The Weather Generally fair today, warmer in afternoon; tomorrow mostly cloudy, rising temperatures. L it igm lIai1ij Editorials Misunderstood Joe College .. . Wiley Post Tries Again.. . VOL. XLV. No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Council' s Proposal Accepted Men's Student Council To Be Instituted By New Constitution Alter jurisdiction And Membership Senate Committee's Action Culminates Months Of Consideration Months of preparation, argument, and discussion were culminated in the announcement yesterday that the constitution for a new men's student government prepared by the Under- graduate Council partly from a cam- pus survey on the subject and partly from its members' beliefs, had been accepted by Senate Committee on Student Affairs. Effecting radical changes in only a few provisions, the new constitution provides for both ex-officio and elec- tive members with the former com- prising ten of the eighteen members. The elective members, who will be chosen by direct vote, are apportioned among the schools and colleges of the University. Expressly excluded from the juris- diction of the new council are the professional schools, law, medicine, and dentistry, in accordance with the opinions expressed by members of those schools in the survey. No Great Changes Made No great changes were made in the jurisdiction provisions of the constitu- tion, the new council having power to investigate and report all cases arising within its limited jurisdiction. Jurisdictidi over engineering honor system violations and scholastic dis- honesty in other schools is specifically denied the council, but it is impowered to assume jurisdiction over such mat- ters as are referred it by other schools than the literary college in which it has original jurisdiction.1 The annual move for a chance in student government began this year with the formation of a proposed plan by the Student-Faculty Relations Committee of the Union and its sub- mission to the University administra-7 tion. Campus Survey Conducted From the Senate Committee on Stu- dent Affairs it was sent to the Under- graduate Council with a request that, this body should find out the con-1 sensus of student opinion on the ques- tion and submit a plan drawn from this survey. The polling of campus opinion was attended by so little interest and produced such a divergence of opin- ion that the plan drawn from the survey was changed insome respects in order to secure a definite recom- mendation for adoption from the Un- dergraduate Council. A meeting of the Undergraduate Council will be held in the near future to provide for the election of the new members and to select a date for the . formal dissolution of the old Council, according to Carl Hilty, '35, president. College Reds Attacked At D.A.R.Meeting WASHINGTON, April 15.- (N) - 'i he Daughters of the American Rev- o ution remained closely attentive to- day throughout two hours of speeches and a half hour of discussion after re- ports of subversive influences on col- lege campuses, mostly Columbia Uni- versity. The daughters were told by J. Ken- nieth Bennett, Columbia student active in "right wing" cohorts, that condi- tions were so bad on that campus "we have to adopt semi-secret methods to have any sort of patriotic organi- zations." The Columbia college newspaper, he said, was "coptrolled by the Na- tional Student League, and subtly used to destroy home, church, and family." He said the right wingers could not have their say in it even one day a week. BULLETIN LANSING, April 15. - (A) - The House passed tonight, by a vote of 83 to 7. the Baldwin bill Men's Student Council Con st itiin ARTICLE I. Section 1. The Men's Councio shall be composed of the Presi- dent of the Michigan Union, Recording Secretary of the Michigan Union, Managing Editor of The Michigan Daily, the President of the Interfraternity Council, the President of the Student Christian Asso- ciation, the President of the Engineering Council, the Ex-Presidents and Presidents of Sphinx and Triangles, and eight elective members as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The elective members of the Council shall be chosen as follows: three from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, one from the College of Engineering, one from the School of Business Administration, one from the School of Forestry, one from the School of Music, and one from the School of Architecture. Section 3. The elective members shall be chosen in direct elections in each school, each male student being entitled to one vote. Elections shall be held in May of each year, and shall be con- ducted by the Council. Section 4. The officers of the Council shall be a president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer. The president shall be elected by the Council either from within its own membership or from the campus at large, and in the latter