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April 04, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-04

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Ruthvens Are
Hosts At Tea
F or Students

Miniature House Set With Costly Jewels

Special Invitations Given
To Lawyers' Club And
Members of the student body were
honored at a tea by President an'5
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven from 4
to 6 p.m. yesterday in their home
on South University Avenue.
The tea was held for all student
on the campus, special invitations be-
ing issued to Phi Sigma Sigma, Alpha
Delta Pi, Pi Beta Phi and Kapp
Alpha Theta sororities and to the
Lawyers' Club. Mrs. Ruthven wac
assisted at the tea by members of
the social committee headed by Al:c
Mrs. Ruthven received the guest
in a spring print with fagoting dec-
orating the neckline. Miss Slingluf
was seen in the dining room in a two-
piece outfit, a beige wool skirt com-
bined with aplaid blouse of peasant
linen with fringe around the peter
pan collar and bordering the short
Jean Seeley poured in a dress of
navy rough crepe with white lace
at the neck and Betty Scherling who
also poured at the tea table wore
navy trimmed with coral collar and
Jean Hatfield, a member of the
committee assisting Mrs. Ruthven,
was seen explaining one of President
Ruthven's choice canes which is a
gun in disguise, to a group of law
students. She wore a tunic dress,
white crepe over a black skirt. Jeanne
Keppel appeared on the scene in grey
accentuated with black accessories.
A white jersey sweater with a green
skirt was chosen by Margaret Hiscock
for the occasion. Mary O'Brien Wo.re
a yellow checked dress and Mary
Sterling chose a knit dress in tur-
quoise blue.
Lighter Shades In
Cosmetics Will Be
Used This Season
Complexions, by this in-between
season of the year, have become con-
siderably bleached out and the care'
in the choice of cosmetics is im-
Lipsticks, powder, rouge, and nail-
polish are used in the lighter shades;
the .darker shades are taboo. The
choice of cosmetics for evening wear
is especially stressed.
Orchid powder lends a transpar-
ent and soft effect for formal dress,
under dim lights. Special orchid-
tinged lipsticks and rouges blend
with the powder.
Creams have changed from the
heavy liquid type to the smooth firm
kind. Foundation creams are neces-
sary in order to have a finished
make-up which will remain pefect
for several hours.
A special lipstick has been intro-
duced for brunettes, called "red-
head." This appears exceedingly
dark, but when applied, has a tinge
of orange. Those who have chosen
blue for most of their wardrobe will
be interested in "Viola," a light shade
flattering to the blue outfit. "Mac-
victoire" is especially suited for
sports wear.

Hirsch Leads Band Director Of Cle mens Library
In Annual Spring Tells Of Collectino As Hobb
Concert Program 1:
This is the sixth of a series of articles book yarns more than a quarter of an
The University of Michigan band, on the hobbies of members of the fac- hour before the librarian revealed that
Utlty .
:Imposed of 80 University students, before Dr. Adams' arrival he had been
re its annual spring concert at y JOSEPHINE McLEAN in the act of recommending a direc-
Dr. Randolph Adams does not con- tor for the William L. Clements Li-
3:15 p.m. last night in Hill Auditor- (Siderhis profession, that of director brary. Now that he had talked with
uum. The band was under the baton of the William L. Clements Library, Adams, he was willing to change his
of Bernard Hirsch, acting conductor as something apart from a hobby. recommendations.
in the absence of Nicholas Falcone. "The example of men like Sir Wil- "You don't know a thing about me,"
The program chosen by the band liam Osler," said Dr. Adams, "leads protested the intruder. Neverthe-
'us to believe that if a man is a really less, a letter was immediately dis-
was composed of the more modern great man in his specialty, he is apt patched from Cambridge to Michigan,
selecticns. The repertoire included to be a collector of those things which as a result of which Dr. Adams came
works of Falcone, Gomez, Tschaikow- show the evolution of his profession. west shortly afterward.
sky, Grofe, Pierne, Grieg, and Gersh- This he does as a hobby." "We are trying to secure for Mich-
n "It is what gives him perspective igan," said the director, "those books,
wbn.on life in relation to his profession," which because of their extreme rarity,
Mr. Hirsch, who directed the band, he continued. "It makes him aware are so rapidly going off the market
is an assistant on the faculty of the that his specialty has a history and that unless a department of the Uni-
University School of Music, and what that history is. It is remarkable versity makes a particular business
wci ked with the band in preparing that so few Americans are interested of getting them, 20 or 30 years from
{his concert program. in the history of their separate dis-I now it will be impossible to secure
The concert was commenced with ciplines. The lack sometimes makes them at any price."
"'M' Men -- March" by Falcone and me wonder as to just how mature Woik Similar To Hobby
The process of adding rare Amer-
"Il Guarnay -- Overture" by Gomez. America is."
Ccn~ninthy laedtw carc-Always A Collector icana to the library's collection isa
Ce ic datnctey playte"twchrac-e si Aashsbencletigoe milar one to increasing his private
ae rom te "utaker Dr. Adas sbeen clecting collection, whichis somewhat broader
Suite" by Tschaikowscy, 'Danse Ar- thing or another all his life. At six in its scope.
ab' and "Danse of the Mirlitons." it was stamps and cigar bands, but Adams emphasized the casualness
"On the Trail" from the 'Grand before he had reached his teens, he of book collecting. The dinner party,
Canyon Suite' by Grofe was next on had graduated to amassing second a chat with a friend often results in
the program. This was arranged for hand Latin grammars. the acquisition .ofra .treasure. Auc-
concert band by Mac E. Carr. "I would have preferred to make tions, too, prove productive. Descrip-

