ior colleges, colleges and univer-
sities to take and subscribe an
oath or affirmation to support
the constitution of the, United
States and the constitution of
the State of Michigan, to pro-
vide the manner for the taking
of such oath or affirmation, and
to repeal all acts or parts of acts
in conflict with the provisions of
this act.
Section 1. From and after
September 1, 1935, it shall be
unlawful for any citizen of the
United States to ' serve as a
teacher, instructor or professor
in any junior college, college or
university in this state or any
junior college, college or uni-
versity whose property, or any
enderson To
Talk Here On
Harvard Teacher To Give
Second Of University
Lectures This Week
The second of the two University
lectures this week will be given at
4 p.m. today by Prof. Lawrence J.
Henderson of Harvard University, who
will speak on "Pareto's Contribution
to Methodology in the Social Sci-
ences," it was announced by Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to the President,
who is in charge of the lectures. The
lecture will be given in Room B,
Haven Hall.
A biological chemist by profession,
Professor Henderson has done con-
siderable work in the field of the ap-
plication of physical chemistry to biol-
ogy, and is the author of such works
as "The Fitness of the Environ-
ment," "The Order of Nature," and
,After graduating from Harvard in
1898, Professor Henderson received
his master's degree there in 1902, and
an Sc.D. degree in 1932. He studied
at the University of Strassburg from
1902 until 1904, and then returned to
Harvard as a lecturer in biological
In 1905 he became an instructor,
and has since been )continually con-
nected with the faculty there, be-
coming a professor in 1919. In 1921
he was exchange professor to the
University of Paris and he has since
been honored by the posts of Silliman
lecturer at Yale, Leyden lecturer at
the University of Berlin, and Mills
lecturer at the University of Cali-

part thereof, is exempt from
taxation unless and until he or
she shall have taken and sub-
scribed the following oath or
"I do solemnly swear (or af-
firm) that I will support the
constitution of the United States
of America and the constitution
of the State of Michigan, and
that I will faithfully discharge,
according to the best of my
ability, the duties of the position
'of.......... (title of position
and name or designation of jun-
ior college, college or university
to be inserted) to which I am
now or may subsequently be as-
The oath required by this sec-
tion shall be administered only
by the officer or person, or in the
case of a board or body by a
member of the board or body,
having authority to employ such
person as a teacher, instructor
or professor in such junior col-
lege, college or university, and
each is hereby authorized to ad-
minister it. The officer, person
or member administering such
oath shall make a record or no-
tation of the fact in the books or
records of the junior college, col-
lege or university, and forth-
with transmit the oath as taken
and subscribed to the superin-
tendent of public instruction,
who shall file it in his office,
where it shall be subject to pub-
lic inspection. It shall be un-
lawful for an officer, person or
board having control of the em-
ployment, dismissal or suspen-
sion of teachers, instructors or
' professors in such junior col-
lege, college or university to
permit a person to serve in any
such capacity therein in viola-
tion of the provisions of this
section. This section shall not
be construed to require a per-
son to take such oath more than
once during the time he or she
is employed in the same junior
college, college or university,
though there be a change in
the title or duties of the posi-
tion. Provided, however, That
this requirement shall not be
construed as prohibiting such
officer, person or board from
employing for limited periods
instructors or lecturers who are
citizens of foreign countries."
Sec. 2. Any junior college,
college or university which shall
employ any such person in vio-
lation of the terms of this act
shall, during the continuance
of such unlawful employment
(a) If such be an institution
supported wholly or in part by
state funds, not receive any
state moneys for any purpose
(b) If such institution be a
private, charitable and/or de-
nominational college or univer-
sity whose property, or any part
thereof, is exempt from taxa-
tion, immediately forfeit all
right to such tax exemption.
Sec. 3. All acts or parts of
acts in conflict %vith the provis-
ions of this act are hereby re-