case he shall become a member of the Council upon his election. The vice-president shall be elected by the Council from within its own membership. The recording secretary of the Michigan Union shall be ex-officio secre- tary-treasurer of the Men's Council. The term of office for all three officers shall be one year. Section 5. At the end of each year the officers of the Council shall submit to the Council and file with the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs reports of their work. ARTICLE II. Section 1. In all schools and colleges except the Law School, . (Con inued on Page 6) Teachers Will Iuthven Bans Perversive Lonvene Here April 25-27, Actlvltles' In Ultimatum; Seventieth Convenltion Schoo lmasters Club Meet Next Week Of Tro Governor Scores Pacifists Col'Icat , ocatiotl, Debatec Will Be (hn Pr~oraml Luncheon Honoring College Heads To Sessions State Open Kerwin Claims ChicaroDoesn't Favor Marxism Doctrines Are Severely Treated, Professor Says; Defends 'Mental Diet' CHICAGO, April 15 -)-- Admit- tedly, Karl Marx is part of the men- tal diet offered optionally to Univer- sity of Chicago students, but Prof. Jerome G. Kerwin of the political science department pointed out to- night that "so are Walter Lippmann, Herbert Hoover and Franklin %D. Roosevelt." And Dr. Kerwin added: "I know of no place where Marx's. political doctrines receiv more sev- ere treatment." He is one of the directors of the; social science course criticized by Charles R. Walgreen, drug store mag- nate, *who last week withdrew his niece from the university, charging she was "exposed to insidious Com- munistic influences." The niece, Miss Lucille Norton, 18, was a member of the social science class. She denied Marxism was taught. "Fascism and communism received no comfort on the Chicago campus," said Professor Kerwin. "And one of the first premises of our course in contemporary society is to encour- age the use of peaceful means of governmental change, guaranteed by the constitution - education, per- suasion, and the ballot." All first-year students must pass an examination in the course. Profes- sor Kerwin said there was no attempt made to "present the views of any one leader in the field of economics, sociology and political science as fin- al and perfect" but that Marx, Hoov- er, Roosevelt, Lippmann, and a long list of other writers were suggested to the students for optional back- ground study "There is no question," said Ker- win, "but that the students leave the course with a better understand- ing of the great possibilities of the Democratic order in the solution of problems that beset mankind. "It is absurd to say that the Uni- versity of Chicago advocates the over- throw of the government by violence." Maliiiowski To Give Address At 4:15 . M. Will Speak In Science Auditorium; Henderson Here Tomorrow Two visiting speakers, Prof. Bronis- law Malinowski of the University of London, and Prof. Lawrence J. Hen- derson of Harvard, have been sched- uled for this week on the current University Lecture series, it was an- nounced yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President, who is in charge of the series. Professor Malinowski is to speak at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi- torium today on "The Economic Mo- tive in the Development of Civiliza- tion," and Professor Henderson will speak at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday on "Pareto's Contribution to Scientific Methods in the Social Sciences." This lecture will be given in Room B, Haven Hall. A mathematician, economist, and anthropologist, Dr. Malinowski will deliver his address here under the auspices of the anthropology depart- ment. He was graduated from the Polish University of Cracow in 1908 with a doctorate in exact science and mathematics, and in 1910 went to the British Museum for research work, and took a doctorate in science while there from the London School of Economics in 1916. Among his better-known woek are "Argonauts of the Western Pa- cific," "Crime and Custom in Savage Society," "Myth in Primitive Psychol- ogy," and "The Family Among the Australian Aborigines." He has also contributed to various scientific jour- nals and to the Encyclopedia Britan- nica and the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. Professor Henderson graduated from the University of Harvard in 1898, received a master's degree there in 1902, and a doctorate in 1932. I He has been on the Harvard faculty since 1904 in the department of bio- logical chemistry, with the rank of full professor since 1919. He has been honored with profes- sorships at the Universities of Berlin, Paris, Yale, and California, and has been decorated with the Legion d'Honneur in France. The general public is invited to at- tend both lectures. Plans for the seventieth conven- tion of the Michigan Schoolmasters Club, meeting here April 