THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1935 LATE WIRS NE w DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN zb aation in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the Uriel:3;' ay received at the omce of the Assistant to the President in Room 1431, University Elementary School. Any student whose name does not appear on this list and who wishes to be so listed should report this fact at once to the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.S.E.: Lectures University Lecture: Prof. Bronislaw Malinowski, of the University of London, will speak on the subject "The Economic Motivel in the Development of Civilization," Tuesday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium. The WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1935 VOL. XLV No. 136 d. In the Hall of the Mountain King. **Rhapsody in Blue Ge rshwinj Lane Emery, Pianist. arranged for concert band by Mac E. Carr. arranged for concert band by Bernard Hirsch. Charles A. Sink, Presid, nt. Exhibitions Architectural Building Exhibition: The prize and medal drawings of the' Collaborative Competition of the American Academy in Rome are or. : exhibition in the Architectural Build- Classified Direetory 1 t Yx artsintI U.S. Will Srike Back At I Discrimination Of Goods WASHINGTON, April 2.- (M) - To its policy -of attempting to ievive for- eign trade by a series of give-and- take treaties with other countries, the United tates had added today an open warning that it will hit back at na- tions which discriminate against American goods. President Roosevelt made known that the government is studying the question of ending existing trade pacts with Germany, Italy, Denmark and Portugal. As he proclaimed a new re- ciprocal treaty between Belgium and the United States, the President out- lined the foreign trade policy in a letter to Secretary Morgenthau. The President's letter did not go into the details of the "discrimina- tion." Economists long have been noting, however, a multiplicity of de- vices to channel trade in the modern world- including tariffs, exchange controls, quota systems and sanitary restrictions. Legion, Teachers Clash On Flag Allegiance Bill BOSTON, April 2. - P)- Amid booing and wild cheering, college pres- idents and American Legion repre- sentatives today clashed over a bill requiring teachers to take the oath of allegiance to the American flag. John Maguire, historian of the Massachusetts department, American Legion, charged before the legislative committee on education, that Prof. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana of Cambridge, former Harvard and Columbia professor and grandson of the poet; conducted a Communist school in downtown Boston. Two other teachers, whose names were not revealed, were charged by Maguire with being communist party members. "Their allegiance is to the red flag of Moscow," Maguire declared. When Dr. Payson Smith, state com- rnissioner of education, arose to in- troduce college and university presi- dents who had requested reopening of the hearing'to present their views, he was both booed and cheered. Husband Arrested For Attempted Kidnaping GRAND RAPIDS, April 2. - (P) - Cecil Fellowes, 28; married was held here Monday night by police, who ac- cused him of attempting to kidnap an eighteen-year-old high school girl. Frank J. O'Malley, detective inspector, said Fellowes confessed he had at- tempted to abduct the girl, planning to assault her. O'Malley said Fellowes confessed it was he who telephoned the busi- ness office of Davis Technical high school here this afternoon and asked that the girl be excused from classes to return to her home and attend a sick mother. School authorities tele- phoned the girl's home to confirm the call and learned the mother did not want the girl excused. Two detectives were then sum- moned and trailed the girl down the street. Four blocks from the school, they said, Fellowes stepped from a car and attempted to drag her into it. Officers arrested him. Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be1 at home to the students on Wednes- day, April 3, from four to six o'clock. Notice To Seniors, Graduate Stu- , dents: Diploma fees are payable now. Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University confer a degree at commencement upon any student! who fails to pay his fee before 4 k o'clock Wednesday, May 22. In case the Faculty does not rec- ommend any payer, the fee will bef refunded on surrender of receipt for Natural Snipncp 11 ru uit r111. 