Officials Term Bill
As Unobjectionable
Legislators Expect Final
Action On Measure By
Administrative officers and mem-
bers of the University faculty for
the most part view the Baldwin Bill
as "unobjectionable," an extensive
survey conducted by The Daily last
night revealed.
The only objections to the proposed
bill which were registered in a poll
of regents, professors, various offi-
ials, civic leaders and presidents of
state colleges, hinged around the
failure of the measure to provide for
the taking of an oath of allegiance
by all citizens, and further that "it
is bad principle because of potential
misuse by autocratic administrators."
This act, designed to force teach-
rs in state schools and colleges to
ake the oath of allegiance to the
Constitution of the United States and
also to the state constitution, passed
the Senate Tuesday when it came
ack for concurrence in minor amend-
To Governor Thursday
Officials of the Legislature predict-
.d last night that the bill would go
o the governor for final action on
In commenting on the action of the
Legislature, President Alexander G.
Ruthven said, "It is entirely consist-
mt for the Legislature to enact this
measure. I see nothing in the bill
vhich will in any way interfere with
he work and objectives of the Un-
President Ruthven emphasized the
fact that the bill exempted "ex-
change professors" from the law re-
quiring an oath of allegiance.
In explaining his belief that the act
is "bad principle," Prof. Lowell J.
"arr of the sociology department
;tated "naturally I have no objection
;o the bill except that it is bad prin-
iple because of potential misuse by
autocratic administrators who object
to opposition to their decisions.
"It would give them a club over the
ndependent-minded teacher," he
added. "The real loyalty of teachers
is shown by the manner in which
they live and not by their words."
Karpinski Approves
Both Prof. Louis C. Karpinski of
the mathematics department and
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the en-
gineering college expressed themselves
as favoring a bill with a wider scope
which would require all citizens to
take an oath of allegiance.
Rep. Redmond M. Burr of Ann Ar-
)or, one of the seven members of the
House who voted against the bill, told
The Daily by telephone from Lansing
early this morning that "he believes
every citizen should take an oath of
He stated thatbhe had absolutely no
abjection to the Baldwin Bill, but that
there was no evidence advanced in the
Legislature to show that there had
ever been an instructor employed at
a state college or university who was
a communist. Representative Burr
called his vote against the act "a pro-
test vote" against the "gag" rule in the
Regent James o. Murfin of Detroit
said: "I have not studied the Baldwin
Bill, but I am in favor of any law or
'regulation that will compel anyone.
who enjoys the benefits of American
citizenship to share its responsibilities.
There is no higher obligation on any-
one than to defend your country if
Both Regents Franklin M. Cook of
Hillsdale and Junius E. Beal of Ann
Arbor declined to comment on the
measure. None of the other mem-
bers of the Board could be contacted
last night.
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, director

of student-alumni relations, said: "I
do not see any objection to the Bald-
win Bill whatever, and I think it is
all right."
President Robert S. Shaw of Mich-
igan State College wired: "Last Wed-
nesday April 10th our deans and di-
rectors recommended to the faculty

demanding, at
Democrats or
the bills.

this tine, that either
Republicans vote for

America 200 Years Ahead Of
Europe, Malinowski Asserts

Icke s Orders
Open Warfare
Cancellation Is Threatened
For Long's PWA Funds'
And Projects
WASHINGTON, April 16. -(W) -
Declaring open warfare on Senator
Huey P. Long, of Louisiana, Secre-
tary Harold L. Ickes today threatened
to cancel all public works projects
in Louisiana and was told that he
could "go slap damn to hell."
The verbal slaps the two delivered
at each other across the considerable
distance between Washington and
Baton Rouge appeared likely to de-
velop into a political duel of some na-
tional significance.
Asserting here "that PWA funds
won't be used to build up Senator
Long's political machine," Ickes added
that "if Senator Long is going to dic-
tate to us how we shall conduct the
PWA program in Louisiana we reserve
the right to cancel our contracts."
At Baton Rouge, Long told Ickes
to seek lower and warmer regions and
"I'll answer all these cabinet mem-
bers and senators on the floor of the
Senate Monday." -
The sizzling exchange followed an
attempt by Long to have the Louisiana
legislature - well under control-pass
a bill to give his organization virtual

Senator Baldwin Defends His
Bill Outlawing 'Red' Activities

Declaring that the United States is
200 years "ahead" of Europe, Prof.
Bronislaw Malinowski of the Univer-
sity of London yesterday gave his
views on Communism, progress, the
New Deal, and a varied list of other
topics after he had concluded his ad-
dress in the Natural Science Auditor-
"In 200 years, Paris will look like
Buffalo and London will look like De-
troit," the noted anthropologist as-,
serted. He stated emphatically that
"Europeans are not more intelligent

he stated. "I am entirely against I
"I am directly opposed to Marxism,"
lie snapped. "It is not working out in
society today."
Dr. Malinowski praised President
Roosevelt, but chided the New Deal as
being a "necessary evil."
He agreed with Oswald Spengler,
author of "The Decline of the West,"
that western civilization is declining,
but is of the opinion that the Ger-
man author was "an idiot." "His book
is only right in the title," he added
Asked what type of government
would follow in this country if the
republic were overthrown, he declared

LANSING, April 16. -State Sen-
ator Joseph A: Baldwin of Albion de-
fended the Baldwin-Dunkel Bill,
which would outlaw Communism, in
an interview tonight in the Senate
Chamber of the State Capitol.
The Baldwin - Dunckel proposal,
Senate Bill No. 292, was reported out
of the committee on State Affairs
today and is expected to come on the
floor of the Senate tomorrow.
When asked if the bill were prompt-
ed by radical activities at the Uni-
versity, Senator Baldwin said, "No,
not the University in particular. Both
Senator Dunckel and myself are mem-
her, of thi American Legion. and the

loyal persons possessing such litera-"
"In the first place," he said, "I do
not blame the students for radical
activities at the University - I blame
the professors." Senator Baldwin,
however, admitted that he personally
did not know of any University pro-
fessor who advocated violent over-
throw of the government, but said
there were some at other state in-
Mentioning the pledge taken by
University students at the anti-war
strike, April 4, he said, "Their mo-
tives were the very best, but they did
not realize the significance of such
action. It was really treason." He

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