THE MICHIGAN DAILY FIDAY, APRIL 5, 1935 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN tli n iIn the. Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 'ty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11 :30 a.M. Saturday. Abandons Law; Finds Banditry Pays Less ICIna,.wdified irtaurv which is not in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall by 4:30 p.m. of that day. Htward M. Jones, Acting Director Bicnsen-Thoinas Prize in German: Essays must be handed in today, and the examination will be held today in Room 204 U.H. from 2:00 to 5:00. Women Students Remaining in Ann Aiber During Spring Vacation: We have in the office of the Dean of Women a list of houses which will be open during spring vacation for girls who are staying in Ann Arbor. Sc:crity Hcuse Presidents or Chap- erones: If any sorority houses are to be open during spring vacation, please notify the office of the Dean of Wom- en at once. llcusnhcads, Chaperones, and Un- dergraduate Women: All League houses and sorority houses with students staying in them during the Spring vacation are under Summer Session regulations; that is, closing hour during the week is 11 o'clock, 1 :30 on Friday nights, and 12:30 on Saturday nights. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women Students, College of Engineering: I The final day for the removal ofI incompletes will be Saturday, April 6.1 In cases of extenuating circumstances this time limit may be extended, but a petition for extension of time must be filed in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday, April 6. Students, School of Education: Permission to drop courses without "E" grades will not be given after Friday, April 5, except under extra- ordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main . 7x NOTICE RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP, 1115 S. University. Special on per- manents until April 15. Regular $5, $6, 7, permanents for $3.50, $4, $5. Featuring the new Glo-Tone, regular $6. for $4. Soft water shampoo and finger wave, 50c. Phone 7561. 12x CORRECTION: The price of 35c formerly quoted in advertisements of the Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop should be 50c. 181 LAUNDRY STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 9x -Associated Press P oto. William Bradley (right), who said lie abandoned a law practice in North Carelina beravkse it wasn't profitable and turned to robbing fuiling staticns, found that crime doesn't pay either. He was arrested in Milwaukee and charged with robberies in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. NEW AND USED CARS - Largest selection in the country. Associated Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted." lox HAVE YOU TRIED white pistachios? At the Union desk, White Spot, Par- rot. They're delicious. 182 LOST AND FOUND LADY'S white gold Longines watch with black cord strap. Return to Box 40, Mich. Daily. A REWARD will be given for the re- turn of a grey topcoat lost on the campus last week. Call Daily 2-1214. ' 179 the League, and "Contemporary" of- fice. v,31 re Academic Notices To Sp10eak I History 48: Hour examination, ; - - 179 April 16, at 10 a.m. Sections 1and 5 in Room D, Haven; sections 2, 3 and 4 in Room C, Haven. Geography 1 and 2: Dr. Kendall will be unable to meet his sections in these courses on Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5. Preliminary Examinations for Ph. D. Degree in Economics: Examina- tio~ns uwill hbehlfhe week of May 6 I Applicants for the doctorate wishing to write the examinations at that Students, Cohege of Literature, time should leave their names in the Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary cir- department office at once. cumstances, courses dropped after today will be recorded with a grade Lectures of E. University Lecture: Prof. Bronislaw Malinowski, of the Faculty, College of Literature, University of London, will speak on Science, and the Arts: Midsemester the subject "The Economic Motive reports are due today. in the Development of Civilization," W. H. Humphreys, Tuesday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m., in Assistant Dean Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Investi ations DISAPPEARED: Black Persian tom cat. Children's pet. Reward. Call (Continued from Page 1) 8321. 