-Associated Press Photo.
Costly jewels stud the $435,000 doll house owned by Colleen Moore,
film actress, which will soon be taken on a world tour for charity. She
is shown holding a chandelier costing $60,000, fitted with the smallest
electric light bulbs ever made and set with pearls, sapphires and emeralds.
Ftnyr Students, Alumni Apply
For Summer Camp Positions'

The program was concluded with
A L'Eglise - choral"' by Pierne,
Peer Gynt Suite, No. I" by Grieg,
and "Rhapsody in Blue" by Gershwin.
Bernard Hirsch arranged "Rhapsody
in Blue" for the concert band, and
the piano part was played by Lane
I omen's Club
To Hea Tallt

Surprising as it may seem, students nesota and Canada have asked for' 1 !"'L C 3.
at the University of Michigan cherish students to fill counsellorships.
longings that go beyond the smoothie Most camps provide maintenance On loral Art
ol sophistict a soate; their ambitions and traveling expenses; others pay
no longer center about becoming salaries, according to the importance
president-they are concentrating of the position held."Japanese Floral Art will be the
subject of the talk by Mrs. F. E.
on obtaining jobs punching cattle or Advantages Of Camps Wood of Chicago at the joint meet-
sailing to South America aboard a Besides his maintenance and trav- ing of the Faculty Women's Club and
freighter. At least, these are some eling expenses, a student receives a the Michigan Dames at 3 p.m. today
of the indications remarked by Mrs. vacation and good experience. This in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Q. L. Dobson, who has charge of the work is especially desirable for peo- Mrs. Wood spent seven years in
jummer work work division of the ple planning to go into teaching or Japan with her husband studying
'Bureau of Appointments. social service. Very often the con- Jalar in ge and scdyin
Cattle Punching tacts made in summer camps lead to temples. Mrs. Wood has translated
Cattle punching and traveling permanent lobs," said Mrs. Dobson. md
There are many calls for athletic from the Japanese language and is
steerage are occupations that thecTsersamn dc orthltig- now preparing for publication a thesis
more romantically inclined students counsellors, camp doctors, photog-
raphers, and one camp, 40 miles from of floral art written in 1896 by Michel
mention, while the greater number, civilization, asks for "a typical man's Revon, now professor on Japanese
who register for summer work ask ma" history and civilization in the Sor-
mainly for counsellor positions at .bonne in Paris.
camps. The Bureau is making special Mrs. Leroy V. Cram, Mrs. Alfred
efforts for these students this year. T e rates H. Lovell, Mrs. Chalmers J. Lyon
This year the Bureau of Appoint- and Mrs. Edson R. Sundelland will
ments communicated with camps all Tenth Anniversary pour at the tea and they will be as-
~ver" the United States to further isisted by Mrs. Arthur Bromage, Mrs.
the cause of students and alumni fraternity celebrated its Louis M. Eich, Mrs. Fred J. Hodges,
interested in educational counselling. TiMrs. Ralph Higbee, Mrs. I. L. Sharf-
At the same time, a call was put in tenth anniversary on this campus man, Mrs. Ralph Sawyer, Mrs. Ben-
The Daily to men and women inter- with a banquet which was held Sat- nett Weaver and Mrs. Clifford Woody.
ested in this type of work, to which urday, March 30, in the chapter-
notice about 150 responded. More house. Sixty members, including 28 ,
men than women registered, and jun- . eecu Frater mty
iors seemed to predominate. alumni attended the celebration.F e.1
Camps Retaliate The honorary members who were Pans New Contest
Alrad letes hvecom fompresent included Prof. L. E. Eriksen, _____
Already letters have come fromPiofHar Bucrd an Po.
camps situated in Michigan and inPrf. Withred Cook. The speakers for At a meeting of Zeta Phi Eta, na-
states nearby, while places as distant ithed Prok.TH. Akerso women, held Tuesday afternoon, it
as Maine, Missouri, Wisconsin, Min- f dinner were Prof. H. C. Anderson' as announced that a poetry reading
Prof. J. R, Nelson and National ectest will be held soon after vaca-
Council officers, E. E. Bauer and L.cte
Justice L. H. Fead R. Kleinknight from Urbana and Chi- wion.
sago respectively.I The winners of the contest will be "
To Address S.A.R At the same time, the new off!- sent to the national convention which
*S*Rcers of the fraternity were installed. will be held this year at Drake Uni-
They are: Fred King, '36E, president; veisity, Des Moines, Ia., to compete