1110 Students, College of Architecture: public is cordially invited. Except under extraordinary circum- -__rd yt stances, courses dropped after Friday, Aprl 5 wil e rcored it a rad ;Comipten Lectures: The second of oA E. , wi be recorded with a grade of the series of four addresses on oMan's Place in God's World" by Dr. iMidsemester Reports, College of j Arthur H. Compton in the Loud Lee- Architecture: Cards for midsemester tureship series will be given this af- ternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural reports on students enrolled in this 'ence Atorium sbet, Wat college are now being distributed. In- cience Auditorium; subject, "What structors are requested to return these Determines Our Actions?" cards to the office of the College of The third address of this series, cArchitecture before the close of 1 "Intelligence in the World of Nature," incompletes will be Saturday, April 6. In cases of extenuating circumstances this time limit may be extended, but a petition for extension of time must be filed in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday, April 6. ing daily, 9 to 6. for the balance of this week. Events Today Chemistry Celloquium, 4:15 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Building. M. A. Miller will speak on the alteration of the free surface energy of metals: effect of thermal and aging treat- ments in diverse gases. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classifiled Ad ertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance Hec per reading line (on basis of five averagetwords to line) for one or two insertions. lOc per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate -15c per reading line for one or two insertions. l4c per reading line for three or more insertions. !01, discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month......................$c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.........3c 2 lines daily, college year........7c 4 lines E.O.D., college year.......7c 100 lines used as desired.........9c LAUNDRY PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 2x STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 9x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. LOST AND FOUND 4x payment.ll pprignVca-on.will be given at 8:15 p.m. this evening.. .0 E prl~g Vaction. . Cheical ngineeing Sminar:C. I .000 ines used as dsrd ....c The above applies also to fees for ___in the First Methodist Church. CChemical Engieerg Semiar: C. ,000 lines used as desired ...6c all special certificates._C.Peavy will address the Seminar The above rates are per reading line, CalspidalesfordP certificePoetry Reading Contest: Prelim- at 4 o'clock, Room 3201, E. Eng. Bldg., based on eight reading lines per inch. Candidates for degrees or certifi- inalies for the annual Poetry Contest French Lecture: Professor M. S. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add cates should at once fill out card at .won the subject, "Plate Eilciency and e per line to above rates for all capital scnducted by the Interpretive Arts Yaigment will give the last lecture letters. Add 6c per line to above for office of the Secretary of their own Society will be held about April 24. on the Cerle Francais program: Capacity of Bubble Plate Type Frac- bold face, upper and lower case. Add college or school, pay the cashier* ofAee tul . tionating Columns." 10c per line to above rates for bold face SAny student who is eligible to take Deux heros populaires: Don Qu- capital letters. the University, have card receipted t in public activities ay enter this chotte, Cyrano de Bergerac." Wednes- The above rates are for 7% point this re-epainincpublicsctivitiesfmahenterrthisA.I.Ch.E.mmetin, Room 1042, 7:30 type. and file indicated section of contest. Each contestant will have day, April 3, 4:15, Room 103, Ro- pm. Speaker -arveyM. iierker, ceipted card with the Secretary of 12 minutes in which to talk about and mance Language Building. { pieeto- aary .rikg, their own school or college. (Stu- interpret from memory poetry of his The French Play this year will besuperintendent o manufacturg, NOTICE dents enrolled in the LieayCol- itrrtfo eoyper fhs emn lytl erwl eParke, Davis & Co. Topic : "Somne Literary own choosing. Persons who have not Marixaux's '"Le Jeu de l'Amour et Busissa undamentals for t RADIO: 7-tube Philco, baby grand, lege, College of Architecture, oo already conferred with Professor Hol- du Hasard" to be presented Tuesday, Chemical Engineer Movies." Tendollars. Call Hal, 7486. 178 of Music, School of Education, and lister or Professor Eich about this April 30, at the Lydia MendelssohnBION School of Forestry and Conservation, contest are asked to do so this week, Theatre. SBLEoIRrBOEngKnNeks please note that blanks forms should if possible. Sop3omoe3 E est Cg.l met Arcade. Latest fiction, biography, be obtained and receipted cards filed The Student-Faculty Anti-War The jacket committde will report.etc., 5c a day. 13x Aes Sororities: Will all sororities Committee announces that Prof. Rob- LARGE Nationally known manufac- Unie R oderyOHall.oom4, All SoroitiesWil est a not delay titela please send a representative this week ert Morse Lovett of the University Crele Francais: Meeting in Room LA wi eml twen suents to the editorial office of the 'Ensiani of Chicago willi speak in Hill Audi- 408 R.L. Miss Dorothy Berman will t adelclbsns and collec- day, but a tte ro ts, matr sat to check the names identifying their torium Thursday, April 4, at 4 p.m. have charge of the program, which tions in Michigan, Ohio and In- approximately 2,000 diplomas and group photog aphs. Come