180 worship. The Tuxis Society, meet- LOST: Pedigreed police dog. Name ing at 6 p.m., will be led by Robert "Pal" and A.K.L. on collar. Missing Lowry in a study of the life of William since Tuesday. Reward. Call 2-1717. Whiting Bordon. During the Spring 183 vacation the Young Peoples' Society will meet with the Tuxis group in the CHICAGO CHANGES RULING Church House. CHICAGO, April 3.-- By an over- The Lenten topic chosen by Rev. C. whelming majority of 21 to 2, the In- A. Brauer for the 9 a.m. service at the terfraternity Council last night voted St. Paul's Lutheran Church, is "Cal- to abolish the present system of de- vary's ,Miracles." and for the 10:45 ferred rushing at the University and service, "The Cross, Our Salvation." empowered the Executive Committee The third in the series of illustrated to confer with the University admin- lectures on "The Life of Peter," de- istration in drawing up a new plan livered by Rev. Brauer, is entitled of rushing for next fall. "Going Up to Jerusalem." The cus- - tomary student league supper will be omitted for the next two Sundays. REDUCED The 11:00 a.m. service of the St.RE U D Andrew's Episcopal church will be VACATION FARES delivered by the Rev. Henry Lewis, VIA and at 7 p.m. the topic "Family Life in America and Abroad" will be dis- GREYHOU N D cussed at the student meeting in Har- ris Hall. Foreign students will be$9 among those who will participate in NEW YORK. $19.05 this discussion. Round Trip The Hillel Foundation has engaged a caterer to serve Passover meals to C H ICA O . . . $5.40 Jewish students in the University Round Trip during the period beginning on April 17th, it was announced last night, by CLEVELAND $7.20 Dr. Bernard Heller. The meals will Round Trip be served at the northeast corner of Other Low Round Trip Fares State and Hill streets in the building SPECIAL THROUGH BUSSES which was formerly the Delta Chi fraternity house. The Sedorium will n n be conducted by Dr. Heller. Phone 4151 Hours: 12 - 12:30, 5 - 6 - - -- LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x LIKE musie with your meals? Then listen to the snap - crackle -pop of Kellogg's Rice Krispies when you pour on milk or cream! Crisp. Crunchy. And their flavor is as inviting as their sound. T1y Rice Krispies for breakfast or lunch. They're extra tempting when you add fruit or honey. And for that bedtime snack, after an evening of study or fun, there's noth- ing quite so satisfying as a bowlful of these delicious toasted rice bubbles. Light, nourishing, easy to digest. They help you sleep. At restaurants, hotels and grocers everywhere. Oven- fresh, ready to serve. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Quality guaranteed. Atop IC Na r Listen!- Eget hungry READ THE WANT ADS IMICHIGAN1 the University Committee on Student Physical Education for Women: Conduct, having been called together Registration for the outdoor sea- to consider the charges made against son will take place in Barbour Gym- the Phi Beta Delta fraternity in con- nasium on Monday and Tuesday, nection with the dinner-dance given April 15 and 16, from 10-12, and 1:30- by the fraternity at the Michigan 5:00. League Building on March 23, has All students desiring to elect physi- found that on the occasion in ques- cal education at this time should tion the use of intoxicating liquor was register on one of these days. permitted and that as a result the party was not conducted in accord- All Students: All students on the ance with the htandards for social campus interested in competing in afairs as set forth by the University the Freshman Project Poster Contest and therefore the Subcommittee should see the University Hall bulle- hereby directs: tins for further information. 