a collection of the classics," ex-
plained the director, "but my allow-
ance would not permit. The gram-
mars were available for five cents a
His interest in American history
led him to extend his collection tol
books pertaining to America; first,1
any book, and later, rare books.
"Rare books," explained Dr. Adams,
"are apt to be important books, books
that have influenced the course of
human progress. They are scarce,
hence, valuable, because the early
editions were so popular they were
read to pieces."
Dr. Adams' knowledge of books
combined with the fact that he ap-
peared at an opportune moment in the
librarian's office at Harvard Univer-
sity, resulted in the offer of his
present position.
Offered Position Here
The two men, heretofore unknown
to one another, had not "swapped"
Prof. Grismore Speaks
Before Speech Society!
Prof. Grover Grismore of the Law1
School addressed members of Alphai
Nu, national speech society, last night
on "Preparation for Law." He empha-
sized the fact that with the change
from a rural to an urban culture in
this country the technique of lawyers
has of necessity changed and a morej
thorough training has become neces-1
sary in order to enter that field.
The modern lawyer finds his great-
est opportunity in corporation law and
as a business advisor, according to
Professor Grismore. Preparation for
such work includes a broad, liberal
education rather than specialization
in any field.
DALLAS, April 2. -(R')- C. E. Har-
man directs the Dallas aviation
school, but he won't go up in a plane.
It's his stomach, he explained,
which just will not agree with the
swaying of a plane in flight. It
makes him "slightly ill" even to think
about going up. He has taken but
two plane trips.

tive catalogues are sent out in advance
and the competing concerns bid
through brokers.
Then, too, the collector may keep
in touch with a dealer, who once ac-
quainted with his demands, will no-
tify him upon acquiring a desired vol-
"Interesting and educational as
browsing may be," said Dr. Adams, "it
seldom leads to a rare book. In all
the times I've searched the book stalls
along the Left Bank, I have never dis-
covered anything of value."
Although Dr. Adams' days are spent
working with rare editions enclosed in
Morocco slipover cases, he emerges in
the spring to work in his blue garden.
Prefers Blue Floyers
"Why blue?" he repeated the ques-
tion. "Well, I prefer red ties and blue
flowers. Then the blue corn flower,
which is, paradoxically enough a
member of the pink family, makes a
boutoniere which is fresh for several
A. A. Milne's verse, "geraniums red
and delphiniums blue" inspired Dr.
Adams to border the blue flower bed
with Scarlet Sage, or 'Salvia, Holly-
hocks, descended from those which
bloomed at Mt. Vernon, complete his
Freshman Project Will
Sponsor Poster Contest
Students interested in the poster
contest for the Freshman Project
are requested to look at the rules
which are posted on the campus
bulletin boards before spring vaca-








Where To Goj
Motion Pictures: Majestic: "Grand
Old Girl" with May Robson and "Let's
Live Tonight" with Lillian Harvey;
Michigan, "All the King's Horses"
with Carl Brisson; Whitney, "Flirta-
tion Walk" with Ruby Keeler and
"Great God Gold" with Martha.
Sleepers; Wuerth, "St. Louis Kid"
with James Cagney and "We Live
Again" with Frederic March.
Exhibitions: Prize and medal draw-
ings of the Collaborative Competition
of the American Academy in Rome,i
open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, Archi-
tectural Building.
Dancing: Hut Cellar.
Cercle Francais had a meeting last
night in the Romance Language
Building. The evening's program
consisted of a French skit, Guggen-
hiem, and an informal discussion.
Dorothy Berman, '36, was in charge
of the arrangements.

The Michigan State Society of the
Sons of the American Revolution
will hold its annual meeting on Sat-
urday, April 6, at the Union, it was
announced yesterday.
The meeting will be addressed by
Justice Louis H. Fead, of the state
Supreme Court, and responses will be
given by Prof. Hugh E. Keeler, the
president of the Washtenaw chapter,
and by Mrs. Thomas H. Reed, of the
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion. Prof. Walter B. Ford, the presi-
dent of the State Society, will preside.
A reception to honor Justice and
Mrs. Fead and the state and national
officers of the organization will pre-
cede the supper at 6 p.m. Tickets
may be obtained from W. W. Florer,
910 Olivia, or by calling 7858.

Edwin F. Snyder, '36E, vice-president; with the contestants from other uni-
Howard Braun, '37E, house manager; versities.
Karl Beers, '37E, treasurer, and John Members of the organization have
McQuaid, '38E, and. Melville Hyatt, been urged to write one-act plays for
'37E, secretaries. the coming play-writing contest.




State at Liberty


Kayser keeps us all
excited by their
charming, new un-
derwear style-s at
thrifty prices. Look
at their latest-these
frisky Flix -- dain-
ty in fabric, perfect
in tailoring and sell-
ing for only
59c & 75c

j f
. . .
N" K
- $3.45
They simply teem
= " r" j'with swank ...dash
:^S i "'" x... and value!
Crushed pig ..
"JAUNTY" Buck..,. the very
--"height of selec-
tion! Built-up lea.-
"'- -ther heels... and
Goodyear welt
soles. Come in
and get ready for
- "Spring! Widths

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