25, 26. and 27 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its founding, were released yester- day by Forrest G. Averill, of Dearborn, president of the organization. Incorporated in the program of the club for the same week-end will be uch functions as the annual Honors Convocation of the University, the State championship debate of the Michigan High School Forensic As- sociation, the sixth annual Conference on Teacher Training, and a band con- cert by the University Band. In the program of the convention are listed the four living charter members of the Schoolmasters Club, who are expected to attend, includ- ing Joseph H. Drake and Levi D. Wines of Ann Arbor. In addition, Louis P. Jocelyn of Ann Arbor, a mem- ber for more than 25 years and for many years secretary-treasurer of the Club, and his wife are to be honored at the dinner Friday night. Luncheon To Open Sessions The sessions of the club will open Thursday noon with a luncheon at the Union for presidents, deans, and other college officials of the Michigan col- leges. The afternoon will be devoted to registration and sessions dealing with college administration. The annual business meeting will open the Friday sessions, and will be followed by a conference on Educa- tional Guidance. The members will then go to the Annual Honors Con- vocation at 11 a.m., presided over by President Ruthven,- which will be ad- dressed by Henry S. Dennison, presi- dent of the Dennison Manufacturing Company. At 5:15 p.m. an informal reception will be held in the ballroom of the Michigan Union, with all living offi- cers past and present in the receiving line. This will be followed at 6 p.m. by the formal banquet. The chief speaker on the program of the ban- quet will be Douglas Malloch, known as "The Poet Who Makes Living a Joy." The banquet will be presided over by Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the Law School. Debate in Hill Auditorium The convention will then assemble at Hill Auditorium for the champion- ship debates which will be preceded by the band concert. Saturday morning sessions will be a continuation of the meetings on spe- cific topics held Friday, dealing with special departments, and informally known as "clinics." A School of Edu- cation luncheon Saturday noon will be addressed by Prof. James K. Pol- lock of the political science depart- ment, speaking on the topic, "Educa- tion for Citizenship." Special meetings connected with the convention of the Schoolmasters Club are led by the sixth annual confer- ence on teacher-training, sponsored by the School of Education, and pre- sided over by Dean James B. Edmon- son of the School of Education. The meeting, Thursday morning, will be in the form of discussions on speeches by professors and deans of Michigan col- leges. Teas, Banquets To Be Held This conference will be concluded by a luncheon at the Union. Other functions are teas and ban- quets by honorary educational fra- ternities, an informal dance Saturday night in the Women's Athletic Build- ing, an exhibition debate Friday afternoon between the University and Albion College on thesnationalization of munitions and a baseball game the same afternoon between the Univer- sity and Michigan State Normal Col- lege, to which members of the club will be admitted free of charge. Hopwood Deadline Set For Tomorrow Tomorrow will bring to a close the Avery Hopwood and Jule Hopwooc Awards Contest for 1935. All manu- scripts must be in the English office 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. All manuscripts submitted must b{ accompanied by two sealed envelopes One must contain the "nom de plume' Fitzgerald Favors Barring Students Who Will Not Bear Arms Statement Follows Disturbance Here Calls Matter 'Ridiculous'; Says 'This Is No Time For Silly Theories' LANSING, April 15.- )-Gov- ernor Fitzgerald said today that he favors closing the doors of state sup- ported institutions to students refus- ing to promise to bear arms for their country.' The governor denounced pacifist students who attempted to organize non-patriotic groups in schools, and declared he would support any dras- tic action taken by school governing bodies in purging their schools of "subversive" activities. He said the same comment applied to instructors.' "We should slam the doors on any students who wish to take advantage of higher education offered by their government and then refuse to sup- port the government in time of war," the governor said. "This is no time for a lot of silly theories. The whole matter is ridiculous and has no part in the school curriculum." Follows Pacifist Demonstrations The governor's comment followed pacifist demonstrations at the Uni- versity of Michigan April 4, and at Michigan State College April 12 when five pacifist leaders were thrown in the Red Cedar river by the student body. Edmund C. Shields, of Lansing, a, member of the