any time His subject will be "War and the Col- will begin at 8 o'clock. There will be diana during summer vacation. We aproifately 2nd000 dilo s gaty after two o'clock. Thursday is the leges." All students and faculty are a short skit, and Miss Helen Wilson finance. Pay weekly plus bonus. certificates, and we shall be greatly last day for this. cordially invited to attend. will sing. Only students who are workers and helped in this work by early payment of the fee and the resulting longer ance Club: The following is a need summer employment apply. period for preparation. Ccelsfoa Alpha Nu meets at 7:30, Alpha Nu See . A. Blower, 302 Michigan Shirley W. Smith room, fourth floor Angell Hall. Prof. Union Building Wednesday, April -The Cashier's Office is closed on rogram in addition to those during Band Concert: The School of Music G. C. Grismore of the Law School, 3, between 2 and 5 p.m. or write -Thedy Casher's. Ofciclass periods: r spresents in its regular recital series, an Alpha Nu alumnus, will sneak. for appointment later in week. Saturday afternoons. Campus Satire, Tuesday 4:15, Sat- the University of Michigan Band, All members are requested to be pies- - - urday 11:00. Bernard Hirsch, Acting Conductor, ent. NEW AND USED CARS - Largest The Automobile Regulation will be Dance of Greeting, Tuesday, 4:45, in the following program, Wednes- selection in the country. Associated lifted for the Spring vacation period Thursday, 4:30. day, April 2, in Hill Auditorium, at Phi Sigma meeting, 8 p.m., Room Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron. from 12 noon on Friday, April 5, and Fire Dance, Tuesday 5:00, Thurs- 8:15 o'clock, to which the general 2116 N.S. Ernest L. Miner will give Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted endig on Monday morning, April 15, day 5:00. public is invited without admission an illustrated talk on "Some Fossil loX .7.t 0 h_ LADY'S white gold Longines watch with black cord strap. Return to Box 40, Mich. Daily. A REWARD will be given for the re- turn of a grey topcoat lost on the campus last week. Call Daily 2-1214. 179 PEP on ih e COLLEGE PROM R UTh E TTING and her nelody RED NICHOLS imiad lais raulIasm JOIN the happy party next Thurs- day night. Ruth Etting will be there, singing her stirring songs. Red Nichols will play the musie for dancing. Enjoy all the thrills of real college atin osphere. liim- gling excitement fron the world of sports. Don't miss 'Prom" night - Tune in! E VER Vt nIIUtS NTIune T 7:1 5 Eastqrn StandardI 'Fnle WJZ NEtwor--N.T I. READ THE WA1NT ADS aL i a.m.- W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Friday, April 5. More cards if needed can be had at my office. These reports are understood as naming those students, freshmen and upperclass, whose standing at mid- semester time is D or E, not merelyj those who receive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, butE registered in other schoolsorcolleges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean Satie, Wednesday 7:30, Thursday charge: 9:00. 'M' Men-march Dynamics and Focus, Wednesday II Guarnay-overture 8:00. Two characteristic dances Stations, Wednesday 9:00, Thurs- "Nutcracker Suite" Tsc day 4:15, Saturday 10:30. a. Danse Arab Religious Cycle, Wednesday 4:00, b. Danse of the Mirlito Thursday 7:30. *On the Trail Balance, Tuesday 8:00, Wednesday (From the 'Grand Canyo 4:45, Thursday 8:30. The Suite is a pieceo Mixed Rhythms, Tuesday 8:30. color, starting with the Frer Jacque, Tuesday 8:30.- 1 of dawn, taking the Bartok (three), Wednesday 5:00, through the canyon an Friday 4:00, Saturday 10:00. home again. "On the T Falcone Gomez from the haikowsky ons Grofe n Suite) of tonal e break listener id back 'rail" is Plant Remains and Their Identifica- tion." This is an open meeting and each member is responsible for a, guest. Refreshments. WANTED WANTED by two students: ride to New York or vicinity, must be rea- sonable_ Box 41 .s13 1C .11 f Pi Tau Pi Sigma business meeting ___ at 7:30 p.m., Union. Discussion of WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW Formal Dance. suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- - : lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- Sigma Rho Tau: regular meeting I cago Buyers. Temporary office, 20 at 7:30 p.m., Union. Be prompt. The North Main . Tx finals of the raconteur contest a - - scheduled. Circle meetings at 8:15. Brickell, Grace Gray, Harold Greene, Elsie Kessel, Robert Reinhart, Robert Luncheon for Gra.dua Je Students: Uslan. Russian Tea Room, Michigan League All persons interested are cordially Building. Cafeteria service. Di. I asked to attend. The audience will Randolph G. Adams, director of the William L. Clements Library of (Continued on Page 6) American History, will speak infor- mally on "Hobbies." l I -I Academic Notices f Geology 11: Bluebook Wednesday! in N.S. Auditorium at 11 a.m. Geology 12: Bluebook Wednesday at 9 a.m. a description of the actual trip. The three opening chords re- semble the bray of a donkey. The main or donkey theme is given cut by the trombone. In