1. That beginning on this date, the Phi Beta Delta fraternity suspend Dance Club: The following is a its functions as a fraternity for the schedule of rehearsals for the dance remainder of the current semester, program in addition to those during and class periods: 2. That the chapter house be Campus Satire, Tuesday 4:15, Sat- closed for the remainder of current urday 11:00. semester. Dance of Greeting, Tuesday, 4:45, Earl V. Moore, Thursday, 4:30.T Secretary of the Subcommittee Fire Dance, Tuesday 5:00, Thurs- day 5 :00. Faculty, School of Education: An Satie, Wednesday 7:30, Thursday all-school forum including the fac- 9:00. ulties of the University High School, Dynamics and Focus, Wednesday University Elementary School, and 8:00. School of Education will be held in Stations, Wednesday 9:00, Thurs- the library of the Elementary School day 4:15, Saturday 10:30. on Tuesday evening, April 16, at 7:30 Religious Cycle, Wednesday 4:00, o'clock. The theme is "What are Thursday 7:30. some of the specific things that are Balance, Tuesday 8:00, Wednesday not now being done which should be 4:45, Thursday 8:30. done for the better coordination of Mixed Rhythms, Tuesday 8:30. the laboratory schools and the other Frer Jacque, Tuesday 8:30. parts of the School of Education?" Bartok (three), Wednesday 5:00. [t is hoped that all members of the Friday 4:00, Saturday 10:00. three faculties may be in attendance and participate in the discussion. Contemporary: Subscribers t o "Contemporary" who have not yet Hopwood Contestants: Students obtained their copies of the April is- mtering manuscripts in the Hopwood sue may call for them at the office in contests are reminded that the con- the Student Publications Building. best closes Wed., April 17, 1935;, and There are still a few copies for sale that no manuscript will be received1at Miller's, Swift's, Wahr's, Ulrich's, II Lcture: E. Norman Pearson, mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Theosophical Society in America, will deliver a lecture on "The Reality of the Invisible," tonight at 8 p.n., in the League Chapel. The Ann Arbor Theosophical Society invites the pub- lic cordially. Exhibitions Architectural Building Exhibition: The prize and medal drawings of the Collaborative Competition of the American Academy in Rome are on exhibition in the Architectural Build- ing daily, 9 to 6, for the balance of this week. Coming Events Cosmopolitan Club: There will be a picnic, Saturday, April 6, at Prof. and Mrs. Rufus' cottage at Crooked Lake. All foreign students, members and friends are welcome. Games and refreshments will be available. Please sign at the desk at Lane Hall, or on the bulletin board in library. All those who wish to go meet on Satur- day at 1 p.m. in front of Angell Hall. Transportation will be provided. Harris Hall: On Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in Harris Hall there will be a special meeting for foreign stu- dents and for those who are remain- ing in Ann Arbor for vacation. A discussion on Customs in America and other lands will be held. All students and their friends are cor- dially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder- garten, 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 5:00 p.m. Young People's Fellowship discussion and tea at Harris Hall. - Today - Saturday First Run in Ann Arbor MR. & MRS. MARTIN JOHNSON'S An Aerial Epic Over Africa Pi"s GEO. O'BRIEN in Harold Bell Wright's "WHEN A MAN'S AMAN" ' Every evening we fea- turea bigSTEAK DIN. NER for only- 50c And don't forget.... Every noon we serve a delicious lunch for only 35c The MICHIGAMME RESTAURANT Next to the Michigan Theatre eauties .- 1 e I.- I I I MAJESTIC 35c EVENING ON MAIN FLOOR If you DOUGHNUT come and try our ex- cellent food, we WA-FFLE very bad about it ... Our Specialties- i W A 4 A rA '8 . V, r AKE YOUR GRASS HELP YOU CH0KE OUT WEEDS! A ~ Ending Tonight - Two first-run, first choice features. MAY ROBSON Tullio Carminati GRAn LDGIL" andLilian Harvey GRNndD'L"LET'S LIVE TONIGHT" Showing at 2:00-4:34-7:13-9:47 Showing at 3:24 - 8:24 TOMORROW- FRESH NUTS, mouth. FANCY NUTS. CRISP DOUGH. that melt in your 2 for 5 ICED DOUGH- 3 for 10c I III 0 Grass roots become active earlier in the spring than weed roots. By giving your lawn a square ieal as soon as the frost is out or the 'otard, you can give the rass such a quick, healh y starl that weeds ill find lit ie roi io gow. lu t ?t takes a vriy thick t rf and a 4leep, i Led root sys- tem to choke out weeds. You can have this kind of grass only byfeeding a complete, balanced plant food, such as Vigoro. With Vigoro you take no chances. It suppliesall thefood elements growing things need from the soil, 1t is sanitary, odorkss. easy to use. Econom- ica.l, Lcause its res uts are sure. i town, correctly made . . . .5c WAFFLES smothered in syrup and melted butter, the Feed everything you grow... wiih TH CUf~ ! ~F§?LAWNS AND FLOWERS Com ngSunday-- SW ALLAC E I U _. H( I