board of regents of the University, said the situation at Ann Arbor might be discussed at the board. meeting April 26. He would not comn- ment until after the meeting. Dr. Robert S. Shaw, president of Michigan State College, returned from Chicago today to decline to investigate. the peace meeting, which resulted in the ducking of Louis A. Weisner of Al- pena, a sophomore and chairman of the Social Problem club, and four other students. An Unitarian pastor Rev. H. P. Marley of Ann Arbor, went into the river with them. "Weisner told me he would not take an oath of allegiance to the United States," Dr. Shaw said. "He held the meeting off the campus despite the warning from the student body. In view of his attitude, I do not intend to meddle in the matter." May Require Oath The president hopes to have the proper arrangements approved by the state board of agriculture so that the administration may require an oath of allegiance from students when they matriculate nexit fall. The oath would be required only in questionable cases, he said. Rev. R. O. Thomas, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Lansing, and a former World War chaplain, deplored the violence which followed the peace meeting Friday. He told his congregation yesterday the stu- dents should be allowed privileges of free speech and asserted "only youth can keep the nation out of the hell of war." Dr. Royal G. Hall of Albion college, spoke on the subject of peace at the Peoples church in East Lansing yes- terday. Regents Murf in, Have Varying# On 'Red' Curb Hemans Opinions FRANK D. FITZGERALD PlayChangIes Annoumced In Drama Season' 'Laburnum Grove' Is Tot Open Dramatic Seasoni Week Of May 20 The first two weeks of the Drama- tic Season will be transposed in order to accommodate the Chicago run of "Laburnum Grove" and the subse- quent moving picture appearance of its stars, Edmund Gwenn and Mel- ville Cooper, Robert Henderson, di- rector, wired the Civic Committee last night. The Dramatic Season, therefore, will be opened the week of May 20 with J. B. Priestley's current New York comedy success "Laburnum Grove,"with Mr. Gwenn, Mr. Cooper, Elizabeth Risdon and the complete London and Broadway cast intact. There will be eight performances scheduled with the regular Wednes- day and Saturday matinees. To Present Nazimova The second week of the Dramatic Season will now present Nazimova, Romney Brent, and the Theater Gpild company in Bernard Shaw's latest comedy, "The Simpleton of the Unex- pected Iles" and Ibsen's "Ghosts." The first four performances of the week on Monday, May 27,. Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29, 4matinee and night, will present the show play, "The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles." There will be five performances of "Ghosts" during the last half of the week with a special Friday matinee in addition to the regular Saturday afternoon showing. "Up To The Stars" Next The third week of the season fea- tures "Up To The Stars," the revue with Noel Coward songs and sketches never before seen in this country,~ featuring Walter Slezak, Ilka Chase, the Rocky Twins, Nina Tarasova, Imogene Coco, Felicia Sorel, and Ed- die Foy, Jr. The revue opens Monday, June 3, and plays the whole week with a special Friday matinee. The fourth week opening Monday, (Continued on Page 5) Urges Pacifist Ban President Says University Work Interfered With By Radical Actions Promises Prompt 'Necessary Action' A sharp warning that "perversive activities" will no longer be tolerated at the University was issued yesterday by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Charging that "University work has been interfered with and the reputa- tion of the institution has been called into question recently by perversive activities," President Ruthven issued a proclamation stating that, "Stu- dents who shall be guilty of such mis- conduct in the future may expect dis- ciplinary action." Two members of the Board of Re- gents expressed varying opinions on President Ruthven's action. Favoring any movement to curb "red" teachings in the University, Re- gent James O. Murfin, of Detroit, said: "There is no place on the campus of the University of Michigan for pro- fessors teaching communistic doc- trines. I have been assured there is no such teaching, but if I have proof communism is being taught or en- couraged I will take steps to remove such professors from the pay roll. I regret these silly meetings of students but I think their importance is being exaggerated." Hemans Asks 'Free Rein' Regent Clark F. Hemans, of De- troit, said in Lansing: "Student radicalism is like a gaso- line fire. The more you stamp it out the more it spreads. These students should be allowed a free rein within reasonable limits in order that they can be made to realize how really few people are interested in listening to their theories." President