a cabin at the end of the trail. an old nickelodian tinkles away, aptly j portrayed by the celeste. Return- ing home the trail is steep, and we travel much faster. We bid goodbye to the guide, and as a closing tribute the bray of the Hopwood Contestaitts: Students A-B (Incl.) in Room 2082 N.S. entering manuscripts in the Hopwood C-Z in N.S. Auditorium. contests are reminded that the con- closes Wednesday, April 17, 1935; and Preliminary Examinations for Ph.1 that no manuscript will be received D. Degree in Economics: Examina-I which is not in the English Office, tions will be held the week of May 6.1 3221 Angell Hall by 4:30 p.m. of that Applicants for the doctorate wishing day. to write the examinations at that Hcwa rd M. Jones, Acting Director time should leave their names in the department office at once.r -1 a I I I I f donkey is heard ending the day "On the Trail." A L'Eglise-choral Pierne PeerGynt Suite, No. 1 Grieg] a. The Morning. b. Ase's Death c. Anitra's Dance Weekly Reading Hour: The pro- gram for this week will consist of miscellaneous readings from modern poetry to be given by students of Oral i Interpretation, (Speech 43), at 4:00 p.m. in 205 Mason Hall. The following will take part: Wilma Rattenbury, Leonard Wolpe, Martha Clay, Frances Seitner, Esther Bran- don, Ralph Bell, Elma Foster, Edward Adams, Phyllis Blauman, Carlton I 3lay Festival. You Can Hear the r Students Parade For I Return Of MonarchyI urseheads, Chaperons, and Un- dergraduate Women: All League houses and sorority houses which students staying in them during the Spring vacation are inder Summer Session regulations; that is, closing hour during the week is 11 o'clock, 1:30 on Friday nights, and 12:30 on Saturday nights. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women Scroity House Presidents or Chap- erones : If any sorority houses are to be open during spring vacation, please notify the office of the Dean of Wom- en at once. Women Students Remaining in Ann Arbor During Spring Vacation: We have in the office of the Dean of Women a list of houses which will be open during spring vacation for girls who are staying in Ann Arbor. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after Friday, April 5, will be recorded with a grade of E. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for the removal of Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate, June, 1935: A tentative list of candidates in the School of Edu- cation, College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and the Graduate School to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate in June, 1935, has been posted on the bulletin board t i -. ..... Today - Thursday -- FIRST-RUN FEATURE JAMES CAGNEY "ST. LOUIS KID" Plus FREDERIC MARCH ANNA STEN "WE LIVE AGAIN" Friday - Saturday Mr. & Mrs. Martin Johnson's "BABOONA" I For a "Song" 0,0 " ATHENS, April 2. - (P) - Public clamor against the government's clemency to convicted rebels had Gre- cian nerves at trigger edge tonight, with talk of another revolution and demands for restoration of the mon- archy heard in some quarters. Shouts of protest against Premier Panayoti Tsaldaris' failure to mete out the death penalty to rebel officers went up from thousands of parading student who marched to the heavily guarded parliament building under the leadership of John Metaxas, who quit Tsaldaris' cabinet to protest its mildness toward the insurgents. Elsewhere in the city other throngs of students cried "we want the mon- archy restored!" "We want Hetaxas for premier!" "Death to the Venezel- ists!" and "Down v'ith Tsaldaris!" NOW The Comedy Classic of All Time IN OTHER WORDS, the prices of Season Tickets for six concerts by "stars," orchestra, and choruses, have been reduced to $2.00, $3.00, and $4.00 for those holding "Festival" cou- pons, and to $5.00, $6.00, and $7.00 for others. ORDERS received with remittances to cover, will be filled in sequence. MARY MOORE, HELEN JEPSON, MYRTLE LEO- NARD, GIOVANNI MARTINELLI, and PAUl. ALTHOUSE, all of the Metropolitan Opera; MAXIM PANTELEIFF, of the Russian Grand Opera; WILBUR EVANS and ETHYL HAYDEN, American singer; THEODORE WEBB, Baritone; PAUL LEYSSAC, Narrator; RUTH POSSELT,' Violin Virtuoso; JOSEF LHEVINNE, Pianist, will be heard. To 5 University Choral Union, Moore and Hanson, conducting; the Chicago Orchestra, Stock and DeLamarter, conducting; and the Young People's Chorus, Higbee, conducting, will participate, presenting two important works, "Drin Taps" by Hanson, and "Jiin- blies" by James, to be given for the first time; also Boris Godunof, in English, and King David by Honegger. A Last Day "STRANGE WIVES" and "DEATH FLIES EAST" DAILY 15c TO 6 P.M. W H ITNEY Thursday DICK POWELL RUBY KEELER "Rusgles of Red Gap" I I VACATION FARES: VIXCOUNTkRY'S LEADING MfltCOACH LINES N EW YORK $17.15 Rotiud Trip BUFFALO . .. $8.55 1 Roun T ip I IrAtAi Chas. Zazu Chas. Mary Laughton Pitts Ruggles Boland "Flirtation 25c 35c Matinees Evenings in Balcony Evenings on the Mein lrnner ..J~l"f II i _ =. _. - -- - -- - __ - I I I 3 i~'~ 3~~U7 ' J7aV. I