Ruthven's ultimatum also stated that "no meetings will be per- mnitted on the campus or in University buildings without permission being obtained from University authorities." The Daily was unable to contact offi- cials at either the Union or Lane Hall last night to determine whether rad- ical organizations will be allowed to hold future meetings in these build- ings. Action Is Promised The statement promised that "necessary action will be taken promptly," and also stated that "stu- dents who are known to have inter- fered with the proper conduct of Uni- versity affairs and with the work of their fellows are being investigated." President Ruthven's declaration fol- lowed a resolution issued by the Knights Templar at a meeting held recently in Grand Rapids, cautioning the University that the organization would no longer aid students if such conditions were tolerated on the cam- pus. Although no definite events were mentioned in the proclamation, it was believed that President Ruth- yen's statement was largely prompt- ed by criticisms leveled at the iJni- versity, the recent lecture by John Strachey, English communist, spon- 3ored by radical students, and the strike against war and fascism. Duty To State Stressed Michigan Finishes Successful Debating Season At Evanston Malinowski isits Trobriands To Prove Freud Theory Wrong One of Michigan's most successful debating years came to a close at Evanston, Ill., during Spring vaca- tion when the men's Varsity clinched the Western Conference champion- ship by' taking four out of six con- tests in the round-robin tournament. This brought the combined total for the men and women teams up to seven victories against six defeats for the year. Ohio State, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin all went down in defeat be- fore the verbal offensive of the four men who represented Michigan on the Northwestern campus. Purdue and Illinois, however, were awarded decisions over the Wolverines. The tournament was held April 5 and 6. just before Spring vacation. The medal and $50 prize which go with the testimonial were given to Eleanor Blum, '35, Katherine Stoll, '35, Doro- thy Saunders, '36, Barbara Lutts, '36, Mary Esther Burns, '35, and Betty Smith, '35Ed. The men's team carried the main weight of the year's schedule under the coaching of Dr. James McBurney of the speech department, conquering Northwestern in the Fall and annex- ing second place in the national Sig- ma Delta Rho tournament March 30 at Madison. Honors for the men went to Edward Litchfield, '36, who successfully debat- ed all comers to win the national pub- lic discussions contest. By FRED WARNER NEAL The story of how Dr. Bronislaw Malinowski, noted British anthropol- ogist who speaks here today, dis- proved a Freudian psycho-analytic theory by going to the Trobriand Is- lands, in the far-off western Pacific, was told yesterday by Prof. Leslie White of the anthropology depart- ment. The Freud theory in question, Pro- fessor White explained, is called the "Oedipus Complex." It declares that in every boy there is an inherent hate for his father and a love for his moth- er. The theory is named after a tragedy by Sophicles, "Oedipus Rex." While Dr. Malinowski admitted the presence of the Oedipus Complex, ac- cording to Professor White, he held preme. The father is but little more, than a guest in~his wife's home, Pro- fessor White pointed out. Dr. Malinowski found among these strange people that the son and the father have a close comradeship, while the son has a stiff and formal feeling, almost a hatred, toward his mother's brother who "bosses" the home. Among the Trobriands, Pro- fessor White continued, Dr. Malinow- ski found that the attachment of the son for his mother outlived itself, and that there was a "strict taboo" on the relationships of brother and sis- ter. Putting all these things together, Dr. Malinowski declared that Freud was wrong about the Oedipus Com- plex. The hate of the son for his father was not an inherent tendency, In the proclamation, particular 3mphasis was placed upon the fact that the University "proposes to ontinue to fulfill to the utmost its obligations to the state and to the cause of genuine education," and that violations of the ultimatum "will be dealt with promptly and vigorous- ly." The complete statement, as issued by the President, is as follows "University work has been inter- fered with and the reputation of the institution has been called into ques- tion recently by perversive activi- ties of a few professional agitators, by certain other misguided persons not connected with the University, some of whom are residents and citi- zens of the state, and some of whom are not, and, unfortunately, by a small group of immature students. Continuance of these activities will not be tolerated. "As has been the practice in the past, no meetings will be permitted